Fat Boy Proved He Could Hit Guam

White Germany doesn't have any offensive weapons or offensive army. And just like the Japanese, we don't want them to. In exchange, we are responsible for defending them. How do you think these two countries became such strong economic superpowers? Another country has been paying for their defense for the last 70 years.
Hey idiot read the link. Of course Germany has offensive weapons.
Hey idiot go back to school and get some real education!

On 8 September 1951, the United States and Japan signed the Mutual Security Treaty, which stationed U.S. troops on Japanese soil for the defense of Japan following the eruption of the Korean War. On 8 March 1954, both countries signed the Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement (activated on 1 May 1954), focusing on defense assistance. It allowed for the presence of U.S. armed forces in Japan for the purpose of peace and security while encouraging Japan to take on more responsibility for its own defense, rearming in a manner suited for defensive purposes.


After World War II the responsibility for the security of Germany as a whole rested with the four Allied Powers: the United States, the United Kingdom, France and the Soviet Union. Germany had been without armed forces since the Wehrmacht was dissolved following World War II. When the Federal Republic of Germany was founded in 1949, it was without a military.
After World War II the responsibility for the security of Germany as a whole rested with the four Allied Powers: the United States, the United Kingdom, France and the Soviet Union. Germany had been without armed forces since the Wehrmacht was dissolved following World War II. When the Federal Republic of Germany was founded in 1949, it was without a military. Germany remained completely demilitarized and any plans for a German military were forbidden by Allied regulations. Only some naval mine-sweeping units continued to exist, but they remained unarmed and under Allied control and did not serve as a national defence force. Even the Federal Border Protection Force, a mobile, lightly armed police force of 10,000 men, was only formed in 1951. A proposal to integrate West German troops with soldiers of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Italy in a European Defence Community was proposed but never implemented.

There was a discussion among the United States, the United Kingdom and France over the issue of a revived (West) German military. In particular, France was reluctant to allow Germany to rearm in light of recent history (Germany had invaded France twice in living memory, in World War I and World War II, and also defeated France in the Franco-German War of 1870/71; (see also French–German enmity)). However, after the project for a European Defence Community failed in the French National Assembly in 1954, France agreed to West German accession to NATO and rearmament.
Only some naval mine-sweeping units continued to exist, but they remained unarmed and under Allied control and did not serve as a national defence force. Even the Federal Border Protection Force, a mobile, lightly armed police force of 10,000 men, was only formed in 1951. A proposal to integrate West German troops with soldiers of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Italy in a European Defence Community was proposed but never implemented.

There was a discussion among the United States, the United Kingdom and France over the issue of a revived (West) German military. In particular, France was reluctant to allow Germany to rearm in light of recent history (Germany had invaded France twice in living memory, in World War I and World War II, and also defeated France in the Franco-German War of 1870/71; (see also French–German enmity)). However, after the project for a European Defence Community failed in the French National Assembly in 1954, France agreed to West German accession to NATO and rearmament.
Hey idiot. From your own post....:laugh:

"France agreed to West German accession to NATO and rearmament."

Defensive. Undereducated racist fool.
So your saying guns and bombs are not offensive? Youre really a fucking idiot arent you?
Not me, illiterate fool, those are the terms of the agreement. Yes, an antimissile system is a defensive weapon, a missile is an offensive one.

Ask someone to assist you with reading.

"After World War II the responsibility for the security of Germany as a whole rested with the four Allied Powers: Germany remained completely demilitarized and any plans for a German military were forbidden by Allied regulations."

"It allowed for the presence of U.S. armed forces in Japan for the purpose of peace and security while encouraging Japan to take on more responsibility for its own defense, rearming in a manner suited for defensive purposes."
The Taliban were in essence Bin Laden's military.

However, the Taliban did not have tanks, aircraft, surface to air missiles, artillery, etc. NK does.
The Taliban were in essence Bin Laden's military.

However, the Taliban did not have tanks, aircraft, surface to air missiles, artillery, etc. NK does.
They did have enough to systematically repel the Soviet invasion! Or do you not remember?

They did not repel the Soviet invasion by any stretch of the imagination. They simply made the war so distasteful and costly that it was no longer justifiable for their political aims. Think Vietnam for us.
Whatever, they had enough to drive the Soviets off their land. That's pretty substantial if you ask me.

