Fantastic Speech by Biden !

[QUOTE="easyt65, post: 26732287, member:
You are just reaching trying to give Trump credit for something that every other president would have done.

I am pointing out the fact how President Trump successfully accomplished what Democrats declared could NOT be done by ANY President, what no President has EVER done (thus the use of the descritive word 'historic' being used to describe what Trump did).

I am pointing out how you and your pathetic TDS-suffering fellow snowflakes are desperately attempting - out of extreme irrational hatred - to avoid giving President Trump this due respect / credit while attempting to defend the Plagiarist-and-Chief, defend Biden who lied to the entire world on TV by falsely claiming there were no vaccines in existence when he became President DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE WORLD WITNESSES HIM GETTING 2 VACCINE SHOTS BEFORE TAKING OFFICE.

His credibility is now non-existent, demonstrated nearly every day, whenever he opens up his mouth and can put 2 sentences together when he told the fired oil workers they could have new GREEN Jobs....any day now, right.

And the credibility of every desperate snowflake who continues to declare Trump did nothing while defending the lying, dementia-ravaged, CCP puppet in office now is forfeit.
Except everything I said is factual and verifiable as well as the fact that COVID was in decline. But you do you and keep twisting it to "Biden" did it all and Trump's administration had nothing to do with it.
I agree The vaccine was developed very quickly, before Biden was president.

Too bad Trump had nothing to do with that accomplishment. Every other president would have done exactly the same, and the vaccine would have gotten developed just as quickly, because Trump didn't do anything remarkable or even remotely unique and special.

Enjoy the Biden Boom, this is why he was elected.
Except Biden, the Dem party, Fauci, 'experts', and the media all agreed it couldnt happen and President Trump was overreaching; that also is verifiable fact. Give credit where credit is due and Trump's administration deserves the credit for that.
[QUOTE="easyt65, post: 26732287, member:
You are just reaching trying to give Trump credit for something that every other president would have done.

I am pointing out the fact how President Trump successfully accomplished what Democrats declared could NOT be done by ANY President, what no President has EVER done (thus the use of the descritive word 'historic' being used to describe what Trump did).

I am pointing out how you and your pathetic TDS-suffering fellow snowflakes are desperately attempting - out of extreme irrational hatred - to avoid giving President Trump this due respect / credit while attempting to defend the Plagiarist-and-Chief, defend Biden who lied to the entire world on TV by falsely claiming there were no vaccines in existence when he became President DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE WORLD WITNESSES HIM GETTING 2 VACCINE SHOTS BEFORE TAKING OFFICE.

His credibility is now non-existent, demonstrated nearly every day, whenever he opens up his mouth and can put 2 sentences together when he told the fired oil workers they could have new GREEN Jobs....any day now, right.

And the credibility of every desperate snowflake who continues to declare Trump did nothing while defending the lying, dementia-ravaged, CCP puppet in office now is forfeit.
I agree The vaccine was developed very quickly, before Biden was president.

Too bad Trump had nothing to do with that accomplishment. Every other president would have done exactly the same, and the vaccine would have gotten developed just as quickly, because Trump didn't do anything remarkable or even remotely unique and special.

You are desperate to try and give Trump undue credit, because Trump was a failed president and Biden is doing so much better than Trump.

Enjoy the Biden Boom, this is why he was elected.
Last edited:
Except everything I said is factual and verifiable as well as the fact that COVID was in decline. But you do you and keep twisting it to "Biden" did it all and Trump's administration had nothing to do with it.
I agree The vaccine was developed very quickly, before Biden was president.

Too bad Trump had nothing to do with that accomplishment. Every other president would have done exactly the same, and the vaccine would have gotten developed just as quickly, because Trump didn't do anything remarkable or even remotely unique and special.

Enjoy the Biden Boom, this is why he was elected.
Except Biden, the Dem party, Fauci, 'experts', and the media all agreed it couldnt happen and President Trump was overreaching; that also is verifiable fact. Give credit where credit is due and Trump's administration deserves the credit for that.
Again, I agree the vaccine was developed much quicker than people thought.

BUT AGAIN, Trump had absolutely nothing to do with that.

I give credit where credit is due, to Big Pharma and the scientists and researchers, they are the ones that accomplished the supposed impossible.

The vaccine would have gotten developed in the same exact time under any other president, because the same scientists would have all done the same research/work...

I get it, Trump is a failed president and you can't handle that. Biden is beating covid and you can't handle that. You are desperate to try and give Trump undue credit. Trump did nothing that any other president (from either party) wouldn't have done.
All Biden has done is continue Trumps policies and continue distribution of vaccine ordered under Trump. His speech was hot air, even the promise of all adults being “eligible” for the vaccine is meaningless. Eligible doesn’t mean there will be vaccine for them.
You're just bitter because Trump fucked up the covid response on an epic level.

Trump didn't even order enough vaccine to properly vaccinate people. Trump didn't have a shred of a plan to distribute the vaccine. Joe has sped up the process by a large amount and Joe has covid in his crosshairs. America is about to BOOOOMMMMMM

You're an idiot. Trump bought 100 million doses before they even ready to go. Pharm companies can only makes what they can, and it takes time.

