Farrakhan talks of 'Satanic Jews' at Catholic church address

I am fascinated with some of the terminology used in this thread.
Can someone out there DEFINE the term "satanic jew" ....
and while you are at it------please work on the term
"synagogue of satan" ------got an address?
I am fascinated with some of the terminology used in this thread.
Can someone out there DEFINE the term "satanic jew" ....
and while you are at it------please work on the term
"synagogue of satan" ------got an address?

Satan means "challenger". And synagogue means "meeting". There's no need for you to take a look at the source in the book revelation in chapter 3, where this expression is used. Nearly everyone misinterprets nearly everything what's written in the book revelation. Although they speak about Jews in this context they mean "Christians". The expression existed in a time when Christians spoke in synagogues. They were seen and saw themselves as Jews. Peter and Paul and the apostels of Jerusalem were later the founders of an own independent religion, when they opened the Christian religion for everyone else (=Greeks) too.

Someone who says he is a Jew (or Christian or Muslim) but is indeed not a Jew (or Christian or Muslim) is called a "member of the meeting of the challenger". Perverted Jews like the preacher of hate Stephen Miller could be an example in case of Jews - I don't know - but I heard lots of Jews are in conflict with the ideas of this Jew. In case of Christians and Muslims it's much more easy to see the godless deeds of the Nazis or the godless deeds of the Islamists. If a Nazi or an Islamist speaks about to murder in the name of god then this is a "satanic jew" or better to say: a "satanic believer": Such people argue in the name of the living god - but believe indeed in the dead logic of Satan. What no one knows is whether they are doing so because they make mistakes, because they are possessed or because they are evil liars on their own free will.

This expression is a warning never to lose the contact to god.

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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I am fascinated with some of the terminology used in this thread.
Can someone out there DEFINE the term "satanic jew" ....
and while you are at it------please work on the term
"synagogue of satan" ------got an address?
There were a lot of Mithraic and Baal Temples in Rome's territories, there were also arguments over the many messianic groups over which christ they were teaching and how they strayed from Judaic teachings by bringing in these Hellenized and Egyptian ideas. The reference to
Synagogue of Satan could have been a Roman authority mockery of the religion
like Anton Lavay(spell?) did to Christianity, or some Baal or Mithra or multi god worshiping Temple, or maybe a cult worshiping by teaching a deviant sorcerer type christ like Simon the Magician or Sergius Paulus' friend BarJesus.
Another possibility is since John the Baptist's surviving followers thought Jesus to be the false prophet who's friend follower Salome got John killed, then depending on who the writer is the church of Satan could be John's surviving followers branch that makes the damaging claim or if the writer see's John as the righteous one then they are calling this christ by the Jordan's church, the adversaries who stole John's flock.
And so this 10 godless "Polaks" took care to let murder 100 terrible German speaking Jews in German concentration camps?

What about Jewish Nazi collaborators?

What about a brain transplantation?

Why were the Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators described as worse than the Polish Blue Police Nazi collaborators, by the famed Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi German controlled Warsaw Ghetto?

Your problerm is, that I am for you a German Jewish Catholic and you are for me a Polish Nazi. By the way: About 1/3 of the members of the godless SS were not Germans.

What percentage of the SS were Polish?

Oh wait, Wikipedia lists none.

Waffen-SS foreign volunteers and conscripts - Wikipedia

Never said they were, Scumbag. However, they did enjoy helping the.Nazis and killing Jews. Now, go play with your matches

What Poles enjoyed helping Nazis kill Jews?

Give me names.

Tick tock.

OK Pollack. These are just some names. I will post a link later : Józef Collier, Miecyslaw Kosmovski As I have stated before, one doesn’t officially have to be a member of the SS to hate and kill Jews. Obviously you are too stupid and dumb to realize that
What about Jewish Nazi collaborators?

What about a brain transplantation?

Why were the Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators described as worse than the Polish Blue Police Nazi collaborators, by the famed Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi German controlled Warsaw Ghetto?

Your problerm is, that I am for you a German Jewish Catholic and you are for me a Polish Nazi. By the way: About 1/3 of the members of the godless SS were not Germans.

