Farrakhan: "We need to put the American flag down"

This the flag that Farrakan and the American Taliban Moon Bats want flying over the US:

The American Taliban has been used to describe fundamentalist Christians in America for a long time. The Taliban are fundamentalist Muslims that believe in a strict interpretation of the Koran the same way that fundamentalist Christians believe in a strict interpretation of the Bible. Both are ultra conservative entities. Get creative and stop plagiarizing words and terms as you attempt to convert definitions to meet your agenda. It makes you look really, really stupid.

If anyone is American Taliban it's the left. Intolerant and America hating. The only difference is you embrace homos, the Taliban lops their heads off
Farrakhan is an ultra conservative Muslim you idiot. And the Taliban are not the ones made famous for lopping off heads you uneducated misinformed dick. You are confusing the Taliban with Daesh (ISIL-ISIS)

Grow up and I might respond to your little tirade. Oh...and The Taliban is Islamic, Islam calls for beheading homos. Try again

Islamic law and its punishments for homosexuality
Islamic law and its punishments for homosexuality
The premise of your OP is bullshit jackassery. You are trying to label the conservative Farrakhan with liberals and all Muslims with beheading. Ya, since Daesh showed how much publicity beheading got, the Taliban uses it on occasion, especially a few of it's factions in Pakistan. The Taliban has always preferred hanging to head lopping. You rely on misinformation and outright lies to promote your agenda.

GFY.....troll. I posted a link....you spew your nonsense
This the flag that Farrakan and the American Taliban Moon Bats want flying over the US:

The American Taliban has been used to describe fundamentalist Christians in America for a long time. The Taliban are fundamentalist Muslims that believe in a strict interpretation of the Koran the same way that fundamentalist Christians believe in a strict interpretation of the Bible. Both are ultra conservative entities. Get creative and stop plagiarizing words and terms as you attempt to convert definitions to meet your agenda. It makes you look really, really stupid.

If anyone is American Taliban it's the left. Intolerant and America hating. The only difference is you embrace homos, the Taliban lops their heads off
Farrakhan is an ultra conservative Muslim you idiot. And the Taliban are not the ones made famous for lopping off heads you uneducated misinformed dick. You are confusing the Taliban with Daesh (ISIL-ISIS)
Yeah, stoning people to death for adultry and slitting the throats of Jews is so much more civilized.
Of course not. The Taliban are evil monsters. But you have to know your enemy and misrepresenting them for politics is harmful. Plenty of examples of the Taliban being evil and needing to be exterminated. Reason we so often loose in out foreign adventures is that we don't know our enemies, their cultures and belief systems. Taliban and not the same as ISIS.
Farrakann is just showing his ignorance and his anti-Americanism. Racist to the core. I guess that's what being a Muslim is for blacks in America.
Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam are a cult group.

They have zero to do with mainstream Islam and Islamic theology. All they did was use the name Islam to attract attention to their organization.

Only a very small number of black muslims are members of the NOI. ..... :cool:
Why is it in every Islamic society the worst of the worst come to power?

Could it be because of their religion's inherent bigotry towards people of other religions?
This the flag that Farrakan and the American Taliban Moon Bats want flying over the US:


Your flag is an oxymoron.

I wanted to incorporate both the Moon Bat's love of homosexuality and their support of the Muslim world. It I could have found a flag that also incorporated anti right to keep and bear arms and environmental wackism I would have posted that.
Those who disagree with your warped view of the world are moon bat homo Muslim's who are trying to take away your guns . Seriously, do you really expect people to view you as a credible and sane person?
As much as I dislike 'modern' liberalism, I think the main way we can cause the killing and evil in primitive Muslim countries to subside is by infusing liberals and secular, liberal-thought into them. As much as I don't care for them, I don't recall cafe-latte-sipping, metro-sexual, gluten-free, 100% organic, grassfed liberals plotting jihad against the infidels with nuclear warheads.
This the flag that Farrakan and the American Taliban Moon Bats want flying over the US:


Your flag is an oxymoron.

I wanted to incorporate both the Moon Bat's love of homosexuality and their support of the Muslim world. It I could have found a flag that also incorporated anti right to keep and bear arms and environmental wackism I would have posted that.
Those who disagree with your warped view of the world are moon bat homo Muslim's who are trying to take away your guns . Seriously, do you really expect people to view you as a credible and sane person?

Newsflash: I really don't care how you or anyone else "views me"....there lies your dilemma
This the flag that Farrakan and the American Taliban Moon Bats want flying over the US:


Your flag is an oxymoron.

I wanted to incorporate both the Moon Bat's love of homosexuality and their support of the Muslim world. It I could have found a flag that also incorporated anti right to keep and bear arms and environmental wackism I would have posted that.
Those who disagree with your warped view of the world are moon bat homo Muslim's who are trying to take away your guns . Seriously, do you really expect people to view you as a credible and sane person?

