Farrakhan: "We need to put the American flag down"


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
I wondered how long one of you left loons would come up with it. Seems ole Rush was right again. You people need to stop or you may get more than you bargained for. People are sick of this garbage


Louis Farrakhan stated “We need to put the American flag down. Because we’ve caught as much hell under that as the Confederate flag” in remarks before the Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on Wednesday first reported by DC’s WMAL.

Farrakhan said, “White folks march with you because they don’t want you upsetting the city, they don’t give a damn about them nine.”

Farrakhan I Don t Get Debate Over Confederate Flag We Need to Put the American Flag Down - Breitbart
Louis Farrakhan has always been an asshole. He was one yesterday, he is one today, and, if history is any judge, he'll be one tomorrow as well.
Minister Farrakhan as usual is right on the money.

The confederate flag only flew 4 years.

Whereas, the American flag flew over the county during a 100 years of US government approved slavery. ...... :cool:
Actually in a convoluted and disturbed way he has a point.

If the American Taliban was serious about purging America of a flag that they claim represents slavery and racism then why be half ass?

The US flag flew over a slave country decades and decades longer than the Confederate States of America. It even flew over slave areas after the Emancipation Proclamation. It flew over a country that determined Blacks were only 2/3rds of a person. Old Glory flew over Jim Crow America.

Why should the American Taliban stop with just the Confederate flag? They should live up to their hateful convictions and go all the way. shouldn't they?
Minister Farrakhan as usual is right on the money.

The confederate flag only flew 4 years.

Whereas, the American flag flew over the county during a 100 years of US government approved slavery. ...... :cool:

In my eyes, Farrakhan is as much as a minister as Dr. Pepper is a doctor.
This the flag that Farrakan and the American Taliban Moon Bats want flying over the US:

So basically Farrakhan is just another racist, but in this instance it's fine with our oh-so-honest media.
When will the butt hurt right wingee's stop crying about their symbolic hate symbol?
So basically Farrakhan is just another racist, but in this instance it's fine with our oh-so-honest media.
nobody but right wing radio gives a shit what farrakhan says. he sure as hell isn't representative of 'the left'
This the flag that Farrakan and the American Taliban Moon Bats want flying over the US:

The American Taliban has been used to describe fundamentalist Christians in America for a long time. The Taliban are fundamentalist Muslims that believe in a strict interpretation of the Koran the same way that fundamentalist Christians believe in a strict interpretation of the Bible. Both are ultra conservative entities. Get creative and stop plagiarizing words and terms as you attempt to convert definitions to meet your agenda. It makes you look really, really stupid.
Minister Farrakhan as usual is right on the money.

The confederate flag only flew 4 years.

Whereas, the American flag flew over the county during a 100 years of US government approved slavery. ...... :cool:
Not the one we display today. The one we had during slavery wasn't the same flag because the number of stars changed. Slavery hadn't been in effect for nearly a hundred years when the current flag was commissioned. Flag Timeline


Flag Picture Gallery
This the flag that Farrakan and the American Taliban Moon Bats want flying over the US:

The American Taliban has been used to describe fundamentalist Christians in America for a long time. The Taliban are fundamentalist Muslims that believe in a strict interpretation of the Koran the same way that fundamentalist Christians believe in a strict interpretation of the Bible. Both are ultra conservative entities. Get creative and stop plagiarizing words and terms as you attempt to convert definitions to meet your agenda. It makes you look really, really stupid.

If anyone is American Taliban it's the left. Intolerant and America hating. The only difference is you embrace homos, the Taliban lops their heads off
So basically Farrakhan is just another racist, but in this instance it's fine with our oh-so-honest media.
nobody but right wing radio gives a shit what farrakhan says. he sure as hell isn't representative of 'the left'

Yeah he is. Same stupid mindset, hate America and racist as they come
lol. fine. then david duke represents all conservatives.

farrakhan is a fringe personality. nobody takes him seriously. nobody would even know what he was up to if the am airwaves didn't devote so much time to him as a useful caricature.

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