"Far Right" can't win for GOP? ...BS!

Boss continues to lie as part of a poorly orchestrated far right propaganda attempt to deny they exist.

So stupid.
Worse, I caught you lying. You claimed that every poll ever taken shows that most people were conservative.

The poll you submitted shows more conservatives than anything else. Most people ARE conservative.

The poll shows that 58% of folks aren't conservative. And only 38% are.

38% isn't 'most people'. 58% is.

No, you are LYING... the poll nowhere states that 58% are not conservative. That is the result of you intentionally misleading by adding moderates and liberals together. YOU are the LIAR!

The poll shows that more people identify as Conservative (38%) than anything else. As do all polls ever taken through the history of man. We are mostly conservative as people. Because of this, we also find that most independents are conservative and most moderates are conservative.
Worse, I caught you lying. You claimed that every poll ever taken shows that most people were conservative.

The poll you submitted shows more conservatives than anything else. Most people ARE conservative.

The poll shows that 58% of folks aren't conservative. And only 38% are.

38% isn't 'most people'. 58% is.

No, you are LYING... the poll nowhere states that 58% are not conservative.

Says you. And you're straight up delusional:


Conservatives: 38%. Liberals and Moderates: 58%.

You can pretend otherwise. The numbers don't change. Only your credibility does.

You've presented jack shit to back your claim that most people are conservative. I've provided solid evidence that they aren't. You lose.
The REAL problem with the Gallup graph is the comparing of Conservatism with Liberalism as an "ideology" when it's not. Conservatism is a philosophy and it is opposed to radical extremism.

There IS a social conservative ideology, and this is what is often stereotyped by the left as being ALL Conservatives. The do represent a rather large voting demographic and they are ideologically driven. The GOP has to find a way to include them in a Conservative message and that can easily be done without becoming ideological. Conservative philosophy is NOT ideological.

Okay... look at the last couple of elections, what we've been offered:

Candidate A: (Liberal ideologue) Pushing a liberal agenda, driven by ideology.
Candidate B: (Moderate Republican) Pushing a party agenda, driven by ideology.

We did not have a Candidate C: (Conservative) Articulating a message of conservative philosophy over radical extreme ideology. If we get one, look the fuck out because you're going to lose.
Worse, I caught you lying. You claimed that every poll ever taken shows that most people were conservative.

The poll you submitted shows more conservatives than anything else. Most people ARE conservative.

The poll shows that 58% of folks aren't conservative. And only 38% are.

38% isn't 'most people'. 58% is.

No, you are LYING... the poll nowhere states that 58% are not conservative.

Says you. And you're straight up delusional:


Conservatives: 38%. Liberals and Moderates: 58%.

You can pretend otherwise. The numbers don't change. Only your credibility does.

You've presented jack shit to back your claim that most people are conservative. I've provided solid evidence that they aren't. You lose.

Again, you are simply repeating your LIE.
The poll does not say 58% are non-conservative.

And Conservatism isn't an ideology anyway, so the whole damn poll is useless.
And that 38%, most of it, is certainly not far right.

Conservative philosophy doesn't really have a "far" side. It can't because of what Conservatism means. It is already the moderate alternative to extremism, it can't be anything else. People can construct an ideology based on a Conservative philosophy, but a true Conservative with capital (C) is not an extremist or radical. They are not ideologically-driven because Conservatism is not an ideology... (example submitted, libertarian vs. social con).

This is what the GOP has got to drive home to idiots and morons like you Jake. You've allowed the Liberals to pussy whip you into thinking there is something wrong about being a Conservative. There is something wrong about being a radical ideologue and unless we get this country off the radical ideological track it has been on and back on a common-sense philosophy-driven track of conservatism, with pragmatic leadership skills which trump ideology, we are fucked.
Your Conservative ideology is not GOP conservatism.

You know it, I know it, so stop trying to sell your shit pies.
Your Conservative ideology is not GOP conservatism.

You know it, I know it, so stop trying to sell your shit pies.

It's cute how you are trying to turn things back around on me. I have a Conservative philosophy. My "ideology" is divorced from my politics. There is my personal beliefs and what I support and there is my respect for the constitutional republican democracy we have and the views of my fellow citizens. I don't want to force my personal ideology on you, I have no interest in doing that and I don't want that done to me... Golden Rule.

There is no "GOP conservatism" just like there is no "far right conservatism" ... you are either someone who has a conservative philosophy or you're not.
The far rights argument is starting to sound a little to much like the ISIS to feel comfortable with them.

And after 5 pages of no one presenting a single damn thing to indicate what "far right" means, we still have liberal chuckleheads spewing the empty rhetoric.

