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Fantastic new website supporting our President and Republicans in congress - savage

As long as we have partisan zealots giving their side a free pass our country will continue to go down the shitter.
I am not being a zealot on this

I am pointing out that the demand that DACA protections are implemented as the left demands is an unreasonable caveat for getting a budget passed for everything else

pass a bare bones budget and let issues like DACA stand on their own merits

As much as I do not like Trump, he gave congress lots of time to fix the DACA program and both sides choose not to do it and instead are using it as leverage.

Where we are at today has nothing to do with the vote on Friday and everything to do with the last 6 months. Congress could have had a budget approved even prior to Trump issuing his DACA EO.
He's for immigration (if you're white) but also against immigration

you are either lying or seriously misinformed & confused

this is not about race or skin color, it is about productive & adding real value or non productive & not adding value

there is zero reason to open our doors to people that will come in and immediately start using welfare benefits and relying on government assistance

It's hilarious that you seem to have forgotten (or are simply lying) when you make these claims. Just a few days ago Trump said he would sign any bi-partisan bill and "take the heat for it." He lied. We all know Trump is a thin-skinned, infantile, liar but now we know McConnell and Ryan who ALSO refuse to vote on the BI-PARTISAN Graham-Durbin bill, which is the ACTUAL reason the government is shut down, making them just as racist and thin-skinned as the whole of the Republican Party.
Trying to rationalize this Republican/Trump created failure based upon lies made by Trump during his 55 minute "bi-partisan meeting" just proves beyond a doubt that racism is the ONLY "principle" the GOP has left after they gave $2 trillion dollars from our middle-class tax payers to his billionaire buddies.
It's hilarious that you seem to have forgotten (or are simply lying) when you make these claims. Just a few days ago Trump said he would sign any bi-partisan bill and "take the heat for it." He lied
he included a caveat that it must include full funding for the wall

dems are demanding their side of the compromise offered without giving on the other side

so let's pass a budget and let DACA stand on its own

with the FISA tape coming out & this shutdown - dems are basically ensuring republican gains in 2018

republicans will not likely get 60 Senate seats, but 55 or 56 looks probable

and holding serve in the House would be a win

based on district maps, dems have a tough row to hoe to take the House anyway - what is happening now makes it harder

increasing your vote total on Cali & in the NE won't gain you any ground

the working class people that ultimately control the outcome in Heartland & "flyover" states are being further alienated by the democrat party right now
It's hilarious that you seem to have forgotten (or are simply lying) when you make these claims. Just a few days ago Trump said he would sign any bi-partisan bill and "take the heat for it." He lied
he included a caveat that it must include full funding for the wall

dems are demanding their side of the compromise offered without giving on the other side

so let's pass a budget and let DACA stand on its own

with the FISA tape coming out & this shutdown - dems are basically ensuring republican gains in 2018

republicans will not likely get 60 Senate seats, but 55 or 56 looks probable

and holding serve in the House would be a win

based on district maps, dems have a tough row to hoe to take the House anyway - what is happening now makes it harder

increasing your vote total on Cali & in the NE won't gain you any ground

the working class people that ultimately control the outcome in Heartland & "flyover" states are being further alienated by the democrat party right now

Hilarious! I thought he also said MEXICO would pay for the wall? I thought he said, literally, "Bring me a bi-partisan Bill and I'll sign it and take the heat?" lmao The Republican's have been saying for month's they would have a stand-alone bill on DACA but that is just ANOTHER lie.

Face it, Trump is a weak-minded pretend reality TV businessman who makes deals constantly and then backs out on them. He is only attractive to the Republican base because they, too, are weak minded and bigoted.

But, hey, you guys still could get Mexico to pay for the wall, raise taxes on the rich (as Trump has claimed he would numerous times) and solve DACA. Yeah, right! The GOP has spent nine years refusing to do any work and now they have forgotten how to govern. You were duped by a reality TV con-man sucker! Bwahahaaaaaaaaaa
Hilarious! I thought he also said MEXICO would pay for the wall? I thought he said, literally, "Bring me a bi-partisan Bill and I'll sign it and take the heat?" lmao The Republican's have been saying for month's they would have a stand-alone bill on DACA but that is just ANOTHER lie.
he clarified that the "payment" from Mexico would come in the form of a reduction in the $70 Billion trade deficit we have with them & anyone that was paying attention and has common sense knew that is what he meant from the start

calling that an example of a lie is disingenuous and anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knows it

and he did not get a bi-partisan bill

he got a bill with everything the dems wanted and money to improve the existing border fences, but not real funding for the actual wall

it won't hurt you to be honest; I don't have high hopes that I will see it though...
Hilarious! I thought he also said MEXICO would pay for the wall? I thought he said, literally, "Bring me a bi-partisan Bill and I'll sign it and take the heat?" lmao The Republican's have been saying for month's they would have a stand-alone bill on DACA but that is just ANOTHER lie.
he clarified that the "payment" from Mexico would come in the form of a reduction in the $70 Billion trade deficit we have with them & anyone that was paying attention and has common sense knew that is what he meant from the start

calling that an example of a lie is disingenuous and anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knows it

and he did not get a bi-partisan bill

he got a bill with everything the dems wanted and money to improve the existing border fences, but not real funding for the actual wall

it won't hurt you to be honest; I don't have high hopes that I will see it though...

He "clarified?" lmao. You mean he lied. Tell me, with regard to the Access Hollywood tape, do you believe 1: He was just using 'locker room' talk. 2: His apology when he admitted saying those things? 3: His denial that he said them at all? or 4: That the tape was faked? I'm interested to see which lie you have chosen to believe?

