Fat Boy Proved He Could Hit Guam

We have satellites and many other unknown capabilities. I'm sure he's being tracked and looked for at this very moment. He probably is using his own techniques to evade us, such as using doubles etc.

How long did it take us to find Bin Laden?

Let's say we do manage to locate him.

Where are the assets to "take him out"?

How long will it take to get there?

What happens if he moves and we don't pick up on it?

What happens if we fail to get him but commit an act of war against NK?

Will he respond and how?

There are so many questions no one ever wants to address.
Bin Laden was not the boisterous show off arrogant leader of a nation like this guy is. Bin Laden was hidden by the Pakistanis, a country that was supposedly our ally.

He will be much easier to take out. How long did it take to find Sadam or Gadaffi? Not too long.

I am sure the military has several options at their disposal once they know where he is and it's time to take action.
Bin Laden didn`t have a military.

The Taliban were in essence Bin Laden's military.

However, the Taliban did not have tanks, aircraft, surface to air missiles, artillery, etc. NK does.
We have satellites and many other unknown capabilities. I'm sure he's being tracked and looked for at this very moment. He probably is using his own techniques to evade us, such as using doubles etc.

How long did it take us to find Bin Laden?

Let's say we do manage to locate him.

Where are the assets to "take him out"?

How long will it take to get there?

What happens if he moves and we don't pick up on it?

What happens if we fail to get him but commit an act of war against NK?

Will he respond and how?

There are so many questions no one ever wants to address.
Bin Laden was not the boisterous show off arrogant leader of a nation like this guy is. Bin Laden was hidden by the Pakistanis, a country that was supposedly our ally.

He will be much easier to take out. How long did it take to find Sadam or Gadaffi? Not too long.

I am sure the military has several options at their disposal once they know where he is and it's time to take action.
Bin Laden didn`t have a military.

The Taliban were in essence Bin Laden's military.

However, the Taliban did not have tanks, aircraft, surface to air missiles, artillery, etc. NK does.
They did have enough to systematically repel the Soviet invasion! Or do you not remember?
Yes, you ignorant racist dipshit, we have an agreement to defend "white" Germany and Japan as long as their militaries do not acquire offensive capabilities. You of course see "race" in everything.
White germany has an army you fucking moron Japan doesnt and they arent white.

Germany to boost army to 200,000 troops amid growing concern over Donald Trump's commitment to Nato
White Germany doesn't have any offensive weapons or offensive army. And just like the Japanese, we don't want them to. In exchange, we are responsible for defending them. How do you think these two countries became such strong economic superpowers? Another country has been paying for their defense for the last 70 years.
Hey idiot read the link. Of course Germany has offensive weapons.
Hey idiot go back to school and get some real education!

On 8 September 1951, the United States and Japan signed the Mutual Security Treaty, which stationed U.S. troops on Japanese soil for the defense of Japan following the eruption of the Korean War. On 8 March 1954, both countries signed the Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement (activated on 1 May 1954), focusing on defense assistance. It allowed for the presence of U.S. armed forces in Japan for the purpose of peace and security while encouraging Japan to take on more responsibility for its own defense, rearming in a manner suited for defensive purposes.


After World War II the responsibility for the security of Germany as a whole rested with the four Allied Powers: the United States, the United Kingdom, France and the Soviet Union. Germany had been without armed forces since the Wehrmacht was dissolved following World War II. When the Federal Republic of Germany was founded in 1949, it was without a military. Germany remained completely demilitarized and any plans for a German military were forbidden by Allied regulations. Only some naval mine-sweeping units continued to exist, but they remained unarmed and under Allied control and did not serve as a national defence force. Even the Federal Border Protection Force, a mobile, lightly armed police force of 10,000 men, was only formed in 1951. A proposal to integrate West German troops with soldiers of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Italy in a European Defence Community was proposed but never implemented.

There was a discussion among the United States, the United Kingdom and France over the issue of a revived (West) German military. In particular, France was reluctant to allow Germany to rearm in light of recent history (Germany had invaded France twice in living memory, in World War I and World War II, and also defeated France in the Franco-German War of 1870/71; (see also French–German enmity)). However, after the project for a European Defence Community failed in the French National Assembly in 1954, France agreed to West German accession to NATO and rearmament.
Hey idiot. From your own post....:laugh:

"France agreed to West German accession to NATO and rearmament."

Defensive. Undereducated racist fool.
Bin Laden didn`t have a military.

The Taliban were in essence Bin Laden's military.

However, the Taliban did not have tanks, aircraft, surface to air missiles, artillery, etc. NK does.

