Far Left Wackadoodle Professor Strikes Again...


Jeffersonian Liberal
May 22, 2010
Ken Pittman passed this on.
Barack Obama told the Hispanic Caucus in his speech that “Mexicans” were here in America long before the United States was an idea.

Wrong. Here’s the quote:
Let me close by saying this. Long before America was even an idea, this land of plenty was home to many peoples. The British and French, the Dutch and Spanish, to Mexicans, to countless Indian tribes. We all shared the same land.
Sorry Barack. Mexico first became a state independent of Spain in 1821.
Does anyone proof read this garbage before he goes public with it?
Ken Pittman passed this on.
Barack Obama told the Hispanic Caucus in his speech that “Mexicans” were here in America long before the United States was an idea.

Wrong. Here’s the quote:
Let me close by saying this. Long before America was even an idea, this land of plenty was home to many peoples. The British and French, the Dutch and Spanish, to Mexicans, to countless Indian tribes. We all shared the same land.
Sorry Barack. Mexico first became a state independent of Spain in 1821.
Does anyone proof read this garbage before he goes public with it?

So? Who cares? But you're wrong anyway.

After New Spain won independence from Spain, it was decided that the new country would be named after its capital, Mexico City, which was founded in 1524 on top of the ancient Aztec capital of México-Tenochtitlan. The name comes from the Nahuatl language, but its meaning is not known. It has been suggested that it is derived from Mextli or Mēxihtli, a secret name for the god of war and patron of the Aztecs, Huitzilopochtli, in which case Mēxihco means "Place where Mēxihtli lives".[28]

Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
and the ones who were here before the U.S. became a country are welcome to stay. So whats the problem?
Ken Pittman passed this on.
Barack Obama told the Hispanic Caucus in his speech that “Mexicans” were here in America long before the United States was an idea.

Wrong. Here’s the quote:
Let me close by saying this. Long before America was even an idea, this land of plenty was home to many peoples. The British and French, the Dutch and Spanish, to Mexicans, to countless Indian tribes. We all shared the same land.
Sorry Barack. Mexico first became a state independent of Spain in 1821.
Does anyone proof read this garbage before he goes public with it?

So? Who cares? But you're wrong anyway.

After New Spain won independence from Spain, it was decided that the new country would be named after its capital, Mexico City, which was founded in 1524 on top of the ancient Aztec capital of México-Tenochtitlan. The name comes from the Nahuatl language, but its meaning is not known. It has been suggested that it is derived from Mextli or Mēxihtli, a secret name for the god of war and patron of the Aztecs, Huitzilopochtli, in which case Mēxihco means "Place where Mēxihtli lives".[28]
Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thats Spain Dear...
The war of independence was in 1820-21, it became an independent nation. It's in your link and mine. Sorry, you're wrong, did you read your link?:eusa_eh:
The Mexican race originated long before the Republic of Mexico was founded. Did you know that, Capitalist: that Mexicans were in Texas and New Mexico and California long before the colonies became the United States?

Don't play loose with the facts, dear: you will get bit in the ass every time.

OK, play time is over, and let's move on.
That's like saying the American race or U.S. race originated long before the United States of America actually existed. Mexican is a nationality, not a race.
Ken Pittman passed this on.
Barack Obama told the Hispanic Caucus in his speech that “Mexicans” were here in America long before the United States was an idea.

Wrong. Here’s the quote:
Sorry Barack. Mexico first became a state independent of Spain in 1821.
Does anyone proof read this garbage before he goes public with it?

So? Who cares? But you're wrong anyway.

After New Spain won independence from Spain, it was decided that the new country would be named after its capital, Mexico City, which was founded in 1524 on top of the ancient Aztec capital of México-Tenochtitlan. The name comes from the Nahuatl language, but its meaning is not known. It has been suggested that it is derived from Mextli or Mēxihtli, a secret name for the god of war and patron of the Aztecs, Huitzilopochtli, in which case Mēxihco means "Place where Mēxihtli lives".[28]
Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thats Spain Dear...
The war of independence was in 1820-21, it became an independent nation. It's in your link and mine. Sorry, you're wrong, did you read your link?:eusa_eh:

"New Spain" WAS the new country which became Mexico. It doesn't make a bit of difference when Mexico became an independent nation. It was still MEXICO.

Viceroyalty of New Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Colonial era, Spanish Empire
- Conquest of Mexico 1519–1521
- Viceroyalty created 1535

- New Granada estab.,
including Panama
27 May 1717
- Treaty of San Ildefonso 01 October 1800
- Grito de Dolores 1810
- Adams-Onís Treaty 1819
- Mexican and Central
American Independences.
That's like saying the American race or U.S. race originated long before the United States of America actually existed. Mexican is a nationality, not a race.

Go tell that to the Mexicans, who don't give a crap what you think about it.
So? Who cares? But you're wrong anyway.

Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thats Spain Dear...
The war of independence was in 1820-21, it became an independent nation. It's in your link and mine. Sorry, you're wrong, did you read your link?:eusa_eh:

"New Spain" WAS the new country which became Mexico. It doesn't make a bit of difference when Mexico became an independent nation. It was still MEXICO.

Viceroyalty of New Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Colonial era, Spanish Empire
- Conquest of Mexico 1519–1521
- Viceroyalty created 1535

- New Granada estab.,
including Panama
27 May 1717
- Treaty of San Ildefonso 01 October 1800
- Grito de Dolores 1810
- Adams-Onís Treaty 1819
- Mexican and Central
American Independences.

Does that mean Florida, which belonged to Spain at one time, is also Mexico? Is that the logic here?
Thats Spain Dear...
The war of independence was in 1820-21, it became an independent nation. It's in your link and mine. Sorry, you're wrong, did you read your link?:eusa_eh:

"New Spain" WAS the new country which became Mexico. It doesn't make a bit of difference when Mexico became an independent nation. It was still MEXICO.

