Fascist Pathological Liar Trump's New Lie Endangers National Security

The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.


This post is just further proof that you tards always take sides against your own country. Siding with terrorists just so you can put Hillary back in the wh.:alirulz:

Despicable :hmpf:

Btw, I remember seeing videos of them cheering in the streets. It left an indelible imprint on my memory. Now you claim it never even happened. You are lied to over and over and you never learn.

Yup, just like after IRS officials took the 5th, you believe there isn't a smidgen of corruption in the IRS.

Just how gullible can you get.:slap:

Without retards like you, most of the mess we're in today never would have happened. Corrupt and dishonest people like Obama and Hillary would be on the outside instead being part of the establishment.
Everyone thought the Palestineans celebrating in the streets of Jerusalem was despicable. Palestinians in Jerusalem are not the same as American Muslims in New Jersey. If Trump and his cult want to go after American Muslims let them and they go after them with truth and refrain from the obvious outright lies.
Yet you have no proof it didn't happen. None. Zip. Nadda.

Regardless how many who saw it with their own eyes, and a Washington Post article that recorded it, you still only believe liberal pundits.
There is an overwhelming amount of proof that the event Trump is lying about never happened. As ridiculous as your claim is, proving something that never happened never happened, in this case, it can be proven by the fact that not a single video exists from news, private surveillance cameras from businesses with street views, traffic cameras of private individuals shows any kind of event of the type Trump says he saw. Not a single police report of large numbers of Muslims in the streets. In fact, law enforcement claims the event never took place. Your guy Trump is a malicious hateful liar. The Washington Post did not back up Trump's lie.
Well, dumbass, this was 2001. Over 14 years ago.

There was no need to post cameras in Muslim neighborhoods before 911. Before then, Islamic terrorism wasn't considered the threat it is today. :slap:

You'really just gonna have to take the word of eye-witnesses and news reports oF the day....instead of the word of Democrats and their corrupt media today.
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Clinton still could get her parties nomination for President. Trump is finished and will never step a foot inside the White House.

So you are for a corrupt Hillary but not a corrupt Trump?
I am not a Hillary fan. I hope the Dem's pick someone else. My Republican choice would be Kasich. I have problems with all the candidates, Repub's and Dem's. I know for sure I will not support that fascist liar Trump. We beat those fascist fuckers 75 years ago.

I see no difference in Hillary than Trump, trump just doesn't have the filter.
Yes they have many similarities. Both are welfare warfare statists.

There are some dissimilarities of note. Trump will close the border and deport the illegals...Mrs. BJ will not. Trump will change our free trade policies. Mrs. BJ will not. Trump might do something about the power held by Wall Street, no question but Mrs. BJ will not.
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.


This post is just further proof that you tards always take sides against your own country. Siding with terrorists just so you can put Hillary back in the wh.:alirulz:

Despicable :hmpf:

Btw, I remember seeing videos of them cheering in the streets. It left an indelible imprint on my memory. Now you claim it never even happened. You are lied to over and over and you never learn.

Yup, just like after IRS officials took the 5th, you believe there isn't a smidgen of corruption in the IRS.

Just how gullible can you get.:slap:

Without retards like you, most of the mess we're in today never would have happened. Corrupt and dishonest people like Obama and Hillary would be on the outside instead being part of the establishment.
Everyone thought the Palestineans celebrating in the streets of Jerusalem was despicable. Palestinians in Jerusalem are not the same as American Muslims in New Jersey. If Trump and his cult want to go after American Muslims let them and they go after them with truth and refrain from the obvious outright lies.
Yet you have no proof it didn't happen. None. Zip. Nadda.

Regardless how many who saw it with their own eyes, and a Washington Post article that recorded it, you still only believe liberal pundits.
Proof it didn't happen? Are you as crazy as you are stupid? Where's the evidence that it did happen? Point out even one shred of credible evidence to support the wild claim. That's how these things are supposed to work. Maybe you'd like to prove that you weren't kidnapped by aliens and that you didn't take a ride in a UFO.
You believe all of Obama's lies, so you are blind to reality.

Yup. He sees Trump as a pathological liar but overlooks Obamas lies.

