"Far Right" can't win for GOP? ...BS!

To me the 'far right' on the flawed left-right spectrum is extreme nationalist/religious/anti-immigration groups like the KKK, Neo Nazis, Westboro, and parties like UKIP.

Wow, we didn't care.
Correct term is 'I' fruit loop. :p

Though good to know that you support the political equivalent of white trash, and hate the very free market system that brought the UK back from the brink.

No, the correct term is "we", because I guarantee you I'm not alone in not giving a piss in a windstorm about your personal opinion on the subject.
Paul Krugman is a certifiable lunatic:cuckoo:
To pull a Bossy here, by that YOU MEAN you can't dispute the numbers.

Yet, you didn't post where you got those numbers from. Paul Krugman? And since when does he qualify as a valid source? Can you confirm those numbers with something other than his website?

Edwin's sources are most often liberal blog sites where they have manipulated and massaged the raw data to derive the results they need to make their invalid points.
Hey pinhead, the stats came from the CBO.
Don't you ever get tired of lying?
The same CBO that told us obamacare would cost less then 900 billion dollars??????? LMAO
The same CBO the Right habitually cites.
To me the 'far right' on the flawed left-right spectrum is extreme nationalist/religious/anti-immigration groups like the KKK, Neo Nazis, Westboro, and parties like UKIP.

Wow, we didn't care.
Correct term is 'I' fruit loop. :p

Though good to know that you support the political equivalent of white trash, and hate the very free market system that brought the UK back from the brink.
Good to see hoe ignorant you are of your own ideology.... Democrats made the KKK and socialists are Nazi.... I am sure you wont let small things like the truth to stop your delusions of grandeur.

Thank God he gave me a brain more complex then a sheep otherwise I would be a progressive.
You calling others clueless. *yawn*

For starters, there is no such thing in real life as a 'left' vs 'right' scale, as it is inaccurate. Something I alluded to earlier, when I called it a 'flawed spectrum'. The only accurate scale is based on collectivism, individualism and the level of authoritarianism.

You claim that Democrats were once tied to the KKK, as if that means anything, which it doesn't as Democrats are not today. Unless you are claiming that the Democrats are still a religiously and socially conservative party according to the standards of that time - and further that they support secession.

Thirdly, Nazis aren't strictly socialist, any more than state capitalists are free marketers. Nazis ran the economy along a State Capitalist model, with a fusion of state and corporate entities. Additionally there were no unions, and true 'socialist' groups were rounded up and killed.

If you believe your own hogwash, then God in foresight didn't give you much of brain, given what you planned to fill it with.
To pull a Bossy here, by that YOU MEAN you can't dispute the numbers.

Yet, you didn't post where you got those numbers from. Paul Krugman? And since when does he qualify as a valid source? Can you confirm those numbers with something other than his website?

Edwin's sources are most often liberal blog sites where they have manipulated and massaged the raw data to derive the results they need to make their invalid points.
Hey pinhead, the stats came from the CBO.
Don't you ever get tired of lying?
The same CBO that told us obamacare would cost less then 900 billion dollars??????? LMAO
The same CBO the Right habitually cites.
What right????? I am a conservative. LMAO you are so full of hate and ignorance
Except that the range of those who call themselves conservatives have been fairly steady.

Your argument is elitist to its core. People know who they are. Telling people that they are something different than they think is what we expect from liberals who think they know more than individuals do.

It's false logic to assume that a more conservative candidate is more appealing to moderates simply because he's more conservative. That doesn't mean moderates wouldn't vote for a conservative. But you have misdiagnosed the problem if you think just a conservative candidate is the answer.

Elitist? LOL... Hardly! I'm not telling anyone they are something different than they think, just stating a fact about sociology and the human psyche. I don't doubt that very few people think of themselves as "bad" people, but we both know the world is full of bad people. How many people have you ever met who admitted they were liars and cheats who can't be trusted? I suspect, not very many. Now either we are extremely lucky to only come across honest good people in our lives, or we understand that people aren't always honest when they describe themselves.

