Fans "boo" moment of national unity

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
Sports was to be a refuge from politics. A place where we could be unified and happy. Now it is just another extension of the lefts war on America. The NFL just committed suicide on live TV.. The Fans CALLED IT OUT FOR WHAT IT IS... Bull Shit!

How about those people take personal responsibility for their situations and vote in people that will do things in their interests that are not handouts... The entitlement state is now dead and its going to be a rude awakening for some..
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Do you have any clue when it was that Kaepernick started kneeling? 9/16 under Obama. He was sitting before that, under Obama.
On April 26, 2016, President Obama explained the problem why Black people cannot get anywhere with their demonstrations.

As a general rule, I think that what, for example, Black Lives Matter is doing now to bring attention to the problem of a criminal justice system that sometimes is not treating people fairly based on race, or reacting to shootings of individuals by police officers, has been really effective in bringing attention to problems.

One of the things I caution young people about, though, that I don't think is effective is once you’ve highlighted an issue and brought it to people’s attention and shined a spotlight, and elected officials or people who are in a position to start bringing about change are ready to sit down with you, then you can't just keep on yelling at them. And you can't refuse to meet because that might compromise the purity of your position.
The value of social movements and activism is to get you at the table, get you in the room, and then to start trying to figure out how is this problem going to be solved. You, then, have a responsibility to prepare an agenda that is achievable, that can institutionalize the changes you seek, and to engage the other side, and occasionally to take half a loaf that will advance the gains that you seek, understanding that there’s going to be more work to do, but this is what is achievable at this moment.
And too often what I see is wonderful activism that highlights a problem, but then people feel so passionately and are so invested in the purity of their position that they never take that next step and say, okay, well, now I got to sit down and try to actually get something done.

Yeah, screw Obama. He said he was going to take over the Eric Garner investigation and he did the very same thing people were protesting over.

He did nothing. He made NO finding at all.

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
Must not be a moment of unity if they booed.
More like a middle finger to fans.
More like a middle finger to the NFL and BLM
What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

I'm not a sports fan myself, but my guess would be is that what they want is to be able yo enjoy watching a football game without a bunch of irrelevant and offensive political bullshit being injected into it.

"Peaceful protest". That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie.

We are happy that the players managed to not attack the fans.

We still are unhappy that they are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at a sporting event.

That you find this confusing, is because of problems in your head, not ours.

There we go. You were offended over a show of unity. As I said.........not happy.

When you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you insult the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

Doing that, is not a "show of unity" but a divisive political statement and an insult to the fans.

None of those fans, should ever return to that stadium.

Don't. That's their right. Telling others to shut up though is not.

Correct. The League has the Right to say what they want.

If they want to insult the nation and it's citizens, and their fans, that is their right.

Nothing I said, indicated that I thought they should be deprived of their right to speech.

My point was, that the op was wrong. The fans were not booing a "show of unity" but booing a divisive political statement that was very insulting to them.

Would you like to address my comment about the op? Or is that not the type of shit that interests you?

It's sad that you see unity as political.

Who were the ones who made it political first by kneeling or remaining in the locker room for the National Anthem?

You can't have it both ways. If you're going to bring attention to an injustice with political speeches and gestures then you can't very well complain if the response to that is political.
What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

I'm not a sports fan myself, but my guess would be is that what they want is to be able yo enjoy watching a football game without a bunch of irrelevant and offensive political bullshit being injected into it.

"Peaceful protest". That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie.

We are happy that the players managed to not attack the fans.

We still are unhappy that they are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at a sporting event.

That you find this confusing, is because of problems in your head, not ours.

There we go. You were offended over a show of unity. As I said.........not happy.

When you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you insult the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

Doing that, is not a "show of unity" but a divisive political statement and an insult to the fans.

None of those fans, should ever return to that stadium.

Don't. That's their right. Telling others to shut up though is not.

Correct. The League has the Right to say what they want.

If they want to insult the nation and it's citizens, and their fans, that is their right.

Nothing I said, indicated that I thought they should be deprived of their right to speech.

My point was, that the op was wrong. The fans were not booing a "show of unity" but booing a divisive political statement that was very insulting to them.

Would you like to address my comment about the op? Or is that not the type of shit that interests you?

It's sad that you see unity as political.

Who were the ones who made it political first by kneeling or remaining in the locker room for the National Anthem?

You can't have it both ways. If you're going to bring attention to an injustice with political speeches and gestures then you can't very well complain if the response to that is political.

Do you have any clue when it was that Kaepernick started kneeling? 9/16 under Obama. He was sitting before that, under Obama.