Why cross what I post, it that your only amusement? Kim will need loyal troops to operate all defensive and offensive weapons; US experts state he does not have them. : )

South Korea is building an elite military unit with one mission: kill Kim Jong Un

So, you think these North Koreans will just sit idly by while we decimate their country, and killing them in the process?

No, I know combined intelligence will make sure he never knows what hit him, whether dead or unconscious.

Try reading it again. That was not what I was addressing.
Bin Laden was not the boisterous show off arrogant leader of a nation like this guy is. Bin Laden was hidden by the Pakistanis, a country that was supposedly our ally.

He will be much easier to take out. How long did it take to find Sadam or Gadaffi? Not too long.

I am sure the military has several options at their disposal once they know where he is and it's time to take action.
Bin Laden didn`t have a military.

The Taliban were in essence Bin Laden's military.

However, the Taliban did not have tanks, aircraft, surface to air missiles, artillery, etc. NK does.

Why cross what I post, it that your only amusement? Kim will need loyal troops to operate all defensive and offensive weapons; US experts state he does not have them. : )

South Korea is building an elite military unit with one mission: kill Kim Jong Un

So, you think these North Koreans will just sit idly by while we decimate their country, and killing them in the process?
They will not have a choice.
How long did it take us to find Bin Laden?

Let's say we do manage to locate him.

Where are the assets to "take him out"?

How long will it take to get there?

What happens if he moves and we don't pick up on it?

What happens if we fail to get him but commit an act of war against NK?

Will he respond and how?

There are so many questions no one ever wants to address.
Bin Laden was not the boisterous show off arrogant leader of a nation like this guy is. Bin Laden was hidden by the Pakistanis, a country that was supposedly our ally.

He will be much easier to take out. How long did it take to find Sadam or Gadaffi? Not too long.

I am sure the military has several options at their disposal once they know where he is and it's time to take action.
Bin Laden didn`t have a military.

The Taliban were in essence Bin Laden's military.

However, the Taliban did not have tanks, aircraft, surface to air missiles, artillery, etc. NK does.
How long did it take us to find Bin Laden?

Let's say we do manage to locate him.

Where are the assets to "take him out"?

How long will it take to get there?

What happens if he moves and we don't pick up on it?

What happens if we fail to get him but commit an act of war against NK?

Will he respond and how?

There are so many questions no one ever wants to address.
Bin Laden was not the boisterous show off arrogant leader of a nation like this guy is. Bin Laden was hidden by the Pakistanis, a country that was supposedly our ally.

He will be much easier to take out. How long did it take to find Sadam or Gadaffi? Not too long.

I am sure the military has several options at their disposal once they know where he is and it's time to take action.
Bin Laden didn`t have a military.

The Taliban were in essence Bin Laden's military.

However, the Taliban did not have tanks, aircraft, surface to air missiles, artillery, etc. NK does.
They did have enough to systematically repel the Soviet invasion! Or do you not remember?

They did not repel the Soviet invasion by any stretch of the imagination. They simply made the war so distasteful and costly that it was no longer justifiable for their political aims. Think Vietnam for us.
Bin Laden didn`t have a military.

The Taliban were in essence Bin Laden's military.

However, the Taliban did not have tanks, aircraft, surface to air missiles, artillery, etc. NK does.

Why cross what I post, it that your only amusement? Kim will need loyal troops to operate all defensive and offensive weapons; US experts state he does not have them. : )

South Korea is building an elite military unit with one mission: kill Kim Jong Un

So, you think these North Koreans will just sit idly by while we decimate their country, and killing them in the process?
They will not have a choice.

Oh, please!

You think a NK soldiers sitting on a missile system will just sit there and not take out the EF-18 Growler about to blow his ass to smithereens just because he doesn't like his country?
Bin Laden was not the boisterous show off arrogant leader of a nation like this guy is. Bin Laden was hidden by the Pakistanis, a country that was supposedly our ally.

He will be much easier to take out. How long did it take to find Sadam or Gadaffi? Not too long.

I am sure the military has several options at their disposal once they know where he is and it's time to take action.
Bin Laden didn`t have a military.

The Taliban were in essence Bin Laden's military.

However, the Taliban did not have tanks, aircraft, surface to air missiles, artillery, etc. NK does.
Bin Laden was not the boisterous show off arrogant leader of a nation like this guy is. Bin Laden was hidden by the Pakistanis, a country that was supposedly our ally.

He will be much easier to take out. How long did it take to find Sadam or Gadaffi? Not too long.

I am sure the military has several options at their disposal once they know where he is and it's time to take action.
Bin Laden didn`t have a military.

The Taliban were in essence Bin Laden's military.

However, the Taliban did not have tanks, aircraft, surface to air missiles, artillery, etc. NK does.
They did have enough to systematically repel the Soviet invasion! Or do you not remember?