What percentage of the SS were Polish?

Oh wait, Wikipedia lists none.

Waffen-SS foreign volunteers and conscripts - Wikipedia

Never said they were, Scumbag. However, they did enjoy helping the.Nazis and killing Jews. Now, go play with your matches

What Poles enjoyed helping Nazis kill Jews?

Give me names.

Tick tock.

OK Pollack. These are just some names. I will post a link later : Józef Collier, Miecyslaw Kosmovski As I have stated before, one doesn’t officially have to be a member of the SS to hate and kill Jews. Obviously you are too stupid and dumb to realize that

Some Jewish Nazi collaborators by name.

Abraham Gancwajch - Wikipedia

Józef Szeryński - Wikipedia

Filip Müller - Wikipedia

Karol Hochberg - Wikipedia

Jacob Gens - Wikipedia
All Pollacks represent stupidity, ignorance, and inferiority

Nothing's more stupid than 2 in 3 Israelis thinking Poland is complicit in the Holocaust.

One in two Israelis has negative view of Poland, new survey shows

Jews are dumb, are they unaware that Poland was the first to fight the Nazis?

Jews are some of the most dumb bestial savages I've ever met.

Even African Americans almost all know that Germans did the Holocaust.
But, Jews are even more dumb than that, truly the bottom of the barrel.

Jews should have a negative view of Pollacks, They are the scum of the earth

Jews are the trash of Humanity, just a bunch of vile vagabonds shysters of shylock.

Name 10 terrible Polaks, and I can name 100 terrible Jews.

Don’t like it because I produce links of Polish SCUM with their Viral Hate, ignorance? Stupidity, and ignorance? I personally don’t don’t the Pollack SCUM that pushed Jews into barns to set them ablaze, helped kill as many as possible , or the ones with their VIle Anti Semitic Hatred prior to WW11 just like I personally don’t know Hitler’s SCUM either. Just accept you are the bottom of the barrel and the SCUM of this planet

What about ignorant, vile Jewish scum who built the Concentration Camps, and Gas Chambers?

Filip Müller - Wikipedia

Filip Müller (3 January 1922 – 9 November 2013) was a Jewish Slovak Holocaust survivor and Sonderkommando at Auschwitz.

Müller was assigned to the Sonderkommando that worked on the construction of crematoriaand the installation of the gas chambers.

March 1, 1942 Auschwitz Birkenau opened

. Auschwitz I, the original camp, became the administrative center for the whole complex.

Local residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the barracks. Around 300 Jewish residents of Oświęcim were brought in to lay foundations.

What you don’t realize Pollack Scum is that the above were POW; they didn’t exactly volunteer. After they completed their “ mission” many of them were put to death
Nothing's more stupid than 2 in 3 Israelis thinking Poland is complicit in the Holocaust.

One in two Israelis has negative view of Poland, new survey shows

Jews are dumb, are they unaware that Poland was the first to fight the Nazis?

Jews are some of the most dumb bestial savages I've ever met.

Even African Americans almost all know that Germans did the Holocaust.
But, Jews are even more dumb than that, truly the bottom of the barrel.

Jews should have a negative view of Pollacks, They are the scum of the earth

Jews are the trash of Humanity, just a bunch of vile vagabonds shysters of shylock.

Name 10 terrible Polaks, and I can name 100 terrible Jews.

Don’t like it because I produce links of Polish SCUM with their Viral Hate, ignorance? Stupidity, and ignorance? I personally don’t don’t the Pollack SCUM that pushed Jews into barns to set them ablaze, helped kill as many as possible , or the ones with their VIle Anti Semitic Hatred prior to WW11 just like I personally don’t know Hitler’s SCUM either. Just accept you are the bottom of the barrel and the SCUM of this planet

What about ignorant, vile Jewish scum who built the Concentration Camps, and Gas Chambers?

Filip Müller - Wikipedia

Filip Müller (3 January 1922 – 9 November 2013) was a Jewish Slovak Holocaust survivor and Sonderkommando at Auschwitz.

Müller was assigned to the Sonderkommando that worked on the construction of crematoriaand the installation of the gas chambers.