And? Kaepernick conveyed his disdain for America when he started kneeling. Whoever is/was the current sitting president is irrelevant.

I didn't see politics mentioned at all last night. Did you?

Whatever happened last night, you made the discussion political when you brought up Trump and his supporters.

I quote: "Peaceful protest'. That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie."

You made it political before Correll did.
What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

I'm not a sports fan myself, but my guess would be is that what they want is to be able yo enjoy watching a football game without a bunch of irrelevant and offensive political bullshit being injected into it.

"Peaceful protest". That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie.

We are happy that the players managed to not attack the fans.

We still are unhappy that they are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at a sporting event.

That you find this confusing, is because of problems in your head, not ours.

There we go. You were offended over a show of unity. As I said.........not happy.

When you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you insult the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

Doing that, is not a "show of unity" but a divisive political statement and an insult to the fans.

None of those fans, should ever return to that stadium.

Don't. That's their right. Telling others to shut up though is not.

Correct. The League has the Right to say what they want.

If they want to insult the nation and it's citizens, and their fans, that is their right.

Nothing I said, indicated that I thought they should be deprived of their right to speech.

My point was, that the op was wrong. The fans were not booing a "show of unity" but booing a divisive political statement that was very insulting to them.

Would you like to address my comment about the op? Or is that not the type of shit that interests you?

It's sad that you see unity as political.

Who were the ones who made it political first by kneeling or remaining in the locker room for the National Anthem?

You can't have it both ways. If you're going to bring attention to an injustice with political speeches and gestures then you can't very well complain if the response to that is political.
What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

I'm not a sports fan myself, but my guess would be is that what they want is to be able yo enjoy watching a football game without a bunch of irrelevant and offensive political bullshit being injected into it.

"Peaceful protest". That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie.

We are happy that the players managed to not attack the fans.

We still are unhappy that they are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at a sporting event.

That you find this confusing, is because of problems in your head, not ours.

There we go. You were offended over a show of unity. As I said.........not happy.

When you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you insult the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

Doing that, is not a "show of unity" but a divisive political statement and an insult to the fans.

None of those fans, should ever return to that stadium.

Don't. That's their right. Telling others to shut up though is not.

Correct. The League has the Right to say what they want.

If they want to insult the nation and it's citizens, and their fans, that is their right.

Nothing I said, indicated that I thought they should be deprived of their right to speech.

My point was, that the op was wrong. The fans were not booing a "show of unity" but booing a divisive political statement that was very insulting to them.

Would you like to address my comment about the op? Or is that not the type of shit that interests you?

It's sad that you see unity as political.

Who were the ones who made it political first by kneeling or remaining in the locker room for the National Anthem?

You can't have it both ways. If you're going to bring attention to an injustice with political speeches and gestures then you can't very well complain if the response to that is political.

Do you have any clue when it was that Kaepernick started kneeling? 9/16 under Obama. He was sitting before that, under Obama.

And? Kaepernick conveyed his disdain for America when he started kneeling. Whoever is/was the current sitting president is irrelevant.

I didn't see politics mentioned at all last night. Did you?

Whatever happened last night, you made the discussion political when you brought up Trump and his supporters.

I quote: "Peaceful protest'. That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie."

You made it political before Correll did.

What did I say wrong there? The accusations was that last night's show of unity was political. Point it out.
Oh!! Wait a minute!!!
You mean not every American wants to join in on the great pretending??
You mean not every American fell for the BLM bullshit?
You mean not every American are virtue signaling self haters???

What do you know... people still think for themselves!!
What do you know... people watching a football game.. want to see a football game.

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
It was essentially a vocalization of why Trump is in the White House right now.
View attachment 387250
As you'll see later in the thread, I actually fully understand what they were doing.

But your simplistic, binary thought patterns thought that was an attack, so you got defensive.

I can make this only so simple for you people. After that, you're on your own.
What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

I'm not a sports fan myself, but my guess would be is that what they want is to be able yo enjoy watching a football game without a bunch of irrelevant and offensive political bullshit being injected into it.

"Peaceful protest". That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie.

We are happy that the players managed to not attack the fans.

We still are unhappy that they are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at a sporting event.

That you find this confusing, is because of problems in your head, not ours.

There we go. You were offended over a show of unity. As I said.........not happy.

When you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you insult the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

Doing that, is not a "show of unity" but a divisive political statement and an insult to the fans.

None of those fans, should ever return to that stadium.

Don't. That's their right. Telling others to shut up though is not.

Correct. The League has the Right to say what they want.

