"Far Right" can't win for GOP? ...BS!


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Okay, to start with... I take considerable exception to the left-wing incarnation of "the far right" because it essentially means "conservative." In a political context, the "far right" would be fascists or neo-confederates like Tim McVeigh. These radicals make up about .02% or less in the US, they are not a factor in any election because most of them don't vote. But the left has campaigned to instill this image of conservatives as "far right" when that simply isn't the case. So right off the bat we need to clarify that "far right" means hard core conservatives.

Conservatism is a philosophy and not an ideology. Unlike Liberalism, Conservatives have a wide range of personal beliefs on various issues of social and foreign policy nature, and perhaps even a little bit on economic issues. Most are pro life and believe in God. Most are believers in the Constitution and original intent of the founders. It's not a prerequisite to be a Conservative, you can oppose any of these and still be one.

The "debate" raging among the Republicans at this time is between what the left calls "far right" and the GOP establishment elite. In fact, the elites are even adopting the leftist rhetoric and calling conservatives "far right" in an attempt to marginalize them. So we keep coming back to this "far right" tag which simply refers to people who are passionately committed to conservative philosophy.

In 2008 and 2012, the establishment pushed the idea that only a "moderate" could defeat the Democrats. Both times, the moderate got clocked. Once again, we have the same elite establishment pushing the rhetoric that we need to nominate someone who isn't "far right" because they just can't win the general election. I say BULLSHIT!

The last "far right" conservative was Ronald Reagan... he won two of the largest landslides in political history. There is no evidence that a "far right" candidate cannot win the general election.... NONE! To the contrary, when nominated, they win by landslides.

Now the Elites are very powerful and have influence in the media, so they are pointing to all these polls showing how 47% of America is "politically independent" ...so we have to 'run to the middle' and be more 'moderate' which simply means, less conservative or less committed to conservative principles. The major flaw with this thinking is, most "politically independent" voters are Conservatives! A Conservative (far right) candidate is going to appeal to most of those voters. This is precisely what happened with Reagan and we called them "Reagan Democrats" because they represented the Conservatives who has previously voted Democrat.

What has been missing for Conservatives is a voice. Someone who believes in Conservative philosophy passionately and can articulate what it's all about to the masses. We've allowed people like John McCain and Mitt Romney to carry the water for Conservatism and along with the left, morph it into some backward ideology that must be defeated, or at the very least, apologized for! Conservatives have an uphill battle to change this dynamic but it can be done, it has been done before.

To the GOP Elites: You better get on board with a solid Conservative or the Democrats will win in 2016. This idea that we have to nominate someone "more moderate" is simply surrendering to the liberal left. It is telling every "independent voter" out there that you stand for absolutely nothing and will do whatever you can to capitulate to the left on every issue. You will not win with that strategy!
There's no such thing as a 'Far-Right'.

One either Recognizes, Respects, Defends and Adheres to the Principles that define America, or one does not and since there's no such thing as "REALLY Recognizing, Respecting, Defending, and Adhering to American Principles, well... you know.

The thing to understand however is that where one runs a campaign resting upon those principles... one wins. And that is because those principles speak to the human soul.
Boss and Keys are exactly the far right they deny.

They are not conservative but much further to the right with the reactionaries. Neither one "Recognizes, Respects, Defends and Adheres to the Principles that define America."

They would not vote for a Reagan today if a Cruz were available.
Boss and Keys are exactly the far right they deny.

They are not conservative but much further to the right with the reactionaries. Neither one "Recognizes, Respects, Defends and Adheres to the Principles that define America."

They would not vote for a Reagan today if a Cruz were available.

How 'bout you give us some examples of how Boss is "far right" in your mind?

Then, gives us a few examples of how Cruz is more "reactionary far right" than Reagan in terms of legislation he has supported that Reagan would have opposed and such?

My guess is, you will fail at both requests. You have nothing constructive to offer and you can't back your big mouth up with facts. You and Laughy the Clown have been spewing this same rhetoric for the past 6 years and you've never backed a word of it up.
Who is your "solid conservative" for 2016?

A "Reagan" wouldn't win the 2016 GOP primary.

Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul.

Reagan would mop the floor with today's Liberal just like he did back then.

If you want to believe the world has dramatically changed and there aren't a lot of conservatives anymore, that's up to you. I can't do anything about your mental illness. I realize the last few elections have given you a false sense of security and you think the political momentum is just not stoppable. You've got a rude awakening ahead and I can hardly wait.
Okay, to start with... I take considerable exception to the left-wing incarnation of "the far right" because it essentially means "conservative." In a political context, the "far right" would be fascists or neo-confederates like Tim McVeigh...
Would be?