March 1, 1942 Auschwitz Birkenau opened

. Auschwitz I, the original camp, became the administrative center for the whole complex.

Local residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the barracks. Around 300 Jewish residents of Oświęcim were brought in to lay foundations.

What you don’t realize Pollack Scum is that the above were POW; they didn’t exactly volunteer. After they completed their “ mission” many of them were put to death

Same with the majority of Polish Nazi collaborators, you dumb Jewish Ogre.
Jews should have a negative view of Pollacks, They are the scum of the earth

Jews are the trash of Humanity, just a bunch of vile vagabonds shysters of shylock.

Name 10 terrible Polaks, and I can name 100 terrible Jews.

Don’t like it because I produce links of Polish SCUM with their Viral Hate, ignorance? Stupidity, and ignorance? I personally don’t don’t the Pollack SCUM that pushed Jews into barns to set them ablaze, helped kill as many as possible , or the ones with their VIle Anti Semitic Hatred prior to WW11 just like I personally don’t know Hitler’s SCUM either. Just accept you are the bottom of the barrel and the SCUM of this planet

What about ignorant, vile Jewish scum who built the Concentration Camps, and Gas Chambers?

Filip Müller - Wikipedia

Filip Müller (3 January 1922 – 9 November 2013) was a Jewish Slovak Holocaust survivor and Sonderkommando at Auschwitz.

Müller was assigned to the Sonderkommando that worked on the construction of crematoriaand the installation of the gas chambers.

March 1, 1942 Auschwitz Birkenau opened

. Auschwitz I, the original camp, became the administrative center for the whole complex.

Local residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the barracks. Around 300 Jewish residents of Oświęcim were brought in to lay foundations.

What you don’t realize Pollack Scum is that the above were POW; they didn’t exactly volunteer. After they completed their “ mission” many of them were put to death

Same with the majority of Polish Nazi collaborators, you dumb Jewish Ogre.

You mean like the ones I had just named with the link I will post later? The Vile disgusting Savage Pollacks who lock Jews in barns and set fire to them? Stop lying, you Vile, despicable, Savage, dumb Pollack
Jews are the trash of Humanity, just a bunch of vile vagabonds shysters of shylock.

Name 10 terrible Polaks, and I can name 100 terrible Jews.

Don’t like it because I produce links of Polish SCUM with their Viral Hate, ignorance? Stupidity, and ignorance? I personally don’t don’t the Pollack SCUM that pushed Jews into barns to set them ablaze, helped kill as many as possible , or the ones with their VIle Anti Semitic Hatred prior to WW11 just like I personally don’t know Hitler’s SCUM either. Just accept you are the bottom of the barrel and the SCUM of this planet

What about ignorant, vile Jewish scum who built the Concentration Camps, and Gas Chambers?

Filip Müller - Wikipedia

Filip Müller (3 January 1922 – 9 November 2013) was a Jewish Slovak Holocaust survivor and Sonderkommando at Auschwitz.

Müller was assigned to the Sonderkommando that worked on the construction of crematoriaand the installation of the gas chambers.

March 1, 1942 Auschwitz Birkenau opened

. Auschwitz I, the original camp, became the administrative center for the whole complex.

Local residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the barracks. Around 300 Jewish residents of Oświęcim were brought in to lay foundations.

What you don’t realize Pollack Scum is that the above were POW; they didn’t exactly volunteer. After they completed their “ mission” many of them were put to death

Same with the majority of Polish Nazi collaborators, you dumb Jewish Ogre.

You mean like the ones I had just named with the link I will post later? The Vile disgusting Savage Pollacks who lock Jews in barns and set fire to them? Stop lying, you Vile, despicable, Savage, dumb Pollack

In Jedwabne local Jews were collaborating with Soviet NKVD to deport them to GULAG camps.