Conservatives, and liberals as well, have become very negatively stigmatized. This naturally causes people to not want to identify with these groups. The result is, they prefer labels like "moderate" or "independent" to describe themselves. Because of this anomaly, there is no accurate way for us to discover exactly how many conservatives or liberals there are. Very few moderates and independents are truly moderate and independent. Most of them are somewhat left or right leaning in their views and how they vote. Furthermore, most of them are conservative thinkers.

But you have misdiagnosed the problem if you think just a conservative candidate is the answer.

But results speak for themselves. In 2008 and 2012, the GOP nominated candidates who ran as "moderates" and tried to distance themselves from Conservatism as much as they could, hoping (and claiming) to appeal to the "moderate" voter. What was the result? Did they win?

Yet we can look back to the last unapologetic and unabashed Conservative, Ronald Reagan, who won two of the biggest landslides for president in American history.

To clarify MY diagnosis again... I did not say "just a conservative" was the answer. The GOP needs a true Conservative voice who can articulate the Conservative philosophy with passion and conviction. That is not "just anyone" who claims to be a Conservative.

The thing that we should be certain will NOT work, is nominating someone who is trying to "run to the middle" and be "less conservative" because what you then have as a result is someone without a core message. You end up with someone who doesn't appear to have any conviction, pandering to whomever he/she thinks will help them win.

Again, for the sake of making my point... I am 55 years old and I have never met anyone with strong political views who I couldn't tell if they were mostly left or right. It's very clinical to think there is this 'demographic' out there who are totally neutral in their thinking. This just doesn't exist, people are mostly left or right leaning regardless of how they define themselves to others.

When we break it down, most "independent" voters are conservatives and most "moderate" voters have a conservative philosophy... mostly because that is what conservative philosophy IS. Conservatism is a moderate (as opposed to radical or extreme) view.
To me the 'far right' on the flawed left-right spectrum is extreme nationalist/religious/anti-immigration groups like the KKK, Neo Nazis, Westboro, and parties like UKIP.

Wow, we didn't care.
Correct term is 'I' fruit loop. :p

Though good to know that you support the political equivalent of white trash, and hate the very free market system that brought the UK back from the brink.
Good to see hoe ignorant you are of your own ideology.... Democrats made the KKK and socialists are Nazi.... I am sure you wont let small things like the truth to stop your delusions of grandeur.

Thank God he gave me a brain more complex then a sheep otherwise I would be a progressive.
You calling others clueless. *yawn*

For starters, there is no such thing in real life as a 'left' vs 'right' scale, as it is inaccurate. Something I alluded to earlier, when I called it a 'flawed spectrum'. The only accurate scale is based on collectivism, individualism and the level of authoritarianism.

You claim that Democrats were once tied to the KKK, as if that means anything, which it doesn't as Democrats are not today. Unless you are claiming that the Democrats are still a religiously and socially conservative party according to the standards of that time - and further that they support secession.

Thirdly, Nazis aren't strictly socialist, any more than state capitalists are free marketers. Nazis ran the economy along a State Capitalist model, with a fusion of state and corporate entities. Additionally there were no unions, and true 'socialist' groups were rounded up and killed.

If you believe your own hogwash, then God in foresight didn't give you much of brain, given what you planned to fill it with.
Son democrats kept the KKK Byrd in office till he died so yes they are still part of it. Nazi also were very strictly socialists. Hell your president right now sounds very much like them.
To me the 'far right' on the flawed left-right spectrum is extreme nationalist/religious/anti-immigration groups like the KKK, Neo Nazis, Westboro, and parties like UKIP.

Wow, we didn't care.
Correct term is 'I' fruit loop. :p

Though good to know that you support the political equivalent of white trash, and hate the very free market system that brought the UK back from the brink.
Good to see how ignorant you are of your own ideology.... Democrats made the KKK and socialists are Nazi.... I am sure you wont let small things like the truth to stop your delusions of grandeur.

Thank God he gave me a brain more complex then a sheep otherwise I would be a progressive.

