Fat Boy Proved He Could Hit Guam

What we did was an act of barbarism.

I wasn't even alive .. but I wish I had been. I love witnessing scientific progress

Yes we know the old/stale far left narratives, but then again Trump is an FDR Democrat. This is proof that their god FDR would not be welcomed in the Democrats of today.

And Eisenhower wouldn't be welcomed in the Republicans of today. Heck, Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcomed.

He raised taxes.
He gave amnesty to illegals

Wrong, but thanks for admitting that your GOD of FDR would not be in the far left party of today!
NK has been building nukes long before trump came into office.

Notice how the far left suddenly believes that if Trump were not President that NK would not have nukes?

NO, we didn't think it was a big deal then and we don't think it's a big deal now.

If anything, I'm more worried about Pakistan having nukes than North Korea.

Once again the far left shows they worry about the wrong things, just like when Romney said Russia was our greatest threat. The far left mocked him for saying that.

Obama administration knew about North Korea's miniaturized nukes
However, the Taliban did not have tanks, aircraft, surface to air missiles, artillery, etc. NK does.
However, the Taliban did not have tanks, aircraft, surface to air missiles, artillery, etc. NK does.
They did have enough to systematically repel the Soviet invasion! Or do you not remember?

They did not repel the Soviet invasion by any stretch of the imagination. They simply made the war so distasteful and costly that it was no longer justifiable for their political aims. Think Vietnam for us.
Whatever, they had enough to drive the Soviets off their land. That's pretty substantial if you ask me.

Militarily they didn't have anything except the Stinger missiles that made helicopter use by the Soviets almost impossible. Guess where they got those little babies?
We and others supplied it in order to help repel the Soviets. Others did the fighting for us. Bottom line is the Taliban and Al Queda had an army that was weaponized and trained well enough to drive out the Soviets.

They did not drive out the Soviets. The Soviets left because their goals were impossible to meet.

It is the same as with our experience in Vietnam. We were not driven out.
They did not drive out the Soviets. The Soviets left because their goals were impossible to meet.

It is the same as with our experience in Vietnam. We were not driven out.

Okay, you tell yourself that...

I don't have to tell myself that, because it is true.

Your left-wing alternative history is the problem.
The question isn't whether or not the fat punk and his regime will be demolished if it comes down to having to use the military option, the question is what happens in the aftermath. There should be a multi national force comprised mainly of N Korea's neighbors in the region, ready to step in and stabilize the country.

You are really pretty fast to volunteer other kids to fight and die for something that isn't all that important.

If you think NK having nukes "isn't that all important" then you're suicidal tendencies are once again on full display

If you think NK having nukes "isn't that all important" then you're suicidal tendencies are once again on full display

Why? He can't hit Chicago, and he'd be more likely to hit Seoul if anything. But the reality is, he probably won't hit anything because he'd face some serious retaliation.

So he has a "Don't fuck with me weapon". Okay. If that makes him feel better, fine.

I don't have to tell myself that, because it is true.

Your left-wing alternative history is the problem.

NO, the problem is, we went to war on a lie, trying to impose a government on people they didn't want.

If we had learned our lesson in Vietnam, we wouldn't be in Afghanistan and Iraq now.
If you think NK having nukes "isn't that all important" then you're suicidal tendencies are once again on full display

Why? He can't hit Chicago, and he'd be more likely to hit Seoul if anything. But the reality is, he probably won't hit anything because he'd face some serious retaliation.

So he has a "Don't fuck with me weapon". Okay. If that makes him feel better, fine.

I don't have to tell myself that, because it is true.

Your left-wing alternative history is the problem.

NO, the problem is, we went to war on a lie, trying to impose a government on people they didn't want.

If we had learned our lesson in Vietnam, we wouldn't be in Afghanistan and Iraq now.

1.- I see you have no concern for the South Koreans
2.- You think he thinks rationally
3. So you think he can't hit Chicago which I take is where you live but fuck everyone else in the US
4. Nukes are like hand grenades, you only need to get close.

Man, you're showing rapid decline relative to rational thought

1.- I see you have no concern for the South Koreans
2.- You think he thinks rationally
3. So you think he can't hit Chicago which I take is where you live but fuck everyone else in the US
4. Nukes are like hand grenades, you only need to get close.

Man, you're showing rapid decline relative to rational thought

1- South Korea has had 65 years to work it out with the North Koreans.

2- I think that Kim is largely a figurehead, and the people who really run North Korea are rational. they know what they can get away with. They know how to shake down the rest of the world for aid packages.

3- Again, the only reason why the rest of the US (not really) is in danger is because the Orange Shitgibbon is rattling the sabers.

4- Irrelevant to any point. The North Koreans can't even get close, half their missiles hit the ocean. Unless they are making war on Aquaman, I'm not seeing an issue here.

After the Hiroshima attack, a faction of Japan’s supreme war council favored acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration, but the majority resisted unconditional surrender. On August 8, Japan’s desperate situation took another turn for the worse when the USSR declared war against Japan. The next day, Soviet forces attacked in Manchuria, rapidly overwhelming Japanese positions there, and a second U.S. atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese coastal city of Nagasaki.

Just before midnight on August 9, Japanese Emperor Hirohito convened the supreme war council. After a long, emotional debate, he backed a proposal by Prime Minister Suzuki in which Japan would accept the Potsdam Declaration “with the understanding that said Declaration does not compromise any demand that prejudices the prerogatives of His Majesty as the sovereign ruler.” The council obeyed Hirohito’s acceptance of peace, and on August 10 the message was relayed to the United States.

Japan surrenders - Sep 02, 1945 - HISTORY.com

No peace feelers without Hirohito, thus, no desire for peace.
Notice how the far left does not condemn the leader of NK, they are only willing to bash Trump!

More proof the far left does not care about anything other than running their debunked religious narratives.

If Trump does the right thing, the far left will still be unhappy with him.

Now if HC was president we would just be hearing about how this is the new normal!

Trump is the one who is escalating a nothing issue into something that might start WWIII.

North Korea has had nukes since the Oughts. It's just not a big deal.
Dumbass! Trump isn't the one illegally firing missiles and violating the airspace of countries like S. Korea and Japan! This fat punk in N Korea has been misbehaving for three decades. As general Mc Master eloquently said, "there is no more road left to kick the can down".

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