Fantastic Speech by Biden !

Great Job tonight Joe !
This is why he was elected, to fix the Trump mess and distribute the vaccine.

Trump did nothing to procure the large amount of vaccines needed, letting hundreds of millions of doses slip away to Europe?? AND, Trump had no real plan for the large scale distribution of the vaccine beyond giving it to the states, a process that was moving forward very slowly.

1) Joe has enlisted the power of the US Government to aid in the distribution of the vaccine.
2) Joe has procured a sufficient amount of vaccine, unlike Trump who let too many doses slip away to Europe.
3) Joe has promoted social distancing and mask wearing, AND has not held super-spreader events and rallies like Trump. Covid cases are plummeting, easing the strain on our healthcare system and saving $Billions and lives.
4) Joe and the dems have finally passed a suitable rescue bill to help Americans and move the country forward.
5) When Joe beats covid the Biden boom will begin and the economy will explode to the upside, with the stock market hitting un-imaginable highs. This is the early innings of another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

Joe is doing a great job so far, this is why he was elected.

I strongly prefer Trump's matter-of-fact speeches over Biden's emotional nonsense speeches about hugs and stuff.

Biden's speech was incredibly prolific with nonsense emotional non-scientific feeling stuff, designed to appeal to the depressed people that Dem leaders have purposefully made depressed.

It was a terrible speech, IMO.

There were 1.6M doses administered on January 20th alone. The seven-day rolling average was 1.2M per day when Biden took over, with over 22M doses administered. Trump had already exceeded Biden's weak goal of 1.0M per day. And the vaccine had only been approved for a month.

Trump launched Operation Warp Speed, funding six vaccines, three of which were developed successfully in one year. The MSM said it “would take a miracle.”
Fact check: Trump needs 'miracle' to be right about rosy vaccine timeline, experts say

And Biden is taking credit for it tonight on live national television. But kids aren't even back in school yet, when the science says the schools should have never closed.

Trump is the miracle worker.

Exactly......well said and right to the point.

It was interesting to see Biden bring out all the hate crimes against Asians that have been going on....but he could have included Jews and whites in that group that are being victimized by black thugs in our big fact more whites and Jews have been attacked than Asians.....the Asian victims have gotten a lot of press lately because the msm has linked it to the pandemic...yet I do not think most of them were attacked because of the thugs attack those they perceive are weak whoever that might be...sometimes even other blacks.

Biden>>>" Biden calls out the rise in hate crimes against Asian Americans during the pandemic, saying they're "attacked, harassed, blamed and scapegoated" "They are forced to live in fear for their lives just walking down streets in America. It's wrong, it's un-American and it must stop"

I am sure blacks do not appreciate him saying that as they do not ever like to hear fellow blacks put down even though they are also victimized by these thugs.

The reason for that is quite simple....they realize it would harm the liberal narrative on blacks always being the victims....which fallacy they use to get more handouts from Uncle.
Systemic racism. It's endemic in the Democratic party.

You probably already heard that the $1.9T gives up to 120% of debt relief for certain minority farmers.

All over America now, Dems are trying to fix the sins of past racism with a new form of racism that they refer to as "equity."

Dems are actually passing partisan racist bills, and our president just signed one.

There was a White farmer on Fox this morning. He talked about how he used to have a lot of debt, so he worked hard and paid it off. Now this bill would pay off 120% of minority farmers' debt? And the Caucasian farmers who still have debt would be put at significant financial disadvantage. What's up with that?

The way you fix the system is to give equal opportunity for all, regardless of how they were born. When you give unfair advantages to one group, systematically, you break the natural order of things where the best and brightest achieve success with superior products and advances.

It's similar to lowering performance standards for a group of people. That is not generally helpful. Naturally, when you lower standards, you get lesser performance. The converse is also true.

If you want to get into Yale, your standards are dependent upon the way you were born. Trump admin was suing Yale. Biden cancelled it, to allow the racism to continue.

