Fantastic Speech by Biden !

Simple sentences and sentence fragments, all put up in extra large print on the glass....Practiced intensively for days...Then a nice stiff jolt of amphetamines to make those blue eyes look like a couple lumps of coal.

Yeah Joe, you're a real dynamo!
He's definitely on something when his blues turn black. An empty confusion about them.

A man so abused by everyone around him and he can't speak up.
I love how you are so jealous of Biden's success.
Trump failed on covid miserably and lost the election because of it. "We're rounding the curve"
Biden is winning because he is getting the job done. America is about to soar to new heights.

Your head is so far up your ass, you must have been watching the speech through your belly button.
Great comeback....

Bill Parcels: You are what your record says you are

The record of Trump and Bush is a record of total failure. Bush and Trump left office in shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings and the country in crisis and ruin. Bush, Trump, and the GOP are total failures.

This is why Biden was elected.

People forget the first bush. He was president from 1989 until 1993.

He destroyed the economy and took us to the edge of total collapse.

I guess people forget the campaign slogan in 1992.


The first bush was voted out of office in 1992. He left office in shame and disgrace with record low approval rates, the country in crisis and ruin.

reagan destroyed our economy when he first came into office and had time to spend to record high levels to prop up a fake economy. Mostly dependent on tax dollars through the military industrial complex and irresponsible extreme deregulation of business so he was reelected in 1984. reagan took us to what was at the time, the worst economic collapse since the last republican Great Depression. reagan's fake economy from out of control military spending and irresponsible deregulation on business is one of the reasons why the first george bush's economy collapsed.

Our history is filled with conservative/republican presidents destroying or nearly destroying our economy and nation. With a democrat/moderate being voted in to clean up the mess.

My question is when will America learn?
Your post only helps prove the massive fraud that took place. People vote with their wallets and wanted Trump to restore the economy, not Biden. PA voters did not vote away their livelihood. They knew Biden was going to kill energy jobs. MI the same, where mining provides good paying jobs.

Thanks for pointing that out.
He was elected by pure fraud and a rigged election

Ah, poster Quasar44, correct me I'm wrong but haven't there been repeated requests to your avatar to prove it? To show what you know, and how you know it? Request to you to at least try to be persuasive and motivate folks to believe in one of your emphatic assertions?

I ask, because I don't recall you ever being able, or willing, to be convincing. To date, it is merely a bold assertion then scurry away. Not unlike those juvenile graffiti guys with the spray-can. This is digital, I know, but......but the comparison seems apt. No?

Biden is crushing covid and doing a much better job than Trump. The majority of America agrees with this. When Biden crushes covid, the economy will boom and Biden will be the hero. America is entering the new roaring 20s. This is going to be another Bill Clinton Golden Age. You are going to be very very unhappy that America is so strong and great.

Well, I am quite willing to agree with 'The Banker' on Biden making good, solid, and encouraging progress in not only getting shot-in-arms (which is absolutely critical); but also in communicating with Americans in a manner where they feel a sense of optimism, and not the sense they are being fibbed to, being conned.

BOTH.....are vitally important for America to come through this terrible ordeal.
In short, in contradistinction to why the previous President lost his job ---Joe is being deemed trustworthy at this point; and he is conveying competence in his efforts against Covid.

Now, as far as The Banker's predictions on a booming economy, 'roaring 20's analogy, 'Golden Age'.......well, I dunno.
But hope he is right.

I agree about the "roaring 20s" analogy.

If anyone knows the truth of what caused that "roaring" time and the result of that "roaring" time they would never, ever, use that term again.

Great Job tonight Joe !
This is why he was elected, to fix the Trump mess and distribute the vaccine.

Trump did nothing to procure the large amount of vaccines needed, letting hundreds of millions of doses slip away to Europe?? AND, Trump had no real plan for the large scale distribution of the vaccine beyond giving it to the states, a process that was moving forward very slowly.

1) Joe has enlisted the power of the US Government to aid in the distribution of the vaccine.
2) Joe has procured a sufficient amount of vaccine, unlike Trump who let too many doses slip away to Europe.
3) Joe has promoted social distancing and mask wearing, AND has not held super-spreader events and rallies like Trump. Covid cases are plummeting, easing the strain on our healthcare system and saving $Billions and lives.
4) Joe and the dems have finally passed a suitable rescue bill to help Americans and move the country forward.
5) When Joe beats covid the Biden boom will begin and the economy will explode to the upside, with the stock market hitting un-imaginable highs. This is the early innings of another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

Joe is doing a great job so far, this is why he was elected.

(struggles not to laugh)

Don't give yourself a hernia. Just go ahead and laugh at him; everyone else is.
I think I may just do that.
Sadly this guy might be your banker.

