Farrakhan talks of 'Satanic Jews' at Catholic church address

every misery that every Pollack bitch faced ----for the past 500 years
was BLAMED ON JOOOOOOS-----sorry sobie-----but dem's the facts. It ain't nuthin' new with typical old Pollack hag and her
inebriated hubby. (who knocked her around each Saturday nite) About 35 years ago I listened to an OLD BITCH
describe how her grandparents house burned down in Poland----like
100 years ago------her conclusion-----DA JOOOOS DONE IT

As usual you just mouth off like a Jewish Ogre.

You are a Jew. Just like Hitler was. That’s why you are so against them. You are equally as crazy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm not Jewish, and neither was Hitler, nice try.

How much did you bank when you had your bar mitzvah?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I made hundreds with my Holy Communion, and Holy Confirmation, in the Catholic faith.

In between lighting matches
I'm not Jewish, and neither was Hitler, nice try.

How much did you bank when you had your bar mitzvah?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I made hundreds with my Holy Communion, and Holy Confirmation, in the Catholic faith.

It’s okay to admit it. People are here for you, and there are probably Jewish support groups. Is your mom like Beverly Goldberg, schmoo? Is that why you’re upset?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm not a Jew, I'm of Polish Catholic heritage, and don't like this tribe for various reasons.

you already hated jews by the time you could walk. I learned
that I am a jew from your tribe-----five year old kids who taunted
me as I walked home from Kindergarten. They wore plaid jumpers
----with the SAINT ANNE insignia and threw rocks at me

What reason do Poles have to like Jews, exactly?

Your tribe are the most ungrateful scum, I've ever encountered in my life.

You ONLY exist because of the Polish nation taking in Jewish refugees.

Yet, you hate us, well we hate J00 too.
That’s right Pollack, make your excuses for setting Jews on Fire, helping the Nazis, and the Antisemitic History that the Pollacks have

What excuses do you make for Jewish Commies who butchered thousands of Poles like Salomon Morel, and Jakub Berman?

POLACK libel on the level of the MATZOH MADE OUT OF

Blood Libel comes from Britain, but you love the murderous Brits.

LOL is that what your catechism whore told you?-----nope---that
catholic libel pre-existed the MAGNA CARTA and even circulated
to some shariah shit holes. -------IT WAS MUCH USED IN
POLACK-VILLE and believed

You're very ignorant, and should be treated as a predator savage.

Blood libel - Wikipedia

Origins in England[edit]

The crucifixion of William of Norwich depicted on a rood screen in Holy Trinity church, Loddon, Norfolk
Main articles: William of Norwich, Werner of Oberwesel, Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln, and Andreas Oxner

In England in 1144, the Jews of Norwich were accused of ritual murder after a boy, William of Norwich, was found dead with stab wounds in the woods. William's hagiographer, Thomas of Monmouth, claimed that every year there is an international council of Jews at which they choose the country in which a child will be killed during Easter, because of a Jewish prophecy that states that the killing of a Christian child each year will ensure that the Jews will be restored to the Holy Land. In 1144, England was chosen, and the leaders of the Jewish community delegated the Jews of Norwich to perform the killing. They then abducted and crucified William.[24] The legend was turned into a cult, with William acquiring the status of a martyr and pilgrims bringing offerings to the local church.[25]
I'm not Jewish, and neither was Hitler, nice try.

How much did you bank when you had your bar mitzvah?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I made hundreds with my Holy Communion, and Holy Confirmation, in the Catholic faith.

It’s okay to admit it. People are here for you, and there are probably Jewish support groups. Is your mom like Beverly Goldberg, schmoo? Is that why you’re upset?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm not a Jew, I'm of Polish Catholic heritage, and don't like this tribe for various reasons.

you already hated jews by the time you could walk. I learned
that I am a jew from your tribe-----five year old kids who taunted
me as I walked home from Kindergarten. They wore plaid jumpers
----with the SAINT ANNE insignia and threw rocks at me

Are you Adam, or Big Tasty? We are here for you. We feel your pain.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Because Christianity is not the topic here. Jews are.
A f***ing antisemite is the topic here.
Root cause analysis. There is no independent origination. Do his words come from blind hate or are there actions which he derives his view from?