Race and ethnicity should be removed from every federal and state form, and every college application. That's how you institute equality.
Here is another white person who has psychosis about 245 years of American history from 1776-today. Whites have alwwways had unfair advantage. The white farmers have been able to get fundd that black farmers were denied. Seems that whites like this one have a purposeful amnesia.

Equity is not racism.
The Trump cult has given us a seemingly permanent population segment of pathetic whining bitches.
A good part of the country does it share of whining. But we have a right not to take the vaccine. Only a threat to ourselves and its our body. Our choice.

The idiot Joe Biden has done absolutely nothing concerning the production of vaccines. It was President Trump who set that into motion, and the pharma companies can only produce what they can produce.

All I'm seeing is an old man who barely has enough mental capacity to read a pre-prepared speech from a teleprompter. He acts like he performed some miracle in distributing the vaccines from the manufacturer to the people, but Trump would have done that anyway. And he would have done it more efficiently.

Nothing to see in his speech, except that it was probably deliberately written in 5-7 word sentences. That's about all he can handle without fucking up.

He walked off the stage without answering any questions, and Tucker called it "strange" and surreal." My wife called the speech "bizzare."
Trump did not order enough vaccines.
It is well documented that Trump let millions of doses slip away to Europe. Important doses that could have saved lives. Trump was a total failure.

Trump had no plan to distribute the vaccine beyond giving it to the states.

Trump ordered plenty. Manufacturers couldn’t get enough produced that quickly. Their issue, not Trump’s. The states are in charge of how they distribute vaccines. Again, not Trump’s problem blue states are clueless.
typical lies. Trump let hundreds of millions of doses slip away.
The truth can be a tough pill to swallow for idiot Trumpers. here's the truth:

Trump failed, and is a failed president.

You're just a troll.

I hope you have as much fun with us as we have with you.

The idiot Joe Biden has done absolutely nothing concerning the production of vaccines. It was President Trump who set that into motion, and the pharma companies can only produce what they can produce.

All I'm seeing is an old man who barely has enough mental capacity to read a pre-prepared speech from a teleprompter. He acts like he performed some miracle in distributing the vaccines from the manufacturer to the people, but Trump would have done that anyway. And he would have done it more efficiently.

Nothing to see in his speech, except that it was probably deliberately written in 5-7 word sentences. That's about all he can handle without fucking up.

He walked off the stage without answering any questions, and Tucker called it "strange" and surreal." My wife called the speech "bizzare."
Trump did not order enough vaccines.
It is well documented that Trump let millions of doses slip away to Europe. Important doses that could have saved lives. Trump was a total failure.

Trump had no plan to distribute the vaccine beyond giving it to the states.

Trump ordered plenty. Manufacturers couldn’t get enough produced that quickly. Their issue, not Trump’s. The states are in charge of how they distribute vaccines. Again, not Trump’s problem blue states are clueless.
typical lies. Trump let hundreds of millions of doses slip away.
The truth can be a tough pill to swallow for idiot Trumpers. here's the truth:

Trump failed, and is a failed president.

You're just a troll.

I hope you have as much fun with us as we have with you.
In wacko Trump land the truth is considered trolling. Sometimes in life the truth is a tough pill to swallow for you Trumpers. That's why you watch Fox news and Alex Jones and love Trump, they tell you the lies you need to hear to be a loyal sheep. The truth is kryptonite to a Trumper. No Trumper wants to hear the truth. You can't even admit Biden won the election...
Last edited:
All Biden has done is continue Trumps policies and continue distribution of vaccine ordered under Trump.


Invoking Defense Production Act to manufacture vaccines and related materials was not "ordered under Trump", niether was federal government administering vaccinations.
The senile bastard said no vaccines existed before he took office..

Easy I suggest you take your silly lunatic bs elsewhere. I'm just not interested.
F* you - put me on ignore & don't read my posts if the truth offends you so much.