Well it IS Rubio, Cruz, Tea Party wingers, and others who make the GOP look like a lunatic asylum
What is ridiculous is that so many buy into the 'either left or right' argument and then immediately refer to the one they disagree with in terms of extreme (-wing, far-, etc.). This is exactly what the two party dictatorship manipulates so well. It is a malady that we would do well to be cured of.
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The "debate" raging among the Republicans at this time is between what the left calls "far right" and the GOP establishment elite. In fact, the elites are even adopting the leftist rhetoric and calling conservatives "far right" in an attempt to marginalize them. So we keep coming back to this "far right" tag which simply refers to people who are passionately committed to conservative philosophy.
So you have the Left, Democrats, Liberals and Republicans calling CON$ervatives "the far Right."
It appears everybody except the "far Right" calls CON$ervatives the "far Right."
So why are you "far Right" CON$ervatives so ashamed of being so far right?
Then, gives us a few examples of how Cruz is more "reactionary far right" than Reagan in terms of legislation he has supported that Reagan would have opposed and such?
Cruz would never have supported St Ronnie's tax, borrow and spend policies.
Okay, to start with... I take considerable exception to the left-wing incarnation of "the far right" because it essentially means "conservative." In a political context, the "far right" would be fascists or neo-confederates like Tim McVeigh. These radicals make up about .02% or less in the US, they are not a factor in any election because most of them don't vote. But the left has campaigned to instill this image of conservatives as "far right" when that simply isn't the case. So right off the bat we need to clarify that "far right" means hard core conservatives.

Conservatism is a philosophy and not an ideology. Unlike Liberalism, Conservatives have a wide range of personal beliefs on various issues of social and foreign policy nature, and perhaps even a little bit on economic issues. Most are pro life and believe in God. Most are believers in the Constitution and original intent of the founders. It's not a prerequisite to be a Conservative, you can oppose any of these and still be one.

The "debate" raging among the Republicans at this time is between what the left calls "far right" and the GOP establishment elite. In fact, the elites are even adopting the leftist rhetoric and calling conservatives "far right" in an attempt to marginalize them. So we keep coming back to this "far right" tag which simply refers to people who are passionately committed to conservative philosophy.

In 2008 and 2012, the establishment pushed the idea that only a "moderate" could defeat the Democrats. Both times, the moderate got clocked. Once again, we have the same elite establishment pushing the rhetoric that we need to nominate someone who isn't "far right" because they just can't win the general election. I say BULLSHIT!

The last "far right" conservative was Ronald Reagan... he won two of the largest landslides in political history. There is no evidence that a "far right" candidate cannot win the general election.... NONE! To the contrary, when nominated, they win by landslides.

Now the Elites are very powerful and have influence in the media, so they are pointing to all these polls showing how 47% of America is "politically independent" ...so we have to 'run to the middle' and be more 'moderate' which simply means, less conservative or less committed to conservative principles. The major flaw with this thinking is, most "politically independent" voters are Conservatives! A Conservative (far right) candidate is going to appeal to most of those voters. This is precisely what happened with Reagan and we called them "Reagan Democrats" because they represented the Conservatives who has previously voted Democrat.

What has been missing for Conservatives is a voice. Someone who believes in Conservative philosophy passionately and can articulate what it's all about to the masses. We've allowed people like John McCain and Mitt Romney to carry the water for Conservatism and along with the left, morph it into some backward ideology that must be defeated, or at the very least, apologized for! Conservatives have an uphill battle to change this dynamic but it can be done, it has been done before.

To the GOP Elites: You better get on board with a solid Conservative or the Democrats will win in 2016. This idea that we have to nominate someone "more moderate" is simply surrendering to the liberal left. It is telling every "independent voter" out there that you stand for absolutely nothing and will do whatever you can to capitulate to the left on every issue. You will not win with that strategy!


so name the more conservative candidates who could have beaten Obama in either 2008 or 2012.

Be specific and make the case for anyone you name.

Hardcore right wingers say there's no such thing as the hardcore right, hardcore left wingers say there's no such thing as the hardcore left.

Commitment to a hardcore partisan ideology literally distorts perception, so it's quite possible that these people are being perfectly honest.

From their perspective.


Hardcore right wingers say there's no such thing as the hardcore right, hardcore left wingers say there's no such thing as the hardcore left.

Commitment to a hardcore partisan ideology literally distorts perception, so it's quite possible that these people are being perfectly honest.

From their perspective.


I say that there is such a thing as the hardcore left. Does that mean that you now believe that I am not a hardcore left winger? Cool!

so name the more conservative candidates who could have beaten Obama in either 2008 or 2012.