Now that the Pharm companies are in full production, Biden is just tooting his own horn without giving credit to the one who did all the work:

President Donald J. Trump.

:auiqs.jpg: *pResident half assed hasn't done a day of work his whole wretched life.
All Biden has done is continue Trumps policies and continue distribution of vaccine ordered under Trump. His speech was hot air, even the promise of all adults being “eligible” for the vaccine is meaningless. Eligible doesn’t mean there will be vaccine for them.
You're just bitter because Trump fucked up the covid response on an epic level.

Trump didn't even order enough vaccine to properly vaccinate people. Trump didn't have a shred of a plan to distribute the vaccine. Joe has sped up the process by a large amount and Joe has covid in his crosshairs. America is about to BOOOOMMMMMM

That would be the sound of implosion
The explosion of Optimism and Encouragement, and Truth? Yeah...that's it.....

So, what you are saying is that you are blown away by a lot of hot air....Confirms my assessment that liberals were triggered by Trump's demeanor instead of analyzing the positive things he did for the country...As far as "truth" goes, not much of Biden's speech had a relationship with the truth...Basically, all I can see that he has done, is continue the plans put in place by Trump.

Now, I will give credit to Biden for taking the baton, and carrying it forward, however, that doesn't take much when the heavy lifting was already done for you...
I agree The vaccine was developed very quickly, before Biden was president.

Too bad Trump had nothing to do with that accomplishment. Every other president would have done exactly the same, and the vaccine would have gotten developed just as quickly, because Trump didn't do anything remarkable or even remotely unique and special.

You are desperate to try and give Trump undue credit, because Trump was a failed president and Biden is doing so much better than Trump.

Trump had EVERYTHING to do with it. Operation Warp Speed, the development of the vaccine, doing what Democrats said was Impossible, Biden getting the vaccine before the lying SOB took office - it is all thanks to TrumP.

You say any other President would have done the same - the Democrats cally you a LYING POS - THAY said NO ONE could do it. You snowflakes said no one cod do it - TRUMP did it.

You said any other President could do it - THEY didn't. Trump did!

You are so pathetically pissed because BIDEN didn't do it, that TRUMP did...

...and like a spoiled, tantrum-throwing child, you refuse to give credit to the man even YOU acknowledged as being responsible for the vaccines that exist - TRUMP.

You need a spanking, a diaper change, and a nap, lil' infantile, reality-denying, irrational hate-driven snowflake
I agree The vaccine was developed very quickly, before Biden was president.

Too bad Trump had nothing to do with that accomplishment. Every other president would have done exactly the same, and the vaccine would have gotten developed just as quickly, because Trump didn't do anything remarkable or even remotely unique and special.

You are desperate to try and give Trump undue credit, because Trump was a failed president and Biden is doing so much better than Trump.

Trump had EVERYTHING to do with it. Operation Warp Speed, the development of the vaccine, doing what Democrats said was Impossible, Biden getting the vaccine before the lying SOB took office - it is all thanks to TrumP.

You say any other President would have done the same - the Democrats cally you a LYING POS - THAY said NO ONE could do it. You snowflakes said no one cod do it - TRUMP did it.

You said any other President could do it - THEY didn't. Trump did!

You are so pathetically pissed because BIDEN didn't do it, that TRUMP did...

...and like a spoiled, tantrum-throwing child, you refuse to give credit to the man even YOU acknowledged as being responsible for the vaccines that exist - TRUMP.

You need a spanking, a diaper change, and a nap, lil' infantile, reality-denying, irrational hate-driven snowflake

What a babbling rant of stupidity. Are you drunk right now, this early in the morning??

The scientists developed the vaccine in record time. Trump did nothing.

The vaccine would have gotten developed in the same exact time under any other president, because the same scientists would have all done the same research/work...

I get it, Trump is a failed president and you can't handle that. Biden is beating covid and you can't handle that. You are desperate to try and give Trump undue credit.

I'm glad the vaccine was produced so quickly, and I thank the scientists for their great and fast work. And to suggest that Trump played a role in the scientists developing the vaccine is laughable.
Except everything I said is factual and verifiable as well as the fact that COVID was in decline. But you do you and keep twisting it to "Biden" did it all and Trump's administration had nothing to do with it.
I agree The vaccine was developed very quickly, before Biden was president.

Too bad Trump had nothing to do with that accomplishment. Every other president would have done exactly the same, and the vaccine would have gotten developed just as quickly, because Trump didn't do anything remarkable or even remotely unique and special.

Enjoy the Biden Boom, this is why he was elected.
Except Biden, the Dem party, Fauci, 'experts', and the media all agreed it couldnt happen and President Trump was overreaching; that also is verifiable fact. Give credit where credit is due and Trump's administration deserves the credit for that.
Again, I agree the vaccine was developed much quicker than people thought.

BUT AGAIN, Trump had absolutely nothing to do with that.

I give credit where credit is due, to Big Pharma and the scientists and researchers, they are the ones that accomplished the supposed impossible.

The vaccine would have gotten developed in the same exact time under any other president, because the same scientists would have all done the same research/work...

