Fat Boy Proved He Could Hit Guam

Dumbass! Trump isn't the one illegally firing missiles and violating the airspace of countries like S. Korea and Japan! This fat punk in N Korea has been misbehaving for three decades. As general Mc Master eloquently said, "there is no more road left to kick the can down".

Yawn... "Airspace"? Really? Oh my God, the dirty commies are after our air!!!!

This fat punk has only been in power since 2011 when his Dad kicked the bucket.

Again, I worry more about Pakistan (where they have coups about once a decade) having Nukes than I do about this hereditary dictatorship that has been in the same family for 70 years.
They did have enough to systematically repel the Soviet invasion! Or do you not remember?

They did not repel the Soviet invasion by any stretch of the imagination. They simply made the war so distasteful and costly that it was no longer justifiable for their political aims. Think Vietnam for us.
Whatever, they had enough to drive the Soviets off their land. That's pretty substantial if you ask me.

Militarily they didn't have anything except the Stinger missiles that made helicopter use by the Soviets almost impossible. Guess where they got those little babies?
We and others supplied it in order to help repel the Soviets. Others did the fighting for us. Bottom line is the Taliban and Al Queda had an army that was weaponized and trained well enough to drive out the Soviets.

They did not drive out the Soviets. The Soviets left because their goals were impossible to meet.

It is the same as with our experience in Vietnam. We were not driven out.
The Soviets left for the same reason the Americans left Vietnam. And once the Soviets left, Bin Laden and the Taliban armies took over, virtually unopposed.
Dumbass! Trump isn't the one illegally firing missiles and violating the airspace of countries like S. Korea and Japan! This fat punk in N Korea has been misbehaving for three decades. As general Mc Master eloquently said, "there is no more road left to kick the can down".

Yawn... "Airspace"? Really? Oh my God, the dirty commies are after our air!!!!

This fat punk has only been in power since 2011 when his Dad kicked the bucket.

Again, I worry more about Pakistan (where they have coups about once a decade) having Nukes than I do about this hereditary dictatorship that has been in the same family for 70 years.

You understand that violating the airspace of any sovereign nation especially with a missile is an act of war?
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Don't worry Joehammad, the allies bombed the shit out of the Germans, they lost 19 million in WWII.

Um actually, German casualties were between 6-8 million, depending on what source you go on. But never mind, buddy. I'm sure your boy Trump will top that in unncessary death.
Whatever, it isn't like the Germans were left unscathed. They lost far more than the Japanese.
They did not repel the Soviet invasion by any stretch of the imagination. They simply made the war so distasteful and costly that it was no longer justifiable for their political aims. Think Vietnam for us.
Whatever, they had enough to drive the Soviets off their land. That's pretty substantial if you ask me.

Militarily they didn't have anything except the Stinger missiles that made helicopter use by the Soviets almost impossible. Guess where they got those little babies?
We and others supplied it in order to help repel the Soviets. Others did the fighting for us. Bottom line is the Taliban and Al Queda had an army that was weaponized and trained well enough to drive out the Soviets.

They did not drive out the Soviets. The Soviets left because their goals were impossible to meet.

It is the same as with our experience in Vietnam. We were not driven out.
The Soviets left for the same reason the Americans left Vietnam. And once the Soviets left, Bin Laden and the Taliban armies took over, virtually unopposed.

OK. Now read what I said and see where that conflicts with what you just said. It doesn't. Thank you for confirming I was right all along.
You understand that violating the airspace of any sovereign nation especially with a missile is an act of war.

Wow, were you born this stupid or did you have to work on it? It's no suprise that antiAmerican scum like you doesn't even know that shooting missiles at another country and violating their airspace is an act of war.
Whatever, they had enough to drive the Soviets off their land. That's pretty substantial if you ask me.

Militarily they didn't have anything except the Stinger missiles that made helicopter use by the Soviets almost impossible. Guess where they got those little babies?
We and others supplied it in order to help repel the Soviets. Others did the fighting for us. Bottom line is the Taliban and Al Queda had an army that was weaponized and trained well enough to drive out the Soviets.

