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Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

You must be very familiar with horseshit.
Rich people who have everything to lose are NOT going to the streets.
They talk big and do nothing.
I know, I live amongst them.

Do you?

How interesting ...

Mucking out the horse stalls?:laugh2:

I'd pay $100.00 to see three rich guys drive into the Hood and bust some heads.

Poor combat strategy. Let them come to you.

You're gonna pull out your shotgun?
I got news for you...they WANT to die for the street cred; they don't CARE!
Of course you'll have to reload a few hundred times or keep switching shotguns.
You obviously never met a guy from the Hood; not that it has any intrinsic value.

You are a very silly person.

I think the banks will be the least of your worries.

Not a threat, mind you. Just an observation.

You must be very familiar with horseshit.
Rich people who have everything to lose are NOT going to the streets.
They talk big and do nothing.
I know, I live amongst them.

Do you?

How interesting ...

Mucking out the horse stalls?:laugh2:

I'd pay $100.00 to see three rich guys drive into the Hood and bust some heads.

Look clown they don't scare us. Why is it the poor 'Hood' thinks they scare us are their lives that pathetic that its the one fantasy they have to cling to?

Sure, big man...I dare you to take ride through yout closest "Flying Bullets" neighborhood.
There are places near me I wouldn't drive through, let alone stop at a red light or Stop Sign.

LMAO your bro's from the hood don't dare come into our county, they know better. My guess is they would shit themselves.
Do you?

How interesting ...

Mucking out the horse stalls?:laugh2:

I'd pay $100.00 to see three rich guys drive into the Hood and bust some heads.

Poor combat strategy. Let them come to you.

You're gonna pull out your shotgun?
I got news for you...they WANT to die for the street cred; they don't CARE!
Of course you'll have to reload a few hundred times or keep switching shotguns.
You obviously never met a guy from the Hood; not that it has any intrinsic value.

LMAO I was jumped from behind by two thugs from the Hood, that's how they roll because they are cowardly punks. I took a shot to the chin then clanged the big one upside the head and they ran away like the punks they are. I taunted them to return as they ran up the hill to a group of punks sitting up there, they kept on running.

I'm sure you live in Chicago or New York.

I lived in NY for 11 years and routinely visited the hood neighborhoods, except for the one time the two punks jumped me from behind none of them bothered me. Son you only 'think' you know mean and nasty.
If you want to be paid $15 an hour then go learn a skill that merits you being paid $15 an hour. A twelve year old can be trained to flip burgers. If these people were smart enough to realize they are only fighting for themselves to be replaced by automated kiosks they wouldn't be flipping burgers in the first place.

Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

I support a higher minimum wage, but not $15, although $15 might actually be appropriate in places like NYC, LA, and San Francisco. One problem with the minimum wage is that the federal minimum wage does not take cost of living into account, and that really does make a difference. Making minimum wage in the midwest vs minimum wage in one of the bigger cities is not even comparable.
I'd pay $100.00 to see three rich guys drive into the Hood and bust some heads.

Poor combat strategy. Let them come to you.

You're gonna pull out your shotgun?
I got news for you...they WANT to die for the street cred; they don't CARE!
Of course you'll have to reload a few hundred times or keep switching shotguns.
You obviously never met a guy from the Hood; not that it has any intrinsic value.

LMAO I was jumped from behind by two thugs from the Hood, that's how they roll because they are cowardly punks. I took a shot to the chin then clanged the big one upside the head and they ran away like the punks they are. I taunted them to return as they ran up the hill to a group of punks sitting up there, they kept on running.

I'm sure you live in Chicago or New York.

I lived in NY for 11 years and routinely visited the hood neighborhoods, except for the one time the two punks jumped me from behind none of them bothered me. Son you only 'think' you know mean and nasty.

I hope you're right!
American Workers need strong Unions again. It's the only way to keep greedy white Republican dude in check. Since their demise, the hateful greedy folks have been allowed to run amok. Wages have decreased or stayed stagnant. Unions are the only hope left for American Workers. Balance needs to be restored.

What greedy fat white dudes.

I know people who own franchises (McDonalds) and make a pretty poor salary compared to the time they put in (often covering for these people whose salaries you want to increase).

They are franchises. What do you think happens to them when you burden them with this ?

I am really anxious to hear your answer.