I'm sure it's very peaceful to be that dimwitted and gullible, though. Having an active mind gets so noisy, with all those thoughts happening and all.
To me the 'far right' on the flawed left-right spectrum is extreme nationalist/religious/anti-immigration groups like the KKK, Neo Nazis, Westboro, and parties like UKIP.

Wow, we didn't care.
Correct term is 'I' fruit loop. :p

Though good to know that you support the political equivalent of white trash, and hate the very free market system that brought the UK back from the brink.

No, the correct term is "we", because I guarantee you I'm not alone in not giving a piss in a windstorm about your personal opinion on the subject.
Blah. Blah. Blah.

If I had some sheep I would name them after you, with a number on the end to differenciate them.

Forums are all about expressing personal opinions, in fact you are giving one right now hypocrite.
To me the 'far right' on the flawed left-right spectrum is extreme nationalist/religious/anti-immigration groups like the KKK, Neo Nazis, Westboro, and parties like UKIP.

Wow, we didn't care.
Correct term is 'I' fruit loop. :p

Though good to know that you support the political equivalent of white trash, and hate the very free market system that brought the UK back from the brink.
Good to see how ignorant you are of your own ideology.... Democrats made the KKK and socialists are Nazi.... I am sure you wont let small things like the truth to stop your delusions of grandeur.

Thank God he gave me a brain more complex then a sheep otherwise I would be a progressive.

I'm sure it's very peaceful to be that dimwitted and gullible, though. Having an active mind gets so noisy, with all those thoughts happening and all.
You don't have an active mind, just a receiving end for propaganda and nonsense.
To me the 'far right' on the flawed left-right spectrum is extreme nationalist/religious/anti-immigration groups like the KKK, Neo Nazis, Westboro, and parties like UKIP.

Wow, we didn't care.
Correct term is 'I' fruit loop. :p

Though good to know that you support the political equivalent of white trash, and hate the very free market system that brought the UK back from the brink.

You two are having a failure to communicate. You're both on the same side!

The point hipeter is making is there is no real "far right" in terms of the electorate. This is a fringe extremist element who makes up such a small number it isn't worth counting. Although, the left has demonized anyone who isn't a Liberal as being part of this "far right" that is feared and loathed. That includes about 60% of us who ARE Conservative.
To me the 'far right' on the flawed left-right spectrum is extreme nationalist/religious/anti-immigration groups like the KKK, Neo Nazis, Westboro, and parties like UKIP.

Wow, we didn't care.
Correct term is 'I' fruit loop. :p

Though good to know that you support the political equivalent of white trash, and hate the very free market system that brought the UK back from the brink.

You two are having a failure to communicate. You're both on the same side!

The point hipeter is making is there is no real "far right" in terms of the electorate. This is a fringe extremist element who makes up such a small number it isn't worth counting. Although, the left has demonized anyone who isn't a Liberal as being part of this "far right" that is feared and loathed. That includes about 60% of us who ARE Conservative.
Well, it comes down to what they do vs who they are.

You can meet people that are extreme in their points of view, but in practice would never force their beliefs on others - which goes for both parties.

That would be an example of someone that is low on the authoritarian scale, but depending on their beliefs could be high on the collectivist or individualist scale.

Which is why 'right' vs 'left' scales are flawed, as they assume that all people are authoritarian.
The Big Government Police State grows larger and more powerful by the day. And that's because both Parties want it that way. The fight for smaller Government is over. There's no use fighting that losing battle anymore. That ship sailed a long time ago.

So it's time for all you small government Libertarian warriors to hang it up. The war is over. And you lost. The Neocons and Communists/Progressives run the show. This Big Government is only gonna grow bigger. Now Americans will just have to try to figure out how they can get theirs in this Big Government mess. Everyone's got their hand out for a Freebie. How are you gonna get yours?
To me the 'far right' on the flawed left-right spectrum is extreme nationalist/religious/anti-immigration groups like the KKK, Neo Nazis, Westboro, and parties like UKIP.

Wow, we didn't care.
Correct term is 'I' fruit loop. :p

Though good to know that you support the political equivalent of white trash, and hate the very free market system that brought the UK back from the brink.