I'm close to it. But I'll hold out a bit longer, maybe you could put togather a serious argument at some point.
A serious argument.......lolol.....Here????.....lololol............OMG....................I never came here once for a serious

You'll have to do to the crypt called CDZ for that if you can find someone living. You found enough of them dead when you cheated your ass off in the 2020 heist. Perhaps they could go to CDZ for discussion

You can go to the Garden and have a serious discussion about tomaters though
Last edited:

The idiot Joe Biden has done absolutely nothing concerning the production of vaccines. It was President Trump who set that into motion, and the pharma companies can only produce what they can produce.

All I'm seeing is an old man who barely has enough mental capacity to read a pre-prepared speech from a teleprompter. He acts like he performed some miracle in distributing the vaccines from the manufacturer to the people, but Trump would have done that anyway. And he would have done it more efficiently.

Nothing to see in his speech, except that it was probably deliberately written in 5-7 word sentences. That's about all he can handle without fucking up.

He walked off the stage without answering any questions, and Tucker called it "strange" and surreal." My wife called the speech "bizzare."
Trump did not order enough vaccines.
It is well documented that Trump let millions of doses slip away to Europe. Important doses that could have saved lives. Trump was a total failure.

Trump had no plan to distribute the vaccine beyond giving it to the states.

You do realize you exposed you don't have an ounce of credibility.

All the shit you spew has more holes than Swiss cheese. All twisted nonsense

I'm sorry. You've been placed on permanent scroll-by...bye bye

The idiot Joe Biden has done absolutely nothing concerning the production of vaccines. It was President Trump who set that into motion, and the pharma companies can only produce what they can produce.

All I'm seeing is an old man who barely has enough mental capacity to read a pre-prepared speech from a teleprompter. He acts like he performed some miracle in distributing the vaccines from the manufacturer to the people, but Trump would have done that anyway. And he would have done it more efficiently.

Nothing to see in his speech, except that it was probably deliberately written in 5-7 word sentences. That's about all he can handle without fucking up.

He walked off the stage without answering any questions, and Tucker called it "strange" and surreal." My wife called the speech "bizzare."
Trump did not order enough vaccines.
It is well documented that Trump let millions of doses slip away to Europe. Important doses that could have saved lives. Trump was a total failure.

Trump had no plan to distribute the vaccine beyond giving it to the states.

You do realize you exposed you don't have an ounce of credibility.

All the shit you spew has more holes than Swiss cheese. All twisted nonsense

I'm sorry. You've been placed on permanent scroll-by...bye bye
You have supposedly put me on ignore about 100 times already.

I just said it:
Sometimes in life the truth is a tough pill to swallow for you Trumpers. That's why you watch Fox news and Alex Jones and love Trump, they tell you the lies you need to hear to be a loyal sheep. The truth is kryptonite to a Trumper. No Trumper wants to hear the truth. You can't even admit Biden won the election...
Great Job tonight Joe !
This is why he was elected, to fix the Trump mess and distribute the vaccine.

Trump did nothing to procure the large amount of vaccines needed, letting hundreds of millions of doses slip away to Europe?? AND, Trump had no real plan for the large scale distribution of the vaccine beyond giving it to the states, a process that was moving forward very slowly.

1) Joe has enlisted the power of the US Government to aid in the distribution of the vaccine.
2) Joe has procured a sufficient amount of vaccine, unlike Trump who let too many doses slip away to Europe.
3) Joe has promoted social distancing and mask wearing, AND has not held super-spreader events and rallies like Trump. Covid cases are plummeting, easing the strain on our healthcare system and saving $Billions and lives.
4) Joe and the dems have finally passed a suitable rescue bill to help Americans and move the country forward.
5) When Joe beats covid the Biden boom will begin and the economy will explode to the upside, with the stock market hitting un-imaginable highs. This is the early innings of another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

Joe is doing a great job so far, this is why he was elected.

I strongly prefer Trump's matter-of-fact speeches over Biden's emotional nonsense speeches about hugs and stuff.

Biden's speech was incredibly prolific with nonsense emotional non-scientific feeling stuff, designed to appeal to the depressed people that Dem leaders have purposefully made depressed.

It was a terrible speech, IMO.