I get it, Trump is a failed president and you can't handle that. Biden is beating covid and you can't handle that. You are desperate to try and give Trump undue credit. Trump did nothing that any other president (from either party) wouldn't have done.

Are you freakin kidding here? God, you people take the cake...Can't even give credit where credit is due....All because of your hatred...

" Nearly all these claims rest on a misunderstanding both of Operation Warp Speed’s mission and its nature as a government program."

“There were already a million vaccines being administered into people’s arms every single day when Biden was sworn in, 36 million doses had already been distributed.”

He continued, “Joe, you want unity? Why don’t you just thank Donald Trump? You want us all to get along, you say. No Trump, no vaccine, Joe. Stop trying to take credit for something, frankly, you had nothing to do with. Nothing.”

"The director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) says the Trump administration deserves credit for developing safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines in “breathtaking” speed.

During an interview with Axios that aired on HBO Monday, NIH Director Francis Collins was asked what the previous administration got right in their response to the coronavirus that has left more than 500,000 Americans dead."

Rational people would agree that without Trump's administration creating Operation Warp Speed, Biden would have NOTHING to be stealing as his own....
Great Job tonight Joe !
This is why he was elected, to fix the Trump mess and distribute the vaccine.

Trump did nothing to procure the large amount of vaccines needed, letting hundreds of millions of doses slip away to Europe?? AND, Trump had no real plan for the large scale distribution of the vaccine beyond giving it to the states, a process that was moving forward very slowly.

1) Joe has enlisted the power of the US Government to aid in the distribution of the vaccine.
2) Joe has procured a sufficient amount of vaccine, unlike Trump who let too many doses slip away to Europe.
3) Joe has promoted social distancing and mask wearing, AND has not held super-spreader events and rallies like Trump. Covid cases are plummeting, easing the strain on our healthcare system and saving $Billions and lives.
4) Joe and the dems have finally passed a suitable rescue bill to help Americans and move the country forward.
5) When Joe beats covid the Biden boom will begin and the economy will explode to the upside, with the stock market hitting un-imaginable highs. This is the early innings of another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

Joe is doing a great job so far, this is why he was elected.

Without T , we would have zero vaccine
You are a giant ignoramus and Marxist hack
Biden is a illegitimate swine and a terrorist
yea because researchers at trump university developed the vaccine, right after they developed "injecting bleach"

Biden is crushing covid. This is why he was elected.
Biden is a buffoon and fraud
He is the “king of nothing “
Great Job tonight Joe !
This is why he was elected, to fix the Trump mess and distribute the vaccine.

Trump did nothing to procure the large amount of vaccines needed, letting hundreds of millions of doses slip away to Europe?? AND, Trump had no real plan for the large scale distribution of the vaccine beyond giving it to the states, a process that was moving forward very slowly.

1) Joe has enlisted the power of the US Government to aid in the distribution of the vaccine.
2) Joe has procured a sufficient amount of vaccine, unlike Trump who let too many doses slip away to Europe.
3) Joe has promoted social distancing and mask wearing, AND has not held super-spreader events and rallies like Trump. Covid cases are plummeting, easing the strain on our healthcare system and saving $Billions and lives.
4) Joe and the dems have finally passed a suitable rescue bill to help Americans and move the country forward.
5) When Joe beats covid the Biden boom will begin and the economy will explode to the upside, with the stock market hitting un-imaginable highs. This is the early innings of another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

Joe is doing a great job so far, this is why he was elected.

Without T , we would have zero vaccine
You are a giant ignoramus and Marxist hack
Biden is a illegitimate swine and a terrorist
yea because researchers at trump university developed the vaccine, right after they developed "injecting bleach"

Biden is crushing covid. This is why he was elected.
Biden is a buffoon and fraud
He is the “king of nothing “

just wait until sister mary elephant gets behind the desk in the oval...

Except everything I said is factual and verifiable as well as the fact that COVID was in decline. But you do you and keep twisting it to "Biden" did it all and Trump's administration had nothing to do with it.
I agree The vaccine was developed very quickly, before Biden was president.

Too bad Trump had nothing to do with that accomplishment. Every other president would have done exactly the same, and the vaccine would have gotten developed just as quickly, because Trump didn't do anything remarkable or even remotely unique and special.

Enjoy the Biden Boom, this is why he was elected.
Except Biden, the Dem party, Fauci, 'experts', and the media all agreed it couldnt happen and President Trump was overreaching; that also is verifiable fact. Give credit where credit is due and Trump's administration deserves the credit for that.
Again, I agree the vaccine was developed much quicker than people thought.

BUT AGAIN, Trump had absolutely nothing to do with that.

I give credit where credit is due, to Big Pharma and the scientists and researchers, they are the ones that accomplished the supposed impossible.

The vaccine would have gotten developed in the same exact time under any other president, because the same scientists would have all done the same research/work...

I get it, Trump is a failed president and you can't handle that. Biden is beating covid and you can't handle that. You are desperate to try and give Trump undue credit. Trump did nothing that any other president (from either party) wouldn't have done.

Are you freakin kidding here? God, you people take the cake...Can't even give credit where credit is due....All because of your hatred...

