Father arrested at school board meeting for exceeding his allotted two minutes

That whole School Board is going to get tossed out on its collective ear as soon as they come up for election.

Maybe the Governor will step in and force them out or maybe they'll resign in disgrace.

But they're done. Fini. Kaput. Yesterday's breakfast.

Of that, you can be fairly certain.

I hope you're right, I hope he sues as well.

Can you imagine the outrage from those defending his arrest if it had been a liberal parent arrested when calmly verbally complaining about their child being sent home an assignement to read a part of the Bible? They'd be screaming their heads off at the injustice of it.
If he was asked to abide by the rules and was told his time was up and everything was explained to him, then what do you think should have happened.
Sit and let him break the rules and not allow anyone else to speak?
Then who shuts him up? Who tells him to leave and enforces that rule?
Explain that to me.
What do you think he is going to be charged with?

Disorderly conduct.

The cops did their job. No problem there.
And this guy drew a lot of attention to his issue - so mission accomplished for him too.

Yes, he's going to have a bit of a hassle to deal with - but he created a hassle at the school board meeting too. It all evens out and he gets a wide audience for his issue.

I don't see the big problem.

Speaking is now 'disorderly conduct' in a school board meeting that merits being arrested? Listen to yourself, pathetic.
If he was asked to abide by the rules and was told his time was up and everything was explained to him, then what do you think should have happened.
Sit and let him break the rules and not allow anyone else to speak?
Then who shuts him up? Who tells him to leave and enforces that rule?
Explain that to me.
What do you think he is going to be charged with?

Disorderly conduct.

The cops did their job. No problem there.
And this guy drew a lot of attention to his issue - so mission accomplished for him too.

Yes, he's going to have a bit of a hassle to deal with - but he created a hassle at the school board meeting too. It all evens out and he gets a wide audience for his issue.

I don't see the big problem.

Speaking is now 'disorderly conduct' in a school board meeting that merits being arrested? Listen to yourself, pathetic.
Are you an anarchist?
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... lock dat ol' windbag up...

... dey got business to conduct."
That whole School Board is going to get tossed out on its collective ear as soon as they come up for election.

Maybe the Governor will step in and force them out or maybe they'll resign in disgrace.

But they're done. Fini. Kaput. Yesterday's breakfast.

Of that, you can be fairly certain.

I hope you're right, I hope he sues as well.

Can you imagine the outrage from those defending his arrest if it had been a liberal parent arrested when calmly verbally complaining about their child being sent home an assignement to read a part of the Bible? They'd be screaming their heads off at the injustice of it.

He's a lawyer with 20 years experience.

I bet he runs for office with that video as a campaign ad and wins.

The School Board dyke should have sat there and taken it like an Adult but she couldn't do that. Most other politicians would have.

I watched Richard Nixon one time listen to a girl from Brasil 66 (pretty sure it was them?) just absolutely tear into him about the War and when one of his Secret Service Detail got up to go get the girl, he grabbed him by the arm and made him sit back down.

He listened to her whole tirade and when she was finished, she went to her group and started singing again.

Nothing was done at the time. Whether she was released by the group later, I can't remember.

But THAT is how you deal with an agitated Citizen.

If you're an American.

dimocrap scum would rather just take you out back and put a bullet in your head.

Think I'm kidding?

Then you're the idiot
Disorderly conduct.

The cops did their job. No problem there.
And this guy drew a lot of attention to his issue - so mission accomplished for him too.

Yes, he's going to have a bit of a hassle to deal with - but he created a hassle at the school board meeting too. It all evens out and he gets a wide audience for his issue.

I don't see the big problem.

The overkill.

I don't think it was overkill at all. And if he had just allowed himself to be led out of the room, we would have never heard about the incident. Small price to pay (imho) for such attention to your words. Cheaper than buying an ad to air nationally. He was just as guilty of overkill for disrupting the meeting over something in which the school board acknowledged the mistake and apologized for.

That's why some people choose civil disobedience for their form of political expression. For the attention.

You apparently never watched the video of the incident, go educate yourself. He did exactly that, allowed himself to be peacefully escorted out, he was sitting the entire time he was speaking, he was not yelling, his comments came after another parent's comments and lasted for maybe 30 seconds. The cop had to push himself past several other people sitting next to him to grab his hand and force him to stand. He walked peacefully out of the room to the lobby, and the cop put the cuffs on out there. Complete overkill, I would hire an attorney and sue their asses.

The other parents in the room should be ashamed that they continued on as if nothing of import happened. So guess the intimidation tactics used by the school board worked to keep them all sitting there silent afraid they would be next.
Liberals are tedious :cuckoo:

Picking apart every little thing, therefore, they never truly get to the point. Everything just become mush

That's their MO, to get everything lost in the weeds...
Law and order...I guess it is something of the past and we should all submit to anarchy.

Cause and effect...no one seems to want to accept responsibility for their actions anymore. This is the same as hecklers getting arrested when they interrupted GOP candidates and W.

