Fans "boo" moment of national unity

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
Most on the right – Trump supporters in particular – maintain the wrongheaded notion that there is no inequality.

So, removed on your spin, you admit that the act was not meant to be a show of national unity.

And that is the point. This is about pandering or kowtowing to the racist left mob.

Really, demanding equality is pandering to the left? Are you admitting the right is for the inequality that exists today?

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
Most on the right – Trump supporters in particular – maintain the wrongheaded notion that there is no inequality.

So, removed on your spin, you admit that the act was not meant to be a show of national unity.

And that is the point. This is about pandering or kowtowing to the racist left mob.

Really, demanding equality is pandering to the left? Are you admitting the right is for the inequality that exists today?
there is no inequality today,,and especially not in the NFL,,,
The league and the players are out of touch with the people....lets face it...they are wealthy beyond their dreams and all they have to do is play the game they love....they don't remember or even know what its like to work your ass off all week getting mistreated by the world only to come home on Monday night and click on the game to escape your day and see these spoiled rotten players throwing their politics in your face with their finger in your way man.....its not worth it....sing your black national anthem and and go fuck yourselves....
Can't say it any better than that.
Ghost of a Rider is offended by a show for national unity.

If I truly thought that's what it was, I wouldn't be offended.

Anti-racism is the new religion of the masses and has become a moral litmus test for people too fucking lazy to actually take an objective look at someone's character. I rejected religion for that reason (among others) and I reject the current anti-racism Inquisition for the same reason.

What always happens without fail when a mania like this takes hold of a country or culture is that inevitably, the founding principles are forgotten and the tenets become a weapon to be used against anyone who doesn't think like them. The principles of the anti-racism movement have already been forgotten. The movement has become a movement for its own sake and has become a parody of itself.

Do you, Ghost, run with the neo-fascists?

That's a stupid question. What do neo-fascists have to do with this discussion?
Then you did not recognize what it was for, really, did you? Those who oppose national unity in America are the neo-fascists and the Trump national populists.
The cultural fascism of the Trump alt right are out of touch with Real America
1. they are booing the extreme idiocy and hypocrisy of the NFL and players
2. there is not a problem of police brutality = they are protesting for criminality
3. the NFL/BLM/etc are saying FU to whites/Asians/latinos/NAs = their lives don't matter
4. so the real problems for the blacks continue unsolved
Since the NFL has now been politicized by the Looney left, they and everyone associated with them can go suck a bag O' dicks.
I've been an Eagles and NFL fan since inception.
But, bye-byuh!
Ghost of a Rider is offended by a show for national unity.

If I truly thought that's what it was, I wouldn't be offended.

Anti-racism is the new religion of the masses and has become a moral litmus test for people too fucking lazy to actually take an objective look at someone's character. I rejected religion for that reason (among others) and I reject the current anti-racism Inquisition for the same reason.

What always happens without fail when a mania like this takes hold of a country or culture is that inevitably, the founding principles are forgotten and the tenets become a weapon to be used against anyone who doesn't think like them. The principles of the anti-racism movement have already been forgotten. The movement has become a movement for its own sake and has become a parody of itself.

Do you, Ghost, run with the neo-fascists?

That's a stupid question. What do neo-fascists have to do with this discussion?
Then you did not recognize what it was for, really, did you? Those who oppose national unity in America are the neo-fascists and the Trump national populists.
There can be no UNITY based on FAKE HISTORY. And why should US Citizens go along with GLOBALIST PROPAGANDA, anti-Christian BIGOTRY, anti-AMERICAN lies, having white Americans treated like the NAZIS treated the Jews AND having GLOBALIST Billionaires behind massive censorship of facts, then promoting their one-world government fantasies.
Ghost of a Rider is offended by a show for national unity.

If I truly thought that's what it was, I wouldn't be offended.

Anti-racism is the new religion of the masses and has become a moral litmus test for people too fucking lazy to actually take an objective look at someone's character. I rejected religion for that reason (among others) and I reject the current anti-racism Inquisition for the same reason.

What always happens without fail when a mania like this takes hold of a country or culture is that inevitably, the founding principles are forgotten and the tenets become a weapon to be used against anyone who doesn't think like them. The principles of the anti-racism movement have already been forgotten. The movement has become a movement for its own sake and has become a parody of itself.