There were 1.6M doses administered on January 20th alone. The seven-day rolling average was 1.2M per day when Biden took over, with over 22M doses administered. Trump had already exceeded Biden's weak goal of 1.0M per day. And the vaccine had only been approved for a month.

Trump launched Operation Warp Speed, funding six vaccines, three of which were developed successfully in one year. The MSM said it “would take a miracle.”
Fact check: Trump needs 'miracle' to be right about rosy vaccine timeline, experts say

And Biden is taking credit for it tonight on live national television. But kids aren't even back in school yet, when the science says the schools should have never closed.

Trump is the miracle worker.

Exactly......well said and right to the point.

It was interesting to see Biden bring out all the hate crimes against Asians that have been going on....but he could have included Jews and whites in that group that are being victimized by black thugs in our big fact more whites and Jews have been attacked than Asians.....the Asian victims have gotten a lot of press lately because the msm has linked it to the pandemic...yet I do not think most of them were attacked because of the thugs attack those they perceive are weak whoever that might be...sometimes even other blacks.

Biden>>>" Biden calls out the rise in hate crimes against Asian Americans during the pandemic, saying they're "attacked, harassed, blamed and scapegoated" "They are forced to live in fear for their lives just walking down streets in America. It's wrong, it's un-American and it must stop"

I am sure blacks do not appreciate him saying that as they do not ever like to hear fellow blacks put down even though they are also victimized by these thugs.

The reason for that is quite simple....they realize it would harm the liberal narrative on blacks always being the victims....which fallacy they use to get more handouts from Uncle.
Systemic racism. It's endemic in the Democratic party.

You probably already heard that the $1.9T gives up to 120% of debt relief for certain minority farmers.

All over America now, Dems are trying to fix the sins of past racism with a new form of racism that they refer to as "equity."

Dems are actually passing partisan racist bills, and our president just signed one.

There was a White farmer on Fox this morning. He talked about how he used to have a lot of debt, so he worked hard and paid it off. Now this bill would pay off 120% of minority farmers' debt? And the Caucasian farmers who still have debt would be put at significant financial disadvantage. What's up with that?

The way you fix the system is to give equal opportunity for all, regardless of how they were born. When you give unfair advantages to one group, systematically, you break the natural order of things where the best and brightest achieve success with superior products and advances.

It's similar to lowering performance standards for a group of people. That is not generally helpful. Naturally, when you lower standards, you get lesser performance. The converse is also true.

If you want to get into Yale, your standards are dependent upon the way you were born. Trump admin was suing Yale. Biden cancelled it, to allow the racism to continue.

Race and ethnicity should be removed from every federal and state form, and every college application. That's how you institute equality.
Here is another white person who has psychosis about 245 years of American history from 1776-today. Whites have alwwways had unfair advantage. The white farmers have been able to get fundd that black farmers were denied. Seems that whites like this one have a purposeful amnesia.

Equity is not racism.
I'm sorry, and I don't mean this in an insulting way, only what I believe to be a factual one....

I think you are the real racist. I mean that sincerely, and I don't hate you for it. You are entitled to your opinion.
Great Job tonight Joe !
This is why he was elected, to fix the Trump mess and distribute the vaccine.

Trump did nothing to procure the large amount of vaccines needed, letting hundreds of millions of doses slip away to Europe?? AND, Trump had no real plan for the large scale distribution of the vaccine beyond giving it to the states, a process that was moving forward very slowly.

1) Joe has enlisted the power of the US Government to aid in the distribution of the vaccine.
2) Joe has procured a sufficient amount of vaccine, unlike Trump who let too many doses slip away to Europe.
3) Joe has promoted social distancing and mask wearing, AND has not held super-spreader events and rallies like Trump. Covid cases are plummeting, easing the strain on our healthcare system and saving $Billions and lives.
4) Joe and the dems have finally passed a suitable rescue bill to help Americans and move the country forward.
5) When Joe beats covid the Biden boom will begin and the economy will explode to the upside, with the stock market hitting un-imaginable highs. This is the early innings of another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

Joe is doing a great job so far, this is why he was elected.