Have you noticed Xiden sports a mask just for show, but half the time he doesn't wear one "when necessary" and even then it falls down off his nose like he has dementia (COUGH!). What a spectacle, what a banana republic straight out of "1984".

I stopped watching the speech five words in quite literally, the Xiden can't even pronounce "tonight", but the Banker figures AWESOME speech cuz he's PROG-tarded.
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Except everything I said is factual and verifiable as well as the fact that COVID was in decline. But you do you and keep twisting it to "Biden" did it all and Trump's administration had nothing to do with it.
I agree The vaccine was developed very quickly, before Biden was president.

Too bad Trump had nothing to do with that accomplishment. Every other president would have done exactly the same, and the vaccine would have gotten developed just as quickly, because Trump didn't do anything remarkable or even remotely unique and special.

Enjoy the Biden Boom, this is why he was elected.

I disagree.

Every other president would have had a plan to get that vaccine distributed and into the arms of Americans while the vaccine was being developed so that by the time it was ready, we had everything in place to get it into the arms of all Americans quickly.

trump didn't do that.

Every other president would NEVER have purposely refused 100 million doses of the vaccine. Leaving us with only enough to vaccinate 50 million people.

trump did do that. Last summer he purposely refused 100 million doses of the vaccine resulting those doses going to Europe and not America.

While I agree, he did throw money at the development, that's about it. Mostly because he is president, not a scientist working to develop the vaccine.


He did have control and was the person who should have developed a plan to get the vaccine distributed and into the arms of Americans.

He did have control of how many doses we had when the vaccine was developed yet refused 100 million doses.

In fact, that is one of his jobs as president. To make sure we had enough vaccine and had a plan to get it into the arms of Americans.

He totally failed.

Every other president would have had that plan developed and ready to be implemented when that vaccine was approved.

Every other president would NOT have REFUSED 100 million doses of the vaccine.
Except everything I said is factual and verifiable as well as the fact that COVID was in decline. But you do you and keep twisting it to "Biden" did it all and Trump's administration had nothing to do with it.
I agree The vaccine was developed very quickly, before Biden was president.

Too bad Trump had nothing to do with that accomplishment. Every other president would have done exactly the same, and the vaccine would have gotten developed just as quickly, because Trump didn't do anything remarkable or even remotely unique and special.

Enjoy the Biden Boom, this is why he was elected.

I disagree.

Every other president would have had a plan to get that vaccine distributed and into the arms of Americans while the vaccine was being developed so that by the time it was ready, we had everything in place to get it into the arms of all Americans quickly.

trump didn't do that.

Every other president would NEVER have purposely refused 100 million doses of the vaccine. Leaving us with only enough to vaccinate 50 million people.

trump did do that. Last summer he purposely refused 100 million doses of the vaccine resulting those doses going to Europe and not America.

While I agree, he did throw money at the development, that's about it. Mostly because he is president, not a scientist working to develop the vaccine.


He did have control and was the person who should have developed a plan to get the vaccine distributed and into the arms of Americans.

He did have control of how many doses we had when the vaccine was developed yet refused 100 million doses.

In fact, that is one of his jobs as president. To make sure we had enough vaccine and had a plan to get it into the arms of Americans.

He totally failed.

Every other president would have had that plan developed and ready to be implemented when that vaccine was approved.

Every other president would NOT have REFUSED 100 million doses of the vaccine.
If it was not for Trump we would not have a vaccine. China Joe is trying to take the credit for what a legitimate president did. And, as your post proves, there are very stupid people that believe him.
Simple sentences and sentence fragments, all put up in extra large print on the glass....Practiced intensively for days...Then a nice stiff jolt of amphetamines to make those blue eyes look like a couple lumps of coal.

Yeah Joe, you're a real dynamo!
He's definitely on something when his blues turn black. An empty confusion about them.

A man so abused by everyone around him and he can't speak up.
I love how you are so jealous of Biden's success.
Trump failed on covid miserably and lost the election because of it. "We're rounding the curve"
Biden is winning because he is getting the job done. America is about to soar to new heights.

Your head is so far up your ass, you must have been watching the speech through your belly button.
Great comeback....

Bill Parcels: You are what your record says you are

The record of Trump and Bush is a record of total failure. Bush and Trump left office in shame and disgrace with record low approval ratings and the country in crisis and ruin. Bush, Trump, and the GOP are total failures.

This is why Biden was elected.

People forget the first bush. He was president from 1989 until 1993.

He destroyed the economy and took us to the edge of total collapse.

I guess people forget the campaign slogan in 1992.


