Fat people, drinkers, smokers, engaging in "risky behavior" and must be punished...

They are talking about prevention and wellness RESEARCH. Where does it say there will be a tax on fat people???
You clearly missed my earlier mea culpa on that. Correct? I said I stand corrected on asserting it's IN the bill and should instead be asking if it is. You missed that? Because you don't really READ. Because you're a lazy, sloppy discussion participant.

I then said, "okay, WHY then are we going into people's homes and weighing them, checking their fridge, what's that for?"

And I wonder, what exactly IS that for? Other than to figure out who to raise rates on, or tax more?
Talk about sloppy, you're an extremely sloppy reader.

This is a voluntary preventive measure to help keep health care costs down. You've heard of preventive medicine right? It's like your doctor telling you that if you'd lose 100 lbs you'd be healthier and here's how you can do it...and the sweet bonus is that preventive medicine saves medical costs overall.

Jesus, I bet you believed the bullshit about death panels, too.

They are talking about prevention and wellness RESEARCH. Where does it say there will be a tax on fat people???
You clearly missed my earlier mea culpa on that. Correct? I said I stand corrected on asserting it's IN the bill and should instead be asking if it is. You missed that? Because you don't really READ. Because you're a lazy, sloppy discussion participant.

I then said, "okay, WHY then are we going into people's homes and weighing them, checking their fridge, what's that for?"

And I wonder, what exactly IS that for? Other than to figure out who to raise rates on, or tax more?
Talk about sloppy, you're an extremely sloppy reader.

This is a voluntary preventive measure to help keep health care costs down. You've heard of preventive medicine right? It's like your doctor telling you that if you'd lose 100 lbs you'd be healthier and here's how you can do it...and the sweet bonus is that preventive medicine saves medical costs overall.

Jesus, I bet you believed the bullshit about death panels, too.

It's NOT voluntary, there's BILLIONS of our dollars in it for SEIU, Americorps and ACORN, and any other group that wants in the program, and you didn't bother to read it.

Any of it.
You clearly missed my earlier mea culpa on that. Correct? I said I stand corrected on asserting it's IN the bill and should instead be asking if it is. You missed that? Because you don't really READ. Because you're a lazy, sloppy discussion participant.

I then said, "okay, WHY then are we going into people's homes and weighing them, checking their fridge, what's that for?"

And I wonder, what exactly IS that for? Other than to figure out who to raise rates on, or tax more?
Talk about sloppy, you're an extremely sloppy reader.

This is a voluntary preventive measure to help keep health care costs down. You've heard of preventive medicine right? It's like your doctor telling you that if you'd lose 100 lbs you'd be healthier and here's how you can do it...and the sweet bonus is that preventive medicine saves medical costs overall.

Jesus, I bet you believed the bullshit about death panels, too.

It's NOT voluntary, there's BILLIONS of our dollars in it for SEIU, Americorps and ACORN, and any other group that wants in the program, and you didn't bother to read it.

Any of it.
It's all a plot to turn us gay.

Talk about sloppy, you're an extremely sloppy reader.

This is a voluntary preventive measure to help keep health care costs down. You've heard of preventive medicine right? It's like your doctor telling you that if you'd lose 100 lbs you'd be healthier and here's how you can do it...and the sweet bonus is that preventive medicine saves medical costs overall.

Jesus, I bet you believed the bullshit about death panels, too.

It's NOT voluntary, there's BILLIONS of our dollars in it for SEIU, Americorps and ACORN, and any other group that wants in the program, and you didn't bother to read it.

Any of it.
It's all a plot to turn us gay.

It's all a plot do do something other than what they say it is, that's for sure.
This bill is insane (well, whatever version of it is current, that is).
This bill is insane (well, whatever version of it is current, that is).
It suffers, from the beginning and terminally, from what is called "mission creep." This is IF we assume good intentions on the part of the authors of this bill. I do not.
... With extra taxation, because they are a burden on the medical system and they should PAY for their excesses and risky behavior.


What about other high-risk activities, such as intravenous drug use, unprotected anal sex --unprotected sex of any kind -- and any other activity that is known to spread AIDS? Shouldn't these folks share the responsibility of the burden their behavior is placing on the system?

Wonder why none of this is addressed in the health care reform proposals?

up here in this northern state we tax the shit out of cigarettes, therefore making them fund health care.:razz:
We can do that with our high min wage.
... With extra taxation, because they are a burden on the medical system and they should PAY for their excesses and risky behavior.


What about other high-risk activities, such as intravenous drug use, unprotected anal sex --unprotected sex of any kind -- and any other activity that is known to spread AIDS? Shouldn't these folks share the responsibility of the burden their behavior is placing on the system?

Wonder why none of this is addressed in the health care reform proposals?

up here in this northern state we tax the shit out of cigarettes, therefore making them fund health care.:razz:
We can do that with our high min wage.
Uh-huh. Give 'em a raise then just take it away with higher taxes.

Love it!
you are the one who said you wanted them to pay for their health care. :lol:
... With extra taxation, because they are a burden on the medical system and they should PAY for their excesses and risky behavior.


What about other high-risk activities, such as intravenous drug use, unprotected anal sex --unprotected sex of any kind -- and any other activity that is known to spread AIDS? Shouldn't these folks share the responsibility of the burden their behavior is placing on the system?

Wonder why none of this is addressed in the health care reform proposals?


Why just talk about AIDS? How about Hepatitis? Other STDs?

