Fantastic Speech by Biden !

I can just see the snowflakes on this board, bent over with their asses pointed at their TVs right after Biden told the nation that it the American people are good little boys and girls...and trans-genders...and obey all the government mandates and lockdowns HE may allow Americans to have small celebrations with family / friends in their own back yards to celebrate INDEPENDENCE Day.

"Also, Trump never suggested it. He asked Fauci a question."

Jeeez, I hate to insert another controversial topic into this controversy over Biden's speech.

But way back up in the thread-chain there was an exchange over Trump's words inciting folks to inject bleach. One poster, 'Hossfly' suggested no one did.
But then, reportage was offered that thousands did.

Poster Hossfly, then suggested those thousands were, in Hossfly's words, "idiots".
My own avatar would not contest that assertion too strenuously.


But a larger view of the incident can offer a lesson.
A lesson on the 'power of the bully-pulpit'.
And a recognition of an opportunity lost.

Don Trump in a widely televised press conference on April 23rd, remarked:
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me."

And shortly thereafter, thousands of Americans (maybe others worldwide?...I didn't look that up.)...anyway, thousands of Americans tried this bit of 'home cure' medication, and suffered predictable consequences. And all Trump did was make a quite audible aside (over a microphone) to an aide in a televised press conference.
And people then drank bleaches or disinfectants following that. Some died.

Which, leads me to conclude that if Don Trump, President of the United States of America, and most powerful leader in the world.....well, if he would have used the ginormous megaphone, the most prominent bully-pulpit of the assertively promote safe-distancing, washing of hands, wearing masks, way back in April, well, maybe there would not be 535,000 American dead of Covid.

He missed an opportunity to save thousands of lives.

He missed it, in my opinion, because he didn't want serious concerns over Covid to impact an economy he wanted to tout as his shining achievement.
And he did it to minimize the belief that this was a significant danger to our nation....and it happened on his watch.

535,000 dead Americans later.
And an election that he, as a first term incumbent, lost by 8 million votes.
And an election his very own hired people told him he lost because voters thought his Covid response was incompetent.

So, you bet. There was a missed opportunity. In so many many ways.

Simple sentences and sentence fragments, all put up in extra large print on the glass....Practiced intensively for days...Then a nice stiff jolt of amphetamines to make those blue eyes look like a couple lumps of coal.

Yeah Joe, you're a real dynamo!
He's definitely on something when his blues turn black. An empty confusion about them.

A man so abused by everyone around him and he can't speak up.
I love how you are so jealous of Biden's success.
Trump failed on covid miserably and lost the election because of it. "We're rounding the curve"
Biden is winning because he is getting the job done. America is about to soar to new heights.
America is about to crash and burn.
Obama lied about his birth certificate, Biden cheated, Harris isn't a natural born citizen,
according to my calculus the Democrats owe this nice country 12 years of honesty, which we will never get back...
"Also, Trump never suggested it. He asked Fauci a question."

Jeeez, I hate to insert another controversial topic into this controversy over Biden's speech.

But way back up in the thread-chain there was an exchange over Trump's words inciting folks to inject bleach. One poster, 'Hossfly' suggested no one did.
But then, reportage was offered that thousands did.

Poster Hossfly, then suggested those thousands were, in Hossfly's words, "idiots".
My own avatar would not contest that assertion too strenuously.


But a larger view of the incident can offer a lesson.
A lesson on the 'power of the bully-pulpit'.
And a recognition of an opportunity lost.

Don Trump in a widely televised press conference on April 23rd, remarked:
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me."

And shortly thereafter, thousands of Americans (maybe others worldwide?...I didn't look that up.)...anyway, thousands of Americans tried this bit of 'home cure' medication, and suffered predictable consequences. And all Trump did was make a quite audible aside (over a microphone) to an aide in a televised press conference.
And people then drank bleaches or disinfectants following that. Some died.

