Fans "boo" moment of national unity

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
It was essentially a vocalization of why Trump is in the White House right now.

Agreed. You people can't resist spitting in the face of those that disagree with you. This motivates them to vote against you.

And for Trump.

And this will continue. Is continuing.
Try to calm down. I understand your perspective on this and have more than once been called a "racist" by Regressive Lefties for pointing it out.

Life is not binary, either/or. There are many of us who can see the big picture on issues. True story.

Go drama queen on someone else.

When you support the narrative that this country is systemically wacist, you are insulting the country and the people that make it up.

That is not me "drama queen", that is the clear picture, whether you are looking at the big picture, or the small.
As I've said a couple of thousand times, I see plenty of problems on both ends of this.

You either can't or won't. Probably a combination therein. And this is why I no longer bother with asymmetrical conversations here.

We aren't talking about the overall balance here. It is one specific incident, where the league, did something and the fans reacted by booing.

The act the league did, was insulting and divisive. The fans were right to not just sit there, and take being insulted.
It's certainly their right to boo.

I think the biggest issue for the SJW types is they can't get this idea through their heads.

"While you may control how you send out your message, you cannot control how others receive your message"

The people booing saw the arm locking as nothing more than "kneeling lite".

When you try to stay in the middle of the road, sometimes you get hit by traffic going in both directions, sometimes at the same time.
Well, that's a pretty standard counter-productive feature of ideology, and a very good example of why unconditional commitment to an ideology can be so destructive.

Ideologues blind themselves to the perspectives of others. In this case, the SJWs still somehow don't have any idea how their behaviors and actions both annoy and animate so many Americans.
Every one of these blacks shot by police were breaking the law and resisting arrest. Why don’t the NFL players talk about the innocent blacks shot in the hood by other blacks? That’s your real issue, not systemic racism at the hands of white people or police brutality.

At the end of the day, these social justice efforts by the NFL are going to get more blacks killed. The thugs will feel emboldened by less police presence and the innocent blacks will continue to get gunned down.

Bears repeating.

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
It was essentially a vocalization of why Trump is in the White House right now.

Agreed. You people can't resist spitting in the face of those that disagree with you. This motivates them to vote against you.

And for Trump.

And this will continue. Is continuing.
Try to calm down. I understand your perspective on this and have more than once been called a "racist" by Regressive Lefties for pointing it out.

Life is not binary, either/or. There are many of us who can see the big picture on issues. True story.

Go drama queen on someone else.

When you support the narrative that this country is systemically wacist, you are insulting the country and the people that make it up.

That is not me "drama queen", that is the clear picture, whether you are looking at the big picture, or the small.
As I've said a couple of thousand times, I see plenty of problems on both ends of this.

You either can't or won't. Probably a combination therein. And this is why I no longer bother with asymmetrical conversations here.

We aren't talking about the overall balance here. It is one specific incident, where the league, did something and the fans reacted by booing.

The act the league did, was insulting and divisive. The fans were right to not just sit there, and take being insulted.
It's certainly their right to boo.

I think the biggest issue for the SJW types is they can't get this idea through their heads.

"While you may control how you send out your message, you cannot control how others receive your message"

The people booing saw the arm locking as nothing more than "kneeling lite".

When you try to stay in the middle of the road, sometimes you get hit by traffic going in both directions, sometimes at the same time.
Well, that's a pretty standard counter-productive feature of ideology, and a very good example of why unconditional commitment to an ideology can be so destructive.

Ideologues blind themselves to the perspectives of others. In this case, the SJWs still somehow don't have any idea how their behaviors and actions both annoy and animate so many Americans.

It's a feature of certain Ideologies, not all. Once you decide the opposing opinion is evil you set up the conditions for not understanding how your actions are seen by others.

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
It was essentially a vocalization of why Trump is in the White House right now.

Agreed. You people can't resist spitting in the face of those that disagree with you. This motivates them to vote against you.

And for Trump.

And this will continue. Is continuing.
Try to calm down. I understand your perspective on this and have more than once been called a "racist" by Regressive Lefties for pointing it out.

Life is not binary, either/or. There are many of us who can see the big picture on issues. True story.

Go drama queen on someone else.

When you support the narrative that this country is systemically wacist, you are insulting the country and the people that make it up.

That is not me "drama queen", that is the clear picture, whether you are looking at the big picture, or the small.
As I've said a couple of thousand times, I see plenty of problems on both ends of this.

You either can't or won't. Probably a combination therein. And this is why I no longer bother with asymmetrical conversations here.

We aren't talking about the overall balance here. It is one specific incident, where the league, did something and the fans reacted by booing.

The act the league did, was insulting and divisive. The fans were right to not just sit there, and take being insulted.
It's certainly their right to boo.

I think the biggest issue for the SJW types is they can't get this idea through their heads.

"While you may control how you send out your message, you cannot control how others receive your message"

The people booing saw the arm locking as nothing more than "kneeling lite".

When you try to stay in the middle of the road, sometimes you get hit by traffic going in both directions, sometimes at the same time.
Well, that's a pretty standard counter-productive feature of ideology, and a very good example of why unconditional commitment to an ideology can be so destructive.

Ideologues blind themselves to the perspectives of others. In this case, the SJWs still somehow don't have any idea how their behaviors and actions both annoy and animate so many Americans.