Militarily they didn't have anything except the Stinger missiles that made helicopter use by the Soviets almost impossible. Guess where they got those little babies?
We and others supplied it in order to help repel the Soviets. Others did the fighting for us. Bottom line is the Taliban and Al Queda had an army that was weaponized and trained well enough to drive out the Soviets.
Actually, yes. Above Flight Level 25 and above is CLASS A airspace over most of the planet. NO flight operations without control and permission of the host ATC.
In which case overflying satellites violate airspace. So I think you're full of bullshit.
Well maybe you'll believe the leftie nutjob media who also agree that Japan's airspace was violated. Technically according to international law the Japanese had every right to shoot the fat thug's missile down. Instead they chose to show restraint, once again.

North Korea fires 'unidentified ballistic missile' over Japan

North Korea launches missile over Japanese airspace, US confirms

North Korea launches missile over Japanese airspace

North Korean ballistic missile crosses into Japanese airspace for the first time

North Korean missile over Japanese airspace and the implications for the U.S.
I learned differently; Japan was never near surrender, and the use of nukes saved lives in that war.

Well, you learned wrong. In fact, the Japanese were trying to talk to the Swiss and USSR about terms of surrender, and were even trying to get Stalin to broker a deal. Stalin had other ideas, of course.

The Japanese had, in fact, put out “peace” feelers through the Russians, but the Japanese concept of “surrender” was altogether different than what was required by the Potsdam Declaration

Okay, let's look at that. THe sticking point for the Japanese was the retention of Hirohito as Emperor. Even though most experts on Japan said, "Um, yeah, we'll have hard time controlling the country without the Emperor", a lot of the hardliners in Washington said no.

Then the USSR got involved, they were rolling up the Japanese in Manchuria in days, and faced with the possibility of a partitioned Japan like a partitioned Germany, the Allies were suddenly all too cool with keeping Hirohito. (Who was a War Criminal and should have been on the end of a rope.)
The question isn't whether or not the fat punk and his regime will be demolished if it comes down to having to use the military option, the question is what happens in the aftermath. There should be a multi national force comprised mainly of N Korea's neighbors in the region, ready to step in and stabilize the country.

You are really pretty fast to volunteer other kids to fight and die for something that isn't all that important.
Notice how the far left does not condemn the leader of NK, they are only willing to bash Trump!

More proof the far left does not care about anything other than running their debunked religious narratives.

If Trump does the right thing, the far left will still be unhappy with him.

Now if HC was president we would just be hearing about how this is the new normal!
Notice how the far left does not condemn the leader of NK, they are only willing to bash Trump!

More proof the far left does not care about anything other than running their debunked religious narratives.

If Trump does the right thing, the far left will still be unhappy with him.

Now if HC was president we would just be hearing about how this is the new normal!

Trump is the one who is escalating a nothing issue into something that might start WWIII.

North Korea has had nukes since the Oughts. It's just not a big deal.
the Japanese were trying to talk to the Swiss

Guess they should have been talking to the Americans, huh?

Okay, so you are pretty much conceding the point by being obtuse, right?

We dropped horrible weapons on civilians in a country that was seeking peace.

That makes us monsters.

And now we are telling a tiny country that is surrounded by the three most powerful militaries in the world, "Oh, no, you can't have nukes."
Notice how the far left does not condemn the leader of NK, they are only willing to bash Trump!

More proof the far left does not care about anything other than running their debunked religious narratives.

If Trump does the right thing, the far left will still be unhappy with him.

Now if HC was president we would just be hearing about how this is the new normal!

Trump is the one who is escalating a nothing issue into something that might start WWIII.

North Korea has had nukes since the Oughts. It's just not a big deal.

See how the far left does not understand anything beyond their debunked religious narratives?

Once again the far left drones prove my comments!

NK has been building nukes long before trump came into office.

Notice how the far left suddenly believes that if Trump were not President that NK would not have nukes?
the Japanese were trying to talk to the Swiss

Guess they should have been talking to the Americans, huh?

Okay, so you are pretty much conceding the point by being obtuse, right?

We dropped horrible weapons on civilians in a country that was seeking peace.

That makes us monsters.

And now we are telling a tiny country that is surrounded by the three most powerful militaries in the world, "Oh, no, you can't have nukes."

Yes we know the old/stale far left narratives, but then again Trump is an FDR Democrat. This is proof that their god FDR would not be welcomed in the Democrats of today.
Yes we know the old/stale far left narratives, but then again Trump is an FDR Democrat. This is proof that their god FDR would not be welcomed in the Democrats of today.

And Eisenhower wouldn't be welcomed in the Republicans of today. Heck, Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcomed.

He raised taxes.
He gave amnesty to illegals
NK has been building nukes long before trump came into office.

Notice how the far left suddenly believes that if Trump were not President that NK would not have nukes?

NO, we didn't think it was a big deal then and we don't think it's a big deal now.

If anything, I'm more worried about Pakistan having nukes than North Korea.

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