blind hatred learned in infancy. I grew up in a very white
bread Christian town. My parents were ENTIRELY secular.
I have no "jewish school" training----in fact I attended
SUNDAY SCHOOL (protestant) a whole lot more than I stepped
into a synagogue. Hatred of jews is the CULTURE of the Christian
world even from the earliest baby stories and songs about "baby
jesus" ----that poor kid consigned to the stable
Many countries have deep histories with Jews. Their histories of usury, their deep connections with the slave trade. Jewish hands are far from clean. Though many Christians hold animosity toward them, as I stated, there is no independent origination.

try to be a little specific. Your statement is full of very vague,
and therefore MEANINGLESS allusions. "history of usury"
"connections with slave trade" "not clean hands" ????
wat-da-hell do you imagine you are saying?
Come on Rosie...come on now. Do we REALLY have to do this? Do I need to point out the rampant practice of usury in Europe? Do I have to show the deep connections between Jews and the slave trade?
...Alright then
Corrupt royalty, an acquiescent, equally corrupt church and a willingly compliant Jew population made the practice of usury a technically legal act.
Jews were integral in the tripartite act as they were the lenders. You see...Jews were forbidden in the Torah from lending money to other Jews for profit..howevaaaaahhh...da Goyim didn't count!
Now...were the Jews the only party? No..it took three to tango but this practice was very popular in medieval Europe...thus the reputation.
Jewish Moneylending | My Jewish Learning

Slaves.. n' sheeit
Oy gevalt! There were a lot of shekels to be made movin da schwartze!

"a historian and Reform rabbi, wrote in his four-volume history of Americans Jews that over 75 percent of Jewish families in Charleston, South Carolina; Richmond, Virginia; and Savannah, Georgia, owned slaves, and nearly 40 percent of Jewish households across the country did."
Jews and the African Slave Trade | My Jewish Learning

That's compares to about 2% of the rest of the population. I mean..can ya blame em? Gotta put those shwoogies ta work some how! Besides...they had to support their fellow

"Groups of Jews began to arrive in Surinam in the middle of the seven-teenth century, after the Portuguese regained control of northern Brazil. By 1694, twenty-seven years after the British had surrendered Surinam to the Dutch, there were about 100 Jewish families and fifty single Jews there, or about 570 persons. They possessed more than forty estates and 9,000 slaves, contributed 25,905 pounds of sugar as a gift for the building of a hospital, and carried on an active trade with Newport and other colonial ports. By 1730, Jews owned 115 plantations and were a large part of a sugar export business which sent out 21,680,000 pounds of sugar to European and New World markets in 1730 alone.
Slave trading was a major feature of Jewish economic life in Surinam which as a major stopping-off point in the triangular trade. Both North American and Caribbean Jews played a key role in this commerce: records of a slave sale in 1707 reveal that the ten largest Jewish purchasers (10,400 guilders) spent more than 25 percent of the total funds (38,605 guilders) exchanged."

Jewish Involvement In Black Slave Trade To The Americas

Is it really hard to find Atlantic slave ships that weren’t owned by Jews? - Quora

So...you see! It's not all "BAAAAAD Anti-semite Goy!"
Because Christianity is not the topic here. Jews are.
A f***ing antisemite is the topic here.
Root cause analysis. There is no independent origination. Do his words come from blind hate or are there actions which he derives his view from?

blind hatred learned in infancy. I grew up in a very white
bread Christian town. My parents were ENTIRELY secular.
I have no "jewish school" training----in fact I attended
SUNDAY SCHOOL (protestant) a whole lot more than I stepped
into a synagogue. Hatred of jews is the CULTURE of the Christian
world even from the earliest baby stories and songs about "baby
jesus" ----that poor kid consigned to the stable
Many countries have deep histories with Jews. Their histories of usury, their deep connections with the slave trade. Jewish hands are far from clean. Though many Christians hold animosity toward them, as I stated, there is no independent origination.

The big question holds as why would Poles appreciate Jews in the 1920s /30s?