I agree we have an income distribution issue, but this isn't the answer.

If Canada can afford an $11-12 Minumum Wage, i think the richest nation on earth can match that, or do better. And shite corporations like McDonalds have made several $Billions off their slave workers' blood, sweat, and tears. They can afford to give back a bit. They'll survive.

Can you justify your claims about McDonalds ?

Many of those stores are franchises.

Or is this just going to be your fairy tale ?

BTW: With regards to Canada...they could not handle the illegal immigration we deal with.

Also, they have a real strict limit on who can hold what jobs.

I had to travel to Canada on business routinely for about a year. Went to Calgary, Toronto and Montreal. Routinely took cabs. Every one was a pakistani/indian who had a masters or better (mostly engineers with at least two doctors) who were not allowed to work in their professions because they didn't "qualify". These were very bright men who could have run circles around the idiots I had to work with. Canada did a very good job of keeping wages high by keeping supply low.

If you look at many of their norther indigenous populace...they freeze their asses off in abject poverty.
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What greedy fat white dudes.

I know people who own franchises (McDonalds) and make a pretty poor salary compared to the time they put in (often covering for these people whose salaries you want to increase).

They are franchises. What do you think happens to them when you burden them with this ?

I am really anxious to hear your answer.

I agree we have an income distribution issue, but this isn't the answer.

If Canada can afford an $11-12 Minumum Wage, i think the richest nation on earth can match that, or do better. And shite corporations like McDonalds have made several $Billions off their slave workers' blood, sweat, and tears. They can afford to give back a bit. They'll survive.

Read, Learn

What's Required to Open a McDonald's Franchise?

Don't wanna pay a fellow American a livable wage, don't open a business or just do the work yourself. It's your call.

Didn't read, didn't learn.

No surprise

Ah, just more excuses for paying fellow Americans shite wages. Heard it all before. You don't wanna pay? Don't open a business or do the work yourself. Simple as that.

That makes a lot of sense.

Don't open your business...now those people have a $15/Hour job with no hours.....no money.

If Canada can afford an $11-12 Minumum Wage, i think the richest nation on earth can match that, or do better. And shite corporations like McDonalds have made several $Billions off their slave workers' blood, sweat, and tears. They can afford to give back a bit. They'll survive.

Read, Learn

What's Required to Open a McDonald's Franchise?

Don't wanna pay a fellow American a livable wage, don't open a business or just do the work yourself. It's your call.

Didn't read, didn't learn.

No surprise

Ah, just more excuses for paying fellow Americans shite wages. Heard it all before. You don't wanna pay? Don't open a business or do the work yourself. Simple as that.

That makes a lot of sense.

Don't open your business...now those people have a $15/Hour job with no hours.....no money.

Automate. Then it won't matter at all. There won't be $15.00 an hour jobs. There will be $20.00 an hour tech repair and maintenance jobs. Just very few of them.
One thing if the wages go up to 15 dollars it might actually be good for the consumer.

The price of a hamburger doubles. People stop buying hamburgers and go back to cooking their own.

Since the demand, by fast food stores drops, there is a surplus of meat causing the price to drop.

The profit on a number one meal is over $5.00. Why would a franchisee charge more?
What greedy fat white dudes.

I know people who own franchises (McDonalds) and make a pretty poor salary compared to the time they put in (often covering for these people whose salaries you want to increase).

They are franchises. What do you think happens to them when you burden them with this ?

I am really anxious to hear your answer.

I agree we have an income distribution issue, but this isn't the answer.

Is that what their telling you? Your being lied too.
Yeah, i've laid out the Canada formula. I actually know a bit about Canada and what its Conservatives achieved. They balanced the budget, lowered its Corporate Tax Rate, and consistently raised its Minumum Wage.

Canada now enjoys no Debt and low Unemployment. Its workers also make a livable wage. It's a formula that's been proven to work. We could learn a lot from our northern neighbor.

Then why is Canada's effective corporate rate higher than the US?
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I work with a guy who's wife was a controller for a guy who owns 19 McDonald's.
Their Operations Management is fully automated and the owner raked in at least 300K a year per Joint.
He got Police Protection because he fed them for free.
She was making 35K for 13 years and he finally canned her because he found an ex-cocaine addict to do it for 30K.
He and his wife went from being staunch Republicans to Democrats overnight.