You mean the same dumb fucking child molester that said there was no vaccine when he came into office, even though he had been fully vaccinated by that time with TWO doses of the non-existent vaccine? You mean that great guy?
All Biden has done is continue Trumps policies and continue distribution of vaccine ordered under Trump.


Invoking Defense Production Act to manufacture vaccines and related materials was not "ordered under Trump", niether was federal government administering vaccinations.
The senile bastard said no vaccines existed before he took office..

Easy I suggest you take your silly lunatic bs elsewhere. I'm just not interested.
F* you - put me on ignore & don't read my posts if the truth offends you so much.

I'm close to it. But I'll hold out a bit longer, maybe you could put togather a serious argument at some point.
A serious argument.......lolol.....Here????.....lololol............OMG....................I never came here once for a serious

You'll have to do to the crypt called CDZ for that if you can find someone living. You found enough of them dead when you cheated your ass off in the 2020 heist. Perhaps they could go to CDZ for discussion

You can go to the Garden and have a serious discussion about tomaters though

...and another bag of crazy nonsense.

I've listed a clear difference from last admin's policy on vaccinations. If anyone has a SANE objection I'm all ears.
All Biden has done is continue Trumps policies and continue distribution of vaccine ordered under Trump.


Invoking Defense Production Act to manufacture vaccines and related materials was not "ordered under Trump", niether was federal government administering vaccinations.
The senile bastard said no vaccines existed before he took office..

Easy I suggest you take your silly lunatic bs elsewhere. I'm just not interested.
F* you - put me on ignore & don't read my posts if the truth offends you so much.

I'm close to it. But I'll hold out a bit longer, maybe you could put togather a serious argument at some point.
A serious argument.......lolol.....Here????.....lololol............OMG....................I never came here once for a serious

You'll have to do to the crypt called CDZ for that if you can find someone living. You found enough of them dead when you cheated your ass off in the 2020 heist. Perhaps they could go to CDZ for discussion

You can go to the Garden and have a serious discussion about tomaters though

...and another bag of crazy nonsense.

I've listed a clear difference from last admin's policy on vaccinations. If anyone has a SANE objection I'm all ears.
The last administration's policy on vacinations was to do what Democrats declared was IMPOSSIBLE - research, trials, develop, distribute, & begin vaccinations in less than a year.

Biden was one of the recipients of 2 vaccinations before he took office that he has claimed did not exist before he took office....after declaring he would never trust / take a vaccine developed under Trump.

Biden is a lying, dementia-ravaged POS whose administration has only been able to keep vaccinations going at the same pace it already was under Trump....those are the facts....and for snowflakes like you to claim otherwise and push Joe's lies only makes you look that much more stupid.
All Biden has done is continue Trumps policies and continue distribution of vaccine ordered under Trump.


Invoking Defense Production Act to manufacture vaccines and related materials was not "ordered under Trump", niether was federal government administering vaccinations.
The senile bastard said no vaccines existed before he took office..

Easy I suggest you take your silly lunatic bs elsewhere. I'm just not interested.
F* you - put me on ignore & don't read my posts if the truth offends you so much.

I'm close to it. But I'll hold out a bit longer, maybe you could put togather a serious argument at some point.
A serious argument.......lolol.....Here????.....lololol............OMG....................I never came here once for a serious

You'll have to do to the crypt called CDZ for that if you can find someone living. You found enough of them dead when you cheated your ass off in the 2020 heist. Perhaps they could go to CDZ for discussion

You can go to the Garden and have a serious discussion about tomaters though

...and another bag of crazy nonsense.

I've listed a clear difference from last admin's policy on vaccinations. If anyone has a SANE objection I'm all ears.
The last administration's policy on vacinations was to do what Democrats declared was IMPOSSIBLE - research, trials, develop, distribute, & begin vaccinations in less than a year.

I do not remember any such declarations. But I'm sure you can put up a source for you buck wild assertion, like usual :rolleyes-41:

Trump was running his mouth about a vaccine as early as October. His admin failed to meet it's own vaccination goals.