But, that being pointed out, are you denying that smokers and obese people don't put a large burden on the tax care system?
TAX care system?
Interesting. :eusa_think:
Great post Midnight! Yes the Liberals do show quite a bit of hypocrisy on issues like this. Putting that obvious reality aside though,what is going on with our country? Why are so many so willing to just give their Freedoms & Liberties away? I mean i see many on this very board actually praising and cheerleading for health care "reform" which will fine and possibly imprison American Citizens for not buying health insurance. It really does remind one of how the German People were just so willing to go along with and ignore the rise of the Nazis and their terrible atrocities. People seem to be so willing to give their freedom away all in the name of "It's for your own good." It's actually incredibly sad. Socialism/Communism never works in the end.
Socialists may have some good intentions but too often it ends badly for those who adopt Socialism/Communism. If this legislation passes,our Government will have to actually create a Health Care Gestapo in order to punish citizens who don't buy health insurance. Excessive fines and possible imprisonment for not having health insurance? Just sounds insane to me. This legislation desperately needs to be stopped. Our politicians should be pushing for more Freedom & Liberty for the people not Less. What has happened to our nation? :(
Socialists may have some good intentions but too often it ends badly for those who adopt Socialism/Communism. If this legislation passes,our Government will have to actually create a Health Care Gestapo in order to punish citizens who don't buy health insurance. Excessive fines and possible imprisonment for not having health insurance? Just sounds insane to me. This legislation desperately needs to be stopped. Our politicians should be pushing for more Freedom & Liberty for the people not Less. What has happened to our nation? :(

And yet, you have unbelievable tax breaks for the ultra rich including loop holes that no one else is able to use. They move jobs overseas.

CEOs at health care companies making hundreds of millions in bonuses and stock options. Companies that make nothing and sell nothing. They are only legal becuase congress says they are. But are they? If they are completely unethical, are they really legal?

People can't buy food now. This is a foolish bill if true. You can't make people buy health care. It's not possible. Even it were possible to put them in jail, were are the jails?

Isn't it funny that Health Care companies skim billions off existing policies? They spend less than 70 cents per dollar on patients. They deny claims and cancel policies to sick people and deny them care to pay their CEOs with stock options and corporate jets worth hundreds of million "each", yet scream and cry "foul" when it comes to helping the average American? Why is that? Do they hate the middle class so much?
Socialists may have some good intentions but too often it ends badly for those who adopt Socialism/Communism. If this legislation passes,our Government will have to actually create a Health Care Gestapo in order to punish citizens who don't buy health insurance. Excessive fines and possible imprisonment for not having health insurance? Just sounds insane to me. This legislation desperately needs to be stopped. Our politicians should be pushing for more Freedom & Liberty for the people not Less. What has happened to our nation? :(

And yet, you have unbelievable tax breaks for the ultra rich including loop holes that no one else is able to use. They move jobs overseas.

CEOs at health care companies making hundreds of millions in bonuses and stock options. Companies that make nothing and sell nothing. They are only legal becuase congress says they are. But are they? If they are completely unethical, are they really legal?

People can't buy food now. This is a foolish bill if true. You can't make people buy health care. It's not possible. Even it were possible to put them in jail, were are the jails?

Isn't it funny that Health Care companies skim billions off existing policies? They spend less than 70 cents per dollar on patients. They deny claims and cancel policies to sick people and deny them care to pay their CEOs with stock options and corporate jets worth hundreds of million "each", yet scream and cry "foul" when it comes to helping the average American? Why is that? Do they hate the middle class so much?

Okay ... so now it's "attack the CEOs" ... here's the thing, the reason they move jobs over seas is because they can't make a profit (the whole reason for operating a company) over here. If you make it impossible for them to make any profit off that and eventually they will just leave the country completely ... no more US industries at all is the end result of all these "changes".
CEOs at health care companies making hundreds of millions in bonuses and stock options. Companies that make nothing and sell nothing. They are only legal becuase congress says they are. But are they? If they are completely unethical, are they really legal?
You really are one foolish little boy aren't you? Read the next carefully, okay?

Under the health care reform plans we're seeing, all have one thing in common: Mandatory health insurance for all. Which means yes you will have to buy it if you don't have it in an "approved" form.

Now, with the 47 million uninsured, what does this mean? It means a HUGE windfall for the evil insurance companies! MILLIONS of new customers they never had before!

It's a BAILOUT for them! They are gonna get BILLIONS out of this, making the rich richer and the poor, poorer! And no one's wise to it yet!

You can't make people buy health care. It's not possible.
Yes they can. And they will. Hell, they do it with auto insurance.
Even it were possible to put them in jail, were are the jails?
Will it be federal, state or county? Who's gonna pay for it? You're right.
... With extra taxation, because they are a burden on the medical system and they should PAY for their excesses and risky behavior.


What about other high-risk activities, such as intravenous drug use, unprotected anal sex --unprotected sex of any kind -- and any other activity that is known to spread AIDS? Shouldn't these folks share the responsibility of the burden their behavior is placing on the system?

Wonder why none of this is addressed in the health care reform proposals?


Why aren't "We The People" pointing out to the political whores, that healthcare reform, whether it is this bill or any other from the federal government, is not their business save doing away with programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the other government wipe your butt for you programs?

The proposed plan is about increasing the revenue and power of the federal government. It is not to take care of you as has been touted. More political lies.
Americans are the fattest people in the developed world, which creates all sorts of health problems and raises insurance rates for people who don't pound back 3000 calories for breakfast at IHOP. Maybe there shouldn't be a tax but instead, maybe we should allow insurance companies to charge fat people higher premiums. Why shouldn't there be an incentive for people not to be a drain on the system?

And the answer to my question is because some people are genetically programmed to gain weight. So maybe we shouldn't discriminate against them. Instead, tax the source. Put a tax on junk food. What is wrong with that?

The food and restaurant industry has spent tens of millions of dollars on research to better understand the physiological responses of people to food, so you will consume more and they can make more money. Why not tax that away to change people's behavior?
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