Fascinating, brutally honest interview w ex Baltimore cop and Joe Rogan; Must see.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Ok. So....this is in the top 5 most fascinating interviews on policing I've ever seen. This guy is an 11 year retired Baltimore cop who went out due to an injury. I follow Joe Rogan because of his jiujitsu/UFC stuff....but came across this. It's incredible. BOTH political sides are gonna hear stuff they like and dislike. He actually leans left more than anything....but...I trust his words because he actually did the job. I agree with 75% of what he says (his experience is in Baltimore, probably different than many other places, about 50/50 from mine in ATL). He nails it on the drug war and politicians leading PDs.

Anyway.....it's long....but worth every second. Wanted to share.


He's a fascinating interview. And he's right....Baltimore is a giant cluster fuck and has been for decades. He's 100% right about command staffs at most large agencies. Many if not most cops are disgusted by it, WANT change....such as ending drug enforcement on weed....but don't have the power to do it, and due to rules, can't speak publicly or they'll be fired.

He absolutely nails the problems regarding police department high command issues, standards and training.
Michael A. Wood Jr. » Official Website » About Me

Again he is a bit left on some stuff for my taste...but he is 100% spot on with the weed war and police commanders....particular the top which in big cities is an appointed police chief/politician.

He's retired. But too bad all cops can't speak out like he does because many would agree with him. They'd lose their jobs if they did....further adding to the stress sandwich clusterufck of Baltimore PD.
Joe Rogan can suck my balls. He's an annoying fuck tard

He's a fascinating interview. And he's right....Baltimore is a giant cluster fuck and has been for decades. He's 100% right about command staffs at most large agencies. Many if not most cops are disgusted by it, WANT change....such as ending drug enforcement on weed....but don't have the power to do it, and due to rules, can't speak publicly or they'll be fired.

He absolutely nails the problems regarding police department high command issues, standards and training.
Yeah he's desperate for some celebrity
Interesting interview. No surprises except that the cop says 99% of stop and frisk did not yield an arrest, but he did not mention legal weapons, dangerous items, possibly stolen items on their person. The "war on drugs" and the "war on poverty" and the environment are not the cause of their criminal activity but responses to. Either way, the "war on drugs" and the "war on poverty" definitely need to end.
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Interesting interview. No surprises except that the cop says 99% of stop and frisk did not yield an arrest, but he did not mention legal weapons, dangerous items, possibly stolen items on their person. The "war on drugs" and the "war on poverty" are not the cause of their behavior. Either way, the "war on drugs" definitely needs to end.

The thing I believe is most important is that he is calm and articulate when he says that stuff. He approaches the police reform topic without angry emotion but rather scientific logic. And he's right about 75% of what he says. The other 25%....probably just his experience in Baltimore because I didn't have some of the stuff he described in Atlanta.

If the BLM crowd took his approach....more would listen.

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