It's a feature of certain Ideologies, not all. Once you decide the opposing opinion is evil you set up the conditions for not understanding how your actions are seen by others.
That's a choice a person makes. Definitely a source of great fascination for me.
It was nice to see NFL Players remind US about Unity. But, the League does nothing g of the sort. If Breonna Tayor’s name can be on the back of a helmet so should the name of Patrick Zamarippa.
The "fight for equality" is intellectually and factually preposterous. If the NFL really wants "equality" they should choose their teams randomly from the people in the towns they represent who love football the most, regardless of talent, size, age, or gender.

Then we'll see who is willing to pay to come out to watch them play.

Beware of movements based on vacuous slogans. They end up being parodies of themselves.

Black lives matter? Maybe; maybe not. It depends on which one you're talking about.
You have an infants perception of equality.
You have an equality of opportunity to play for these teams. You just need to be good enough to do so. Top level sport is a meritocracy. Its a pity the rest of the world is not.

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
People are sick and tired of the Black Lives Matter bullshit, Tommy! The main stream media and the NFL hasn't figured that out yet but those boos raining down on that field is just the tip of the iceberg. When you're "united" protesting something that's a farce it means nothing!
Why are so few blacks in the NFL?

The America hating Taliban took a sport that was a complete meritocracy - and destroyed it. All of the owners who were afraid of taking a stand for fear of being ostracized can now watch the entire League go down in flames

The NFL is going to pay one guy $500 million while kids that live around the stadiums can't afford a ticket. They need to be brought down some.
i wonder where they will get the $$$ to pay any of them. they lost a lot of fan base just by giving in to the radicals---screw them all

Not my concern.
Why are so few blacks in the NFL?

The America hating Taliban took a sport that was a complete meritocracy - and destroyed it. All of the owners who were afraid of taking a stand for fear of being ostracized can now watch the entire League go down in flames

The NFL is going to pay one guy $500 million while kids that live around the stadiums can't afford a ticket. They need to be brought down some.

Typical Useful Idiot! How many kids in Venezuela are going to see football?

I imagine a lot.
The "fight for equality" is intellectually and factually preposterous. If the NFL really wants "equality" they should choose their teams randomly from the people in the towns they represent who love football the most, regardless of talent, size, age, or gender.

Then we'll see who is willing to pay to come out to watch them play.

Beware of movements based on vacuous slogans. They end up being parodies of themselves.

Black lives matter? Maybe; maybe not. It depends on which one you're talking about.
You have an infants perception of equality.
You have an equality of opportunity to play for these teams. You just need to be good enough to do so. Top level sport is a meritocracy. Its a pity the rest of the world is not.

So, when blacks win out, it's because "merit", but when blacks lose, it is not "merit"?

And you accuse others of having a child's perception? LOL!!!!!
Why are so few blacks in the NFL?

The America hating Taliban took a sport that was a complete meritocracy - and destroyed it. All of the owners who were afraid of taking a stand for fear of being ostracized can now watch the entire League go down in flames

The NFL is going to pay one guy $500 million while kids that live around the stadiums can't afford a ticket. They need to be brought down some.

Typical Useful Idiot! How many kids in Venezuela are going to see football?

I imagine a lot.

I imagine Pinochet had the right idea.

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
STFU retarded Brit.
If any booing had to happen, the least that whoever is guilty of it could've done is wait until the moment of silence was over. Learning how to take turns isn't too much to ask.

God bless you always!!!


The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
Must not be a moment of unity if they booed.
More like a middle finger to fans.

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
Most on the right – Trump supporters in particular – maintain the wrongheaded notion that there is no inequality.
Some folk re so stupid they shouldnt be allowed to use cutlery.
Acknowledging the fact that inequality exists is for conservatives to acknowledge the fact that they are wrong – something conservatives never do; although conservatives are consistent at being wrong.

Wrong about what?
What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

I'm not a sports fan myself, but my guess would be is that what they want is to be able yo enjoy watching a football game without a bunch of irrelevant and offensive political bullshit being injected into it.

"Peaceful protest". That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie.

We are happy that the players managed to not attack the fans.

We still are unhappy that they are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at a sporting event.

That you find this confusing, is because of problems in your head, not ours.

There we go. You were offended over a show of unity. As I said.........not happy.

When you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you insult the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

Doing that, is not a "show of unity" but a divisive political statement and an insult to the fans.

None of those fans, should ever return to that stadium.

Don't. That's their right. Telling others to shut up though is not.

Correct. The League has the Right to say what they want.

If they want to insult the nation and it's citizens, and their fans, that is their right.

Nothing I said, indicated that I thought they should be deprived of their right to speech.

My point was, that the op was wrong. The fans were not booing a "show of unity" but booing a divisive political statement that was very insulting to them.

Would you like to address my comment about the op? Or is that not the type of shit that interests you?

It's sad that you see unity as political.

Who were the ones who made it political first by kneeling or remaining in the locker room for the National Anthem?

You can't have it both ways. If you're going to bring attention to an injustice with political speeches and gestures then you can't very well complain if the response to that is political.
The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
Eric Bunch, like you, is full of shit. BLM has politicized professional sports. People will not
stand by silently like a bunch of sheep and condone that.

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

Indeed, the white supremacists booing demonstrate exactly why the protests are happening, that the protests will never stop happening until the children of the white supremacists renounce their parents' sickening ideology.

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
It was a show of “national unity”? Does that mean they support President Trump? Yea, no one is buying that bullshit. This was a display of partisanship and their chance to piss on America.

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