Fascist Trump Can't Stop Pathological Lying

Me too. That's why I support Ted Cruz or Carlie Fiorni, somebody who's not going to get in a pissing match with nuclear states.

Not sure I trust any of the current crop of republicans.
We've been lied to way to many times.
So the answer is to vote for a lout? There are stable headed conservatives to vote for who will secure our borders and restore our military prestige in the world. There's no reason to vote for the crazy guy.

Better a lout who wants whats right for America than another liar.
He is a lout AND a liar.

Hush fakey.
Your messiah is about the biggest liar on the planet and he's neck and neck with the hildabeast.
Shush, HWGA, your Dear Leader is not running again and Trump won't be president.
Lying for the fascist Presidential candidate Donald Trump appears to be a pathological condition. According to Trump himself, pathological conditions are incurable.

Trump is more truthful than obuthole and anyone on the left. Retard.
I have higher standards. I want completely truthful and not cray cray.
You won't find that in politics.
Trump is cray cray and he lies like AmericanFirst1, at the drop of a hat.
af1, you are a brain fart kind of fellow. No cares about BHO, he is not running.

We do care about who is running, and Trump is not the fascist to take over from another fascist.
Lying for the fascist Presidential candidate Donald Trump appears to be a pathological condition. According to Trump himself, pathological conditions are incurable.

Trump is more truthful than obuthole and anyone on the left. Retard.
I have higher standards. I want completely truthful and not cray cray.
You won't find that in politics.
Nonsense. I find at least 3 GOP candidates with EXACTLY those qualities. I'm sick of people pretending Trump is our only choice.
Lying for the fascist Presidential candidate Donald Trump appears to be a pathological condition. According to Trump himself, pathological conditions are incurable.

Trump is more truthful than obuthole and anyone on the left. Retard.
I have higher standards. I want completely truthful and not cray cray.
You won't find that in politics.
Nonsense. I find at least 3 GOP candidates with EXACTLY those qualities. I'm sick of people pretending Trump is our only choice.
I agree.
Let's get real, after Obungles and now the Hildabeast the left screaming about anyone lying is just downright comical
Capture RouteIrish, honey? Now shut up, get in the kitchen, and make me a breakfast sammich.

Obama is not running for President, while Trump Buffoon is.
When the Hope and Change candidate was running, he painted the old man(RINO McCain) as a 3rd term of George Bush. The Hildabeast would be a 3rd term for Obummer, so in a sense Obama is still running, which is why he is still out that stirring up shit, doing his damage as much as he can, so the next president (Republican) will have a mess 10 times worse than what the homosexual and his tranny in the rainbow house have done. Would you libtards be okay if a president from the south showed the stars and bars of the confederate flag on the white house? You guys are hypocrites and idiots(I apologize to the idiots for comparing your intelligence to a liberal as the liberal is dumber than a box of rocks).

andaronjim, the South is dead and will not rise again.

The Old Men cultural norms from sixty years ago are dead and will not rise again.
andaronjim, the South is dead and will not rise again.

The Old Men cultural norms from sixty years ago are dead and will not rise again.
Then why is grandma hillary and great grandpa bernie running?
We are talking about the South, and Hillary and Bernie in no way represent the hillbilly male South from sixty years ago.

Cruz may, though.
andaronjim, the South is dead and will not rise again.

The Old Men cultural norms from sixty years ago are dead and will not rise again.
Then why is grandma hillary and great grandpa bernie running?
We are talking about the South, and Hillary and Bernie in no way represent the hillbilly male South from sixty years ago.

Cruz may, though.
You do realize that 60 years ago, the White Male and Female Southern Democrats were the ones who burned crosses in blacks yards, or kept them from going to school? That William Jefferson Clinton, was from Arkansas and his family was a Democrat? Robert Byrd Democrat from West Virginia was a Kleagal who recruited other clansmen? I love it when you libtards start bringing up the liberals racist past, for then I can slap you down by it. Dumbasses vote dumbocrat.
When a liberal accuses someone else of doing wrong, you can probably bet that the liberal was the one doing the wrong. Here the libs call Trump a liar, but Obama, has lied more times than Slick Willie ever did. The only truths that Obama has done, Transformation of America, and the redistribution of wealth, but instead to the dumbass poor liberal basement schlob, that money went to the liberal elites, George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Al Gore and others. Dumbasses vote Dumbocrat.
when a conservative post you can be sure some mind numbing stupidity will be presented as though it was some kind of pearl of wisdom instead of the turds of the clown mentality white breasted loon..........
What does it say for a candidate when he offers up nothing but lies and gins up fears and suspicions? But, more dangerously, what does it say for the simpletons who believe him and feed off those fears and suspicions?

They say we get the government we deserve, the government we ask for. If this is the case, I weep for the future. America works best when it works together. How will we work under a Trump administration?
andaronjim, the South is dead and will not rise again.

The Old Men cultural norms from sixty years ago are dead and will not rise again.
Then why is grandma hillary and great grandpa bernie running?
We are talking about the South, and Hillary and Bernie in no way represent the hillbilly male South from sixty years ago. Cruz may, though.
You do realize that 60 years ago, the White Male and Female Southern Democrats were the ones who burned crosses in blacks yards, or kept them from going to school? That William Jefferson Clinton, was from Arkansas and his family was a Democrat? Robert Byrd Democrat from West Virginia was a Kleagal who recruited other clansmen? I love it when you libtards start bringing up the liberals racist past, for then I can slap you down by it. Dumbasses vote dumbocrat.
The southern wing resisted as the northern and western Democrats guided the minority northern and western Republicans through the civil rights crises. The southern Republicans resisted civil rights even more strenuously than the southern Democrats.

As you read and study, andaronjim, your superstitions about our fellow Americans will be released.

Your deflection is noted and destroyed. Trot along.

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