Please do explain how the so-called "far right" (aka: Conservatives) are remotely similar to ISIS in ANY way?

I'm betting you can't come up with anything but more mindless rhetoric that isn't supported with facts.

Does anyone know what in the hell he is talking about?

Outside of the monumentally stupid idea that if you run someone who is politically on the far right end of the spectrum, he will win everyone to his left and carry the nomination...can anyone else detect a point in his incessant drivel? Oh, and by the way, we all have noticed that he won't come out and say whom he is backing to be that person....

In short, the OP is a moron and a coward.

Sorry it was over your head. I am asking you to explain how Conservatives (you call them "far right") are like ISIS, whom Matthew compared them to. If you can't explain that, I will settle for an explanation of what is "far right" about Conservative philosophy. We now have over 200 posts and none of you can answer this. All we keep getting is more lies and distortion. And that's pretty much all we can expect because my point is valid.

I don't have any problem telling you who I am backing and will be glad to do so when I decide. As of now, I like Ted Cruz and Scott Walker. Several others are also on the radar but a lot can change between now and the primaries... Someone might have a woman stoned to death for wanting contraception or saw someone's head off because they are a Jew... being Conservatives are so much like ISIS! //sarcasm
Have been reading this for about an hr, got a few specks of information, but you folks mostly just scream & swear.
Worse, I caught you lying. You claimed that every poll ever taken shows that most people were conservative.

The poll you submitted shows more conservatives than anything else. Most people ARE conservative. Not only are there more conservatives who admit they are conservatives, there are also more than half the moderates who are conservative even if they don't claim to be. You didn't catch anyone lying... you exposed your OWN lie. Thank you!

Your poll show 38% consider themselves conservative, 24% say they are liberal 34% say they are neither and you consider that a win for you leftist? Your delusional...try something else, that idiocy isn't working for you genius:uhoh3:
Worse, I caught you lying. You claimed that every poll ever taken shows that most people were conservative.

The poll you submitted shows more conservatives than anything else. Most people ARE conservative. Not only are there more conservatives who admit they are conservatives, there are also more than half the moderates who are conservative even if they don't claim to be. You didn't catch anyone lying... you exposed your OWN lie. Thank you!

Your poll show 38% consider themselves conservative, 24% say they are liberal 34% say they are neither and you consider that a win for you leftist? Your delusional...try something else, that idiocy isn't working for you genius:uhoh3:

That 34% includes people like me that hate the lefts social bs but want to remain a world super power. Cut, slash and fuck is just plain dumb.
The REAL problem with the Gallup graph is the comparing of Conservatism with Liberalism as an "ideology" when it's not. Conservatism is a philosophy and it is opposed to radical extremism.

The problem with Gallup for your argument is that it explicitly contradicts you. You claim that most people are conservative. You have absolutely nothing to back that claim up. Exactly jack shit.

While when folks are asked what their political leanings are, 58% cite liberal or moderate. Most people are NOT conservatives. As I've demonstrated with evidence. You ignore them. No rational person ever would.

There IS a social conservative ideology, and this is what is often stereotyped by the left as being ALL Conservatives. The do represent a rather large voting demographic and they are ideologically driven. The GOP has to find a way to include them in a Conservative message and that can easily be done without becoming ideological. Conservative philosophy is NOT ideological.

Says you, citing you. And you're hopelessly delusional. You will ignore anything that doesn't ape whatever hallucination you're clinging to. And you've based your entire argument on nothing. No evidence. No poll. No study. Nothing.

Just you saying it must be so. Meanwhile, Gallup destroys your claim.


As does Pew:


That's only 27% consistently or mostly conservative. With 73% consistently liberal, mostly liberal or mixed. And Pew polling explicitly contradicting you. Will the Pew Poll penetrate your delusions and willful ignorance? By any rational standard, it should; its your own source. But you'll ignore it like you have every other source that contradicts you and cling to your personal opinion. Backed by nothing.

You already know about the Pew poll. You already know about Gallup. I've cited them both for you in this thread. Yet you lied, saying that every poll ever conducted shows that most people are conservative. A claim you knew was complete horseshit. You've presented NO poll that shows that most people are conservative. While I've posted 20 years of Gallup polls that demonstrate you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. And Pew, your own source, contradicting you.

Okay... look at the last couple of elections, what we've been offered:

Candidate A: (Liberal ideologue) Pushing a liberal agenda, driven by ideology.
Candidate B: (Moderate Republican) Pushing a party agenda, driven by ideology.

We did not have a Candidate C: (Conservative) Articulating a message of conservative philosophy over radical extreme ideology. If we get one, look the fuck out because you're going to lose.