Viceroyalty of New Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Colonial era, Spanish Empire
- Conquest of Mexico 1519–1521
- Viceroyalty created 1535

- New Granada estab.,
including Panama
27 May 1717
- Treaty of San Ildefonso 01 October 1800
- Grito de Dolores 1810
- Adams-Onís Treaty 1819
- Mexican and Central
American Independences.

Does that mean Florida, which belonged to Spain at one time, is also Mexico? Is that the logic here?

Huh? It's simply what they called that REGION which is now the independent state of Mexico, but was still MEXICO even before then. This really isn't too difficult to grasp.
"New Spain" WAS the new country which became Mexico. It doesn't make a bit of difference when Mexico became an independent nation. It was still MEXICO.

Viceroyalty of New Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Colonial era, Spanish Empire
- Conquest of Mexico 1519–1521
- Viceroyalty created 1535

- New Granada estab.,
including Panama
27 May 1717
- Treaty of San Ildefonso 01 October 1800
- Grito de Dolores 1810
- Adams-Onís Treaty 1819
- Mexican and Central
American Independences.

Does that mean Florida, which belonged to Spain at one time, is also Mexico? Is that the logic here?

Huh? It's simply what they called that REGION which is now the independent state of Mexico, but was still MEXICO even before then. This really isn't too difficult to grasp.

Did wack man really write that about Florida? What a loony. If my best friend ever takes over the universe, I am going to root for Bullfighter being deported to Juarez. I will be there to watch him frogmarched over the bridge and turned over to his Mexican buddies.
Jake and Maggie are right on the money.

The country of Mexico (corresponding almost exactly to the Viceroyalty of New Spain) was the legitimate successor, the legitimate heir to most of the lands colonised by Spain in North America (including what is now called the Southwest of the United States).

Just like the USA is the legitimate heir to the 13 colonies created by England on the Atlantic Coast of North America.
Ken Pittman passed this on.
Barack Obama told the Hispanic Caucus in his speech that “Mexicans” were here in America long before the United States was an idea.

Wrong. Here’s the quote:
Let me close by saying this. Long before America was even an idea, this land of plenty was home to many peoples. The British and French, the Dutch and Spanish, to Mexicans, to countless Indian tribes. We all shared the same land.
Sorry Barack. Mexico first became a state independent of Spain in 1821.
Does anyone proof read this garbage before he goes public with it?

Actually, there were NO mexicans at the time Obama is talking about. There were Aztec Indians. So yes, you are right and Obama is wrong. The indians called it the Mexica-Aztec Empire - Mexica being an Aztec tribe.
The Spanish landed on the coast of Mexico around 1520, and they were in the southwestern US 60 years later, building missions, creating estancias, extracting encomienda, and impregnating Indian women throughout Mexico and the American southwest. The Azteca-Mexica empire was overthrown by 1525, Angelhair, 250 years our revolution even started, and more than 300 years before the US allowed Texas to entered the union and tool the upper northwest from Mexico in war. Now re-evaluate what you said about the president's dating of southwestern history.
The Spanish landed on the coast of Mexico around 1520, and they were in the southwestern US 60 years later, building missions, creating estancias, extracting encomienda, and impregnating Indian women throughout Mexico and the American southwest. The Azteca-Mexica empire was overthrown by 1525, Angelhair, 250 years our revolution even started, and more than 300 years before the US allowed Texas to entered the union and tool the upper northwest from Mexico in war. Now re-evaluate what you said about the president's dating of southwestern history.

Since there seems to be such confusion over when Mexicans began being addressed as Mexicans, maybe I'll ask the question at what point did Europeans landing at Plymouth Rock start to call themselves "Americans"?? Does anyone really care? Apparently only when some idiot can glom onto some word spoken by Obama that he thinks is an OMG moment and tries to generate an entire argument over it as if it's of earth-shattering relevance.

I mean, COME ON!!! This ridiculous obsession with every utterance by Barack Obama has become a pandemic, to be treated only by massive psychotherapy and/or heavy doses of Xanax, apparently.
Such an obsession reveals truly a mental illness by those who possess it.
The Spanish landed on the coast of Mexico around 1520, and they were in the southwestern US 60 years later, building missions, creating estancias, extracting encomienda, and impregnating Indian women throughout Mexico and the American southwest. The Azteca-Mexica empire was overthrown by 1525, Angelhair, 250 years our revolution even started, and more than 300 years before the US allowed Texas to entered the union and tool the upper northwest from Mexico in war. Now re-evaluate what you said about the president's dating of southwestern history.

Since there seems to be such confusion over when Mexicans began being addressed as Mexicans, maybe I'll ask the question at what point did Europeans landing at Plymouth Rock start to call themselves "Americans"?? Does anyone really care? Apparently only when some idiot can glom onto some word spoken by Obama that he thinks is an OMG moment and tries to generate an entire argument over it as if it's of earth-shattering relevance.

I mean, COME ON!!! This ridiculous obsession with every utterance by Barack Obama has become a pandemic, to be treated only by massive psychotherapy and/or heavy doses of Xanax, apparently.

Yeah, you're right. Who gives a frig anyway. What does it all matter when at the end we will all end up nuked!
Angelhair, no one is going to nuke you. That would have happened up Bush and it didn't. If the current GOP comes back as it is, you might. Now how is that for scare tactics. Grow the frig up.
Angelhair, no one is going to nuke you. That would have happened up Bush and it didn't. If the current GOP comes back as it is, you might. Now how is that for scare tactics. Grow the frig up.

Oh really???? I did not know that! Whew!!!! Now how about if YOU grow the frig up.

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