Newsflash: I really don't care how you or anyone else "views me"....there lies your dilemma
Sure you do. You have an agenda and you are voicing your opinions and thoughts to promote your agenda. If you are viewed as an idiot people don't take your agenda seriously. You hurt your cause rather than promote it. That makes you "don't care" statement a lie or stupid or both.
This the flag that Farrakan and the American Taliban Moon Bats want flying over the US:


Your flag is an oxymoron.

I wanted to incorporate both the Moon Bat's love of homosexuality and their support of the Muslim world. It I could have found a flag that also incorporated anti right to keep and bear arms and environmental wackism I would have posted that.
Those who disagree with your warped view of the world are moon bat homo Muslim's who are trying to take away your guns . Seriously, do you really expect people to view you as a credible and sane person?

Newsflash: I really don't care how you or anyone else "views me"....there lies your dilemma
Sure you do. You have an agenda and you are voicing your opinions and thoughts to promote your agenda. If you are viewed as an idiot people don't take your agenda seriously. You hurt your cause rather than promote it. That makes you "don't care" statement a lie or stupid or both.

Like I said....GFY. See how much I care what a left loon such as yourself thinks? Now pound sand. One more word from you and off to ignore you go
Why is it in every Islamic society the worst of the worst come to power?
That's because most of the time the leaders of arab muslim countries are puppet dictators installed and given weapons by the Western powers to subjugate the people. ...... :cool:
Or possibly the worst aspects of Islam are the most aggressive and thus the secret desire of true believers. One of the worst of them is this belief that other religions are an insult to the dignity of Islam. They move to other non-Muslim countries and insist on those countries changing rather than vice-verse. Permanently melting into a society isn't even a consideration taught in Madrases.
This the flag that Farrakan and the American Taliban Moon Bats want flying over the US:


Your flag is an oxymoron.

I wanted to incorporate both the Moon Bat's love of homosexuality and their support of the Muslim world. It I could have found a flag that also incorporated anti right to keep and bear arms and environmental wackism I would have posted that.
Those who disagree with your warped view of the world are moon bat homo Muslim's who are trying to take away your guns . Seriously, do you really expect people to view you as a credible and sane person?

Newsflash: I really don't care how you or anyone else "views me"....there lies your dilemma
Sure you do. You have an agenda and you are voicing your opinions and thoughts to promote your agenda. If you are viewed as an idiot people don't take your agenda seriously. You hurt your cause rather than promote it. That makes you "don't care" statement a lie or stupid or both.
You might want to add that if Sassy didn't care, she wouldn't put so many posters on Ignore. Why would she bother if she "didn't care".
Your flag is an oxymoron.

I wanted to incorporate both the Moon Bat's love of homosexuality and their support of the Muslim world. It I could have found a flag that also incorporated anti right to keep and bear arms and environmental wackism I would have posted that.
Those who disagree with your warped view of the world are moon bat homo Muslim's who are trying to take away your guns . Seriously, do you really expect people to view you as a credible and sane person?

Newsflash: I really don't care how you or anyone else "views me"....there lies your dilemma
Sure you do. You have an agenda and you are voicing your opinions and thoughts to promote your agenda. If you are viewed as an idiot people don't take your agenda seriously. You hurt your cause rather than promote it. That makes you "don't care" statement a lie or stupid or both.

Like I said....GFY. See how much I care what a left loon such as yourself thinks? Now pound sand. One more word from you and off to ignore you go
I wanted to incorporate both the Moon Bat's love of homosexuality and their support of the Muslim world. It I could have found a flag that also incorporated anti right to keep and bear arms and environmental wackism I would have posted that.
Those who disagree with your warped view of the world are moon bat homo Muslim's who are trying to take away your guns . Seriously, do you really expect people to view you as a credible and sane person?

Newsflash: I really don't care how you or anyone else "views me"....there lies your dilemma
Sure you do. You have an agenda and you are voicing your opinions and thoughts to promote your agenda. If you are viewed as an idiot people don't take your agenda seriously. You hurt your cause rather than promote it. That makes you "don't care" statement a lie or stupid or both.

Like I said....GFY. See how much I care what a left loon such as yourself thinks? Now pound sand. One more word from you and off to ignore you go

Buh bye
Question for you Moon Bats.

What national flag flies over Chicago City Hall where almost every day a Black person is murdered by another Black person?
Talk about a racist flag but the US flag flew over a Nation whose President said this:

"I do not understand that because I do not want a negro woman for a slave I must necessarily have her for a wife...I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the races which I believe will for ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality."[1]
(From the Lincoln-Douglas debates)
Question for you Moon Bats.

What national flag flies over Chicago City Hall where almost every day a Black person is murdered by another Black person?
The confederate flag is being rejected because it is offensive and judged to be disrespectful to large numbers of Americans. Are you offended and feel disrespected when you see an American flag? If you do feel offended and disrespected, tough shit, you are living in America. None of us live in the or a confederate state. You got a problem with the American flag go ahead and let people know it. Stand up for what you believe in, otherwise you are just a troublemaker looking for attention.

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