They were involved in usury, they made up a huge amount of Commies, or similar Jewish Bundists / Max Bodenheimer calling for a Jewish homeland on Polish soil, they ran a pimp prostitute slave trade of Zwi Migdal.
All Jewish organizations were against Poland's rebirth.
Jews fought with Germans against Poles in the Greater Poland Uprising following WW1.
They despised Jesus & spoke mostly Yiddish first, a German dialect.
Yes..the Jews with very few exceptions made the core of the Bolsheviks (Russia). They were the key leaders who sent millions to gulags, murdered priests and destroyed churches.
Root cause analysis. There is no independent origination. Do his words come from blind hate or are there actions which he derives his view from?

blind hatred learned in infancy. I grew up in a very white
bread Christian town. My parents were ENTIRELY secular.
I have no "jewish school" training----in fact I attended
SUNDAY SCHOOL (protestant) a whole lot more than I stepped
into a synagogue. Hatred of jews is the CULTURE of the Christian
world even from the earliest baby stories and songs about "baby
jesus" ----that poor kid consigned to the stable

Hate for Jews is NOT part of the Christian culture.

But maybe it should be.

Please tell us why it “ should be” I know; your “ father “ taught you

Because apparently, Jews consider all Christians and every ethnic or religious group who has harmed a Jew at any point throughout all of human history as an enemy to be defeated.

Link please where Jews consider all Christians or Muslims an “ enemy to be defeated “ Actually, don’t need a link. Your very statement gives me reason to believe that Jews who do feel that way are correct
You say HATE for Jews is not part of the Christian Culture? They have been preaching it for over 2000 years
Can’t download it right now but before you deny link on to “ Anti Semitism of the Church Fathers” Just one example
I give you Communism. Only a slimy heeb could come up with that.
That’s right Pollack, make your excuses for setting Jews on Fire, helping the Nazis, and the Antisemitic History that the Pollacks have

What excuses do you make for Jewish Commies who butchered thousands of Poles like Salomon Morel, and Jakub Berman?

POLACK libel on the level of the MATZOH MADE OUT OF

Blood Libel comes from Britain, but you love the murderous Brits.

LOL is that what your catechism whore told you?-----nope---that
catholic libel pre-existed the MAGNA CARTA and even circulated
to some shariah shit holes. -------IT WAS MUCH USED IN
POLACK-VILLE and believed

You're very ignorant, and should be treated as a predator savage.

Blood libel - Wikipedia

Origins in England[edit]

The crucifixion of William of Norwich depicted on a rood screen in Holy Trinity church, Loddon, Norfolk
Main articles: William of Norwich, Werner of Oberwesel, Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln, and Andreas Oxner

In England in 1144, the Jews of Norwich were accused of ritual murder after a boy, William of Norwich, was found dead with stab wounds in the woods. William's hagiographer, Thomas of Monmouth, claimed that every year there is an international council of Jews at which they choose the country in which a child will be killed during Easter, because of a Jewish prophecy that states that the killing of a Christian child each year will ensure that the Jews will be restored to the Holy Land. In 1144, England was chosen, and the leaders of the Jewish community delegated the Jews of Norwich to perform the killing. They then abducted and crucified William.[24] The legend was turned into a cult, with William acquiring the status of a martyr and pilgrims bringing offerings to the local church.[25]

What you don’t know because you are a Stupid Vile Uncivilized Pollack is that Thomas of Monmouth was a Vile Anti Semite like you. Typical uncivilized Scum would actually believe Blood Libel propaganda. Thank you for posting it
You are a Jew. Just like Hitler was. That’s why you are so against them. You are equally as crazy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm not Jewish, and neither was Hitler, nice try.

How much did you bank when you had your bar mitzvah?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I made hundreds with my Holy Communion, and Holy Confirmation, in the Catholic faith.

I went to a "holy" communion party and the little girl circulated with
a white satin bag to COLLECT LOOT------I was horrified

An Italian American married into the family used to be security guard at Bar Mitzvahs, and said the Jewish kids were horrible, lighting drapes, and trash cans on fire.

Why am I not surprised?

Probably saw Savage , uncivilized Pollacks lighting matches
What excuses do you make for Jewish Commies who butchered thousands of Poles like Salomon Morel, and Jakub Berman?

POLACK libel on the level of the MATZOH MADE OUT OF

Blood Libel comes from Britain, but you love the murderous Brits.

LOL is that what your catechism whore told you?-----nope---that
catholic libel pre-existed the MAGNA CARTA and even circulated
to some shariah shit holes. -------IT WAS MUCH USED IN
POLACK-VILLE and believed

You're very ignorant, and should be treated as a predator savage.

