Fans "boo" moment of national unity

Zorro is failing to tell you that the fans were booing the Texans coming on to the field.

The fans support BLM.
Fake News. Both Teams were on the field.

The Texans were coming onto the field, Zorro, and the fans started booing. Get your story right.
Fake News. I gave you the link to the on the field account: here's the pull quote
Houston Texans defensive end J.J. Watt told reporters he was confused with the boos from fans at Arrowhead Stadium on Thursday night during what should have been a moment of unity.
Eyewitness account - from ground zero of Boo-gate
Ahead of the Texans game against the Kansas City Chiefs, players on both teams met in the middle of the field for a moment of silence that the stadium PA announcer said was "dedicated to the ongoing fight for equality."
I presume you are familiar with the term BOTH?
As the players stood arm-in-arm, boos could be heard from the crowd.
For your viewing ease I rendered the pertinent text in bold with font sizes remarkably similar to the size on the top of an eye exam chart. You're welcome.

You offered no link, no pull quote, no witness, just your unshaken blind faith in fake news. Sad!
Zorro, you gave us a fake news link. You are all fakery.
More Fake News. The link works perfectly, the pull quote is spectacular, your Fake News claim is blown to smithereens!
Zorro is failing to tell you that the fans were booing the Texans coming on to the field.

The fans support BLM.
Fake News. Both Teams were on the field.

The Texans were coming onto the field, Zorro, and the fans started booing. Get your story right.
Fake News. I gave you the link to the on the field account: here's the pull quote
Houston Texans defensive end J.J. Watt told reporters he was confused with the boos from fans at Arrowhead Stadium on Thursday night during what should have been a moment of unity.
Eyewitness account - from ground zero of Boo-gate
Ahead of the Texans game against the Kansas City Chiefs, players on both teams met in the middle of the field for a moment of silence that the stadium PA announcer said was "dedicated to the ongoing fight for equality."
I presume you are familiar with the term BOTH?
As the players stood arm-in-arm, boos could be heard from the crowd.
For your viewing ease I rendered the pertinent text in bold with font sizes remarkably similar to the size on the top of an eye exam chart. You're welcome.

You offered no link, no pull quote, no witness, just your unshaken blind faith in fake news. Sad!
Zorro, you gave us a fake news link. You are all fakery.
More Fake News. The link works perfectly, the pull quote is spectacular, your Fake News claim is blown to smithereens!
The link is a link to fake news. Your interpretation is a fake. You know you can't get away from this.
Ghost of a Rider is offended by a show for national unity.

If I truly thought that's what it was, I wouldn't be offended.

Anti-racism is the new religion of the masses and has become a moral litmus test for people too fucking lazy to actually take an objective look at someone's character. I rejected religion for that reason (among others) and I reject the current anti-racism Inquisition for the same reason.

What always happens without fail when a mania like this takes hold of a country or culture is that inevitably, the founding principles are forgotten and the tenets become a weapon to be used against anyone who doesn't think like them. The principles of the anti-racism movement have already been forgotten. The movement has become a movement for its own sake and has become a parody of itself.

Do you, Ghost, run with the neo-fascists?

That's a stupid question. What do neo-fascists have to do with this discussion?
Then you did not recognize what it was for, really, did you? Those who oppose national unity in America are the neo-fascists and the Trump national populists.

Still a stupid question. No one is opposing national unity here.

Now my next question is: Why did you ask me if I run with neo-fascists?
They try to make it look like youre "opposed" because you dont jump on their bandwagon...which is loaded with preconceived notions and predjudices...guilty of exactly what they proclaim they are against? Psychos.
Real America will not tolerate the cultural fascism of the Trump right.
You're in for another big cry when Real America rejects your rioting marxists and re-elects Trump. You obviously have no clue how the vast majority feels about the leftists' destruction, intolerance, and racism. Watch, learn, and weep.
The vast majority hates the Trumpery and cultural fascism of the right, Orangecat. Your tail is going to be pulled almost out at election time.
I remember your kind making that same battle cry in 2016. How'd that work out for ya? Your puppetmasters lied to you about Hillary's popularity and you fell for it and you STILL support them.
Last edited:
Real America will not tolerate the cultural fascism of the Trump right.
You're in for another big cry when Real America rejects your rioting marxists and re-elects Trump. You obviously have no clue how the vast majority feels about the leftists' destruction, intolerance, and racism. Watch, learn, and weep.
The vast majority hates the Trumpery and cultural fascism of the right, Orangecat. Your tail is going to be pulled almost out at election time.
I remember your kind making your kind making that same battle cry in 2016. How'd that work out for ya? Your puppetmasters lied to you about Hillary's popularity and you fell for it and you STILL support them.
Keep looking backwards to 2016, you goof ball, and expect the same results? :)
Real America will not tolerate the cultural fascism of the Trump right.
You're in for another big cry when Real America rejects your rioting marxists and re-elects Trump. You obviously have no clue how the vast majority feels about the leftists' destruction, intolerance, and racism. Watch, learn, and weep.
The vast majority hates the Trumpery and cultural fascism of the right, Orangecat. Your tail is going to be pulled almost out at election time.
I remember your kind making your kind making that same battle cry in 2016. How'd that work out for ya? Your puppetmasters lied to you about Hillary's popularity and you fell for it and you STILL support them.
Keep looking backwards to 2016, you goof ball, and expect the same results? :)

Obviously still the only game they have left to play...aside from outright Corona-induced mail-in voter fraud.
Real America will not tolerate the cultural fascism of the Trump right.
You're in for another big cry when Real America rejects your rioting marxists and re-elects Trump. You obviously have no clue how the vast majority feels about the leftists' destruction, intolerance, and racism. Watch, learn, and weep.
The vast majority hates the Trumpery and cultural fascism of the right, Orangecat. Your tail is going to be pulled almost out at election time.
I remember your kind making your kind making that same battle cry in 2016. How'd that work out for ya? Your puppetmasters lied to you about Hillary's popularity and you fell for it and you STILL support them.
Keep looking backwards to 2016, you goof ball, and expect the same results? :)

Obviously still the only game they have left to play...aside from outright Corona-induced mail-in voter fraud.
You are whinging, not winning.
Ghost of a Rider, you oppose BLM and national unity if you think the boos were real and aimed at the players.