They did not repel the Soviet invasion by any stretch of the imagination. They simply made the war so distasteful and costly that it was no longer justifiable for their political aims. Think Vietnam for us.
Whatever, they had enough to drive the Soviets off their land. That's pretty substantial if you ask me.
The Taliban were in essence Bin Laden's military.

However, the Taliban did not have tanks, aircraft, surface to air missiles, artillery, etc. NK does.

Why cross what I post, it that your only amusement? Kim will need loyal troops to operate all defensive and offensive weapons; US experts state he does not have them. : )

South Korea is building an elite military unit with one mission: kill Kim Jong Un

So, you think these North Koreans will just sit idly by while we decimate their country, and killing them in the process?
They will not have a choice.

Oh, please!

You think a NK soldiers sitting on a missile system will just sit there and not take out the EF-18 Growler about to blow his ass to smithereens just because he doesn't like his country?
Do you think we know everything the US military is and isn't capable of? We are literally in the dark. It's mind blowing what the US is capable of today.

America's Next Secret Weapon (That Can Paralyze a City): Electromagnetic Pulse Artillery Shells

USA reveals SECRET WEAPON in fight against Kim Jong-un’s deadly North Korea army

White germany has an army you fucking moron Japan doesnt and they arent white.

Germany to boost army to 200,000 troops amid growing concern over Donald Trump's commitment to Nato
White Germany doesn't have any offensive weapons or offensive army. And just like the Japanese, we don't want them to. In exchange, we are responsible for defending them. How do you think these two countries became such strong economic superpowers? Another country has been paying for their defense for the last 70 years.
Hey idiot read the link. Of course Germany has offensive weapons.
Hey idiot go back to school and get some real education!

On 8 September 1951, the United States and Japan signed the Mutual Security Treaty, which stationed U.S. troops on Japanese soil for the defense of Japan following the eruption of the Korean War. On 8 March 1954, both countries signed the Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement (activated on 1 May 1954), focusing on defense assistance. It allowed for the presence of U.S. armed forces in Japan for the purpose of peace and security while encouraging Japan to take on more responsibility for its own defense, rearming in a manner suited for defensive purposes.


After World War II the responsibility for the security of Germany as a whole rested with the four Allied Powers: the United States, the United Kingdom, France and the Soviet Union. Germany had been without armed forces since the Wehrmacht was dissolved following World War II. When the Federal Republic of Germany was founded in 1949, it was without a military. Germany remained completely demilitarized and any plans for a German military were forbidden by Allied regulations. Only some naval mine-sweeping units continued to exist, but they remained unarmed and under Allied control and did not serve as a national defence force. Even the Federal Border Protection Force, a mobile, lightly armed police force of 10,000 men, was only formed in 1951. A proposal to integrate West German troops with soldiers of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Italy in a European Defence Community was proposed but never implemented.

There was a discussion among the United States, the United Kingdom and France over the issue of a revived (West) German military. In particular, France was reluctant to allow Germany to rearm in light of recent history (Germany had invaded France twice in living memory, in World War I and World War II, and also defeated France in the Franco-German War of 1870/71; (see also French–German enmity)). However, after the project for a European Defence Community failed in the French National Assembly in 1954, France agreed to West German accession to NATO and rearmament.
Hey idiot. From your own post....:laugh:

"France agreed to West German accession to NATO and rearmament."

Defensive. Undereducated racist fool.
So your saying guns and bombs are not offensive? Youre really a fucking idiot arent you?
Agreed. I do believe, however, that asshole should be dealt with with Japan. I know i wouldnt stand for that shit. Fuck the UN and their "sanctions" that fucker is shooting missiles over their country
How high does Japanese airspace go?
Vertical boundary
There is no international agreement on the vertical extent of sovereign airspace, with suggestions ranging from about 30 km (19 mi)—the extent of the highest aircraft and balloons—to about 160 km (99 mi)—the lowest extent of short-term stable orbits. The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale has established the Kármán line—at an altitude of 100 km (62 mi)—as the boundary between the Earth's atmosphere and outer space, while the United States considers anyone who has flown above 80 kilometres (50 mi) to be an astronaut. Indeed, descending space shuttles have flown closer than 80 km (50 mi) over other nations, such as Canada, without requesting permission first.[4] Nonetheless, both the Kármán line and the U.S. definition are merely working benchmarks, without any real legal authority over matters of national sovereignty.

For a country that developed a technology and recognises its destructive potential to attempt to stop the proliferation of that technology is highly moral.

To allow or even facilitate that proliferation would be immoral in the extreme.
That's why the US has loaned nukes to other countries. Morality.

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