Blood libel - Wikipedia

Origins in England[edit]

The crucifixion of William of Norwich depicted on a rood screen in Holy Trinity church, Loddon, Norfolk
Main articles: William of Norwich, Werner of Oberwesel, Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln, and Andreas Oxner

In England in 1144, the Jews of Norwich were accused of ritual murder after a boy, William of Norwich, was found dead with stab wounds in the woods. William's hagiographer, Thomas of Monmouth, claimed that every year there is an international council of Jews at which they choose the country in which a child will be killed during Easter, because of a Jewish prophecy that states that the killing of a Christian child each year will ensure that the Jews will be restored to the Holy Land. In 1144, England was chosen, and the leaders of the Jewish community delegated the Jews of Norwich to perform the killing. They then abducted and crucified William.[24] The legend was turned into a cult, with William acquiring the status of a martyr and pilgrims bringing offerings to the local church.[25]

What you don’t know because you are a Stupid Vile Uncivilized Pollack is that Thomas of Monmouth was a Vile Anti Semite like you. Typical uncivilized Scum would actually believe Blood Libel propaganda. Thank you for posting it

Why wouldn't I believe in Jewish ritual murder AKA Blood Libel?
I tend to believe there's a reason why everybody was expelling, and killing Jews, that's a likely culprit.

Book Reviving Blood Libel Charge Has Italian Jews Livid, People Reading - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Book Reviving Blood Libel Charge Has Italian Jews Livid, People Reading
A just-published book by an eminent Italian-Israeli historian that revives European blood libels has Jews in Italy and abroad in an uproar.

But the furor hasn’t hurt sales. “Bloody Passover: European Jews and Ritual Murder” sold out so quickly after its arrival in bookstores Feb. 8 that another edition is on its way.

Ariel Toaff, who teaches Medieval and Renaissance history at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel, wrote that Jews in the Middle Ages may have murdered Christian children to use their blood in religious rituals.

blind hatred learned in infancy. I grew up in a very white
bread Christian town. My parents were ENTIRELY secular.
I have no "jewish school" training----in fact I attended
SUNDAY SCHOOL (protestant) a whole lot more than I stepped
into a synagogue. Hatred of jews is the CULTURE of the Christian
world even from the earliest baby stories and songs about "baby
jesus" ----that poor kid consigned to the stable

Hate for Jews is NOT part of the Christian culture.

But maybe it should be.

Please tell us why it “ should be” I know; your “ father “ taught you

Because apparently, Jews consider all Christians and every ethnic or religious group who has harmed a Jew at any point throughout all of human history as an enemy to be defeated.

Link please where Jews consider all Christians or Muslims an “ enemy to be defeated “ Actually, don’t need a link. Your very statement gives me reason to believe that Jews who do feel that way are correct
You say HATE for Jews is not part of the Christian Culture? They have been preaching it for over 2000 years
Can’t download it right now but before you deny link on to “ Anti Semitism of the Church Fathers” Just one example
I give you Communism. Only a slimy heeb could come up with that.

true----slimy heeb Jesus of Nazareth and his boyfriend
John lived entirely MONASTIC COMMUNIST lives---
out in the wilderness------generally down south near the
DEAD sea
How much did you bank when you had your bar mitzvah?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I made hundreds with my Holy Communion, and Holy Confirmation, in the Catholic faith.

It’s okay to admit it. People are here for you, and there are probably Jewish support groups. Is your mom like Beverly Goldberg, schmoo? Is that why you’re upset?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm not a Jew, I'm of Polish Catholic heritage, and don't like this tribe for various reasons.

you already hated jews by the time you could walk. I learned
that I am a jew from your tribe-----five year old kids who taunted
me as I walked home from Kindergarten. They wore plaid jumpers
----with the SAINT ANNE insignia and threw rocks at me

What reason do Poles have to like Jews, exactly?

Your tribe are the most ungrateful scum, I've ever encountered in my life.

You ONLY exist because of the Polish nation taking in Jewish refugees.

Yet, you hate us, well we hate J00 too.

What reason do Jews have to like Pollacks?
Your disgusting ILK are one of the most uncivilized Scum of the earth
You are such a Fucking Pollack Moron you don’t understand that the only reason why there were any Holocaust Survivors was something called D Day
We have every reason to hate Pollack Scum
I made hundreds with my Holy Communion, and Holy Confirmation, in the Catholic faith.