" Nearly all these claims rest on a misunderstanding both of Operation Warp Speed’s mission and its nature as a government program."

“There were already a million vaccines being administered into people’s arms every single day when Biden was sworn in, 36 million doses had already been distributed.”

He continued, “Joe, you want unity? Why don’t you just thank Donald Trump? You want us all to get along, you say. No Trump, no vaccine, Joe. Stop trying to take credit for something, frankly, you had nothing to do with. Nothing.”

"The director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) says the Trump administration deserves credit for developing safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines in “breathtaking” speed.

During an interview with Axios that aired on HBO Monday, NIH Director Francis Collins was asked what the previous administration got right in their response to the coronavirus that has left more than 500,000 Americans dead."

Rational people would agree that without Trump's administration creating Operation Warp Speed, Biden would have NOTHING to be stealing as his own....
The scientists developed the vaccine in record time. Trump did nothing that any other president wouldn't have done.

The vaccine would have gotten developed in the same exact time under any other president, because the same scientists would have all done the same research/work...

I get it, Trump is a failed president and you can't handle that. Biden is beating covid and you can't handle that. You are desperate to try and give Trump undue credit.

I'm glad the vaccine was produced so quickly, and I thank the scientists for their great and fast work. And to suggest that Trump played a role in the scientists developing the vaccine is laughable.

Except everything I said is factual and verifiable as well as the fact that COVID was in decline. But you do you and keep twisting it to "Biden" did it all and Trump's administration had nothing to do with it.
I agree The vaccine was developed very quickly, before Biden was president.

Too bad Trump had nothing to do with that accomplishment. Every other president would have done exactly the same, and the vaccine would have gotten developed just as quickly, because Trump didn't do anything remarkable or even remotely unique and special.

Enjoy the Biden Boom, this is why he was elected.
Except Biden, the Dem party, Fauci, 'experts', and the media all agreed it couldnt happen and President Trump was overreaching; that also is verifiable fact. Give credit where credit is due and Trump's administration deserves the credit for that.
Again, I agree the vaccine was developed much quicker than people thought.

BUT AGAIN, Trump had absolutely nothing to do with that.

I give credit where credit is due, to Big Pharma and the scientists and researchers, they are the ones that accomplished the supposed impossible.

The vaccine would have gotten developed in the same exact time under any other president, because the same scientists would have all done the same research/work...

I get it, Trump is a failed president and you can't handle that. Biden is beating covid and you can't handle that. You are desperate to try and give Trump undue credit. Trump did nothing that any other president (from either party) wouldn't have done.

Are you freakin kidding here? God, you people take the cake...Can't even give credit where credit is due....All because of your hatred...

" Nearly all these claims rest on a misunderstanding both of Operation Warp Speed’s mission and its nature as a government program."

“There were already a million vaccines being administered into people’s arms every single day when Biden was sworn in, 36 million doses had already been distributed.”

He continued, “Joe, you want unity? Why don’t you just thank Donald Trump? You want us all to get along, you say. No Trump, no vaccine, Joe. Stop trying to take credit for something, frankly, you had nothing to do with. Nothing.”

"The director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) says the Trump administration deserves credit for developing safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines in “breathtaking” speed.

During an interview with Axios that aired on HBO Monday, NIH Director Francis Collins was asked what the previous administration got right in their response to the coronavirus that has left more than 500,000 Americans dead."

Rational people would agree that without Trump's administration creating Operation Warp Speed, Biden would have NOTHING to be stealing as his own....
The scientists developed the vaccine in record time. Trump did nothing that any other president wouldn't have done.

The vaccine would have gotten developed in the same exact time under any other president, because the same scientists would have all done the same research/work...

I get it, Trump is a failed president and you can't handle that. Biden is beating covid and you can't handle that. You are desperate to try and give Trump undue credit.

I'm glad the vaccine was produced so quickly, and I thank the scientists for their great and fast work. And to suggest that Trump played a role in the scientists developing the vaccine is laughable.


I gave you three links as to what the Trump administration did in OWS to ensure that the vaccine was produced in record time...That you ignore that just shows that you are closed to any consideration that the Trump administration did a remarkable job of getting a vaccine produced, but shots in arms BEFORE the Alzhimers in chief even took office...

Therefore your narrative on this is nothing but political trolling.
Except everything I said is factual and verifiable as well as the fact that COVID was in decline. But you do you and keep twisting it to "Biden" did it all and Trump's administration had nothing to do with it.
I agree The vaccine was developed very quickly, before Biden was president.

Too bad Trump had nothing to do with that accomplishment. Every other president would have done exactly the same, and the vaccine would have gotten developed just as quickly, because Trump didn't do anything remarkable or even remotely unique and special.

Enjoy the Biden Boom, this is why he was elected.
Except Biden, the Dem party, Fauci, 'experts', and the media all agreed it couldnt happen and President Trump was overreaching; that also is verifiable fact. Give credit where credit is due and Trump's administration deserves the credit for that.
Again, I agree the vaccine was developed much quicker than people thought.

BUT AGAIN, Trump had absolutely nothing to do with that.