No, the correct term is "we", because I guarantee you I'm not alone in not giving a piss in a windstorm about your personal opinion on the subject.
Blah. Blah. Blah.

If I had some sheep I would name them after you, with a number on the end to differenciate them.

Forums are all about expressing personal opinions, in fact you are giving one right now hypocrite.

No one said they weren't. I said yours is as irrelevant and boring as you are.

Plus, only leftists think their opinions are equally valid to facts. What does and does not constitute "far right" on the political spectrum isn't a matter of your "feelz", dumbass.
To me the 'far right' on the flawed left-right spectrum is extreme nationalist/religious/anti-immigration groups like the KKK, Neo Nazis, Westboro, and parties like UKIP.

Wow, we didn't care.
Correct term is 'I' fruit loop. :p

Though good to know that you support the political equivalent of white trash, and hate the very free market system that brought the UK back from the brink.

You two are having a failure to communicate. You're both on the same side!

The point hipeter is making is there is no real "far right" in terms of the electorate. This is a fringe extremist element who makes up such a small number it isn't worth counting. Although, the left has demonized anyone who isn't a Liberal as being part of this "far right" that is feared and loathed. That includes about 60% of us who ARE Conservative.

No, we're definitely not on the same side. Nor was he making anything remotely like that point. He was just "helpfully" informing us about his "feeling" as to what the facts are. And I was informing him that no one gives a shit what he feels.

There is most certainly a far right, just as there is a far left. Whether or not people are ignorant of what those positions on the political spectrum are is irrelevant. People as a group are ignorant about a lot of things.
There's no such thing as a 'Far-Right'.

One either Recognizes, Respects, Defends and Adheres to the Principles that define America, or one does not and since there's no such thing as "REALLY Recognizing, Respecting, Defending, and Adhering to American Principles, well... you know.

The thing to understand however is that where one runs a campaign resting upon those principles... one wins. And that is because those principles speak to the human soul.

And what exactly are American principles as set forth by those who wrote our Constitution? Oh yes, slavery is fine. Blacks and women cannot vote. In fact, only land owners can vote. Hell, women could only own land under certain special circumstances. I'm a bit tired of right wing nutters assuming their version of America is the only one that is legitimate.
This guys post is proof of the narrow minded non thinking of the left America haters:uhoh3:
Jroc's post is proof that he is the rep of the mindless far right haters.
The Big Government Police State grows larger and more powerful by the day. And that's because both Parties want it that way. The fight for smaller Government is over. There's no use fighting that losing battle anymore. That ship sailed a long time ago.

So it's time for all you small government Libertarian warriors to hang it up. The war is over. And you lost. The Neocons and Communists/Progressives run the show. This Big Government is only gonna grow bigger. Now Americans will just have to try to figure out how they can get theirs in this Big Government mess. Everyone's got their hand out for a Freebie. How are you gonna get yours?

Well I disagree with your cynical view of our potential for smaller more limited government. I think that is very much achievable and obtainable and The People can take their government back. Yes it will be hard, nothing worthwhile has ever been easy.

I also have to disagree that there is "no use fighting it" because that's exactly what we MUST do! There really isn't another alternative except to give up and become slaves. I can only speak for myself, but I'm not ready to give up what so many have shed blood and given their lives to protect and secure. It is far too important to give up.

You are absolutely right about everyone wanting theirs, and it is a long-standing problem... with politics in general! The very nature of government is to grow larger and assume more power over the individual. George Washington was very aware of this and he wrote about it. Regardless of who we are or where we are on the political spectrum, we go out there every election and vote for the candidate who promised us the most stuff.