It’s okay to admit it. People are here for you, and there are probably Jewish support groups. Is your mom like Beverly Goldberg, schmoo? Is that why you’re upset?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm not a Jew, I'm of Polish Catholic heritage, and don't like this tribe for various reasons.

you already hated jews by the time you could walk. I learned
that I am a jew from your tribe-----five year old kids who taunted
me as I walked home from Kindergarten. They wore plaid jumpers
----with the SAINT ANNE insignia and threw rocks at me

What reason do Poles have to like Jews, exactly?

Your tribe are the most ungrateful scum, I've ever encountered in my life.

You ONLY exist because of the Polish nation taking in Jewish refugees.

Yet, you hate us, well we hate J00 too.

What reason do Jews have to like Pollacks?
Your disgusting ILK are one of the most uncivilized Scum of the earth
You are such a Fucking Pollack Moron you don’t understand that the only reason why there were any Holocaust Survivors was something called D Day
We have every reason to hate Pollack Scum

Because Poland accepted about 1,000,000 Jewish refugees, granted them the best Civil Rights in the Statute of Kalisz, and Warsaw Confederation.

Because Poland warned the World about the Holocaust with Witold Pilecki, Jan Karski, and Stefan Korbonski.

Because Poland had the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations risk their lives against a Nazi death penalty, to save Holocaust victim Jews.

Because Poland had the only organization dedicated to saving, and helping Jews during the Holocaust of Zegota.

You are the problem in this conflict, the problem is Jews are idiotic vermin.
POLACK libel on the level of the MATZOH MADE OUT OF

Blood Libel comes from Britain, but you love the murderous Brits.

LOL is that what your catechism whore told you?-----nope---that
catholic libel pre-existed the MAGNA CARTA and even circulated
to some shariah shit holes. -------IT WAS MUCH USED IN
POLACK-VILLE and believed

You're very ignorant, and should be treated as a predator savage.

Blood libel - Wikipedia

Origins in England[edit]

The crucifixion of William of Norwich depicted on a rood screen in Holy Trinity church, Loddon, Norfolk
Main articles: William of Norwich, Werner of Oberwesel, Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln, and Andreas Oxner

In England in 1144, the Jews of Norwich were accused of ritual murder after a boy, William of Norwich, was found dead with stab wounds in the woods. William's hagiographer, Thomas of Monmouth, claimed that every year there is an international council of Jews at which they choose the country in which a child will be killed during Easter, because of a Jewish prophecy that states that the killing of a Christian child each year will ensure that the Jews will be restored to the Holy Land. In 1144, England was chosen, and the leaders of the Jewish community delegated the Jews of Norwich to perform the killing. They then abducted and crucified William.[24] The legend was turned into a cult, with William acquiring the status of a martyr and pilgrims bringing offerings to the local church.[25]

What you don’t know because you are a Stupid Vile Uncivilized Pollack is that Thomas of Monmouth was a Vile Anti Semite like you. Typical uncivilized Scum would actually believe Blood Libel propaganda. Thank you for posting it

Why wouldn't I believe in Jewish ritual murder AKA Blood Libel?
I tend to believe there's a reason why everybody was expelling, and killing Jews, that's a likely culprit.

Book Reviving Blood Libel Charge Has Italian Jews Livid, People Reading - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Book Reviving Blood Libel Charge Has Italian Jews Livid, People Reading
A just-published book by an eminent Italian-Israeli historian that revives European blood libels has Jews in Italy and abroad in an uproar.

But the furor hasn’t hurt sales. “Bloody Passover: European Jews and Ritual Murder” sold out so quickly after its arrival in bookstores Feb. 8 that another edition is on its way.

Ariel Toaff, who teaches Medieval and Renaissance history at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel, wrote that Jews in the Middle Ages may have murdered Christian children to use their blood in religious rituals.

They MIGHT have murdered Christian Children? I actually think that’s funny.
Wait.,,,,, Just thought of something. How many Jews were murdered by Christians for over 2000 years?
Blood Libel comes from Britain, but you love the murderous Brits.

LOL is that what your catechism whore told you?-----nope---that
catholic libel pre-existed the MAGNA CARTA and even circulated
to some shariah shit holes. -------IT WAS MUCH USED IN
POLACK-VILLE and believed

You're very ignorant, and should be treated as a predator savage.