You idiot. Don't pretend you didn't think the exact same thing. You thought the same thing as everyone else until blackhawk gave us the real scoop.

For proof I will direct your attention to one of your earlier posts, Post #121, Page 7:

"Good America wants Bad America to step forward and boo so we know who they are and where the work needs to be done."
Keep looking backwards to 2016, you goof ball, and expect the same results?

I think that any sane person, who has been paying attention, expects a much more extreme version of the same result. Since 2016, the Democraps have just been increasing in the same madness and evil that the voting population rejected in 2016. For the same reasons that they lost in 2016, I have no doubt that they are going to lose even more spectacularly this time around. Their positions have become more insane and more morally-repugnant to sane people, and more people have become more aware of what it is for which the Democraps stand.
Ghost of a Rider, you oppose BLM and national unity if you think the boos were real and aimed at the players.

You idiot. Don't pretend you didn't think the exact same thing. You thought the same thing as everyone else until blackhawk gave us the real scoop.

For proof I will direct your attention to one of your earlier posts, Post #121, Page 7:

"Good America wants Bad America to step forward and boo so we know who they are and where the work needs to be done."
I knew from the moment that the Trumpery right would get it wrong, deliberately, and they did, deliberately.

Admit you were played.
Sometimes people just want to watch a game or a movie or a concert without being preached to.

When I go to a concert the last thing I want is someone preaching to me. I paid to hear a band play music not to give me some sermon

I agree, I go to get away from issues and to have a couple hours of fun. I am well aware of the worlds problems and well aware of things I worry about. Just want some peace for the time I have paid to to have peace.

I'm tired of having all American pastimes politicized by the left.

I realized I didn’t miss it. I do miss college basketball however the virus, changed my priorities and what I want to spend time on and with.
The vast majority hates the Trumpery and cultural fascism of the right, Orangecat. Your tail is going to be pulled almost out at election time.
Lulz. I won't even multiply your misery by saying "I told you so" after the election, kid.
Sometimes people just want to watch a game or a movie or a concert without being preached to.

When I go to a concert the last thing I want is someone preaching to me. I paid to hear a band play music not to give me some sermon

I agree, I go to get away from issues and to have a couple hours of fun. I am well aware of the worlds problems and well aware of things I worry about. Just want some peace for the time I have paid to to have peace.

I'm tired of having all American pastimes politicized by the left.

I realized I didn’t miss it. I do miss college basketball however the virus, changed my priorities and what I want to spend time on and with.
Yup, we are all breaking the habit of watching sports. It'll be fun watching those bastards try to get the public to fund their next stadium.
Sometimes people just want to watch a game or a movie or a concert without being preached to.

When I go to a concert the last thing I want is someone preaching to me. I paid to hear a band play music not to give me some sermon

I agree, I go to get away from issues and to have a couple hours of fun. I am well aware of the worlds problems and well aware of things I worry about. Just want some peace for the time I have paid to to have peace.

I'm tired of having all American pastimes politicized by the left.

I realized I didn’t miss it. I do miss college basketball however the virus, changed my priorities and what I want to spend time on and with.
Yup, we are all breaking the habit of watching sports. It'll be fun watching those bastards try to get the public to fund their next stadium.
Nope, the Texans were coming on the field and the fans were booing them, not the national unity pact.
Watch it again until you figure out what actually happened.
What is wrong with you?
Nothing. What's wrong with you?
You are deliberating creating an alt fact. The fans were booing the opposing team, not the national unity protest by the Chiefs players,
Sometimes people just want to watch a game or a movie or a concert without being preached to.

When I go to a concert the last thing I want is someone preaching to me. I paid to hear a band play music not to give me some sermon

I agree, I go to get away from issues and to have a couple hours of fun. I am well aware of the worlds problems and well aware of things I worry about. Just want some peace for the time I have paid to to have peace.

I'm tired of having all American pastimes politicized by the left.

I realized I didn’t miss it. I do miss college basketball however the virus, changed my priorities and what I want to spend time on and with.
Yup, we are all breaking the habit of watching sports. It'll be fun watching those bastards try to get the public to fund their next stadium.
The owners will laugh at you people all the way to the bank.
Sometimes people just want to watch a game or a movie or a concert without being preached to.

When I go to a concert the last thing I want is someone preaching to me. I paid to hear a band play music not to give me some sermon

I agree, I go to get away from issues and to have a couple hours of fun. I am well aware of the worlds problems and well aware of things I worry about. Just want some peace for the time I have paid to to have peace.

I'm tired of having all American pastimes politicized by the left.

I realized I didn’t miss it. I do miss college basketball however the virus, changed my priorities and what I want to spend time on and with.
Yup, we are all breaking the habit of watching sports. It'll be fun watching those bastards try to get the public to fund their next stadium.
The owners will laugh at you people all the way to the bank.

Good for them, I don’t care what they make, not my concern or my business.
This is...idiotic.

What is idiotic is to deny

So the trump right is opposed to fair wages and guaranteed health care

They support deadly violence against unarmed minorities

They believe women cannot be trusted to make ethical decisions about their own reproductive health care

They don’t want minority and female voices to be heard

They oppose the principles of liberty and justice for all Americans
Every word is a lie.

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