Camp is an asshole. Big, Deep and wide.
The assholes are the ones who defend Trump's pathological lying by comparing his lying to Obama, as if Obama telling what they think are lies somehow makes it OK for Trump to be a liar.
Trump is a fascist and a pathological liar. Only suckers are still supporting that cartoon character. He is a danger to National Security because his hateful and foul lies are used for recruitment by terrorist to show how Americans hate all Muslims. He is bearing false witness against the Muslim world and they know it is being done to make it easier to convince the masses of Americans that Muslims all over the world be attacked.

you gotta be kidding. As has already been stated-----the same muslims who fart out cheers in the MILLIONS------DEATH TO AMERICA are worried that Trump
makes note of the fact. -----btw---he did not lie------where were you on 9-11-01---how many muslims do you know well enough to engage in candid discussion of
their "THOUGHTS" about the world condition over the past 50 years? How many times have you visited mosques. --------do not be shy ----be honest------
you don't know
Try and deflect as much as you desire. Trump lied about seeing thousands of Muslims dancing and celebrating in the streets of New Jersey. It is an ugly, malicious and purposely hateful lie designed to bring forth hatred of a select group of people for their religious beliefs. It specifically targeted Muslims in a part of New Jersey, but now encompasses Muslims throughout the world.

He did not lie-----he expressed himself while STANDING on his feet-----in a manner
mildly inaccurate--------It was not a considered ESSAY-----he spoke contemporaneously. -----during----an interview. In fact I know there was celebration in Jersey City because people who live never there told me so-----same with Patterson, New Jersey and same with Ramallah------I witnessed celebration
on Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn I did not witness it in Queens Brooklyn----and did not ask anyone either. His only problem was a sloppy use of NUMBERS-----he obviously did not count them -----and neither did I
Why do you have to lie about everything all the time?
Reported that the day after the WTC, that only CBS NY TV was up and running as they still had an antennae on the Empire State Building, and showed crowds of muslims celebrating in N.J. .... Now trying to get that footage will be as difficult as getting Obama's college transcripts!

well----I do not know about "only CBS" but I do know that the city was BLANKETED
by a smokey haze-------people were scrambling around ---but severely impeded
by detours and security checks and public transport (very important for New York City function) delays and clogs and utter mess. Lots of people were desperate to FIND
relatives------mothers were hysterically holding on to their kids --------and from all
this MESS-----some shmucks demand CLEAR DOCUMENTATION of all events-----
as in "how come you don't have a video tape of that arab schmuck wiggling with
joy and flashing "V" for victory finger signs"?
Sounds like you were even more confused than usual that day.
Reported that the day after the WTC, that only CBS NY TV was up and running as they still had an antennae on the Empire State Building, and showed crowds of muslims celebrating in N.J. .... Now trying to get that footage will be as difficult as getting Obama's college transcripts!

well----I do not know about "only CBS" but I do know that the city was BLANKETED
by a smokey haze-------people were scrambling around ---but severely impeded
by detours and security checks and public transport (very important for New York City function) delays and clogs and utter mess. Lots of people were desperate to FIND
relatives------mothers were hysterically holding on to their kids --------and from all
this MESS-----some shmucks demand CLEAR DOCUMENTATION of all events-----
as in "how come you don't have a video tape of that arab schmuck wiggling with
joy and flashing "V" for victory finger signs"?

Sounds like you were even more confused than usual that day.

I was a bit confused by multiple traffic and public transportation detours and
lengthy delays in commutation-----but that was about it.
Yup. He sees Trump as a pathological liar but overlooks Obamas lies.

Camp is an asshole. Big, Deep and wide.
The assholes are the ones who defend Trump's pathological lying by comparing his lying to Obama, as if Obama telling what they think are lies somehow makes it OK for Trump to be a liar.
Trump is a fascist and a pathological liar. Only suckers are still supporting that cartoon character. He is a danger to National Security because his hateful and foul lies are used for recruitment by terrorist to show how Americans hate all Muslims. He is bearing false witness against the Muslim world and they know it is being done to make it easier to convince the masses of Americans that Muslims all over the world be attacked.

you gotta be kidding. As has already been stated-----the same muslims who fart out cheers in the MILLIONS------DEATH TO AMERICA are worried that Trump
makes note of the fact. -----btw---he did not lie------where were you on 9-11-01---how many muslims do you know well enough to engage in candid discussion of
their "THOUGHTS" about the world condition over the past 50 years? How many times have you visited mosques. --------do not be shy ----be honest------
you don't know
Try and deflect as much as you desire. Trump lied about seeing thousands of Muslims dancing and celebrating in the streets of New Jersey. It is an ugly, malicious and purposely hateful lie designed to bring forth hatred of a select group of people for their religious beliefs. It specifically targeted Muslims in a part of New Jersey, but now encompasses Muslims throughout the world.