Blood libel - Wikipedia

Origins in England[edit]

The crucifixion of William of Norwich depicted on a rood screen in Holy Trinity church, Loddon, Norfolk
Main articles: William of Norwich, Werner of Oberwesel, Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln, and Andreas Oxner

In England in 1144, the Jews of Norwich were accused of ritual murder after a boy, William of Norwich, was found dead with stab wounds in the woods. William's hagiographer, Thomas of Monmouth, claimed that every year there is an international council of Jews at which they choose the country in which a child will be killed during Easter, because of a Jewish prophecy that states that the killing of a Christian child each year will ensure that the Jews will be restored to the Holy Land. In 1144, England was chosen, and the leaders of the Jewish community delegated the Jews of Norwich to perform the killing. They then abducted and crucified William.[24] The legend was turned into a cult, with William acquiring the status of a martyr and pilgrims bringing offerings to the local church.[25]

What you don’t know because you are a Stupid Vile Uncivilized Pollack is that Thomas of Monmouth was a Vile Anti Semite like you. Typical uncivilized Scum would actually believe Blood Libel propaganda. Thank you for posting it

Why wouldn't I believe in Jewish ritual murder AKA Blood Libel?
I tend to believe there's a reason why everybody was expelling, and killing Jews, that's a likely culprit.

Book Reviving Blood Libel Charge Has Italian Jews Livid, People Reading - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Book Reviving Blood Libel Charge Has Italian Jews Livid, People Reading
A just-published book by an eminent Italian-Israeli historian that revives European blood libels has Jews in Italy and abroad in an uproar.

But the furor hasn’t hurt sales. “Bloody Passover: European Jews and Ritual Murder” sold out so quickly after its arrival in bookstores Feb. 8 that another edition is on its way.

Ariel Toaff, who teaches Medieval and Renaissance history at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel, wrote that Jews in the Middle Ages may have murdered Christian children to use their blood in religious rituals.

They MIGHT have murdered Christian Children? I actually think that’s funny.
Wait.,,,,, Just thought of something. How many Jews were murdered by Christians for over 2000 years?

The first Jews that came to Poland came as slave traders.

YIVO | Trade

The first information about Jewish merchants in Eastern Europe dates from about the tenth century. In this period, Jews took part in the slave trade between Central Asia, Khazaria, Byzantium, and Western Europe (in particular the Iberian Peninsula). Important stopping points on the trade routes included Prague, Kraków, and Kiev, towns in which Jewish colonies developed.
A f***ing antisemite is the topic here.
Root cause analysis. There is no independent origination. Do his words come from blind hate or are there actions which he derives his view from?

blind hatred learned in infancy. I grew up in a very white
bread Christian town. My parents were ENTIRELY secular.
I have no "jewish school" training----in fact I attended
SUNDAY SCHOOL (protestant) a whole lot more than I stepped
into a synagogue. Hatred of jews is the CULTURE of the Christian
world even from the earliest baby stories and songs about "baby
jesus" ----that poor kid consigned to the stable
Many countries have deep histories with Jews. Their histories of usury, their deep connections with the slave trade. Jewish hands are far from clean. Though many Christians hold animosity toward them, as I stated, there is no independent origination.

The big question holds as why would Poles appreciate Jews in the 1920s /30s?

They were involved in usury, they made up a huge amount of Commies, or similar Jewish Bundists / Max Bodenheimer calling for a Jewish homeland on Polish soil, they ran a pimp prostitute slave trade of Zwi Migdal.
All Jewish organizations were against Poland's rebirth.
Jews fought with Germans against Poles in the Greater Poland Uprising following WW1.
They despised Jesus & spoke mostly Yiddish first, a German dialect.
Yes..the Jews with very few exceptions made the core of the Bolsheviks (Russia). They were the key leaders who sent millions to gulags, murdered priests and destroyed churches.[/QUOTE

right ---I grew up in a WASPY white trash town------Saturday nite
the men (any male over 12-----got drunk------and sunday morn
the beat down women went to church------dressed in pastel
nylon--------and the "sunday school teachers" spit the same shit
that you spit here.
POLACK libel on the level of the MATZOH MADE OUT OF

Blood Libel comes from Britain, but you love the murderous Brits.

LOL is that what your catechism whore told you?-----nope---that
catholic libel pre-existed the MAGNA CARTA and even circulated
to some shariah shit holes. -------IT WAS MUCH USED IN
POLACK-VILLE and believed

You're very ignorant, and should be treated as a predator savage.

