Fate test McCarthy in Biden showdown

If you are referring to next week's meeting then yes it is a stunt.....I bet Tater's handlers will have the media there too so Schumer can grandstand.
I had not actually been following the story, nor knew there was a meeting next week. This debt ceiling thing has been political theater for years, with everything from drama BS to government shut downs. But, with the steady decline from the post Covid inflation that was somewhere near 9% at it's peak, last April/May to where it is today somewhere between 4 and 5%, worries about some mismanaged banks, the fed talking of trying to get inflation back down around 2% (which with my limited economic studies, being something I cannot see within a year and a half), which I cannot see the economy strong enough, even with the high employment numbers, low unemployment number, high continue industrial construction and the oil spicket slowly being turned back on as there is money to be made if interest doesn't spike, point being the economy is OK, but only OK, not strong enough for fringe political groups to play games with, without fking up everything, possibly in a big way for a lot of people and businesses. I guess I would say the economy is OK and improving, but fragile. If there were norm Republicans involved, it would not bother me, but I'm pretty sure the crazies have primaried normal Republican out (or they quit because they didn't have to put up with the crazy crap and could do just fine without the hassle) leaving the idiots, populist, nut-ball fringe that don't give a crap with a far bigger chair at the table, when they should be out of the kitchen playing in their sand box.
Then bring the Bill to the Senate floor and vote on it.....Pretty simple stuff.

The dems want the same-old, the public, through their majority representatives in the House, not so much.

Why do you hate the will of the people?
The vast majority of the country wants to allow abortions in most cases, ans wants better gun laws, and you want to whine about the will of the people.
McCarthy is not renown for his conservatism. The conservatives negotiated that for their Speaker vote, he lead more conservatively. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Your point about personally being debt free and how this won't affect you is dead on. It doesn't affect most of us and that's the problem. We increase our debt another trillion, so what? How did my life change?

So this solution to our problem is simple: bring on the pain. When they waste money like they do, every American should feel it. If we did it that way, you'd see how fast people take control over this wasteful spending and finally bring it to an end.
I still disagree at this time. You might want to check the Polidiotic website to see the numbers and the history.
yes and we have reached the limit, thus need to raise the limit. Much like maxing out your credit card.

Great time to review and see why you are spending so much, so quickly, and make some changes. It would be a dereliction of duty not to take the time to do that evaluation.
No. Maxing out the credit card means they prevent you from charging anything else. You've reached your credit limit. You still have to pay for what you got, but you can't get anything else.

The debt ceiling does nothing like that. You can still buy all kinds of shit on credit, but the debt ceiling just puts a limit on how much of your bill you can pay. It doesn't absolve you from the bill. It doesn't require the creditors to give you a pass on what's owed. It causes the economy to crash.

I've explained this enough. If you don't get t by now, you are either really dumb, or just enjoy playing dumb.
Why would you consider a default McCarthy and the Republican‘s fault rather than Biden and the Democrat’s fault? The Republicans are willing to negotiate a deal, the Democrats and Biden are not.
They never know what they are negotiating for, what effect it will have, or care beyond the possibility of a political advantage, if they can fk the economy just enough to drive inflation back up. It is not like the nut-ball populists are both legitimately conservative and intellectually/educationally competent to know what they are doing. Higher interests and a slight uptick might help them, but these idiots like a swath and burn approach, that could screw everybody, including themselves if they get their way, whatever they finally come out and say they want, as they haven't yet. Individual Republican when not in the limelight are often reasonably intelligent and conservative, but those people don't attract the populist zeal that get them in office anymore, and the smartest don't want it, as they don't need it to make a good living without the hassles and stupidity.
No. Maxing out the credit card means they prevent you from charging anything else. You've reached your credit limit. You still have to pay for what you got, but you can't get anything else.

The debt ceiling does nothing like that. You can still buy all kinds of shit on credit, but the debt ceiling just puts a limit on how much of your bill you can pay. It doesn't absolve you from the bill. It doesn't require the creditors to give you a pass on what's owed. It causes the economy to crash.