Blithering nonsense. Even conservatives don't want a far right candidate. As they don't nominate them. Moderates don't want them. Liberals don't want them.

No one does. You can't get around that. All you can do is lie to us and yourself, hallucinating a dream world where you could be right. Because you're hopelessly buried by contradictory evidence in this one.

Hallucinate away. No one gives a shit.
Have been reading this for about an hr, got a few specks of information, but you folks mostly just scream & swear.

If you'd like info, I've got plenty of polls demonstrating my point. When folks are asked where they lean politically, most don't say conservative. Moderates are in decline. And liberals are on the rise. By both the Pew and Gallup poll both of which have been collecting data for 20 years, liberals are growing in their ranks. At an all time high per Gallup. And at an all time high per Pew.

While conservatives are one point off an all time low per gallup. And at an all time low per Pew.

Nothing, absolutely nothing presented by the OP or anyone else indicates that most people are conservatives. Nor that a 'far right' candidate would receive majority support from the electorate. Even in the GOP, where 70% indicate they are conservative......far right candidates can't win the nomination. And that's their most sympathetic audience.

Its beyond silly to assume that moderates, independents, liberals or democrats are going to support a far right conservative more than republicans will. Yet that's *exactly* the assumption the OP makes. And its baseless nonsense, explicitly contradicted by overwhelming evidence, 2 respected polling agencies and 20 years of polling data.

Not to mention the fact that republicans have convinced a majority of the electorate to vote for them a grand total of ONCE in the last generation. 2004. Democrats in contrast have managed to do it 5 times in the same span. But America wants a 'far right conservative'?

Um, no.
Mindless Liberal ranting is all I am hearing now... Flood the board with your props and talking points from MediaMatters and MoveOn.org, and filibuster the thread for a few pages until you whip the idiot "moderates" into shape.
The far rights argument is starting to sound a little to much like the ISIS to feel comfortable with them.

And after 5 pages of no one presenting a single damn thing to indicate what "far right" means, we still have liberal chuckleheads spewing the empty rhetoric.

Please do explain how the so-called "far right" (aka: Conservatives) are remotely similar to ISIS in ANY way?

I'm betting you can't come up with anything but more mindless rhetoric that isn't supported with facts.

Does anyone know what in the hell he is talking about?

Outside of the monumentally stupid idea that if you run someone who is politically on the far right end of the spectrum, he will win everyone to his left and carry the nomination...can anyone else detect a point in his incessant drivel? Oh, and by the way, we all have noticed that he won't come out and say whom he is backing to be that person....

In short, the OP is a moron and a coward.

Sorry it was over your head. I am asking you to explain how Conservatives (you call them "far right") are like ISIS, whom Matthew compared them to. If you can't explain that, I will settle for an explanation of what is "far right" about Conservative philosophy. We now have over 200 posts and none of you can answer this. All we keep getting is more lies and distortion. And that's pretty much all we can expect because my point is valid.

I don't have any problem telling you who I am backing and will be glad to do so when I decide. As of now, I like Ted Cruz and Scott Walker. Several others are also on the radar but a lot can change between now and the primaries... Someone might have a woman stoned to death for wanting contraception or saw someone's head off because they are a Jew... being Conservatives are so much like ISIS! //sarcasm

The OP offers Ted Cruz as a candidate that is 'far right' and yet in line with the American people. Would you like to go issue by issue and see how well Cruz's positions match up with conservatives, moderates and liberals? Immigration, government shutdowns, gay marriage, Social Security privatization, dropping capital gains taxes, Cruz's opposition to the Iranian peace deal, lower taxes for the wealthy, Cruz's support of raising of retirement age under social security, Cruz's stance on abortion being illegal in all circumstances....even rape and incest?

Shall we measure Cruz on the most used scale of political measurement, the DW nominate scale?

You won't like the results. There's a reason Cruz is polling so badly among GOP primary voters and the general electorate.

I know you guys want to believe that everyone 'really' thinks like you do. But they don't.
Mindless Liberal ranting is all I am hearing now... Flood the board with your props and talking points from MediaMatters and MoveOn.org, and filibuster the thread for a few pages until you whip the idiot "moderates" into shape.

Nope. Just Gallup ....


And Pew.....with Pew being your own source.


And you'll give us nothing but excuses why you'll ignore them all.

Oh, and remember: you've presented jack shit to back your claim that most people are conservative. Or to back the laughable lie that every poll ever conducted shows that most people are conservative. While I've disproven both claims with 2 polling agencies and 20 years worth of polling data that explicitly contradict you.

Try again.

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