Fantastic Speech by Biden !

I will agree the speech by Sleepy Joe was good. He didn’t totally screw it up and in fact was lucid for slightly over 20 minutes. There may actually be hope for Joe. Perhaps his experimental drugs are working at least for the short term.

So now let’s see how Sleepy Joe handles a real press conference and then see how he does with a State of the Union Address.
I will agree the speech by Sleepy Joe was good. He didn’t totally screw it up and in fact was lucid for slightly over 20 minutes. There may actually be hope for Joe. Perhaps his experimental drugs are working at least for the short term.

So now let’s see how Sleepy Joe handles a real press conference and then see how he does with a State of the Union Address.

Don't try to stay awake until he does either.

But if you do....then please don't drive! Falling asleep at the world turns normal people into Democrat voters. Makes 'em dead.
Joe is doing a great job so far, this is why he was elected.
Bullshit! Trump was flayed by the hypocritical left because he didn't want to ship all our vaccine away to other nations. So he was wrong when he didn't and wrong if he does.

When people are determined to hate no matter what they can never be satisfied. So eff them!
I'm not a democrat.

The idiot Joe Biden has done absolutely nothing concerning the production of vaccines. It was President Trump who set that into motion, and the pharma companies can only produce what they can produce.

All I'm seeing is an old man who barely has enough mental capacity to read a pre-prepared speech from a teleprompter. He acts like he performed some miracle in distributing the vaccines from the manufacturer to the people, but Trump would have done that anyway. And he would have done it more efficiently.

Nothing to see in his speech, except that it was probably deliberately written in 5-7 word sentences. That's about all he can handle without fucking up.

He walked off the stage without answering any questions, and Tucker called it "strange" and surreal." My wife called the speech "bizzare."
Trump did not order enough vaccines.
It is well documented that Trump let millions of doses slip away to Europe. Important doses that could have saved lives. Trump was a total failure.

Trump had no plan to distribute the vaccine beyond giving it to the states.

Trump ordered plenty. Manufacturers couldn’t get enough produced that quickly. Their issue, not Trump’s. The states are in charge of how they distribute vaccines. Again, not Trump’s problem blue states are clueless.
typical lies. Trump let hundreds of millions of doses slip away.
The truth can be a tough pill to swallow for idiot Trumpers. here's the truth:

Trump failed, and is a failed president.

You're just a troll.

I hope you have as much fun with us as we have with you.
In wacko Trump land the truth is considered trolling. Sometimes in life the truth is a tough pill to swallow for you Trumpers. That's why you watch Fox news and Alex Jones and love Trump, they tell you the lies you need to hear to be a loyal sheep. The truth is kryptonite to a Trumper. No Trumper wants to hear the truth. You can't even admit Biden won the election...

"Look at all these talking points I believe about the right, so that I never, EVER have to listen to or think about any dissenting opinions!!!"
lol, fake news, that lying senile bastard stole the election.
No, the lying senile bastard lost to Super Joe.

LMAO It was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. Stuttering fuck didn't even campaign. Now we know why. He knew he was going to get handed the fake election.

Super Joe?? Man are you delusional.

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