Be specific and make the case for anyone you name

So sorry. Boss can't do THAT. It's a secret and if Boss tell us the secret candidate who COULD have won, then they may not be able to win the next election. SO soeey.

so name the more conservative candidates who could have beaten Obama in either 2008 or 2012.

Be specific and make the case for anyone you name

So sorry. Boss can't do THAT. It's a secret and if Boss tell us the secret candidate who COULD have won, then they may not be able to win the next election. SO soeey.

It's more than that because he's just repeating a rightwing talking point that's been tossed around for 20 years or more,

going back to George Bush Sr. and Bob Dole losing to Clinton.

Not just Boss, but NO ONE can name the more conservative candidates who could have won in 2008 and 2012.

It is, in short, one more rightwing feel good myth.
Okay, to start with... I take considerable exception to the left-wing incarnation of "the far right" because it essentially means "conservative." In a political context, the "far right" would be fascists or neo-confederates like Tim McVeigh. These radicals make up about .02% or less in the US, they are not a factor in any election because most of them don't vote. But the left has campaigned to instill this image of conservatives as "far right" when that simply isn't the case. So right off the bat we need to clarify that "far right" means hard core conservatives.

Conservatism is a philosophy and not an ideology. Unlike Liberalism, Conservatives have a wide range of personal beliefs on various issues of social and foreign policy nature, and perhaps even a little bit on economic issues. Most are pro life and believe in God. Most are believers in the Constitution and original intent of the founders. It's not a prerequisite to be a Conservative, you can oppose any of these and still be one.

The "debate" raging among the Republicans at this time is between what the left calls "far right" and the GOP establishment elite. In fact, the elites are even adopting the leftist rhetoric and calling conservatives "far right" in an attempt to marginalize them. So we keep coming back to this "far right" tag which simply refers to people who are passionately committed to conservative philosophy.
Well, you said that you can oppose the "founders original intent", "belief in God", and be "pro choice" and still be conservative...

I think you have zero idea (or are too frightened) to define what it is to be a conservative.

In 2008 and 2012, the establishment pushed the idea that only a "moderate" could defeat the Democrats. Both times, the moderate got clocked. Once again, we have the same elite establishment pushing the rhetoric that we need to nominate someone who isn't "far right" because they just can't win the general election. I say BULLSHIT!

The last "far right" conservative was Ronald Reagan... he won two of the largest landslides in political history. There is no evidence that a "far right" candidate cannot win the general election.... NONE! To the contrary, when nominated, they win by landslides.
In 1980, the "far right" is where the moderate left is today economically. Socially, you still have some traction.

Now the Elites are very powerful and have influence in the media, so they are pointing to all these polls showing how 47% of America is "politically independent" ...so we have to 'run to the middle' and be more 'moderate' which simply means, less conservative or less committed to conservative principles.
The major flaw with this thinking is, most "politically independent" voters are Conservatives!
Now that is funny.

A Conservative (far right) candidate is going to appeal to most of those voters. This is precisely what happened with Reagan and we called them "Reagan Democrats" because they represented the Conservatives who has previously voted Democrat.

You're forgetting the political landscape of 1979 and 1980.

What has been missing for Conservatives is a voice. Someone who believes in Conservative philosophy passionately and can articulate what it's all about to the masses. We've allowed people like John McCain and Mitt Romney to carry the water for Conservatism and along with the left, morph it into some backward ideology that must be defeated, or at the very least, apologized for! Conservatives have an uphill battle to change this dynamic but it can be done, it has been done before.

To the GOP Elites: You better get on board with a solid Conservative or the Democrats will win in 2016. This idea that we have to nominate someone "more moderate" is simply surrendering to the liberal left. It is telling every "independent voter" out there that you stand for absolutely nothing and will do whatever you can to capitulate to the left on every issue. You will not win with that strategy!

Man, I hope you're right...Cruz and Paul staying in the race for a long time is the best thing that could happen to the Democrats.
Boss and Keys are exactly the far right they deny.

They are not conservative but much further to the right with the reactionaries. Neither one "Recognizes, Respects, Defends and Adheres to the Principles that define America."

They would not vote for a Reagan today if a Cruz were available.

How 'bout you give us some examples of how Boss is "far right" in your mind?

Then, gives us a few examples of how Cruz is more "reactionary far right" than Reagan in terms of legislation he has supported that Reagan would have opposed and such?

My guess is, you will fail at both requests. You have nothing constructive to offer and you can't back your big mouth up with facts. You and Laughy the Clown have been spewing this same rhetoric for the past 6 years and you've never backed a word of it up.

You made the claim, Hamish, so you get to support it. You are a failure as a poster, bud, because you simply bloviate and cannot support your point.

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