Which, leads me to conclude that if Don Trump, President of the United States of America, and most powerful leader in the world.....well, if he would have used the ginormous megaphone, the most prominent bully-pulpit of the assertively promote safe-distancing, washing of hands, wearing masks, way back in April, well, maybe there would not be 535,000 American dead of Covid.

He missed an opportunity to save thousands of lives.

He missed it, in my opinion, because he didn't want serious concerns over Covid to impact an economy he wanted to tout as his shining achievement.
And he did it to minimize the belief that this was a significant danger to our nation....and it happened on his watch.

535,000 dead Americans later.
And an election that he, as a first term incumbent, lost by 8 million votes.
And an election his very own hired people told him he lost because voters thought his Covid response was incompetent.

So, you bet. There was a missed opportunity. In so many many ways.

anyone who injected bleach has bigger problems than corona or politics.
"Also, Trump never suggested it. He asked Fauci a question."

Jeeez, I hate to insert another controversial topic into this controversy over Biden's speech.

But way back up in the thread-chain there was an exchange over Trump's words inciting folks to inject bleach. One poster, 'Hossfly' suggested no one did.
But then, reportage was offered that thousands did.

Poster Hossfly, then suggested those thousands were, in Hossfly's words, "idiots".
My own avatar would not contest that assertion too strenuously.


But a larger view of the incident can offer a lesson.
A lesson on the 'power of the bully-pulpit'.
And a recognition of an opportunity lost.

Don Trump in a widely televised press conference on April 23rd, remarked:
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me."

And shortly thereafter, thousands of Americans (maybe others worldwide?...I didn't look that up.)...anyway, thousands of Americans tried this bit of 'home cure' medication, and suffered predictable consequences. And all Trump did was make a quite audible aside (over a microphone) to an aide in a televised press conference.
And people then drank bleaches or disinfectants following that. Some died.

Which, leads me to conclude that if Don Trump, President of the United States of America, and most powerful leader in the world.....well, if he would have used the ginormous megaphone, the most prominent bully-pulpit of the assertively promote safe-distancing, washing of hands, wearing masks, way back in April, well, maybe there would not be 535,000 American dead of Covid.

He missed an opportunity to save thousands of lives.

He missed it, in my opinion, because he didn't want serious concerns over Covid to impact an economy he wanted to tout as his shining achievement.
And he did it to minimize the belief that this was a significant danger to our nation....and it happened on his watch.

535,000 dead Americans later.
And an election that he, as a first term incumbent, lost by 8 million votes.
And an election his very own hired people told him he lost because voters thought his Covid response was incompetent.

So, you bet. There was a missed opportunity. In so many many ways.

anyone who injected bleach has bigger problems than corona or politics.
I have seen detergent eaters on doctor phil.
To borrow a line from sorkin (the west wing) if they don't know the word they can look it up...
We're not here to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Maybe Biden is..
Great Job tonight Joe !
This is why he was elected, to fix the Trump mess and distribute the vaccine.

Trump did nothing to procure the large amount of vaccines needed, letting hundreds of millions of doses slip away to Europe?? AND, Trump had no real plan for the large scale distribution of the vaccine beyond giving it to the states, a process that was moving forward very slowly.

1) Joe has enlisted the power of the US Government to aid in the distribution of the vaccine.
2) Joe has procured a sufficient amount of vaccine, unlike Trump who let too many doses slip away to Europe.
3) Joe has promoted social distancing and mask wearing, AND has not held super-spreader events and rallies like Trump. Covid cases are plummeting, easing the strain on our healthcare system and saving $Billions and lives.
4) Joe and the dems have finally passed a suitable rescue bill to help Americans and move the country forward.
5) When Joe beats covid the Biden boom will begin and the economy will explode to the upside, with the stock market hitting un-imaginable highs. This is the early innings of another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

Joe is doing a great job so far, this is why he was elected.