What exactly is a fully automated operations management?

Fucking people is a Republican ideal.
And the clowns that want to just screw up your order while flipping burgers (and get less than 30 hours a week thanks to employers dodging the Obamacare mandates)????

Yeah....it'd be a shame if our nation granted each citizen automatic health care like so many others do. Like every other goddam thing in America the folks at the top are dreaming of a Lord/Serf society where, of course....they're the Lords.

Look closely then study about it for an hour or so then tell me which wealthy, powerful nation is missing from the list:


Well now, you have a nice list of countries you'd likely be happier in. Why don't you move to one of them?

Screw that and screw you!! When I was a young man we led the world in this sort of thing. Now the goddam corporations and upper class have everything. Don't push it.....look at history. People will revolt before they let the elitist assholes have it all.

Right now the powerful declare unnecessary wars knowing that someone who's less fortunate will end up fighting and dying in the thing. When this country invaded Iraq they proved my case. Iraq had never done anything to the United States except try to assassinate old man Bush and he was in Qatar when Saddam Hussein did it. America used to be a nation for the people...now the goddamned upper 5% have it all. The richest 85 people in the world have more money than the 3.5 billion who are in the lower 50%. That's a travesty and only a Republican will support such a ridiculous thing.

Pity you....pity party for you!
OH woe is you.
A) when you were a young man YOU never even conceived that you would be able to converse with the world from the comfort of your basement bedroom!
B) You have now what NOT the Single richest person in the world had when you were a young man... the ability to call anyone anywhere in the world from anywhere...
even your basement bedroom!
C) When you were young 1 billion people were still in poverty levels... but today as an OLD man you are the reason that over 1 billion people in the world since
Here use the internet that didn't exist when you were young and SEE how this terrible Evil Capitalistic country of the USA has helped!!1

Poverty rates started to collapse towards the end of the 20th century largely because developing-country growth accelerated, from an average annual rate of 4.3% in 1960-2000 to 6% in 2000-10. Around two-thirds of poverty reduction within a country comes from growth. Greater equality also helps, contributing the other third. A 1% increase in incomes in the most unequal countries produces a mere 0.6% reduction in poverty; in the most equal countries, it yields a 4.3% cut.

China (which has never shown any interest in MDGs) is responsible for three-quarters of the achievement. Its economy has been growing so fast that, even though inequality is rising fast, extreme poverty is disappearing. China pulled 680m people out of misery in 1981-2010, and reduced its extreme-poverty rate from 84% in 1980 to 10% now.

NOW you ignorant OLD man sitting in the basement USING a device that never existed as a young man...
Check this chart out!
The number one country by 25% is the USA helping CHINA lift nearly a billion people out of poverty!

List of the largest trading partners of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

View attachment 54453

Why hell yes.....that's the cause of this. If the bigwigs have their way we're on the way to their Lord/Serf society. If adjusted for inflation American workers are working for 1979 wages. Only the pricks at the top are making out like bandits. Live With It Numb Nuts!!


You ave a link?

5 facts about the minimum wage

Me thinks it is using fuzzy math, thia is coming from the new reasearch

1Adjusted for inflation, the federal minimum wage peaked in 1968 at $8.54 (in 2014 dollars). Since it was last raised in 2009, to the current $7.25 per hour, the federal minimum has lost about 8.1% of its purchasing power to inflation. The Economist recently estimated that, given how rich the U.S. is and the pattern among other advanced economies in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, “one would expect America…to pay a minimum wage around $12 an hour.”
If they want more than shit wages, they need to find someone to pay them more, or get an education so someone thinks they are worth more.

minimum wage is for people starting at the bottom, or school kids.

not people trying to make a living

Minimum wage is the base for all wages.
If the minimum wage goes up to $15 per hr. these minimum wage folks will have more than automation to worry about. You'd have an increase in the number of senior citizens who'll need those part-time jobs to augment their retirement due to inflation.
Which is OK because Americans have twice voted for those who promise them free stuff. Forgetting, of course, that somebody has to pay. Sooner or later but the emphasis continues to be on the "later".

The problem are the ignorant middle class that vote for Republicans that give free stuff to the wealthy.
Won't it mean that many businesses will no longer have their payroll subsidised by the government?

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