I give credit where credit is due, to Big Pharma and the scientists and researchers, they are the ones that accomplished the supposed impossible.

The vaccine would have gotten developed in the same exact time under any other president, because the same scientists would have all done the same research/work...

I get it, Trump is a failed president and you can't handle that. Biden is beating covid and you can't handle that. You are desperate to try and give Trump undue credit. Trump did nothing that any other president (from either party) wouldn't have done.

Are you freakin kidding here? God, you people take the cake...Can't even give credit where credit is due....All because of your hatred...

" Nearly all these claims rest on a misunderstanding both of Operation Warp Speed’s mission and its nature as a government program."

“There were already a million vaccines being administered into people’s arms every single day when Biden was sworn in, 36 million doses had already been distributed.”

He continued, “Joe, you want unity? Why don’t you just thank Donald Trump? You want us all to get along, you say. No Trump, no vaccine, Joe. Stop trying to take credit for something, frankly, you had nothing to do with. Nothing.”

"The director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) says the Trump administration deserves credit for developing safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines in “breathtaking” speed.

During an interview with Axios that aired on HBO Monday, NIH Director Francis Collins was asked what the previous administration got right in their response to the coronavirus that has left more than 500,000 Americans dead."

Rational people would agree that without Trump's administration creating Operation Warp Speed, Biden would have NOTHING to be stealing as his own....
The scientists developed the vaccine in record time. Trump did nothing that any other president wouldn't have done.

The vaccine would have gotten developed in the same exact time under any other president, because the same scientists would have all done the same research/work...

I get it, Trump is a failed president and you can't handle that. Biden is beating covid and you can't handle that. You are desperate to try and give Trump undue credit.

I'm glad the vaccine was produced so quickly, and I thank the scientists for their great and fast work. And to suggest that Trump played a role in the scientists developing the vaccine is laughable.


I gave you three links as to what the Trump administration did in OWS to ensure that the vaccine was produced in record time...That you ignore that just shows that you are closed to any consideration that the Trump administration did a remarkable job of getting a vaccine produced, but shots in arms BEFORE the Alzhimers in chief even took office...

Therefore your narrative on this is nothing but political trolling.
Yes and in those 3 links there is nothing that says Trump did anything remarkable or extra-ordinary. Nothing that any other president wouldn't have done.

Thank you for proving my point perfectly.

All trump did was hand money to big pharma, then big pharma made a vaccine- through their hard-work, then trump said FDA fast track.

So trump's contribution is 0.0000001%. SO I give Trump 0.0000001% credit for the great accomplishment of our great scientists.

PS, editorials/opinion pieces aren't credible links.
Except everything I said is factual and verifiable as well as the fact that COVID was in decline. But you do you and keep twisting it to "Biden" did it all and Trump's administration had nothing to do with it.
I agree The vaccine was developed very quickly, before Biden was president.

Too bad Trump had nothing to do with that accomplishment. Every other president would have done exactly the same, and the vaccine would have gotten developed just as quickly, because Trump didn't do anything remarkable or even remotely unique and special.

Enjoy the Biden Boom, this is why he was elected.
Except Biden, the Dem party, Fauci, 'experts', and the media all agreed it couldnt happen and President Trump was overreaching; that also is verifiable fact. Give credit where credit is due and Trump's administration deserves the credit for that.
Again, I agree the vaccine was developed much quicker than people thought.

BUT AGAIN, Trump had absolutely nothing to do with that.

I give credit where credit is due, to Big Pharma and the scientists and researchers, they are the ones that accomplished the supposed impossible.

The vaccine would have gotten developed in the same exact time under any other president, because the same scientists would have all done the same research/work...

I get it, Trump is a failed president and you can't handle that. Biden is beating covid and you can't handle that. You are desperate to try and give Trump undue credit. Trump did nothing that any other president (from either party) wouldn't have done.

Are you freakin kidding here? God, you people take the cake...Can't even give credit where credit is due....All because of your hatred...

" Nearly all these claims rest on a misunderstanding both of Operation Warp Speed’s mission and its nature as a government program."

“There were already a million vaccines being administered into people’s arms every single day when Biden was sworn in, 36 million doses had already been distributed.”

He continued, “Joe, you want unity? Why don’t you just thank Donald Trump? You want us all to get along, you say. No Trump, no vaccine, Joe. Stop trying to take credit for something, frankly, you had nothing to do with. Nothing.”

"The director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) says the Trump administration deserves credit for developing safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines in “breathtaking” speed.

During an interview with Axios that aired on HBO Monday, NIH Director Francis Collins was asked what the previous administration got right in their response to the coronavirus that has left more than 500,000 Americans dead."

Rational people would agree that without Trump's administration creating Operation Warp Speed, Biden would have NOTHING to be stealing as his own....
The scientists developed the vaccine in record time. Trump did nothing that any other president wouldn't have done.

The vaccine would have gotten developed in the same exact time under any other president, because the same scientists would have all done the same research/work...

I get it, Trump is a failed president and you can't handle that. Biden is beating covid and you can't handle that. You are desperate to try and give Trump undue credit.

