Fate test McCarthy in Biden showdown

What gets me is the gop has a real plan in the form of a Debt Ceiling Bill that passed the House. You may not like it but it's a plan.

What's the dem's plan to rein in spending?

Crickets and nonsensical grandstanding from the dems thus far.

What, do they really think McCarthy is going to go back to the House after next week's meeting with a list of demands from the likes of Schumer and change a passed Bill?

No, the only movement possible is to bring the Bill to the Senate floor for a vote but Schumer knows he doesn't have the votes to block it.

Even if he does he does block it he does not want it going into reconciliation because, like petulant children, the dems want everything their way.
Schumer and the like should be hung
Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023 (HR 2811),

Wow..do you live under a rock? This was passed by the House awhile ago. The Dems have refused to take action, and continue to hold the American people hostage
Yes, but it is a nice rock, have been doing a lot of outside yard and pool work.

CBO speaks positively about the effects between now and 2030 (fiscally), except for affects on medicade, costs, savings at fed and state level.

CBO does not address effects on the economy, business, etc.

Thanks for providing the real bill number.
Yes, but it is a nice rock, have been doing a lot of outside yard and pool work.

CBO speaks positively about the effects between now and 2030 (fiscally), except for affects on medicade, costs, savings at fed and state level.

CBO does not address effects on the economy, business, etc.

Thanks for providing the real bill number.
I didn't say anything about the CBO.

My real concern is now that the House has done it's job, why are Xiden and the Dems in the Senate holding the country hostage?
I didn't say anything about the CBO.

My real concern is now that the House has done it's job, why are Xiden and the Dems in the Senate holding the country hostage?
I used your link to look up the CBO evaluation. Who is hostage, and hostage to what?
I used your link to look up the CBO evaluation. Who is hostage, and hostage to what?
The American people, to the Demafascist not raising the debt limit...there stonewalling on it, could have major economic consequnces if it's not raised
They certainly were not interested in putting their foot down 4 years ago, so it looks like political bullsh#t without the specifics. What specific in the bill were you favoring? Maybe there is common ground.

I know your question was not addressing me, but I'll put in my two cents: I like the idea of cutting housing to lower income families. There is no reason for taxpayers to support lowlifes getting a free ride into the suburbs. If we are to support these people, then it should be in lower income areas where housing is much cheaper. They have way too much money now and their people are destroying once nice suburbs like mine.
I know your question was not addressing me, but I'll put in my two cents: I like the idea of cutting housing to lower income families. There is no reason for taxpayers to support lowlifes getting a free ride into the suburbs. If we are to support these people, then it should be in lower income areas where housing is much cheaper. They have way too much money now and their people are destroying once nice suburbs like mine.
I can buy that.
When McCarthy became speaker I said this will either be his highest moment, or just a step to greatness. Currently McCarthy is in a battle with democrats over the debt ceiling.

This battle can be won.

Let the debate to raise the debt ceiling happen. Fortune favors the bold.
September 30, 2017. Debt ceiling suspended to March 2019. No spending limit! Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress and did not threaten to shut down the government.

March 1, 2019
. Debt ceiling reinstated and raised by over $2 trillion above current debt. Republicans controlled the Senate and did not threaten to shut down the government.

August 2, 2019.
Debt ceiling suspended to July 2021, well after the 2020 election. No spending limit! Republicans controlled the Senate and did not threaten to shut down the government.

All of this was on Trump's watch and BEFORE the pandemic.

And yet you rubes magically bleev the GOP is fiscally responsible!!!
Like I saw from Ray's link some I like. Some are meaningless BS or simply counterproductive.
Supporting Ray's article, "The package does not list any specific cuts." Anybody that has negotiated knows you have to have specific.
I favor blocking any tuition repayment, as that was dept intentionally taken on by the borrower and the employment market is good, especially if they were studying advance finger painting and sandbox 101 courses toward graduation.
At this point, unused Covid money should be taken back off the table. I am tired of the ads from companies telling businesses if the had and kept certain employees 3 years ago, they may be entitled to free money, which I am sure the advertised company would be glad to help you get for a fee.
I am not anti-green, just not pro-green. Though some of those tax credits are useful, energy efficient buildings are useful, nuclear deductions are useful. I am certainly not going to support anything that would go against the new Ford vehicle and battery plants 30 miles from here. I make no apologies for the "fine until my ox is gored stance". I am not excited about increasing money to oil and gas people, the two recent approvals prior to show steps in the right direction, counter to what Joe ran on, but showing support for the industry in a metered way, especially since energy company profits alread at or near historic highs.

That was just from my quick read of both, though the bill linked in your article was the unnumbered draft, so still have not seen what I have heard was passed and don't even know if it has the same name, that name from the article, not in the draft.
It talks about cutting. Biden refuses to talk about cutting. There was no doubt in my mind that you would spin it.
There is no Biden showdown. Senator Cruz put it best" the president is so mentally deteriorated that he can't negotiate a budget and instead he has a bunch of radical kids who ain't got a clue".
They certainly were not interested in putting their foot down 4 years ago, so it looks like political bullsh#t without the specifics. What specific in the bill were you favoring? Maybe there is common ground.

Nixing student loan forgiveness for one. That is just another scheme by Democrats to buy votes.

Yeah and, The Republican house has created a fiscally responsible bill, meanwhile the Senate holds their breath, drop to the floor, and stomp their feet. So why are Democrats using this as a weapon against the American people.

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