They promised to use their power to give us what we want by taking it from someone else. We won't vote for them otherwise and they know it. If a candidate got up there and said: I have read the Constitution and I don't believe we should be funding about 90% of what we do because it's not in there... no one would vote for them. If your Senatorial candidate said; "I won't be bringing the bacon home for you because I don't agree with that on principle!" They would be defeated in a landslide, and honestly, they probably deserve to be because regardless of whether they stand on their principles or not the money will still be spent, someone else will get that bacon. So this is all a very deep-seated problem that we can't really deal with because that's the nature of the beast.
Boss claims, without evidence here, that "I am a Conservative, but I identify myself as a moderate because my personal views are moderate. That is why I can confidently challenge any Bozo here who wants to claim I am "far right:" or "radical extremist wacko right" or "fascist right" because they can't back that argument up with anything I've ever posted here. "

You can claim you are a zebra with as much effectiveness as the above: in other words, none. In fact, several times above Boss has clearly been pegged with his own remarks that he is indeed far right. One example is that he confuses socialism and fascism, refusing to accept the traditional definitions that fascism is a right wing progressive philosophy that merges state, party, and government under the leadership of the Leader.

fas·cism ˈfaSHˌizəm/ noun
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
    synonyms: authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy; More (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.

Sorry, JakefromStateFarm, you fail again. The only mention I've made of Fascism here was when I said that none of the candidates are Fascists, unless you consider Hillary and Obama Fascists. There is no question they are Socialists.

So if that is your example that shows me to be "far right" and "extremist" then you've failed on two fronts. First by it not being my position and second by it not being an extremist position.

I am a Conservative who holds a Conservative philosophy. I often identify as a "moderate independent" but I am not ashamed of being a Conservative. Among my moderate viewpoints, I favor Federal decriminalization of marijuana and regulation by the states. I oppose the Federal government dictating what marriage means, gay or straight. I think it should be left to the individual to define and if government must have some label to identify those in a domestic partnership, it should be generic civil union contracts between two adults. I also believe abortion should be legal but regulated by the states and restricted in any way the people of the state so choose. So there are the Big Three social issues, all of which I have a somewhat moderate independent viewpoint on, and my view is rooted in my conservative philosophy.

You may disagree with my views, but anyone can clearly see they are not extreme or "far" anything.

You're not a leftist, hon. By their definition, the left is the "mainstream moderate" position, and anything else is extreme.
Nope, by your far right's strange thinking the center has become marxist.
Conservative votes stayed at home.
That lie has already been debunked in this very thread. Parroting it again does not make it any less a lie. A greater percentage of CON$ervoFascists voted for Bishop Willard and McSame than for either Reagan election.

The first number is the total number of conservatives who voted for the Republican candidate. The second is the conservatives' percentage of the total vote. In 2012, 37 million conservatives voted for Mitt Romney, and conservatives were 35% of the total who voted.

2012 37mm, 35%
2008 34.8mm, 34%

2004 34.9mm, 34%
2000 24.8mm, 29%
1996 23.6mm, 34%
1992 20mm, 30%
1988 24.5mm, 33%
1984 25.1mm, 33%
1980 17.7mm, 28%

But your stats are incorrect because you're counting people on the basis of how they self identify and we know that isn't accurate. You honestly believe that less than half the votes George W. Bush received in 2000 were from conservatives? Smoke a lot of crack in the mornings, do ya?

All this statistic shows is how popular or unpopular it was to call yourself a conservative at the time. In means absolutely nothing in terms of who voted. Stats such as these completely dismiss ALL moderates and independents as "not conservative" votes. The truth is, MOST of the independent and moderate votes are conservatives. They may not be comfortable self identifying as such, but they are philosophically conservative.
The lie is "The truth is, MOST of the independent and moderate votes are conservatives." The low intellect far right reactionary is asserting as fact the data does not support. So, let him try, and I will gut the data he provides.
"Democrats made the KKK and socialists are Nazi" is typical, debunked far righty low intellect nonsense.

Conservatives, Dem and Pub, made the KKK, and Conservatives and Liberals, Dem and Pub, nationally destroyed its power and segregation.

Fascism is right wing progressive oriented tyranny, using the Party and the State to tyrannize the population.
Credit Cecilie1200 with trying to stay within the boundaries of sanity, as Boss and Thanatos go leaping like shittenpuppies droping their waste where decent people can walk in it.

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