He did not lie-----he expressed himself while STANDING on his feet-----in a manner
mildly inaccurate--------It was not a considered ESSAY-----he spoke contemporaneously. -----during----an interview. In fact I know there was celebration in Jersey City because people who live never there told me so-----same with Patterson, New Jersey and same with Ramallah------I witnessed celebration
on Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn I did not witness it in Queens Brooklyn----and did not ask anyone either. His only problem was a sloppy use of NUMBERS-----he obviously did not count them -----and neither did I
Why do you have to lie about everything all the time?

I never lie. Could you be more specific? the simple noxious fart
"YOU LIE"-----is meaningless
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.


This post is just further proof that you tards always take sides against your own country. Siding with terrorists just so you can put Hillary back in the wh.:alirulz:

Despicable :hmpf:

Btw, I remember seeing videos of them cheering in the streets. It left an indelible imprint on my memory. Now you claim it never even happened. You are lied to over and over and you never learn.

Yup, just like after IRS officials took the 5th, you believe there isn't a smidgen of corruption in the IRS.

Just how gullible can you get.:slap:

Without retards like you, most of the mess we're in today never would have happened. Corrupt and dishonest people like Obama and Hillary would be on the outside instead being part of the establishment.
Everyone thought the Palestineans celebrating in the streets of Jerusalem was despicable. Palestinians in Jerusalem are not the same as American Muslims in New Jersey. If Trump and his cult want to go after American Muslims let them and they go after them with truth and refrain from the obvious outright lies.
Yet you have no proof it didn't happen. None. Zip. Nadda.

Regardless how many who saw it with their own eyes, and a Washington Post article that recorded it, you still only believe liberal pundits.
There is an overwhelming amount of proof that the event Trump is lying about never happened. As ridiculous as your claim is, proving something that never happened never happened, in this case, it can be proven by the fact that not a single video exists from news, private surveillance cameras from businesses with street views, traffic cameras of private individuals shows any kind of event of the type Trump says he saw. Not a single police report of large numbers of Muslims in the streets. In fact, law enforcement claims the event never took place. Your guy Trump is a malicious hateful liar. The Washington Post did not back up Trump's lie.

there is "PROOF" that there were no celebratory muslims in Jersey City on
9-11-01??? can you cite that "PROOF" Long ago I lived in an area wracked for
a few weeks by violent rampaging "demonstrators" Most of the population
scattered but I had to stay--------I continue my work-----The news reported
"ALL QUIET IN ________according to the police" I ran into a detective which
was a norm based on the work I did----and asked 'why are the police saying that
all is well in _______" ? He said------"we say it in order to avoid encouraging persons from outside the area TO JOIN UP"--------I asked "how do you keep reporters who can WITNESS what is really going on from reporting what they see"?----He said "reporters depend on us for lots of information-----in situations like this---'one hand washes the other' "
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.


This post is just further proof that you tards always take sides against your own country. Siding with terrorists just so you can put Hillary back in the wh.:alirulz:

Despicable :hmpf:

Btw, I remember seeing videos of them cheering in the streets. It left an indelible imprint on my memory. Now you claim it never even happened. You are lied to over and over and you never learn.

Yup, just like after IRS officials took the 5th, you believe there isn't a smidgen of corruption in the IRS.

Just how gullible can you get.:slap:

Without retards like you, most of the mess we're in today never would have happened. Corrupt and dishonest people like Obama and Hillary would be on the outside instead being part of the establishment.
Everyone thought the Palestineans celebrating in the streets of Jerusalem was despicable. Palestinians in Jerusalem are not the same as American Muslims in New Jersey. If Trump and his cult want to go after American Muslims let them and they go after them with truth and refrain from the obvious outright lies.
Yet you have no proof it didn't happen. None. Zip. Nadda.

Regardless how many who saw it with their own eyes, and a Washington Post article that recorded it, you still only believe liberal pundits.
There is an overwhelming amount of proof that the event Trump is lying about never happened. As ridiculous as your claim is, proving something that never happened never happened, in this case, it can be proven by the fact that not a single video exists from news, private surveillance cameras from businesses with street views, traffic cameras of private individuals shows any kind of event of the type Trump says he saw. Not a single police report of large numbers of Muslims in the streets. In fact, law enforcement claims the event never took place. Your guy Trump is a malicious hateful liar. The Washington Post did not back up Trump's lie.
Well, dumbass, this was 2001. Over 14 years ago.

