FASCIST REGIME... Again and Again: Assault 2. A documentary about what happened in the Sredneuralsky Monastery on the night of February 26


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Putin and almost anyone in his corrupted gang aren't native Russians, aren't Christians, they are closet satanists and Zionists fighting 24/7/365 against Russian People and its Religion. If True Christians refuse to be subverted to Putin's KGB 'Church' they immediately get thrown to prison, murdered, beaten or otherwise persecuted.

Western conservatives and Russian patriots shall stop to support Putin, a wolf in the sheep fell

Two months after the detention of St. Sergius, Putin's fascists repeated their sudden armed invasion of the territory of the Sredneuralsky Convent of the Sporitelnitsa Khlebov. In this film, footage from the scene is intertwined with the stories of eyewitnesses and victims. The video is about how it all happened.

Read below some comments to the video

Assault 2. In the Sredneuralsky nunnery again security forces with weapons. Chronicle and interviews

The impression is that until they catholicize all the Orthodox churches, they will not rest, the enemy is sick of Orthodoxy, they are raging.

How can you do that to children? Face the floor!!! Where is the ombudsman?

Woe betrayers of their people!

How can they go after nuns and children? And also the elderly, the handicapped? The world has gone mad. Lord strengthen the Holy Abode. Mother of God help them. )))))))

Lord have mercy on them, they don't know what they're doing.
Queen of Heaven protect the sisters and brothers, save the monastery Lord.

I fear for our children, for Mother Russia! What's the novelty of breaking into a monastery at night? If you'd come in the daytime, you'd be greeted in a way not every house is greeted! You burst into a convent... not even equal strength! What a wild thing! God forgive us sinners!

Again at night, like robbers, this impunity, this lawlessness, in our country, with the complete silence and consent of our government!!!!

These are fascists, not law enforcers, for the term diz.

God will reward the ungodly for the deeds of their hands, the two-faced priesthood for their deceitfulness. Let us pray and repent, brothers and sisters, may God protect us from the wicked, the true faith is always persecuted.

Looking at all this, I think that Russian people are finished. What kind of warriors are they? Burn in hell, both the organizers and perpetrators of this lawlessness!!! God is not to be despised!!!

Whose orders?! Those people in masks against nuns, children, priests and the handicapped! This is what money does to people without God!

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