No wonder why a small number of Poles there, got fed up with Jews.
Don’t like it because I produce links of Polish SCUM with their Viral Hate, ignorance? Stupidity, and ignorance? I personally don’t don’t the Pollack SCUM that pushed Jews into barns to set them ablaze, helped kill as many as possible , or the ones with their VIle Anti Semitic Hatred prior to WW11 just like I personally don’t know Hitler’s SCUM either. Just accept you are the bottom of the barrel and the SCUM of this planet

What about ignorant, vile Jewish scum who built the Concentration Camps, and Gas Chambers?

Filip Müller - Wikipedia

Filip Müller (3 January 1922 – 9 November 2013) was a Jewish Slovak Holocaust survivor and Sonderkommando at Auschwitz.

Müller was assigned to the Sonderkommando that worked on the construction of crematoriaand the installation of the gas chambers.

March 1, 1942 Auschwitz Birkenau opened

. Auschwitz I, the original camp, became the administrative center for the whole complex.

Local residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the barracks. Around 300 Jewish residents of Oświęcim were brought in to lay foundations.

What you don’t realize Pollack Scum is that the above were POW; they didn’t exactly volunteer. After they completed their “ mission” many of them were put to death

Same with the majority of Polish Nazi collaborators, you dumb Jewish Ogre.

You mean like the ones I had just named with the link I will post later? The Vile disgusting Savage Pollacks who lock Jews in barns and set fire to them? Stop lying, you Vile, despicable, Savage, dumb Pollack

In Jedwabne local Jews were collaborating with Soviet NKVD to deport them to GULAG camps.

No wonder why a small number of Poles there, got fed up with Jews.

That’s right Pollack, make your excuses for setting Jews on Fire, helping the Nazis, and the Antisemitic History that the Pollacks have
I am fascinated with some of the terminology used in this thread.
Can someone out there DEFINE the term "satanic jew" ....
and while you are at it------please work on the term
"synagogue of satan" ------got an address?

Satan means "challenger". And synagogue means "meeting". There's no need for you to take a look at the source in the book revelation in chapter 3, where this expression is used. Nearly everyone misinterprets nearly everything what's written in the book revelation. Although they speak about Jews in this context they mean "Christians". The expression existed in a time when Christians spoke in synagogues. They were seen and saw themselves as Jews. Peter and Paul and the apostels of Jerusalem were later the founders of an own independent religion, when they opened the Christian religion for everyone else (=Greeks) too.

Someone who says he is a Jew (or Christian or Muslim) but is indeed not a Jew (or Christian or Muslim) is called a "member of the meeting of the challenger". Perverted Jews like the preacher of hate Stephen Miller could be an example in case of Jews - I don't know - but I heard lots of Jews are in conflict with the ideas of this Jew. In case of Christians and Muslims it's much more easy to see the godless deeds of the Nazis or the godless deeds of the Islamists. If a Nazi or an Islamist speaks about to murder in the name of god then this is a "satanic jew" or better to say: a "satanic believer": Such people argue in the name of the living god - but believe indeed in the dead logic of Satan. What no one knows is whether they are doing so because they make mistakes, because they are possessed or because they are evil liars on their own free will.

This expression is a warning never to lose the contact to god.

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.


thanks zaanie----that is ELUCIDATING---but what I was really
or mosque educated nuts. Schmuck Farrakhan used the
term----I don't know how it is used during the weekly Jumaah
feces fling. Lately it seems that the poop has cited "PHARISEES" in the context of "Pharisee thinking"--------
WAT-DA-HELL does he imagine he is talking about?
Don’t like it because I produce links of Polish SCUM with their Viral Hate, ignorance? Stupidity, and ignorance? I personally don’t don’t the Pollack SCUM that pushed Jews into barns to set them ablaze, helped kill as many as possible , or the ones with their VIle Anti Semitic Hatred prior to WW11 just like I personally don’t know Hitler’s SCUM either. Just accept you are the bottom of the barrel and the SCUM of this planet

What about ignorant, vile Jewish scum who built the Concentration Camps, and Gas Chambers?

Filip Müller - Wikipedia

Filip Müller (3 January 1922 – 9 November 2013) was a Jewish Slovak Holocaust survivor and Sonderkommando at Auschwitz.

Müller was assigned to the Sonderkommando that worked on the construction of crematoriaand the installation of the gas chambers.