Blood libel - Wikipedia

Origins in England[edit]

The crucifixion of William of Norwich depicted on a rood screen in Holy Trinity church, Loddon, Norfolk
Main articles: William of Norwich, Werner of Oberwesel, Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln, and Andreas Oxner

In England in 1144, the Jews of Norwich were accused of ritual murder after a boy, William of Norwich, was found dead with stab wounds in the woods. William's hagiographer, Thomas of Monmouth, claimed that every year there is an international council of Jews at which they choose the country in which a child will be killed during Easter, because of a Jewish prophecy that states that the killing of a Christian child each year will ensure that the Jews will be restored to the Holy Land. In 1144, England was chosen, and the leaders of the Jewish community delegated the Jews of Norwich to perform the killing. They then abducted and crucified William.[24] The legend was turned into a cult, with William acquiring the status of a martyr and pilgrims bringing offerings to the local church.[25]

What you don’t know because you are a Stupid Vile Uncivilized Pollack is that Thomas of Monmouth was a Vile Anti Semite like you. Typical uncivilized Scum would actually believe Blood Libel propaganda. Thank you for posting it

Why wouldn't I believe in Jewish ritual murder AKA Blood Libel?
I tend to believe there's a reason why everybody was expelling, and killing Jews, that's a likely culprit.

Book Reviving Blood Libel Charge Has Italian Jews Livid, People Reading - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Book Reviving Blood Libel Charge Has Italian Jews Livid, People Reading
A just-published book by an eminent Italian-Israeli historian that revives European blood libels has Jews in Italy and abroad in an uproar.

But the furor hasn’t hurt sales. “Bloody Passover: European Jews and Ritual Murder” sold out so quickly after its arrival in bookstores Feb. 8 that another edition is on its way.

Ariel Toaff, who teaches Medieval and Renaissance history at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel, wrote that Jews in the Middle Ages may have murdered Christian children to use their blood in religious rituals.

Wow. It took Oprah to bring this out! Did they happen to discuss the Catholic Church assisting Nazis escape to Brazil after the holocaust?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Blood Libel comes from Britain, but you love the murderous Brits.

LOL is that what your catechism whore told you?-----nope---that
catholic libel pre-existed the MAGNA CARTA and even circulated
to some shariah shit holes. -------IT WAS MUCH USED IN
POLACK-VILLE and believed

You're very ignorant, and should be treated as a predator savage.

Blood libel - Wikipedia

Origins in England[edit]

The crucifixion of William of Norwich depicted on a rood screen in Holy Trinity church, Loddon, Norfolk
Main articles: William of Norwich, Werner of Oberwesel, Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln, and Andreas Oxner

In England in 1144, the Jews of Norwich were accused of ritual murder after a boy, William of Norwich, was found dead with stab wounds in the woods. William's hagiographer, Thomas of Monmouth, claimed that every year there is an international council of Jews at which they choose the country in which a child will be killed during Easter, because of a Jewish prophecy that states that the killing of a Christian child each year will ensure that the Jews will be restored to the Holy Land. In 1144, England was chosen, and the leaders of the Jewish community delegated the Jews of Norwich to perform the killing. They then abducted and crucified William.[24] The legend was turned into a cult, with William acquiring the status of a martyr and pilgrims bringing offerings to the local church.[25]

What you don’t know because you are a Stupid Vile Uncivilized Pollack is that Thomas of Monmouth was a Vile Anti Semite like you. Typical uncivilized Scum would actually believe Blood Libel propaganda. Thank you for posting it

Why wouldn't I believe in Jewish ritual murder AKA Blood Libel?
I tend to believe there's a reason why everybody was expelling, and killing Jews, that's a likely culprit.

Book Reviving Blood Libel Charge Has Italian Jews Livid, People Reading - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Book Reviving Blood Libel Charge Has Italian Jews Livid, People Reading
A just-published book by an eminent Italian-Israeli historian that revives European blood libels has Jews in Italy and abroad in an uproar.

But the furor hasn’t hurt sales. “Bloody Passover: European Jews and Ritual Murder” sold out so quickly after its arrival in bookstores Feb. 8 that another edition is on its way.

Ariel Toaff, who teaches Medieval and Renaissance history at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel, wrote that Jews in the Middle Ages may have murdered Christian children to use their blood in religious rituals.

