Farrakhan: "We need to put the American flag down"

This the flag that Farrakan and the American Taliban Moon Bats want flying over the US:


Your flag is an oxymoron.
This the flag that Farrakan and the American Taliban Moon Bats want flying over the US:

The American Taliban has been used to describe fundamentalist Christians in America for a long time. The Taliban are fundamentalist Muslims that believe in a strict interpretation of the Koran the same way that fundamentalist Christians believe in a strict interpretation of the Bible. Both are ultra conservative entities. Get creative and stop plagiarizing words and terms as you attempt to convert definitions to meet your agenda. It makes you look really, really stupid.

If anyone is American Taliban it's the left. Intolerant and America hating. The only difference is you embrace homos, the Taliban lops their heads off
Farrakhan is an ultra conservative Muslim you idiot. And the Taliban are not the ones made famous for lopping off heads you uneducated misinformed dick. You are confusing the Taliban with Daesh (ISIL-ISIS)
So basically Farrakhan is just another racist, but in this instance it's fine with our oh-so-honest media.
nobody but right wing radio gives a shit what farrakhan says. he sure as hell isn't representative of 'the left'

I did not ask if our media gave a shit about him, nor did I say or imply that he was a representative of the Left.

I do imply that what he says is fine with our garbage media, because if it were a white idiot saying this crap about black people, imagine what they'd do.

There a hell of a lot of good black and white people, and there are a hell of a lot of bad black and white people.
This the flag that Farrakan and the American Taliban Moon Bats want flying over the US:

The American Taliban has been used to describe fundamentalist Christians in America for a long time. The Taliban are fundamentalist Muslims that believe in a strict interpretation of the Koran the same way that fundamentalist Christians believe in a strict interpretation of the Bible. Both are ultra conservative entities. Get creative and stop plagiarizing words and terms as you attempt to convert definitions to meet your agenda. It makes you look really, really stupid.

If anyone is American Taliban it's the left. Intolerant and America hating. The only difference is you embrace homos, the Taliban lops their heads off
Farrakhan is an ultra conservative Muslim you idiot. And the Taliban are not the ones made famous for lopping off heads you uneducated misinformed dick. You are confusing the Taliban with Daesh (ISIL-ISIS)

Grow up and I might respond to your little tirade. Oh...and The Taliban is Islamic, Islam calls for beheading homos. Try again

Islamic law and its punishments for homosexuality
Islamic law and its punishments for homosexuality
Grow up and I might respond to your little tirade. Oh...and The Taliban is Islamic, Islam calls for beheading homos. Try again

Eh. A flavor of Islam, sure, but not all of it.

My doctor and co-worker is Muslim, and he's a collection of peaceful, smart, humble, and decent.
Not the one we display today. The one we had during slavery wasn't the same flag because the number of stars changed. Slavery hadn't been in effect for nearly a hundred years when the current flag was commissioned. Flag Timeline
It's still the same flag design with various star number modifications. ..... :cool:
Nope. Technically...it's different. If you checked out the links you could see it.

Farrakann is just showing his ignorance and his anti-Americanism. Racist to the core. I guess that's what being a Muslim is for blacks in America.
Grow up and I might respond to your little tirade. Oh...and The Taliban is Islamic, Islam calls for beheading homos. Try again

Eh. A flavor of Islam, sure, but not all of it.

My doctor and co-worker is Muslim, and he's a collection of peaceful, smart, humble, and decent.
An exception to be sure. Problem is, his religion isn't based on being peaceful, nor humble. Decent....yes.
This the flag that Farrakan and the American Taliban Moon Bats want flying over the US:

The American Taliban has been used to describe fundamentalist Christians in America for a long time. The Taliban are fundamentalist Muslims that believe in a strict interpretation of the Koran the same way that fundamentalist Christians believe in a strict interpretation of the Bible. Both are ultra conservative entities. Get creative and stop plagiarizing words and terms as you attempt to convert definitions to meet your agenda. It makes you look really, really stupid.

If anyone is American Taliban it's the left. Intolerant and America hating. The only difference is you embrace homos, the Taliban lops their heads off
Farrakhan is an ultra conservative Muslim you idiot. And the Taliban are not the ones made famous for lopping off heads you uneducated misinformed dick. You are confusing the Taliban with Daesh (ISIL-ISIS)
Yeah, stoning people to death for adultry and slitting the throats of Jews is so much more civilized.
Calypso Louie wants to get rid of the American flag, huh? What's he gonna replace it with? Oh, I know. Probably whatever flag adorned those alien spaceships he's claimed to have flown around on a few times. Makes sense, no?
So basically Farrakhan is just another racist, but in this instance it's fine with our oh-so-honest media.
nobody but right wing radio gives a shit what farrakhan says. he sure as hell isn't representative of 'the left'

I did not ask if our media gave a shit about him, nor did I say or imply that he was a representative of the Left.

I do imply that what he says is fine with our garbage media, because if it were a white idiot saying this crap about black people, imagine what they'd do.

There a hell of a lot of good black and white people, and there are a hell of a lot of bad black and white people.
i see. because 'the media' doesn't give time to every crackpot you view it as somehow biased. your proof is that if farrakhan were white he'd get coverage, and you know that because the media is biased.

good bit of circular reasoning you have going on.
Grow up and I might respond to your little tirade. Oh...and The Taliban is Islamic, Islam calls for beheading homos. Try again

Eh. A flavor of Islam, sure, but not all of it.