“We use all of our regulatory tools to bring vaccine available for the entire American population by January,” Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said at the time. The program’s director, Moncef Slaoui, closely echoed that projection.

“I have very recently seen early data from a clinical trial with a coronavirus vaccine,” Slaoui said in May. “And this data made me feel even more confident that we will be able to deliver a few hundred million doses of vaccine by the end of 2020.”

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Trump: were going to have a vaccine ready soon with plans to use military to distribute it. We should have close to 1 million vaccines per day soon.

Dems: I don't trust a trump vaccine and would not take it and suggest you don't either

Biden: were going to have a vaccine ready soon with plans to use military to distribute it. We should have close to 1 million vaccines per day soon

Dems: horray!

Get real. Trumpy Bear never once engaged the military.
He just liked playing with his toy soldiers.

Joseph Stolen looks like a 3rd grader trying to read a speech that's written for a university sophomore. Trotting that stuttering fuck out to shit the bed in front of the entire planet is just cruel.

Let's sample some of the crayon-eating fucktard's work:

All Biden has done is continue Trumps policies and continue distribution of vaccine ordered under Trump.


Invoking Defense Production Act to manufacture vaccines and related materials was not "ordered under Trump", niether was federal government administering vaccinations.
The senile bastard said no vaccines existed before he took office..

Easy I suggest you take your silly lunatic bs elsewhere. I'm just not interested.
F* you - put me on ignore & don't read my posts if the truth offends you so much.

I'm close to it. But I'll hold out a bit longer, maybe you could put togather a serious argument at some point.
A serious argument.......lolol.....Here????.....lololol............OMG....................I never came here once for a serious

You'll have to do to the crypt called CDZ for that if you can find someone living. You found enough of them dead when you cheated your ass off in the 2020 heist. Perhaps they could go to CDZ for discussion

You can go to the Garden and have a serious discussion about tomaters though

...and another bag of crazy nonsense.

I've listed a clear difference from last admin's policy on vaccinations. If anyone has a SANE objection I'm all ears.
The last administration's policy on vacinations was to do what Democrats declared was IMPOSSIBLE - research, trials, develop, distribute, & begin vaccinations in less than a year.

Biden was one of the recipients of 2 vaccinations before he took office that he has claimed did not exist before he took office....after declaring he would never trust / take a vaccine developed under Trump.

Biden is a lying, dementia-ravaged POS whose administration has only been able to keep vaccinations going at the same pace it already was under Trump....those are the facts....and for snowflakes like you to claim otherwise and push Joe's lies only makes you look that much more stupid.
If you want to make the pathetic and irrational claim that Trump somehow had something to do with the scientists and researchers doing their great work, then good luck getting any sane, unbiased person to believe that. You can repeat it 1,000x, but it doesn't make it true.

Trump did nothing that every single other president would have done. All he did was say here's some money now go to work and make a vaccine, nothing more...

Trump was such a failure that you people need to try and claim credit for something that big Pharma did.
Trump: were going to have a vaccine ready soon with plans to use military to distribute it. We should have close to 1 million vaccines per day soon.

Dems: I don't trust a trump vaccine and would not take it and suggest you don't either

Biden: were going to have a vaccine ready soon with plans to use military to distribute it. We should have close to 1 million vaccines per day soon

Dems: horray!

Get real. Trumpy Bear never once engaged the military.
He just liked playing with his toy soldiers.

View attachment 467086
You didn't get the memo? Ix-nay on the draft odger-day!

Joseph Stolen had more draft deferments than President Trump and they were for.... wait for it...

"childhood asthma"

Something that doesn't show up on x-rays, like bone spurs.

There is literally no more cowardly, bitch-like way to dodge the draft than that. Your chinese handlers are not going to be pleased with you.

The idiot Joe Biden has done absolutely nothing concerning the production of vaccines. It was President Trump who set that into motion, and the pharma companies can only produce what they can produce.

All I'm seeing is an old man who barely has enough mental capacity to read a pre-prepared speech from a teleprompter. He acts like he performed some miracle in distributing the vaccines from the manufacturer to the people, but Trump would have done that anyway. And he would have done it more efficiently.