There was no need to post cameras in Muslim neighborhoods before 911. Before then, Islamic terrorism wasn't considered the threat it is today. :slap:

You'really just gonna have to take the word of eye-witnesses and news reports oF the day....instead of the word of Democrats and their corrupt media today.

for the record----JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY (no less) has been under NEW YORK POLICE surveillance (no less) for years based on that which has gone on in that Islamic enclave for years. The legality of that inter state action had been
challenged recently-------guess why it was going on
This post is just further proof that you tards always take sides against your own country. Siding with terrorists just so you can put Hillary back in the wh.:alirulz:

Despicable :hmpf:

Btw, I remember seeing videos of them cheering in the streets. It left an indelible imprint on my memory. Now you claim it never even happened. You are lied to over and over and you never learn.

Yup, just like after IRS officials took the 5th, you believe there isn't a smidgen of corruption in the IRS.

Just how gullible can you get.:slap:

Without retards like you, most of the mess we're in today never would have happened. Corrupt and dishonest people like Obama and Hillary would be on the outside instead being part of the establishment.
Everyone thought the Palestineans celebrating in the streets of Jerusalem was despicable. Palestinians in Jerusalem are not the same as American Muslims in New Jersey. If Trump and his cult want to go after American Muslims let them and they go after them with truth and refrain from the obvious outright lies.
Yet you have no proof it didn't happen. None. Zip. Nadda.

Regardless how many who saw it with their own eyes, and a Washington Post article that recorded it, you still only believe liberal pundits.
There is an overwhelming amount of proof that the event Trump is lying about never happened. As ridiculous as your claim is, proving something that never happened never happened, in this case, it can be proven by the fact that not a single video exists from news, private surveillance cameras from businesses with street views, traffic cameras of private individuals shows any kind of event of the type Trump says he saw. Not a single police report of large numbers of Muslims in the streets. In fact, law enforcement claims the event never took place. Your guy Trump is a malicious hateful liar. The Washington Post did not back up Trump's lie.
Well, dumbass, this was 2001. Over 14 years ago.

There was no need to post cameras in Muslim neighborhoods before 911. Before then, Islamic terrorism wasn't considered the threat it is today. :slap:

You'really just gonna have to take the word of eye-witnesses and news reports oF the day....instead of the word of Democrats and their corrupt media today.

for the record----JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY (no less) has been under NEW YORK POLICE surveillance (no less) for years based on that which has gone on in that Islamic enclave for years. The legality of that inter state action had been
challenged recently-------guess why it was going on

Show us the 'thousands and thousands' of muslims celebrating in Jersey City.

Don't tell us. The police indicate that it never happened. There's not a single report of it in the media. There's not a picture, video, so much as a charcoal sketch.

Absolutely nothing.
Everyone thought the Palestineans celebrating in the streets of Jerusalem was despicable. Palestinians in Jerusalem are not the same as American Muslims in New Jersey. If Trump and his cult want to go after American Muslims let them and they go after them with truth and refrain from the obvious outright lies.
Yet you have no proof it didn't happen. None. Zip. Nadda.

Regardless how many who saw it with their own eyes, and a Washington Post article that recorded it, you still only believe liberal pundits.
There is an overwhelming amount of proof that the event Trump is lying about never happened. As ridiculous as your claim is, proving something that never happened never happened, in this case, it can be proven by the fact that not a single video exists from news, private surveillance cameras from businesses with street views, traffic cameras of private individuals shows any kind of event of the type Trump says he saw. Not a single police report of large numbers of Muslims in the streets. In fact, law enforcement claims the event never took place. Your guy Trump is a malicious hateful liar. The Washington Post did not back up Trump's lie.
Well, dumbass, this was 2001. Over 14 years ago.

There was no need to post cameras in Muslim neighborhoods before 911. Before then, Islamic terrorism wasn't considered the threat it is today. :slap:

You'really just gonna have to take the word of eye-witnesses and news reports oF the day....instead of the word of Democrats and their corrupt media today.

for the record----JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY (no less) has been under NEW YORK POLICE surveillance (no less) for years based on that which has gone on in that Islamic enclave for years. The legality of that inter state action had been
challenged recently-------guess why it was going on

Show us the 'thousands and thousands' of muslims celebrating in Jersey City.

Don't tell us. The police indicate that it never happened. There's not a single report of it in the media. There's not a picture, video, so much as a charcoal sketch.

Absolutely nothing.