The first bush was voted out of office in 1992. He left office in shame and disgrace with record low approval rates, the country in crisis and ruin.

reagan destroyed our economy when he first came into office and had time to spend to record high levels to prop up a fake economy. Mostly dependent on tax dollars through the military industrial complex and irresponsible extreme deregulation of business so he was reelected in 1984. reagan took us to what was at the time, the worst economic collapse since the last republican Great Depression. reagan's fake economy from out of control military spending and irresponsible deregulation on business is one of the reasons why the first george bush's economy collapsed.

Our history is filled with conservative/republican presidents destroying or nearly destroying our economy and nation. With a democrat/moderate being voted in to clean up the mess.

My question is when will America learn?
Your post only helps prove the massive fraud that took place. People vote with their wallets and wanted Trump to restore the economy, not Biden. PA voters did not vote away their livelihood. They knew Biden was going to kill energy jobs. MI the same, where mining provides good paying jobs.

Thanks for pointing that out.
Philly is so corrupt Chicago thinks it stinks
If it was not for Trump we would not have a vaccine.

Captain Obvious could observe: "If it was not for Trump Covid would not have resulted in over a half-million American corpses."

Just sayin'.
It was not Trump's fault. Look to the Blue state governors if you want killers. And Covid is only responsible for a little less than 32,000 deaths. Those deaths were from comorbidity and seriously inflated by lying bureaucrats and politicians.
Great Job tonight Joe !
This is why he was elected, to fix the Trump mess and distribute the vaccine.

Trump did nothing to procure the large amount of vaccines needed, letting hundreds of millions of doses slip away to Europe?? AND, Trump had no real plan for the large scale distribution of the vaccine beyond giving it to the states, a process that was moving forward very slowly.

1) Joe has enlisted the power of the US Government to aid in the distribution of the vaccine.
2) Joe has procured a sufficient amount of vaccine, unlike Trump who let too many doses slip away to Europe.
3) Joe has promoted social distancing and mask wearing, AND has not held super-spreader events and rallies like Trump. Covid cases are plummeting, easing the strain on our healthcare system and saving $Billions and lives.
4) Joe and the dems have finally passed a suitable rescue bill to help Americans and move the country forward.
5) When Joe beats covid the Biden boom will begin and the economy will explode to the upside, with the stock market hitting un-imaginable highs. This is the early innings of another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

Joe is doing a great job so far, this is why he was elected.

he is a fuck stick,slowly destorying thr country
"you are one stupid fuck"

I, for one, always look forward to your thoughtful, and articulate responses poster Nova78.
I admire you facility with the English language, your measured demeanor, and serious tone.

Although, admittedly, your frequent, constant, overuse of the epithet "Fuck".....may give some contributors here a reason to think that you could be uneducated, undereducated, or mis-educated, possessing only a thin and threadbare vocabulary.

But, it must be duly noted for the sake of civility and respectful discourse: I ain't one of those above who would think such. Nor am I one who thinks you are educated.

While Trump has done more to save Americans by delivering 2 vacines, Democrats have killed and continue to try to kill SCORES of Americans'

Cuomo murdered over 15,000 Americans, Biden's Transgender Assisrant Health Care Director murdered over 20,000, Whitmer murdered over 2,000 using the same nursing home policie...

Pathetic how Joe Biden is attempting to claim credit for the vaccines Trump's administration, seeking to take credit for SAVING American lives while his disastrous Immigration plan is putting America's National Securith and MILLIONS of American lives in jeopardy by letting thousands of Infected COVID-19 ILLEGALS and those not tested yet into the US and scattering them across the US without letting local and state governments know they are coming, just like Barry used to do.

While CCP Joe is telling Anericans HE is keeping them safe his policies are risking their lives / killing them.

While CCP Joe is telling Americans to wear masks, social distance, limiting Americans' ability to travel and threatening to somehow NOT allow Americans to celebrate INDEPENDENCE DAY if they fail to COMPLY, Joe is facilitating the biggest SUPER SPREADER EVENT of this entire pandemic!

The increased human / drug / child trafficking and the deaths of Americans from COVID-19 due to Joe letting infected illegals invade the US and spread throughout the US is all on JOE BIDEN - HE OWNS THIS NOW!
Killing with Covid makes sense to Democrats since the dead constitute about 30% of their voting base. Cause doesn't matter; it's the "dead" part that gets out the vote.
If it was not for Trump we would not have a vaccine.

Captain Obvious could observe: "If it was not for Trump Covid would not have resulted in over a half-million American corpses."

Just sayin'.
Educated people would say you are a liar. If it weren’t for China, Cuomo, and other Dims, those people would be alive. You’re an ass. Just sayin’.

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