Fat Boy Proved He Could Hit Guam

Of course you lefties believe America is more dangerous. You lefties and ISIS are comrades when it comes to hate.

Hate for what?
A man with nukes who threatens to use them.It is not looking good.

Maybe Trump should stop provoking him, then.
Dumbass thinks kissing the ass of tyrants works.
You're not a very deep thinker, are ya? there is a middle ground between what trump is doing and "kissing their ass". Just ask.... well... literally every government official in this country for the last 30 years BESIDES trump.
A man with nukes who threatens to use them.It is not looking good.

Maybe Trump should stop provoking him, then.
Dumbass thinks kissing the ass of tyrants works.
You're not a very deep thinker, are ya? there is a middle ground between what trump is doing and "kissing their ass". Just ask.... well... literally every government official in this country for the last 30 years BESIDES trump.
Clinton kissed their ass and gave them all kinds of economic assistance. Result? Mushroom clouds and threatening everyone with them.
Clinton kissed their ass and gave them all kinds of economic assistance. Result? Mushroom clouds and threatening everyone with them.

North Korea didn't test their first nuke until 2006, long after Clinton left office and after Bush abandoned Clinton's strategy for outsourcing multi-lateral negotiations to China and other Pacific countries when NK explicitly said they wanted to deal with us.
Clinton kissed their ass and gave them all kinds of economic assistance. Result? Mushroom clouds and threatening everyone with them.

North Korea didn't test their first nuke until 2006, long after Clinton left office and after Bush abandoned Clinton's strategy for outsourcing multi-lateral negotiations to China and other Pacific countries when NK explicitly said they wanted to deal with us.
Dufus thinks NK stopped working on the bomb during the Clinton Error.
Dufus thinks NK stopped working on the bomb during the Clinton Error.

Well, all we have is supposition from you that they did. Isn't it possible in the 5 years between Clinton leaving office and them testing a nuke for the first time, they re-started their program?????
Whatever, it isn't like the Germans were left unscathed. They lost far more than the Japanese.

Um, yeah, the thing is, most of Germany's war dead were military deaths.
only 1.5 civilians were killed, usually in the course of bombing cities with infrastructure value. There were execeptions, like Dresden. But they would have never used a nuke on Germany, they were white people.

One only need look at WWII Propaganda, which differentiated the Nazis from the "Good Germans" who needed to be "Liberated" (The good Germans fought to the last man for Hitler), compared to the propaganda that portrayed the Japanese as sub-human monsters.

You really need to get a grip in yourself. By the time WWII was over, the Allies had bombed many German cities to ashes, with over three million civilian casualties. As far as dehumanizing the enemy, that also happened against the Nazis and still happens in every war.


Clinton kissed their ass and gave them all kinds of economic assistance. Result? Mushroom clouds and threatening everyone with them.

North Korea didn't test their first nuke until 2006, long after Clinton left office and after Bush abandoned Clinton's strategy for outsourcing multi-lateral negotiations to China and other Pacific countries when NK explicitly said they wanted to deal with us.
In other words they were violating their agreement all the while.
If Kim Dim Bulb flies one over Guam will it be MOAB #2 on their nuclear test range or the rain of fire on NK?

MOAB is not designed for use in an area without total air superiority and no threat of anti-aircraft fire. Please stop using this weapons as an example of what we could use against NK. It simply cannot happen. It is dropped by a cargo aircraft by parachute.
Thanks for explaining that. I still have the same question however. If Kim takes the next logical step in his test progression and launches a missile over Guam what should our response be? Do we decimate their test range, or do we decimate their country? Or is there a non-military option?

It depends completely on the level of decimation of South Korea that we are willing to accept. Making a conventional attack on his launch facilities because some of these missiles apparently are capable of being fired from mobile launchers.

If we could locate them and launch a coordinated surprise attack using cruise missiles on their fixed facilities and mobile launchers, we just might convince him that the nuclear option is not his best bet. Having the B-2s standing by to mop up would also be a good idea.

The only problem is that NK could still launch a massive artillery attack on SK and kills possibly hundred of thousands of innocent civilians. Should he do that, the limits would have to come off and we would be forced to destroy Kim's regime to the last man. China might not like that.

So from what I read the main threat is artillery pointed at Seoul.....so that threat would have to be neutralized fast. What is the quickest way to do this?
There is no quickest way. 99.9% causality rate if N.Korea rolled on S.Korea. Its like having a war inside of a coat closet. There just isnt enough reaction time.