I've explained this enough. If you don't get t by now, you are either really dumb, or just enjoy playing dumb.
yes, you are not absolved from the bill...just like when you run up your credit card...you are not absolved from the bill...wow...did you think you were? You must be one of those bad credit people Xiden's bailing out with his morgage fee scam.

The Debt ceiling is just like that, it's the max the US Tres can borrow...just like the limit on your credit card is the max you can borrow.....and once you hit either, you can't borrow more, but are still obligated to pay the debt you ran up. A great time to look and see why you ran up the debt, and cut spending where you can
The reason for this debt is the wasteful spending of the past. That's why it's important for Republicans to hold their ground and demand less spending so we don't have to keep raising that ceiling in the future. What Democrats want is to keep raising the ceiling and keep spending irresponsibly giving us an endless problem. If we keep on this path, might as well double that ceiling instead of going through this every couple of years.
We're going to either pay our due bills or crash the economy. Those are our only two options. Plenty of time to pass laws to reduce future spending, but past spending is due now. Why does the right want to crash the economy?
We're going to either pay our due bills or crash the economy. Those are our only two options. Plenty of time to pass laws to reduce future spending, but past spending is due now. Why does the right want to crash the economy?

We don't, that's the reason for the negotiations. What we want is a great reduction of spending so we don't keep running into this problem. The commies want to spend, spend, spend, and then try to blame the crashing of the economy on Republicans for not cleaning up their messes.
yes, you are not absolved from the bill...just like when you run up your credit card...you are not absolved from the bill...wow...did you think you were? You must be one of those bad credit people Xiden's bailing out with his morgage fee scam.

The Debt ceiling is just like that, it's the max the US Tres can borrow...just like the limit on your credit card is the max you can borrow.....and once you hit either, you can't borrow more, but are still obligated to pay the debt you ran up. A great time to look and see why you ran up the debt, and cut spending where you can
Again, the debt ceiling has nothing to do with what we can borrow.
Why would you make up something outlandish as that? Somebody cutting a deficit by a trillion dollars? BS. Why can't you people just be normal like everybody else. I'd challenge you to show your numbers, but know that you can't.
Biden said it himself!!!!!!!
Go back to sleep, grandpa Joe has it under control
Again, the debt ceiling has nothing to do with what we can borrow.
um yes it has everything to do with what the US Tres can borrow. Geez...this is part of the problem....dembot cultist are clueless and have no clue what the topic is.

The debt limit is the total amount of money that the United States government is authorized to borrow to meet its existing legal obligations, including Social Security and Medicare benefits, military salaries, interest on the national debt, tax refunds, and other payments.

In the United States, the debt ceiling or debt limit is a legislative limit on the amount of national debt that can be incurred by the U.S. Treasury, thus limiting how much money the federal government may pay on the debt it already borrowed by borrowing more money.
Biden said it himself!!!!!!!
This one would be a good one for somebody to challenge Joe to see his numbers. I quit believing in what politicians say when on campaign, though in office, back in the Nixon days, and especially after he got invited to leave. Hell, you only take them serious when there is a political advantage.
But the country favors not going out of business and killing the economy, to suit MAGA political agenda and will remember at election time. If McCarthyism and the MAGA crowd kill the economy, they are toast and it will be at least 9 years before a Republic has a chance at the white house. McCarthy and crew, might not even be welcome back in their home states. Just Sayin....
Then why won't Biden even talk about cutting expenses?
Not unless you want it paid off this year. At least this administration is not adding at anywhere near the rate of the last administration, and the debt ceiling was raised without problem though the trump administration was adding to it at a huge rate. This is just political bluster and everybody knows it. The only time Reps care is when a dem is in office. But, the reps will raise and will not kill the economy, as they face election in 2024, so if they break it, they bought it, and will be voted out, possibly across the board.
they refuse to talk about cutting even a nickel.
Raise the debt ceiling. It doesn't make sense that it even exists. The time to cut spending is before the money is spent. You can't go buy extravagant Christmas gifts, and after they are given to people and they are opened, then decide if you can afford them. At that point it's too late. All you can do is pay the damn credit card bill, and decide if you can afford all that shit before you buy it next time.
That's what Republicans are trying to do, cut future spending. Biden won't even talk about cutting future spending.

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