March 1, 1942 Auschwitz Birkenau opened

. Auschwitz I, the original camp, became the administrative center for the whole complex.

Local residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the barracks. Around 300 Jewish residents of Oświęcim were brought in to lay foundations.

What you don’t realize Pollack Scum is that the above were POW; they didn’t exactly volunteer. After they completed their “ mission” many of them were put to death

Same with the majority of Polish Nazi collaborators, you dumb Jewish Ogre.

You mean like the ones I had just named with the link I will post later? The Vile disgusting Savage Pollacks who lock Jews in barns and set fire to them? Stop lying, you Vile, despicable, Savage, dumb Pollack

In Jedwabne local Jews were collaborating with Soviet NKVD to deport them to GULAG camps.

No wonder why a small number of Poles there, got fed up with Jews.

every misery that every Pollack bitch faced ----for the past 500 years
was BLAMED ON JOOOOOOS-----sorry sobie-----but dem's the facts. It ain't nuthin' new with typical old Pollack hag and her
inebriated hubby. (who knocked her around each Saturday nite) About 35 years ago I listened to an OLD BITCH
describe how her grandparents house burned down in Poland----like
100 years ago------her conclusion-----DA JOOOOS DONE IT
What about ignorant, vile Jewish scum who built the Concentration Camps, and Gas Chambers?

Filip Müller - Wikipedia

Filip Müller (3 January 1922 – 9 November 2013) was a Jewish Slovak Holocaust survivor and Sonderkommando at Auschwitz.

Müller was assigned to the Sonderkommando that worked on the construction of crematoriaand the installation of the gas chambers.

March 1, 1942 Auschwitz Birkenau opened

. Auschwitz I, the original camp, became the administrative center for the whole complex.

Local residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the barracks. Around 300 Jewish residents of Oświęcim were brought in to lay foundations.

What you don’t realize Pollack Scum is that the above were POW; they didn’t exactly volunteer. After they completed their “ mission” many of them were put to death

Same with the majority of Polish Nazi collaborators, you dumb Jewish Ogre.

You mean like the ones I had just named with the link I will post later? The Vile disgusting Savage Pollacks who lock Jews in barns and set fire to them? Stop lying, you Vile, despicable, Savage, dumb Pollack

In Jedwabne local Jews were collaborating with Soviet NKVD to deport them to GULAG camps.

No wonder why a small number of Poles there, got fed up with Jews.

That’s right Pollack, make your excuses for setting Jews on Fire, helping the Nazis, and the Antisemitic History that the Pollacks have

What excuses do you make for Jewish Commies who butchered thousands of Poles like Salomon Morel, and Jakub Berman?
What about ignorant, vile Jewish scum who built the Concentration Camps, and Gas Chambers?

Filip Müller - Wikipedia

Filip Müller (3 January 1922 – 9 November 2013) was a Jewish Slovak Holocaust survivor and Sonderkommando at Auschwitz.

Müller was assigned to the Sonderkommando that worked on the construction of crematoriaand the installation of the gas chambers.

March 1, 1942 Auschwitz Birkenau opened

. Auschwitz I, the original camp, became the administrative center for the whole complex.

Local residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the barracks. Around 300 Jewish residents of Oświęcim were brought in to lay foundations.

What you don’t realize Pollack Scum is that the above were POW; they didn’t exactly volunteer. After they completed their “ mission” many of them were put to death

Same with the majority of Polish Nazi collaborators, you dumb Jewish Ogre.

You mean like the ones I had just named with the link I will post later? The Vile disgusting Savage Pollacks who lock Jews in barns and set fire to them? Stop lying, you Vile, despicable, Savage, dumb Pollack

In Jedwabne local Jews were collaborating with Soviet NKVD to deport them to GULAG camps.