Donald Trump is guilty of HYPERBOLE, no one has to SHOW you anything.
I know what I saw and I know what people in New Jersey TOLD ME. I know why
under surveillance since the career of your 'god' SHAYKH OMAR ABDEL RAHMAN. (until the "legality" of that interstate operation was questioned---if the shit hole is not under surveillance by the FBI-----the people of the USA should RIOT) Most people do not dance on the graves of the six innocent people that pig murdered in 2003 for the GLORY OF ALLAH (lots of other injured)
DO YOU BELIEVE that event took place? probably not-----it was glossed over
in the press. I spoke to people who survived it. It was a very interesting operation------a car bomb in the parking lot BELOW the building-----do you know
how buildings are demolished? The Islamic operation for the glory of allah
failed to the point that "only" six people were murdered in praise of muhummad-----
and the nearby schools full of thousands of children were not knocked to pieces by
the tumbling buildings-------try to get over it
Yet you have no proof it didn't happen. None. Zip. Nadda.

Regardless how many who saw it with their own eyes, and a Washington Post article that recorded it, you still only believe liberal pundits.
There is an overwhelming amount of proof that the event Trump is lying about never happened. As ridiculous as your claim is, proving something that never happened never happened, in this case, it can be proven by the fact that not a single video exists from news, private surveillance cameras from businesses with street views, traffic cameras of private individuals shows any kind of event of the type Trump says he saw. Not a single police report of large numbers of Muslims in the streets. In fact, law enforcement claims the event never took place. Your guy Trump is a malicious hateful liar. The Washington Post did not back up Trump's lie.
Well, dumbass, this was 2001. Over 14 years ago.

There was no need to post cameras in Muslim neighborhoods before 911. Before then, Islamic terrorism wasn't considered the threat it is today. :slap:

You'really just gonna have to take the word of eye-witnesses and news reports oF the day....instead of the word of Democrats and their corrupt media today.

for the record----JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY (no less) has been under NEW YORK POLICE surveillance (no less) for years based on that which has gone on in that Islamic enclave for years. The legality of that inter state action had been
challenged recently-------guess why it was going on

Show us the 'thousands and thousands' of muslims celebrating in Jersey City.

Don't tell us. The police indicate that it never happened. There's not a single report of it in the media. There's not a picture, video, so much as a charcoal sketch.

Absolutely nothing.

Donald Trump is guilty of HYPERBOLE, no one has to SHOW you anything.

And by 'hyperbole', you mean being completely full of shit? As nothing he indicated was accurate. There weren't 'thousands and thousands' of muslims celebrating in Jersey City.

If we included the parts of Trumps claim that were accurate, we'd be left with punctuation. "There", "weren't", "of", and "in".

And the stunning part is that Trump still stands by his utter horseshit account. Doubling down, insisting that its was on TV (it wasn't), its all over the internet (it isn't) and that thousands of others have seen the same thing (they haven't). Every time he offers the account, there's a brand new elaboration.

And this you call 'hyperbole'? I think the words you were looking for were 'lying his fucking ass off'.
There is an overwhelming amount of proof that the event Trump is lying about never happened. As ridiculous as your claim is, proving something that never happened never happened, in this case, it can be proven by the fact that not a single video exists from news, private surveillance cameras from businesses with street views, traffic cameras of private individuals shows any kind of event of the type Trump says he saw. Not a single police report of large numbers of Muslims in the streets. In fact, law enforcement claims the event never took place. Your guy Trump is a malicious hateful liar. The Washington Post did not back up Trump's lie.
Well, dumbass, this was 2001. Over 14 years ago.

There was no need to post cameras in Muslim neighborhoods before 911. Before then, Islamic terrorism wasn't considered the threat it is today. :slap:

You'really just gonna have to take the word of eye-witnesses and news reports oF the day....instead of the word of Democrats and their corrupt media today.

for the record----JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY (no less) has been under NEW YORK POLICE surveillance (no less) for years based on that which has gone on in that Islamic enclave for years. The legality of that inter state action had been
challenged recently-------guess why it was going on

Show us the 'thousands and thousands' of muslims celebrating in Jersey City.

Don't tell us. The police indicate that it never happened. There's not a single report of it in the media. There's not a picture, video, so much as a charcoal sketch.

Absolutely nothing.

Donald Trump is guilty of HYPERBOLE, no one has to SHOW you anything.

And by 'hyperbole', you mean being completely full of shit? As nothing he indicated was accurate. There weren't 'thousands and thousands' of muslims celebrating in Jersey City.