Do you, Ghost, run with the neo-fascists?

That's a stupid question. What do neo-fascists have to do with this discussion?
Then you did not recognize what it was for, really, did you? Those who oppose national unity in America are the neo-fascists and the Trump national populists.
There can be no UNITY based on FAKE HISTORY. And why should US Citizens go along with GLOBALIST PROPAGANDA, anti-Christian BIGOTRY, anti-AMERICAN lies, having white Americans treated like the NAZIS treated the Jews AND having GLOBALIST Billionaires behind massive censorship of facts, then promoting their one-world government fantasies.

A great Cliff Note. :clap:


The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
Most on the right – Trump supporters in particular – maintain the wrongheaded notion that there is no inequality.

So, removed on your spin, you admit that the act was not meant to be a show of national unity.

And that is the point. This is about pandering or kowtowing to the racist left mob.

Really, demanding equality is pandering to the left? Are you admitting the right is for the inequality that exists today?
what inequality?????????!!!!!!!!!!!
those are BLACK MILLIONAIRES playing a kids game in a predominantly WHITE country
Zorro is failing to tell you that the fans were booing the Texans coming on to the field.

The fans support BLM.
Fake News. Both Teams were on the field.

The Texans were coming onto the field, Zorro, and the fans started booing. Get your story right.
Ghost of a Rider is offended by a show for national unity.

If I truly thought that's what it was, I wouldn't be offended.

Anti-racism is the new religion of the masses and has become a moral litmus test for people too fucking lazy to actually take an objective look at someone's character. I rejected religion for that reason (among others) and I reject the current anti-racism Inquisition for the same reason.

What always happens without fail when a mania like this takes hold of a country or culture is that inevitably, the founding principles are forgotten and the tenets become a weapon to be used against anyone who doesn't think like them. The principles of the anti-racism movement have already been forgotten. The movement has become a movement for its own sake and has become a parody of itself.

Do you, Ghost, run with the neo-fascists?

That's a stupid question. What do neo-fascists have to do with this discussion?
Then you did not recognize what it was for, really, did you? Those who oppose national unity in America are the neo-fascists and the Trump national populists.
There can be no UNITY based on FAKE HISTORY. And why should US Citizens go along with GLOBALIST PROPAGANDA, anti-Christian BIGOTRY, anti-AMERICAN lies, having white Americans treated like the NAZIS treated the Jews AND having GLOBALIST Billionaires behind massive censorship of facts, then promoting their one-world government fantasies.

A great Cliff Note. :clap:

bottleclap has created Fake Cliff Notes
Ghost of a Rider is offended by a show for national unity.

If I truly thought that's what it was, I wouldn't be offended.

Anti-racism is the new religion of the masses and has become a moral litmus test for people too fucking lazy to actually take an objective look at someone's character. I rejected religion for that reason (among others) and I reject the current anti-racism Inquisition for the same reason.

What always happens without fail when a mania like this takes hold of a country or culture is that inevitably, the founding principles are forgotten and the tenets become a weapon to be used against anyone who doesn't think like them. The principles of the anti-racism movement have already been forgotten. The movement has become a movement for its own sake and has become a parody of itself.

Do you, Ghost, run with the neo-fascists?

That's a stupid question. What do neo-fascists have to do with this discussion?
Then you did not recognize what it was for, really, did you? Those who oppose national unity in America are the neo-fascists and the Trump national populists.
There can be no UNITY based on FAKE HISTORY. And why should US Citizens go along with GLOBALIST PROPAGANDA, anti-Christian BIGOTRY, anti-AMERICAN lies, having white Americans treated like the NAZIS treated the Jews AND having GLOBALIST Billionaires behind massive censorship of facts, then promoting their one-world government fantasies.

A great Cliff Note. :clap:

bottleclap has created Fake Cliff Notes

His summary IS spot on.
The fact that you perceive it as fake lends credibility to what he sez.
bkidd, unlike those of the fake alt right Trumpensteins, if I say something is so, it is so. :)

Remember that you believe in alt right Fake Cliff Notes.

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