I'm glad the vaccine was produced so quickly, and I thank the scientists for their great and fast work. And to suggest that Trump played a role in the scientists developing the vaccine is laughable.


I gave you three links as to what the Trump administration did in OWS to ensure that the vaccine was produced in record time...That you ignore that just shows that you are closed to any consideration that the Trump administration did a remarkable job of getting a vaccine produced, but shots in arms BEFORE the Alzhimers in chief even took office...

Therefore your narrative on this is nothing but political trolling.
Yes and in those 3 links there is nothing that says Trump did anything remarkable or extra-ordinary. Nothing that any other president wouldn't have done.

Thank you for proving my point perfectly.

All trump did was hand money to big pharma, then big pharma made a vaccine- through their hard-work, then trump said FDA fast track.

So trump's contribution is 0.0000001%. SO I give Trump 0.0000001% credit for the great accomplishment of our great scientists.

PS, editorials/opinion pieces aren't credible links.
Biden is an exciting and gifted speech writer and orator.. this last speech... it's as if God was whispering in his good ear..
Except everything I said is factual and verifiable as well as the fact that COVID was in decline. But you do you and keep twisting it to "Biden" did it all and Trump's administration had nothing to do with it.
I agree The vaccine was developed very quickly, before Biden was president.

Too bad Trump had nothing to do with that accomplishment. Every other president would have done exactly the same, and the vaccine would have gotten developed just as quickly, because Trump didn't do anything remarkable or even remotely unique and special.

Enjoy the Biden Boom, this is why he was elected.
Except Biden, the Dem party, Fauci, 'experts', and the media all agreed it couldnt happen and President Trump was overreaching; that also is verifiable fact. Give credit where credit is due and Trump's administration deserves the credit for that.
Again, I agree the vaccine was developed much quicker than people thought.

BUT AGAIN, Trump had absolutely nothing to do with that.

I give credit where credit is due, to Big Pharma and the scientists and researchers, they are the ones that accomplished the supposed impossible.

The vaccine would have gotten developed in the same exact time under any other president, because the same scientists would have all done the same research/work...

I get it, Trump is a failed president and you can't handle that. Biden is beating covid and you can't handle that. You are desperate to try and give Trump undue credit. Trump did nothing that any other president (from either party) wouldn't have done.

Are you freakin kidding here? God, you people take the cake...Can't even give credit where credit is due....All because of your hatred...

" Nearly all these claims rest on a misunderstanding both of Operation Warp Speed’s mission and its nature as a government program."

“There were already a million vaccines being administered into people’s arms every single day when Biden was sworn in, 36 million doses had already been distributed.”

He continued, “Joe, you want unity? Why don’t you just thank Donald Trump? You want us all to get along, you say. No Trump, no vaccine, Joe. Stop trying to take credit for something, frankly, you had nothing to do with. Nothing.”

"The director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) says the Trump administration deserves credit for developing safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines in “breathtaking” speed.

During an interview with Axios that aired on HBO Monday, NIH Director Francis Collins was asked what the previous administration got right in their response to the coronavirus that has left more than 500,000 Americans dead."

Rational people would agree that without Trump's administration creating Operation Warp Speed, Biden would have NOTHING to be stealing as his own....
The scientists developed the vaccine in record time. Trump did nothing that any other president wouldn't have done.

The vaccine would have gotten developed in the same exact time under any other president, because the same scientists would have all done the same research/work...

I get it, Trump is a failed president and you can't handle that. Biden is beating covid and you can't handle that. You are desperate to try and give Trump undue credit.

I'm glad the vaccine was produced so quickly, and I thank the scientists for their great and fast work. And to suggest that Trump played a role in the scientists developing the vaccine is laughable.


I gave you three links as to what the Trump administration did in OWS to ensure that the vaccine was produced in record time...That you ignore that just shows that you are closed to any consideration that the Trump administration did a remarkable job of getting a vaccine produced, but shots in arms BEFORE the Alzhimers in chief even took office...

Therefore your narrative on this is nothing but political trolling.
Yes and in those 3 links there is nothing that says Trump did anything remarkable or extra-ordinary. Nothing that any other president wouldn't have done.

Thank you for proving my point perfectly.

All trump did was hand money to big pharma, then big pharma made a vaccine- through their hard-work, then trump said FDA fast track.

So trump's contribution is 0.0000001%. SO I give Trump 0.0000001% credit for the great accomplishment of our great scientists.

PS, editorials/opinion pieces aren't credible links.

Well, let's take a look at a site you and other Democrats love....

And what exactly do you think Biden is doing? Is he in the WH basement with bunson burners, and glass tubes devoloping vaccine? Your post is ridiculous...
Except everything I said is factual and verifiable as well as the fact that COVID was in decline. But you do you and keep twisting it to "Biden" did it all and Trump's administration had nothing to do with it.
I agree The vaccine was developed very quickly, before Biden was president.

Too bad Trump had nothing to do with that accomplishment. Every other president would have done exactly the same, and the vaccine would have gotten developed just as quickly, because Trump didn't do anything remarkable or even remotely unique and special.