If we included the parts of Trumps claim that were accurate, we'd be left with punctuation. "There", "weren't", "of", and "in".

And the stunning part is that Trump still stands by his utter horseshit account. Doubling down, insisting that its was on TV (it wasn't), its all over the internet (it isn't) and that thousands of others have seen the same thing (they haven't). Every time he offers the account, there's a brand new elaboration.

And this you call 'hyperbole'? I think the words you were looking for were 'lying his fucking ass off'.

yes----hyperbole. It is unfortunate that he so engaged. He should be more
careful in that which falls out of his mouth----he is incautious & impolitic and you should be more realistic. Persons who make claims that "very few muslims support the kind of terrorism that happened on 9-11-01" are much more significant 'liars' -
(if you want to employ the term) than is Donald Trump
Well, dumbass, this was 2001. Over 14 years ago.

There was no need to post cameras in Muslim neighborhoods before 911. Before then, Islamic terrorism wasn't considered the threat it is today. :slap:

You'really just gonna have to take the word of eye-witnesses and news reports oF the day....instead of the word of Democrats and their corrupt media today.

for the record----JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY (no less) has been under NEW YORK POLICE surveillance (no less) for years based on that which has gone on in that Islamic enclave for years. The legality of that inter state action had been
challenged recently-------guess why it was going on

Show us the 'thousands and thousands' of muslims celebrating in Jersey City.

Don't tell us. The police indicate that it never happened. There's not a single report of it in the media. There's not a picture, video, so much as a charcoal sketch.

Absolutely nothing.

Donald Trump is guilty of HYPERBOLE, no one has to SHOW you anything.

And by 'hyperbole', you mean being completely full of shit? As nothing he indicated was accurate. There weren't 'thousands and thousands' of muslims celebrating in Jersey City.

If we included the parts of Trumps claim that were accurate, we'd be left with punctuation. "There", "weren't", "of", and "in".

And the stunning part is that Trump still stands by his utter horseshit account. Doubling down, insisting that its was on TV (it wasn't), its all over the internet (it isn't) and that thousands of others have seen the same thing (they haven't). Every time he offers the account, there's a brand new elaboration.

And this you call 'hyperbole'? I think the words you were looking for were 'lying his fucking ass off'.

yes----hyperbole. It is unfortunate that he so engaged. He should be more
careful in that which falls out of his mouth----he is incautious & impolitic and you should be more realistic. Persons who make claims that "very few muslims support the kind of terrorism that happened on 9-11-01" are much more significant 'liars' -
(if you want to employ the term) than is Donald Trump
Saying Islam is a religion of peace is hyperbole.
for the record----JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY (no less) has been under NEW YORK POLICE surveillance (no less) for years based on that which has gone on in that Islamic enclave for years. The legality of that inter state action had been
challenged recently-------guess why it was going on

Show us the 'thousands and thousands' of muslims celebrating in Jersey City.

Don't tell us. The police indicate that it never happened. There's not a single report of it in the media. There's not a picture, video, so much as a charcoal sketch.

Absolutely nothing.

Donald Trump is guilty of HYPERBOLE, no one has to SHOW you anything.

And by 'hyperbole', you mean being completely full of shit? As nothing he indicated was accurate. There weren't 'thousands and thousands' of muslims celebrating in Jersey City.

If we included the parts of Trumps claim that were accurate, we'd be left with punctuation. "There", "weren't", "of", and "in".

And the stunning part is that Trump still stands by his utter horseshit account. Doubling down, insisting that its was on TV (it wasn't), its all over the internet (it isn't) and that thousands of others have seen the same thing (they haven't). Every time he offers the account, there's a brand new elaboration.

And this you call 'hyperbole'? I think the words you were looking for were 'lying his fucking ass off'.

yes----hyperbole. It is unfortunate that he so engaged. He should be more
careful in that which falls out of his mouth----he is incautious & impolitic and you should be more realistic. Persons who make claims that "very few muslims support the kind of terrorism that happened on 9-11-01" are much more significant 'liars' -
(if you want to employ the term) than is Donald Trump
Saying Islam is a religion of peace is hyperbole.

actually ----it is an outright lie. The real way to KNOW-----is get to know a
young muslim-----someone in his twenties--------REALLY KNOW.... get to
observe the culture. Suggesting that islam is a religion of peace is something
like suggesting that the ROMAN CIRCUSES (ie gladiators and lion lunch with humans on the menu) were examples of an ethos of "PEACE AND LOVE"

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