Wow. It took Oprah to bring this out! Did they happen to discuss the Catholic Church assisting Nazis escape to Brazil after the holocaust?

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What about Jewish Nazi collaborators, like Jewish Kapos, Jewish Ghetto Police, Group 13, JewishSonderkommandos, and the Judenrate?
It’s okay to admit it. People are here for you, and there are probably Jewish support groups. Is your mom like Beverly Goldberg, schmoo? Is that why you’re upset?

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I'm not a Jew, I'm of Polish Catholic heritage, and don't like this tribe for various reasons.

you already hated jews by the time you could walk. I learned
that I am a jew from your tribe-----five year old kids who taunted
me as I walked home from Kindergarten. They wore plaid jumpers
----with the SAINT ANNE insignia and threw rocks at me

What reason do Poles have to like Jews, exactly?

Your tribe are the most ungrateful scum, I've ever encountered in my life.

You ONLY exist because of the Polish nation taking in Jewish refugees.

Yet, you hate us, well we hate J00 too.

What reason do Jews have to like Pollacks?
Your disgusting ILK are one of the most uncivilized Scum of the earth
You are such a Fucking Pollack Moron you don’t understand that the only reason why there were any Holocaust Survivors was something called D Day
We have every reason to hate Pollack Scum

Because Poland accepted about 1,000,000 Jewish refugees, granted them the best Civil Rights in the Statute of Kalisz, and Warsaw Confederation.

Because Poland warned the World about the Holocaust with Witold Pilecki, Jan Karski, and Stefan Korbonski.

Because Poland had the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations risk their lives against a Nazi death penalty, to save Holocaust victim Jews.

Because Poland had the only organization dedicated to saving, and helping Jews during the Holocaust of Zegota.

You are the problem in this conflict, the problem is Jews are idiotic vermin.

You’ve forgot to mention the sausage. Awesome.

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LOL is that what your catechism whore told you?-----nope---that
catholic libel pre-existed the MAGNA CARTA and even circulated
to some shariah shit holes. -------IT WAS MUCH USED IN
POLACK-VILLE and believed

You're very ignorant, and should be treated as a predator savage.

Blood libel - Wikipedia

Origins in England[edit]

The crucifixion of William of Norwich depicted on a rood screen in Holy Trinity church, Loddon, Norfolk
Main articles: William of Norwich, Werner of Oberwesel, Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln, and Andreas Oxner

In England in 1144, the Jews of Norwich were accused of ritual murder after a boy, William of Norwich, was found dead with stab wounds in the woods. William's hagiographer, Thomas of Monmouth, claimed that every year there is an international council of Jews at which they choose the country in which a child will be killed during Easter, because of a Jewish prophecy that states that the killing of a Christian child each year will ensure that the Jews will be restored to the Holy Land. In 1144, England was chosen, and the leaders of the Jewish community delegated the Jews of Norwich to perform the killing. They then abducted and crucified William.[24] The legend was turned into a cult, with William acquiring the status of a martyr and pilgrims bringing offerings to the local church.[25]

What you don’t know because you are a Stupid Vile Uncivilized Pollack is that Thomas of Monmouth was a Vile Anti Semite like you. Typical uncivilized Scum would actually believe Blood Libel propaganda. Thank you for posting it

Why wouldn't I believe in Jewish ritual murder AKA Blood Libel?
I tend to believe there's a reason why everybody was expelling, and killing Jews, that's a likely culprit.

Book Reviving Blood Libel Charge Has Italian Jews Livid, People Reading - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Book Reviving Blood Libel Charge Has Italian Jews Livid, People Reading
A just-published book by an eminent Italian-Israeli historian that revives European blood libels has Jews in Italy and abroad in an uproar.

But the furor hasn’t hurt sales. “Bloody Passover: European Jews and Ritual Murder” sold out so quickly after its arrival in bookstores Feb. 8 that another edition is on its way.

Ariel Toaff, who teaches Medieval and Renaissance history at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel, wrote that Jews in the Middle Ages may have murdered Christian children to use their blood in religious rituals.

Wow. It took Oprah to bring this out! Did they happen to discuss the Catholic Church assisting Nazis escape to Brazil after the holocaust?

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What about Jewish Nazi collaborators, like Jewish Kapos, Jewish Ghetto Police, Group 13, JewishSonderkommandos, and the Judenrate?

What about Arnold Rothstein and Ben Segal. Bad asses!

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