Enjoy the Biden Boom, this is why he was elected.
Except Biden, the Dem party, Fauci, 'experts', and the media all agreed it couldnt happen and President Trump was overreaching; that also is verifiable fact. Give credit where credit is due and Trump's administration deserves the credit for that.
Again, I agree the vaccine was developed much quicker than people thought.

BUT AGAIN, Trump had absolutely nothing to do with that.

I give credit where credit is due, to Big Pharma and the scientists and researchers, they are the ones that accomplished the supposed impossible.

The vaccine would have gotten developed in the same exact time under any other president, because the same scientists would have all done the same research/work...

I get it, Trump is a failed president and you can't handle that. Biden is beating covid and you can't handle that. You are desperate to try and give Trump undue credit. Trump did nothing that any other president (from either party) wouldn't have done.

Are you freakin kidding here? God, you people take the cake...Can't even give credit where credit is due....All because of your hatred...

" Nearly all these claims rest on a misunderstanding both of Operation Warp Speed’s mission and its nature as a government program."

“There were already a million vaccines being administered into people’s arms every single day when Biden was sworn in, 36 million doses had already been distributed.”

He continued, “Joe, you want unity? Why don’t you just thank Donald Trump? You want us all to get along, you say. No Trump, no vaccine, Joe. Stop trying to take credit for something, frankly, you had nothing to do with. Nothing.”

"The director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) says the Trump administration deserves credit for developing safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines in “breathtaking” speed.

During an interview with Axios that aired on HBO Monday, NIH Director Francis Collins was asked what the previous administration got right in their response to the coronavirus that has left more than 500,000 Americans dead."

Rational people would agree that without Trump's administration creating Operation Warp Speed, Biden would have NOTHING to be stealing as his own....
The scientists developed the vaccine in record time. Trump did nothing that any other president wouldn't have done.

The vaccine would have gotten developed in the same exact time under any other president, because the same scientists would have all done the same research/work...

I get it, Trump is a failed president and you can't handle that. Biden is beating covid and you can't handle that. You are desperate to try and give Trump undue credit.

I'm glad the vaccine was produced so quickly, and I thank the scientists for their great and fast work. And to suggest that Trump played a role in the scientists developing the vaccine is laughable.


I gave you three links as to what the Trump administration did in OWS to ensure that the vaccine was produced in record time...That you ignore that just shows that you are closed to any consideration that the Trump administration did a remarkable job of getting a vaccine produced, but shots in arms BEFORE the Alzhimers in chief even took office...

Therefore your narrative on this is nothing but political trolling.
Yes and in those 3 links there is nothing that says Trump did anything remarkable or extra-ordinary. Nothing that any other president wouldn't have done.

Thank you for proving my point perfectly.

All trump did was hand money to big pharma, then big pharma made a vaccine- through their hard-work, then trump said FDA fast track.

So trump's contribution is 0.0000001%. SO I give Trump 0.0000001% credit for the great accomplishment of our great scientists.

PS, editorials/opinion pieces aren't credible links.
Biden is an exciting and gifted speech writer and orator.. this last speech... it's as if God was whispering in his good ear..

OMG! Really? lol....Good grief...
I suppose that, after having the bar lowered as much as it was after the last four years, it would appear "fantastic" to drooling Biden sycophants. Much the same way Trump's speeches seemed "fantastic" to his drooling sycophants. That's part of the problem with hyper partisanship, your guy (or gal, or non-gender specific individual) is always the "best thing ever!" and their followers are unable to honestly assess their own...

I'm not a democrat. I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I've voted a variety of parties through the decades.

Biden was my second to last choice for president. trump being my last choice.

I am in no way a Biden fanatic.

I am a person who gives people a chance to show the nation what they can do.

I hoped that Biden would be a good president but coming after trump, well, a rock would be a good president.

I don't normally watch any president give a speech. It's a waste of time usually.

I did watch Biden speak the other day.

I listened to what he had to say and am hopeful for the first time in a long time.

I qualified for the vaccine on January 7th. I spent nearly 2 months looking for an appointment. If there was vaccine it was only being given as a second dose so I couldn't find an appointment. I got on tons of waiting lists.

Biden said at the beginning of February that more vaccine would be available to ship out on February 11th. I didn't believe it.

I was wrong to not believe it.

Within a week or so of February 11th vaccine was available. I was getting emails from the waiting lists I was on.

I was able to quickly make an appointment for the first does BEFORE I got notices from the waiting lists I was on. A friend of mine told me she made an appointment at the fire department. She sent me the link and I made an appointment. After I made that appointment I got a bunch of emails from the waiting lists I was on. I received my first dose on February 25th. I will get the second one next week.

From what I can see, Biden didn't lie about vaccine. He didn't lie about working as hard as he could to beat the virus.

I will wait to see if he lied about other things he said he was going to do.

I won't make a decision on him until I he has been president for a while and I see what the results of his work is.

I will say, so far, he's off to a decent start.
Great Job tonight Joe !
This is why he was elected, to fix the Trump mess and distribute the vaccine.

Trump did nothing to procure the large amount of vaccines needed, letting hundreds of millions of doses slip away to Europe?? AND, Trump had no real plan for the large scale distribution of the vaccine beyond giving it to the states, a process that was moving forward very slowly.