If they want to insult the nation and it's citizens, and their fans, that is their right.

Nothing I said, indicated that I thought they should be deprived of their right to speech.

My point was, that the op was wrong. The fans were not booing a "show of unity" but booing a divisive political statement that was very insulting to them.

Would you like to address my comment about the op? Or is that not the type of shit that interests you?

It's sad that you see unity as political.

Who were the ones who made it political first by kneeling or remaining in the locker room for the National Anthem?

You can't have it both ways. If you're going to bring attention to an injustice with political speeches and gestures then you can't very well complain if the response to that is political.

But libs want to have it both ways. They have come to expect special treatment.

Fairness, to them, feels like UNfairness.
Who were the ones who made it political first by kneeling or remaining in the locker room for the National Anthem?

You can't have it both ways. If you're going to bring attention to an injustice with political speeches and gestures then you can't very well complain if the response to that is political.

This is NOT tit for tat. THIS is for the eradication of white supremacy, and last night flushed the bad'uns into the open with their booing.

Good America wants Bad America to step forward and boo so we know who they are and where the work needs to be done.
White supremacy? What are you babbling about? I thought it was about police brutality against blacks? That “all cops are bastards”, including black ones.

Libs just say shit.

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
/——/ What we want us for you to get a clue and figure out the real agenda for these ingrates. Americans follow sports as entertainment and not to be lectured by a bunch over overpaid pampered spoiled brats who are destroying our national pastime. That’s what we want.

Now watch the soccer players walk off the field in protest at their next match and see how you like it.
View attachment 387213

I would support that 100%. I think its great that these youngsters give a shit. You types regularly accuse them of living in a bubble. when they come out of that you dont like it either. Make your minds up.

Give a shit about what, limey? A false narrative? Gfy
Who were the ones who made it political first by kneeling or remaining in the locker room for the National Anthem?

You can't have it both ways. If you're going to bring attention to an injustice with political speeches and gestures then you can't very well complain if the response to that is political.

This is NOT tit for tat. THIS is for the eradication of white supremacy, and last night flushed the bad'uns into the open with their booing.

Good America wants Bad America to step forward and boo so we know who they are and where the work needs to be done.
Just like HITLER got rid of "Jewish Supremacy"

The SOP of the NAZIS was promoting Identity identity politics and the fans were right to be disgusted by that farce.
^^ Bingo! We have a winner!
These radical lefties all hate white America, and it’s history. They can’t stand the fact that the nation was founded by white Christians from Europe. They want to eradicate our history, and supplant it with fiction, such as the nation really being “built by slaves”.
The "fight for equality" is intellectually and factually preposterous. If the NFL really wants "equality" they should choose their teams randomly from the people in the towns they represent who love football the most, regardless of talent, size, age, or gender.

Then we'll see who is willing to pay to come out to watch them play.

Beware of movements based on vacuous slogans. They end up being parodies of themselves.

Black lives matter? Maybe; maybe not. It depends on which one you're talking about.
You have an infants perception of equality.
You have an equality of opportunity to play for these teams. You just need to be good enough to do so. Top level sport is a meritocracy. Its a pity the rest of the world is not.

So, when blacks win out, it's because "merit", but when blacks lose, it is not "merit"?

And you accuse others of having a child's perception? LOL!!!!!

Black folk can get on in sport because it is all about winning and the clubs want the best talent. In corporate America the playing field is less fair. Lots of other factors come into play. For example where you went to school. It isnt complicated you dopey fucker.

Yet, you know that black families and black schools are fucked up. So that there is a massive education gap.

So, if corporations do reward merit, then blacks will lose out, because their educations were fucked up.

Yet, you want to pretend it is wacism.

YOu have the mind of a child.

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
It was essentially a vocalization of why Trump is in the White House right now.
View attachment 387250
As you'll see later in the thread, I actually fully understand what they were doing.

But your simplistic, binary thought patterns thought that was an attack, so you got defensive.

I can make this only so simple for you people. After that, you're on your own.

READ: "Okay, so yeah... what I said initially was wrong, that this is a display of why Trump is in the White House, but I clarified that later so your response to the error of my post is your bad"

What we see is the full crux of the left.....

1) Develop a false narrative.
2) Display support for that narrative
3) Anyone who doesn't are haters and Nazis

And that is it folks. The American left.
What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

I'm not a sports fan myself, but my guess would be is that what they want is to be able yo enjoy watching a football game without a bunch of irrelevant and offensive political bullshit being injected into it.

"Peaceful protest". That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie.

We are happy that the players managed to not attack the fans.

We still are unhappy that they are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at a sporting event.