No wonder why a small number of Poles there, got fed up with Jews.

every misery that every Pollack bitch faced ----for the past 500 years
was BLAMED ON JOOOOOOS-----sorry sobie-----but dem's the facts. It ain't nuthin' new with typical old Pollack hag and her
inebriated hubby. (who knocked her around each Saturday nite) About 35 years ago I listened to an OLD BITCH
describe how her grandparents house burned down in Poland----like
100 years ago------her conclusion-----DA JOOOOS DONE IT

As usual you just mouth off like a Jewish Ogre.
What you don’t realize Pollack Scum is that the above were POW; they didn’t exactly volunteer. After they completed their “ mission” many of them were put to death

Same with the majority of Polish Nazi collaborators, you dumb Jewish Ogre.

You mean like the ones I had just named with the link I will post later? The Vile disgusting Savage Pollacks who lock Jews in barns and set fire to them? Stop lying, you Vile, despicable, Savage, dumb Pollack

In Jedwabne local Jews were collaborating with Soviet NKVD to deport them to GULAG camps.

No wonder why a small number of Poles there, got fed up with Jews.

every misery that every Pollack bitch faced ----for the past 500 years
was BLAMED ON JOOOOOOS-----sorry sobie-----but dem's the facts. It ain't nuthin' new with typical old Pollack hag and her
inebriated hubby. (who knocked her around each Saturday nite) About 35 years ago I listened to an OLD BITCH
describe how her grandparents house burned down in Poland----like
100 years ago------her conclusion-----DA JOOOOS DONE IT

As usual you just mouth off like a Jewish Ogre.

You are a Jew. Just like Hitler was. That’s why you are so against them. You are equally as crazy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What you don’t realize Pollack Scum is that the above were POW; they didn’t exactly volunteer. After they completed their “ mission” many of them were put to death

Same with the majority of Polish Nazi collaborators, you dumb Jewish Ogre.

You mean like the ones I had just named with the link I will post later? The Vile disgusting Savage Pollacks who lock Jews in barns and set fire to them? Stop lying, you Vile, despicable, Savage, dumb Pollack

In Jedwabne local Jews were collaborating with Soviet NKVD to deport them to GULAG camps.

No wonder why a small number of Poles there, got fed up with Jews.

That’s right Pollack, make your excuses for setting Jews on Fire, helping the Nazis, and the Antisemitic History that the Pollacks have

What excuses do you make for Jewish Commies who butchered thousands of Poles like Salomon Morel, and Jakub Berman?

POLACK libel on the level of the MATZOH MADE OUT OF
Same with the majority of Polish Nazi collaborators, you dumb Jewish Ogre.

You mean like the ones I had just named with the link I will post later? The Vile disgusting Savage Pollacks who lock Jews in barns and set fire to them? Stop lying, you Vile, despicable, Savage, dumb Pollack

In Jedwabne local Jews were collaborating with Soviet NKVD to deport them to GULAG camps.

No wonder why a small number of Poles there, got fed up with Jews.

every misery that every Pollack bitch faced ----for the past 500 years
was BLAMED ON JOOOOOOS-----sorry sobie-----but dem's the facts. It ain't nuthin' new with typical old Pollack hag and her
inebriated hubby. (who knocked her around each Saturday nite) About 35 years ago I listened to an OLD BITCH
describe how her grandparents house burned down in Poland----like
100 years ago------her conclusion-----DA JOOOOS DONE IT

As usual you just mouth off like a Jewish Ogre.

You are a Jew. Just like Hitler was. That’s why you are so against them. You are equally as crazy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm not Jewish, and neither was Hitler, nice try.
Same with the majority of Polish Nazi collaborators, you dumb Jewish Ogre.

You mean like the ones I had just named with the link I will post later? The Vile disgusting Savage Pollacks who lock Jews in barns and set fire to them? Stop lying, you Vile, despicable, Savage, dumb Pollack

In Jedwabne local Jews were collaborating with Soviet NKVD to deport them to GULAG camps.

No wonder why a small number of Poles there, got fed up with Jews.

That’s right Pollack, make your excuses for setting Jews on Fire, helping the Nazis, and the Antisemitic History that the Pollacks have

What excuses do you make for Jewish Commies who butchered thousands of Poles like Salomon Morel, and Jakub Berman?

POLACK libel on the level of the MATZOH MADE OUT OF

Blood Libel comes from Britain, but you love the murderous Brits.

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