My doctor and co-worker is Muslim, and he's a collection of peaceful, smart, humble, and decent.
An exception to be sure. Problem is, his religion isn't based on being peaceful, nor humble. Decent....yes.

I'm not religious, and I consider all of it to be a tool of thought control.

Christianity and Islam started out primitive, and they're still primitive, er, no, they've evolved and split into different flavors of religious ice cream. I'm not so sure Christianity can be based on being peaceful, either, if you consider the very old Hebrew version [or older ones at that]. What we do have currently, thousands of years later, are evolved, peaceful versions of Islam and Christianity.
This the flag that Farrakan and the American Taliban Moon Bats want flying over the US:

The American Taliban has been used to describe fundamentalist Christians in America for a long time. The Taliban are fundamentalist Muslims that believe in a strict interpretation of the Koran the same way that fundamentalist Christians believe in a strict interpretation of the Bible. Both are ultra conservative entities. Get creative and stop plagiarizing words and terms as you attempt to convert definitions to meet your agenda. It makes you look really, really stupid.

If anyone is American Taliban it's the left. Intolerant and America hating. The only difference is you embrace homos, the Taliban lops their heads off
Farrakhan is an ultra conservative Muslim you idiot. And the Taliban are not the ones made famous for lopping off heads you uneducated misinformed dick. You are confusing the Taliban with Daesh (ISIL-ISIS)

Grow up and I might respond to your little tirade. Oh...and The Taliban is Islamic, Islam calls for beheading homos. Try again

Islamic law and its punishments for homosexuality
Islamic law and its punishments for homosexuality
The premise of your OP is bullshit jackassery. You are trying to label the conservative Farrakhan with liberals and all Muslims with beheading. Ya, since Daesh showed how much publicity beheading got, the Taliban uses it on occasion, especially a few of it's factions in Pakistan. The Taliban has always preferred hanging to head lopping. You rely on misinformation and outright lies to promote your agenda.
Farrakann is just showing his ignorance and his anti-Americanism. Racist to the core. I guess that's what being a Muslim is for blacks in America.
Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam are a cult group.

They have zero to do with mainstream Islam and Islamic theology. All they did was use the name Islam to attract attention to their organization.

Only a very small number of black muslims are members of the NOI. ..... :cool:
This the flag that Farrakan and the American Taliban Moon Bats want flying over the US:

The American Taliban has been used to describe fundamentalist Christians in America for a long time. The Taliban are fundamentalist Muslims that believe in a strict interpretation of the Koran the same way that fundamentalist Christians believe in a strict interpretation of the Bible. Both are ultra conservative entities. Get creative and stop plagiarizing words and terms as you attempt to convert definitions to meet your agenda. It makes you look really, really stupid.

The Taliban also purge history of anything that doesn't fit into their convoluted ideas and that is exactly what these Moon Bats are doing nowadays with their crusade to rid the US of a symbol that hundreds of thousands of American patriots defending their homeland died under.

The same reason that apply to the Confederate flag applies to the US flag.

If the American Taliban Moon Bats were consistent in their convictions they would join Farrakan and demand that the US flag be purged.

Taliban - Moon Bats same same.
Minister Farrakhan as usual is right on the money.

The confederate flag only flew 4 years.

Whereas, the American flag flew over the county during a 100 years of US government approved slavery. ...... :cool:
I don't think Americans will go for it.
This the flag that Farrakan and the American Taliban Moon Bats want flying over the US:


Your flag is an oxymoron.

I wanted to incorporate both the Moon Bat's love of homosexuality and their support of the Muslim world. It I could have found a flag that also incorporated anti right to keep and bear arms and environmental wackism I would have posted that.
So basically Farrakhan is just another racist, but in this instance it's fine with our oh-so-honest media.
nobody but right wing radio gives a shit what farrakhan says. he sure as hell isn't representative of 'the left'

I did not ask if our media gave a shit about him, nor did I say or imply that he was a representative of the Left.

I do imply that what he says is fine with our garbage media, because if it were a white idiot saying this crap about black people, imagine what they'd do.

There a hell of a lot of good black and white people, and there are a hell of a lot of bad black and white people.
i see. because 'the media' doesn't give time to every crackpot you view it as somehow biased. your proof is that if farrakhan were white he'd get coverage, and you know that because the media is biased.

good bit of circular reasoning you have going on.

Ogibilim, please listen.

When a white person kills a black person, our media sensationalizes it. They also rush to conclusions [this is why I now wait months after the incidents before forming opinions on the matter]. If a black person kills a white person, it may grace a part of the media, but it is never sensationalized. There is a double standard in the media. That much is obvious.

If a white person said what Farrakhan said about black people, it'd be front-page news. Have you read or listened to any of the news this year? Hello? If someone white makes a comment that isn't even racist but could be 'misinterpreted' by some of a less than honest nature, it becomes drummed up, sensationalized news. Now don't get me wrong: I'm all for pointing out the stupidity and hypocrisy on both sloppy sides of the aisle, but please don't BS me by pretending some of the crap on the Left doesn't stink. Because, like a lot on the Right, it does. I can smell it like blood in the water.

In short all of our media is biased with both stupid extremes being FOX news and MSNBC, and there is a double standard when it comes to all of them, and they all lie, they all sensationalize, and they all twist shit around and are hypocritical.

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