Seriously, you guys are more gullible than a new born puppy. How many lies does this guy and his supporters have to tell you before you grow up? I mean he didn't "take the heat" and sign the bi-partisan bill as he promised, He spent eight years claiming Obama was born in Kenya and his investigators would have the proof "any day now?". He said, on Howard Stern's show that he walked in on naked teenage girls because he's entitled to as a famous rich man but now denies it. He claimed he'd release his taxes and of course has not. We could go on and on since we all know he has told over 2,000 documented lies in the last year alone. But I get it. As an American you prefer that our leader is a well-known, well established liar. That's good for our worldwide reputation, right?

You can't have a discussion and certainly can't run a government if your leader and his supporters are bald faced liars. Ineptitude, delusion and stupidity are not strong stances to take......unless, I guess, you're a Republican. Bwahahaaaaaa
He "clarified?" lmao. You mean he lied.


this type of accusation is why people in the middle don't believe you, or the press, anymore

folks are beginning to understand the manipulation tactics
He "clarified?" lmao. You mean he lied.


this type of accusation is why people in the middle don't believe you, or the press, anymore

folks are beginning to understand the manipulation tactics

People in the middle. Riddle me this: Why doe Trump have a 35% approval rating a 64% disapproval rating and why did Hillary get 3,000,000 more votes that Trump? Tell me do you understand basic math or are you just spouting more bullshit in support of your falsehoods and bigotry? Seriously, I'm guessing your IQ is somewhere around room temperature, right?

Now run along and tell your lies to that poster you have of a shirtless Putin on a horse hanging in your shower, comrade. bwahahahaaaaaa
People in the middle. Riddle me this: Why doe Trump have a 35% approval rating a 64% disapproval rating and why did Hillary get 3,000,000 more votes that Trump? Tell me do you understand basic math or are you just spouting more bullshit in support of your falsehoods and bigotry? Seriously, I'm guessing your IQ is somewhere around room temperature, right?

it's always fun when someone that demonstrates zero ability to make an argument calls me out on intelligence

so, for fun, I will play

1st - popular vote does not matter. electoral votes matter

2nd - Trump remains popular and has an edge in states that he needs to win

the basic math is simple - running up larger victories in blue states does not change the dynamic for the next election

calling me stupid or a bigot demonstrates that you don't have an ability to make your case

the "bigot" and "race" arguments have lost effectiveness, as they have been overplayed - every policy disagreement is not about race; what happened to the "content of character" thing? leftists have thrown it out the window in favor of politics of personal destruction

lastly - polls have Trump in the mid 40's; pretty close to where Obama was at the same time in his presidency, and polls have been used to shape the narrative in favor of left wingers for decades

polls had Hillary winning in a walk

so if that is what you want to hang your hat on...
People in the middle. Riddle me this: Why doe Trump have a 35% approval rating a 64% disapproval rating and why did Hillary get 3,000,000 more votes that Trump? Tell me do you understand basic math or are you just spouting more bullshit in support of your falsehoods and bigotry? Seriously, I'm guessing your IQ is somewhere around room temperature, right?

it's always fun when someone that demonstrates zero ability to make an argument calls me out on intelligence

so, for fun, I will play

1st - popular vote does not matter. electoral votes matter

2nd - Trump remains popular and has an edge in states that he needs to win

the basic math is simple - running up larger victories in blue states does not change the dynamic for the next election

calling me stupid or a bigot demonstrates that you don't have an ability to make your case

the "bigot" and "race" arguments have lost effectiveness, as they have been overplayed - every policy disagreement is not about race; what happened to the "content of character" thing? leftists have thrown it out the window in favor of politics of personal destruction

lastly - polls have Trump in the mid 40's; pretty close to where Obama was at the same time in his presidency, and polls have been used to shape the narrative in favor of left wingers for decades

polls had Hillary winning in a walk

so if that is what you want to hang your hat on...

So funny that you define "people in the middle" as the 538 members of the electoral college. Sorry, dude. Your false argument "people in the middle" support Trump is super dumb and that's why I called out your "intelligence." Bwahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Nice try though. Just another Trump supporter lying exactly like their "fearless leader" or should I say feckless leader. lmao
Oh good, another person on board. That makes it about three people in like five years. Getting closer to a better way.

Now it's just time to convince the other 120 million needed.

the biggest issue is fear, fear of losing power

many people point to George HW Bush's reversal on his "Read my lips..." promise as the reason he lost to Clinton, and certainly that played into it

But the reality is that Bush would have won in a cakewalk without the presence of Ross Perot in the race.

Also, many people blame the Green Party for the reelection of Bush (Nader) and for Hillary's loss (Stein - the Nader angle has a little more credibility because the LT party siphoned off as many or more votes this last round than the GP did...)

there really is not that much difference between the 2 major parties; but those differences that exist are all bitterly contested & everyone is afraid to give even an inch because people feel that the stakes are so high

a fractured government, or multi party system, would likely benefit those viewed as "conservative" initially because most independents tend to lean right; but after the dust settled, we would all be far better off IMO

The differences between the two parties are generally fabricated. The Republicans are often for smaller govt, but don't make it happen, the Democrats are for this that and the other, which they don't make happen.

No, actually the right would not benefit at all. Right now, the right end up with more power than they should get.

If we take the last 6 years of Senate voting.

2016 saw 40.4 million for democrats and 51.4 million for republicans
2014 saw 24.6 million for democrats and 20.8 million for republicans
2012 saw 50 million for democrats and 39.1 million for republicans

That's 115 million for Democrats and 111.3 million for Republicans.

Also the one year out of those three that was not a Presidential year, the Democrats got more votes. In the last 6 years, which has the makeup of the Senate, the Democrats gained nearly 4 million more votes, and yet do not control the Senate.

They also gained more votes for the Presidency, and do not control the White House.

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