Nothing to see in his speech, except that it was probably deliberately written in 5-7 word sentences. That's about all he can handle without fucking up.

He walked off the stage without answering any questions, and Tucker called it "strange" and surreal." My wife called the speech "bizzare."
Trump did not order enough vaccines.
It is well documented that Trump let millions of doses slip away to Europe. Important doses that could have saved lives. Trump was a total failure.

Trump had no plan to distribute the vaccine beyond giving it to the states.

Trump ordered plenty. Manufacturers couldn’t get enough produced that quickly. Their issue, not Trump’s. The states are in charge of how they distribute vaccines. Again, not Trump’s problem blue states are clueless.
typical lies. Trump let hundreds of millions of doses slip away.
The truth can be a tough pill to swallow for idiot Trumpers. here's the truth:

Trump failed, and is a failed president.
Typical tabloid link with claims they can’t confirm. Sorry, Trump isn’t responsible for manufacturing. Seems it’s you who has a problem with the truth. You failed.

Joe Biden Is Still Lying About COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution. Here Are the Facts.

“Two months ago this country didn’t have nearly enough vaccine supply to vaccinate all or anywhere near all of the American public, but soon we will.”
- Dementia Joe

In July 2020, the Trump administration ordered 100 million doses of the vaccine under development by Pfizer, Inc. upon its being authorized. The agreement with Pfizer would allow the government to purchase an additional 500 million doses. In August, the Trump administration ordered 100 million doses of the vaccine under development by Moderna, Inc. upon its authorization.

An additional 100 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine were purchased by the Trump administration on December 23....That comes to at least 400 million vaccine doses from Pfizer and Moderna ordered by the Trump administration before Joe Biden took office. The population of the United States is 331 million people. Both of these vaccines are a two-dose shot, meaning that the Trump administration had ordered enough vaccines to innoculate 60 percent of the United States population before Biden even took office.

"When I took office 50 days ago, only 8% of Americans, after months, only 8% of those over the age of 65 had gotten their first vaccination. Today, that number is 65%. Just 14% of Americans over the age of 75 — 50 days ago had gotten their first shot. Today, that number is well over 70%.”

- Dementia Joe

Biden’s vague reference to the timeline of vaccinations ignores the fact that the Pfizer vaccine was authorized on December 11, meaning that the Trump administration had only five weeks to roll out and begin vaccinations, yet succeeded in getting over 16 million doses administered. To hear Biden tell the story, one might assume that vaccinations were hobbling along before he took office, but this is simply not true. In fact, COVID-19 vaccine distribution has followed the same trajectory under Biden as it was under Trump.

“When I came into office, you may recall I set a goal that many of you said was kind of way over the top. I said I intended to get 100 million shots in people’s arms in my first 100 days in office,”

- Dementia Joe

Pretty much the only person who believed that to be an ambitious goal was Joe Biden. Under the distribution plan initiated by the Trump administration, that goal was already being met. “By the end of the Trump administration, the last few days, over 1 million doses a day were going out,” noted Rep. Dan Crenshaw. But the Biden administration was lowballing that average by half in order to make their efforts seem successful compared to the Trump administration. Crenshaw noted that the Trump administration’s vaccine distribution plan is “exactly the same plan that the Biden administration is now using.”


The Biden Administration declared within his 1st 10 days in office that Trump had no COVID-19 Plan - the Trump team responded by releasing evidence that they had already spent 300 HOURS of meeting with the Biden team to explain the plan being executed and Operation Warp Speed.

Not once did Biden give credit for the historic work done in the Trump administration ... despite the fact that the entire reason was able to celebrate getting both of his COVID-19 vaccines on national TV before he took office was because of Trump and his team again doing what Democrats claimed was the impossible - research, trials, development, distribution, and vaccinations being given. The Trump administration did not just have 1 vaccine for COVID-19, there were 2.

Hell, the Vegetable claimed there was no vaccine when he took office. :cuckoo:
that vegetable can still fog up any mirror DC mister! & obama was born in kenya.

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