Yes, it contrasted four years of doom and gloom and bombastic, narcissistic , ramblings from a self indulgent Authoritarian. I didn't hear the word "Loser" or ANTIFA during the entire speech. It was completely devoid of threats or demeaning rhetoric. Refreshing!
I can just see the snowflakes on this board, bent over with their asses pointed at their TVs right after Biden told the nation that it the American people are good little boys and girls...and trans-genders...and obey all the government mandates and lockdowns HE may allow Americans to have small celebrations with family / friends in their own back yards to celebrate INDEPENDENCE Day.


LOLOL...................Worse than Carter scolding us for keeping our houses at 70 fucking degrees in Winter.

Ole blue eyes are clack dots and he looks lost and confused. He is a damned VEGETABLE!!!!

This should be reported as elder abuse.
"...anyone who injected bleach has bigger problems than corona or politics.
We're not here to appeal to the lowest common denominator."

I guess the above view is partly my fault.
I wasn't clear enough.

So, lemme try again:

Don Trump...hell, ANY President of the United States president to ALL of the citizens of the United States.

NOT just the fortunate, the smart, shrewd, aware, woke, rich, ambitious, hard-working, honest and trustworthy.

He is ALSO President of the uneducated, undereducated, the mentally 'slow', the mentally handicapped, the stupid, the lazy, and the easily swayed and suggestible.

And it this latter category that any President must consider, and perhaps has a greater responsibility towards --- whenever he makes a pronouncement that could be misinterpreted and could thus lead to harm. Harm to the individual, or to other citizens, or to the nation.

Words matter. Words are heard.....and in many many many case, are heeded. By some more than others.

And it is that very nature off communication that my avatar wishes to emphasize. Those words from the bully-pulpit have wide wide reach, can have ginormous impact. For good and for bad.

Don Trump and the American people missed the opportunity for that most important aspect of the Presidency, the Bully Pulpit, to direct us to a path that would have been less fraught. Less dire.

Fantastic that it wasn't the targeted hate filled rhetoric and fantastic lies we've seen in the last 4 years. America got what it needed, a straight shooter like Joe Biden.
I can just see the snowflakes on this board, bent over with their asses pointed at their TVs right after Biden told the nation that it the American people are good little boys and girls...and trans-genders...and obey all the government mandates and lockdowns HE may allow Americans to have small celebrations with family / friends in their own back yards to celebrate INDEPENDENCE Day.


LOLOL...................Worse than Carter scolding us for keeping our houses at 70 fucking degrees in Winter.

Ole blue eyes are clack dots and he looks lost and confused. He is a damned VEGETABLE!!!!

This should be reported as elder abuse.

That was the best Presidential speech in over four years. It left people with hope and encouragement....and he didn't have to lie to get people to believe in the future. If we had had a competent, honest man in the White House in January 2020, over 500,000 Americans may not now be dead.
All Biden has done is continue Trumps policies and continue distribution of vaccine ordered under Trump. His speech was hot air, even the promise of all adults being “eligible” for the vaccine is meaningless. Eligible doesn’t mean there will be vaccine for them.
You're just bitter because Trump fucked up the covid response on an epic level.

Trump didn't even order enough vaccine to properly vaccinate people. Trump didn't have a shred of a plan to distribute the vaccine. Joe has sped up the process by a large amount and Joe has covid in his crosshairs. America is about to BOOOOMMMMMM

That would be the sound of implosion
I can just see the snowflakes on this board, bent over with their asses pointed at their TVs right after Biden told the nation that it the American people are good little boys and girls...and trans-genders...and obey all the government mandates and lockdowns HE may allow Americans to have small celebrations with family / friends in their own back yards to celebrate INDEPENDENCE Day.


LOLOL...................Worse than Carter scolding us for keeping our houses at 70 fucking degrees in Winter.

Ole blue eyes are clack dots and he looks lost and confused. He is a damned VEGETABLE!!!!

This should be reported as elder abuse.

That was the best Presidential speech in over four years. It left people with hope and encouragement....and he didn't have to lie to get people to believe in the future. If we had had a competent, honest man in the White House in January 2020, over 500,000 Americans may not now be dead.

If that was the best, I can't even imagine the worst. You cannot prop up this moron much longer.

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