That you find this confusing, is because of problems in your head, not ours.

There we go. You were offended over a show of unity. As I said.........not happy.

When you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you insult the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

Doing that, is not a "show of unity" but a divisive political statement and an insult to the fans.

None of those fans, should ever return to that stadium.

Don't. That's their right. Telling others to shut up though is not.

Correct. The League has the Right to say what they want.

If they want to insult the nation and it's citizens, and their fans, that is their right.

Nothing I said, indicated that I thought they should be deprived of their right to speech.

My point was, that the op was wrong. The fans were not booing a "show of unity" but booing a divisive political statement that was very insulting to them.

Would you like to address my comment about the op? Or is that not the type of shit that interests you?

It's sad that you see unity as political.

Who were the ones who made it political first by kneeling or remaining in the locker room for the National Anthem?

You can't have it both ways. If you're going to bring attention to an injustice with political speeches and gestures then you can't very well complain if the response to that is political.
What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

I'm not a sports fan myself, but my guess would be is that what they want is to be able yo enjoy watching a football game without a bunch of irrelevant and offensive political bullshit being injected into it.

"Peaceful protest". That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie.

We are happy that the players managed to not attack the fans.

We still are unhappy that they are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at a sporting event.

That you find this confusing, is because of problems in your head, not ours.

There we go. You were offended over a show of unity. As I said.........not happy.

When you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you insult the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

Doing that, is not a "show of unity" but a divisive political statement and an insult to the fans.

None of those fans, should ever return to that stadium.

Don't. That's their right. Telling others to shut up though is not.

Correct. The League has the Right to say what they want.

If they want to insult the nation and it's citizens, and their fans, that is their right.

Nothing I said, indicated that I thought they should be deprived of their right to speech.

My point was, that the op was wrong. The fans were not booing a "show of unity" but booing a divisive political statement that was very insulting to them.

Would you like to address my comment about the op? Or is that not the type of shit that interests you?

It's sad that you see unity as political.

Who were the ones who made it political first by kneeling or remaining in the locker room for the National Anthem?

You can't have it both ways. If you're going to bring attention to an injustice with political speeches and gestures then you can't very well complain if the response to that is political.

Do you have any clue when it was that Kaepernick started kneeling? 9/16 under Obama. He was sitting before that, under Obama.

And? Kaepernick conveyed his disdain for America when he started kneeling. Whoever is/was the current sitting president is irrelevant.

I didn't see politics mentioned at all last night. Did you?

Whatever happened last night, you made the discussion political when you brought up Trump and his supporters.

I quote: "Peaceful protest'. That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie."

You made it political before Correll did.

What did I say wrong there? The accusations was that last night's show of unity was political. Point it out.

Problem is, you made your remark about Trump and his supporters BEFORE Correll made his remark about the display being a political statement.

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
Most on the right – Trump supporters in particular – maintain the wrongheaded notion that there is no inequality.
Some folk re so stupid they shouldnt be allowed to use cutlery.
Acknowledging the fact that inequality exists is for conservatives to acknowledge the fact that they are wrong – something conservatives never do; although conservatives are consistent at being wrong.

Wrong about what?
That inequality doesn't exist.
What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

I'm not a sports fan myself, but my guess would be is that what they want is to be able yo enjoy watching a football game without a bunch of irrelevant and offensive political bullshit being injected into it.

"Peaceful protest". That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie.

We are happy that the players managed to not attack the fans.

We still are unhappy that they are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at a sporting event.

That you find this confusing, is because of problems in your head, not ours.

There we go. You were offended over a show of unity. As I said.........not happy.

When you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you insult the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

Doing that, is not a "show of unity" but a divisive political statement and an insult to the fans.

None of those fans, should ever return to that stadium.

Don't. That's their right. Telling others to shut up though is not.

Correct. The League has the Right to say what they want.

If they want to insult the nation and it's citizens, and their fans, that is their right.

Nothing I said, indicated that I thought they should be deprived of their right to speech.

My point was, that the op was wrong. The fans were not booing a "show of unity" but booing a divisive political statement that was very insulting to them.

Would you like to address my comment about the op? Or is that not the type of shit that interests you?

It's sad that you see unity as political.

It depends on the unity. This was not "unity" at all, but a divisive political statement.

If you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

You know that. That is why you are refusing to address that point.

The NFL has the right to express their opinions, however those that disagree with the opinions have every right to voice their opinions. Assholes like who you are dealing with are intolerant of opinions that don’t align with theirs, their ignorance, intolerance, hate and bigotry is their trademark, as we have seen in his responses to you.

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