Blanket every square inch of North Korea with nerve gas.
A man with nukes who threatens to use them.

It is not looking good.

View attachment 149327

All he's really proved is that he can hit the Pacific Ocean, not anything in particular. The Chinese had misfiring rockets for years after they had nukes because their guidance gyros didn't work. Then along came Scum Willy and let Loral give them what they needed for campaign funds. And he's still walking around today a free man. Can Dung Un hit Guam? Would his warhead survive reentry into the atmosphere? And there's always the possibility a rocket with a nuke could explode on launch and he'd nuke himself.
There's also a possibility that one of these rockets goes wrong and it actually hits Japan or S. Korea. At that point the shit will surely hit the fan.

Unless that rocket is loaded with a nuclear warhead, it will be the equivalent of nothing more than a small plane crash.
I don't think that's how the Japanese view it everytime the punk violates their airspace and shoots another one over their heads. We either allow them to arm themselves and take care of themselves, or we have to do it for them, as our agreement says. Considering their history, it's better not to allow Japan to have an offensive military.

It is long past time to wash our hands of that clusterfuck. Tell the Japanese to arm up, they're on their own.
There's also a possibility that one of these rockets goes wrong and it actually hits Japan or S. Korea. At that point the shit will surely hit the fan.

Unless that rocket is loaded with a nuclear warhead, it will be the equivalent of nothing more than a small plane crash.
I don't think that's how the Japanese view it everytime the punk violates their airspace and shoots another one over their heads. We either allow them to arm themselves and take care of themselves, or we have to do it for them, as our agreement says. Considering their history, it's better not to allow Japan to have an offensive military.

"We either allow them to arm themselves..."

White people are something else.....:laugh:
Yes, you ignorant racist dipshit, we have an agreement to defend "white" Germany and Japan as long as their militaries do not acquire offensive capabilities. You of course see "race" in everything.
White germany has an army you fucking moron Japan doesnt and they arent white.

Germany to boost army to 200,000 troops amid growing concern over Donald Trump's commitment to Nato
The Japanese have a quarter million active-duty military personnel, and 50,000 reservists. Do you EVER get tired of being wrong, dude?
Unless that rocket is loaded with a nuclear warhead, it will be the equivalent of nothing more than a small plane crash.
I don't think that's how the Japanese view it everytime the punk violates their airspace and shoots another one over their heads. We either allow them to arm themselves and take care of themselves, or we have to do it for them, as our agreement says. Considering their history, it's better not to allow Japan to have an offensive military.

"We either allow them to arm themselves..."

White people are something else.....:laugh:
Yes, you ignorant racist dipshit, we have an agreement to defend "white" Germany and Japan as long as their militaries do not acquire offensive capabilities. You of course see "race" in everything.
White germany has an army you fucking moron Japan doesnt and they arent white.

Germany to boost army to 200,000 troops amid growing concern over Donald Trump's commitment to Nato
The Japanese have a quarter million active-duty military personnel, and 50,000 reservists. Do you EVER get tired of being wrong, dude?
What does that have to do with the Germans having an army?
I learned differently; Japan was never near surrender, and the use of nukes saved lives in that war.

Well, you learned wrong. In fact, the Japanese were trying to talk to the Swiss and USSR about terms of surrender, and were even trying to get Stalin to broker a deal. Stalin had other ideas, of course.

The Japanese had, in fact, put out “peace” feelers through the Russians, but the Japanese concept of “surrender” was altogether different than what was required by the Potsdam Declaration

Okay, let's look at that. THe sticking point for the Japanese was the retention of Hirohito as Emperor. Even though most experts on Japan said, "Um, yeah, we'll have hard time controlling the country without the Emperor", a lot of the hardliners in Washington said no.

Then the USSR got involved, they were rolling up the Japanese in Manchuria in days, and faced with the possibility of a partitioned Japan like a partitioned Germany, the Allies were suddenly all too cool with keeping Hirohito. (Who was a War Criminal and should have been on the end of a rope.)

And yet...even after all that, surrendering STILL damn near got Hirohito assassinated!
Unlike dropping bombs on a civilian populace of a country without a declaration of war.

stop trying to change the subject, buddy. What we did was an act of barbarism.

No, it was an act of war.

Yes we know the old/stale far left narratives, but then again Trump is an FDR Democrat. This is proof that their god FDR would not be welcomed in the Democrats of today.

And Eisenhower wouldn't be welcomed in the Republicans of today. Heck, Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcomed.

He raised taxes.
He gave amnesty to illegals

He should have been strung up on the Mall for treason.

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