They did not drive out the Soviets. The Soviets left because their goals were impossible to meet.

It is the same as with our experience in Vietnam. We were not driven out.
The Soviets left for the same reason the Americans left Vietnam. And once the Soviets left, Bin Laden and the Taliban armies took over, virtually unopposed.

OK. Now read what I said and see where that conflicts with what you just said. It doesn't. Thank you for confirming I was right all along.
That the Taliban was Bin Laden's army which the US defeated in its invasion? Yes.
No peace feelers without Hirohito, thus, no desire for peace.

YOu are leaving a lot of parts out...

But keep pretending we were absolutely okay with nuking women and children, if that makes you feel better.

We gave warnings with 5 million leaflets, radio transmissions, and telegrams. Over 40 dialects of the Japanese language were employed. Yes, we should regret the use of nukes, at the time is was believed it would shorten the war, and result in less loss of life. Odd, the 200,000-300,000 thousand Chinese killed by the master race in Japan draws not a mention from you. Read about the Rape of Nanking.
Contest to kill 100 people using a sword - Wikipedia
No peace feelers without Hirohito, thus, no desire for peace.

YOu are leaving a lot of parts out...

But keep pretending we were absolutely okay with nuking women and children, if that makes you feel better.

We gave warnings with 5 million leaflets, radio transmissions, and telegrams. Over 40 dialects of the Japanese language were employed. Yes, we should regret the use of nukes, at the time is was believed it would shorten the war, and result in less loss of life. Odd, the 200,000-300,000 thousand Chinese killed by the master race in Japan draws not a mention from you. Read about the Rape of Nanking.
Contest to kill 100 people using a sword - Wikipedia
Joehammad gets upset only when there is a Whitey or evil Jew involved.
Three days between bombs, no surrender until after Nagasaki:

On August 6, 1945, at 8:15 AM local time, the United States detonatedan atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Sixteen hours later, American President Harry S. Truman called again for Japan's surrender, warning them to "expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth." Late in the evening of August 8, 1945, in accordance with the Yalta agreements, but in violation of the Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan, and soon after midnight on August 9, 1945, the Soviet Union invaded the Imperial Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo. Later in the day, the United States dropped a second atomic bomb, this time on the Japanese city of Nagasaki.
Whatever, it isn't like the Germans were left unscathed. They lost far more than the Japanese.

Um, yeah, the thing is, most of Germany's war dead were military deaths.
only 1.5 civilians were killed, usually in the course of bombing cities with infrastructure value. There were execeptions, like Dresden. But they would have never used a nuke on Germany, they were white people.

One only need look at WWII Propaganda, which differentiated the Nazis from the "Good Germans" who needed to be "Liberated" (The good Germans fought to the last man for Hitler), compared to the propaganda that portrayed the Japanese as sub-human monsters.

Wow, were you born this stupid or did you have to work on it? It's no suprise that antiAmerican scum like you doesn't even know that shooting missiles at another country and violating their airspace is an act of war.

I'm just not willing to kill millions of people over "Air".

And it's not even our Air. Japan and South Korea aren't going to war over this, why should we again?
We gave warnings with 5 million leaflets, radio transmissions, and telegrams. Over 40 dialects of the Japanese language were employed. Yes, we should regret the use of nukes, at the time is was believed it would shorten the war, and result in less loss of life. Odd, the 200,000-300,000 thousand Chinese killed by the master race in Japan draws not a mention from you. Read about the Rape of Nanking.

Except that's not why we dropped the bombs. We didn't drop them to "Shorten the War".

We dropped them because we had a bureaucracy in Washington that pushed to get the damned things made, and we were going to use them, dammit!!!!
hree days between bombs, no surrender until after Nagasaki:

You miss out on the point after Nagasaki, when the US dropped its insistence that Hirohito abdicate, because they didn't want to partition the country with the Russians.

Probably correct, also, we wanted to rebuild Japan; Russia ignored the neutrality pact with Japan, just as Hitler ignored same with Germany. Japan had attacked Russian ships also, an act of war. So, blaming the US doesn't cut it. Russia wanted Korea and Manchuria, as did Japan; the US wanted both to be free nations.

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