1) Joe has enlisted the power of the US Government to aid in the distribution of the vaccine.
2) Joe has procured a sufficient amount of vaccine, unlike Trump who let too many doses slip away to Europe.
3) Joe has promoted social distancing and mask wearing, AND has not held super-spreader events and rallies like Trump. Covid cases are plummeting, easing the strain on our healthcare system and saving $Billions and lives.
4) Joe and the dems have finally passed a suitable rescue bill to help Americans and move the country forward.
5) When Joe beats covid the Biden boom will begin and the economy will explode to the upside, with the stock market hitting un-imaginable highs. This is the early innings of another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

Joe is doing a great job so far, this is why he was elected.

:abgg2q.jpg: Chyna Joey Xi held ut together for 23 minutes thanks to his teleprompter... He was immediately brought upstairs, changed his depends and put to bed.
Not once did he give Trump the credit for "Warp Speed" getting those vaccines developed and distributing the first 100 million doses....
Janssen Pharmaceuticals one of the divisions of J&J that created the the vaccine does not have the capability to manufacture the vaccine they've developed that's where Merck has stepped in.
You conveniently leave out how Trump let 100 M doses of Pfizer vaccine slip away to Europe when he could have bought them...

Just one of many examples of Trumps total failure.

trump didn't just let 100 million doses of the vaccine slip away. It wasn't an accident.

trump was offered more vaccine multiple times and REFUSED every time.

So the vaccine went to Europe.

All he got was enough vaccine to immunize 50 million people.

We have over 300 million people in America.

trump PURPOSELY refused multiple offers of more vaccine.

Great Job tonight Joe !
This is why he was elected, to fix the Trump mess and distribute the vaccine.

Trump did nothing to procure the large amount of vaccines needed, letting hundreds of millions of doses slip away to Europe?? AND, Trump had no real plan for the large scale distribution of the vaccine beyond giving it to the states, a process that was moving forward very slowly.

1) Joe has enlisted the power of the US Government to aid in the distribution of the vaccine.
2) Joe has procured a sufficient amount of vaccine, unlike Trump who let too many doses slip away to Europe.
3) Joe has promoted social distancing and mask wearing, AND has not held super-spreader events and rallies like Trump. Covid cases are plummeting, easing the strain on our healthcare system and saving $Billions and lives.
4) Joe and the dems have finally passed a suitable rescue bill to help Americans and move the country forward.
5) When Joe beats covid the Biden boom will begin and the economy will explode to the upside, with the stock market hitting un-imaginable highs. This is the early innings of another Bill Clinton Golden Age.
Joe is doing a great job so far, this is why he was elected.
LOLOL.I wish that vaccine would have taken 4 more yrs for sure.
If Trump got re-elected, it probably would have. What ever happened to that great medical plan he promised us?
Hey Shit For Brains. The vaxes got approved before he left. Did you take 2 stupid pills today?
It happened despite him, not because of him. He called it a hoax, remember? The only contribution I recall is the slogan "Warp Speed", which of course he had to steal from somewhere else. Thank God, he wasn't able to steal the election..., AGAIN.

If trump wasn't lying and the virus is a hoax, why did he spend so much time boasting about the vaccine? Why did we spend so much money to develop a vaccine? Why was operation warp speed created if it was all a hoax?

If was all just a hoax, there would have been no need for a vaccine.

If it was all a hoax trump and his family wouldn't have secretly gotten vaccinated in January.
Simple sentences and sentence fragments, all put up in extra large print on the glass....Practiced intensively for days...Then a nice stiff jolt of amphetamines to make those blue eyes look like a couple lumps of coal.

Yeah Joe, you're a real dynamo!
He's definitely on something when his blues turn black. An empty confusion about them.

A man so abused by everyone around him and he can't speak up.
I love how you are so jealous of Biden's success.
Trump failed on covid miserably and lost the election because of it. "We're rounding the curve"
Biden is winning because he is getting the job done. America is about to soar to new heights.

Your head is so far up your ass, you must have been watching the speech through your belly button.
Great comeback....

Bill Parcels: You are what your record says you are

The record of Trump and Bush is a record of total failure. Bush and Trump left office in shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings and the country in crisis and ruin. Bush, Trump, and the GOP are total failures.

This is why Biden was elected.

People forget the first bush. He was president from 1989 until 1993.

He destroyed the economy and took us to the edge of total collapse.

I guess people forget the campaign slogan in 1992.


The first bush was voted out of office in 1992. He left office in shame and disgrace with record low approval rates, the country in crisis and ruin.

reagan destroyed our economy when he first came into office and had time to spend to record high levels to prop up a fake economy. Mostly dependent on tax dollars through the military industrial complex and irresponsible extreme deregulation of business so he was reelected in 1984. reagan took us to what was at the time, the worst economic collapse since the last republican Great Depression. reagan's fake economy from out of control military spending and irresponsible deregulation on business is one of the reasons why the first george bush's economy collapsed.

Our history is filled with conservative/republican presidents destroying or nearly destroying our economy and nation. With a democrat/moderate being voted in to clean up the mess.

My question is when will America learn?

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