Anyone who thinks this man shouldn't have been removed from the meeting is either an anarchist who has zero respect for law and order or a hypocrite.

My issue isn't his removal. My issue is his arrest. It was unnecessary
If you like the truth I'm a terrifically fun person, which means you, like most here, would hate me.

No, you're an unpleasant fuck.... and if you had any flare for the truth, you wouldn't make shit up like calling this man a "book-burning Nazi". He neither burned a book or is a Nazi.
No, he just wanted to. And I used it as rhetorical device! If you weren't such a Literal Moron you'd understand but no, you don't have the mind for such things.

You and this guy are probably alike, both afraid that his little princess might just find out what that thing in her pretty panties is actually for...

She is a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD CHILD you filthy disgusting pig.
Please tell me this guy is suing the school board for this? The silent smut agenda inching its way into our kids' minds has had its day. The tide is turning. And what better way to put the italics and exclamation point on that than with what the sex-deviants always do..A LAWSUIT!

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
If he was asked to abide by the rules and was told his time was up and everything was explained to him, then what do you think should have happened.
Sit and let him break the rules and not allow anyone else to speak?
Then who shuts him up? Who tells him to leave and enforces that rule?
Explain that to me.
What do you think he is going to be charged with?

Disorderly conduct.

The cops did their job. No problem there.
And this guy drew a lot of attention to his issue - so mission accomplished for him too.

Yes, he's going to have a bit of a hassle to deal with - but he created a hassle at the school board meeting too. It all evens out and he gets a wide audience for his issue.

I don't see the big problem.

Speaking is now 'disorderly conduct' in a school board meeting that merits being arrested? Listen to yourself, pathetic.

Speaking well beyond your allotted time .... yup.
Speaking after being told that you'd be arrested for disorderly conduct if you don't stop and responding, "well you're going to have to arrest me" .... yup.

You seem to advocate a free-for-all approach to conducting business. Or allowing a single person to monopolize an entire public meeting at the expense of everyone else.

I don't.

But I don't blame the guy for choosing civil disobedience as his form of political expression. More power to him. The fact that he was willing to face the consequences is why we know about it today.

I'll listen to myself - maybe you would be better off to listen to me too.
No, you're an unpleasant fuck.... and if you had any flare for the truth, you wouldn't make shit up like calling this man a "book-burning Nazi". He neither burned a book or is a Nazi.
No, he just wanted to. And I used it as rhetorical device! If you weren't such a Literal Moron you'd understand but no, you don't have the mind for such things.

You and this guy are probably alike, both afraid that his little princess might just find out what that thing in her pretty panties is actually for...

She is a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD CHILD you filthy disgusting pig.

Maybe he likes Thirteen year olds?

BTW are there any thirteen year olds still around who doesn't know about sex? Especially with the schools teaching them much younger.

Learning about sex in an academic sense is one thing. Doesn't mean they need to be exposed to smut.
Law and order...I guess it is something of the past and we should all submit to anarchy.

Cause and effect...no one seems to want to accept responsibility for their actions anymore. This is the same as hecklers getting arrested when they interrupted GOP candidates and W.

Anyone who thinks this man shouldn't have been removed from the meeting is either an anarchist who has zero respect for law and order or a hypocrite.

My issue isn't his removal. My issue is his arrest. It was unnecessary

I can appreciate that. I just happen to believe in law and order - cause and effect. I agree that this book is nonsense and pre-teens shouldn't be forced to read it...but there is a lawful way to protest. Even with civil disobedience, there are consequences. Obvious this man was willing to face those consequences. I support him, but just because we believe something is right or wrong, it doesn't give us the right to circumvent the law and deny other people to speak and express their opinions. Freedom of speech is for everyone, no?
Law and order...I guess it is something of the past and we should all submit to anarchy.

Cause and effect...no one seems to want to accept responsibility for their actions anymore. This is the same as hecklers getting arrested when they interrupted GOP candidates and W.

Anyone who thinks this man shouldn't have been removed from the meeting is either an anarchist who has zero respect for law and order or a hypocrite.

My issue isn't his removal. My issue is his arrest. It was unnecessary

It was unnecessary if he had left or shut up when he extinguished his time.

But he told them to arrest him. (To draw attention) and he got that attention - mission accomplished. No problems.
Law and order...I guess it is something of the past and we should all submit to anarchy.

Cause and effect...no one seems to want to accept responsibility for their actions anymore. This is the same as hecklers getting arrested when they interrupted GOP candidates and W.

Anyone who thinks this man shouldn't have been removed from the meeting is either an anarchist who has zero respect for law and order or a hypocrite.

My issue isn't his removal. My issue is his arrest. It was unnecessary

I can appreciate that. I just happen to believe in law and order - cause and effect. I agree that this book is nonsense and pre-teens shouldn't be forced to read it...but there is a lawful way to protest. Even with civil disobedience, there are consequences. Obvious this man was willing to face those consequences. I support him, but just because we believe something is right or wrong, it doesn't give us the right to circumvent the law and deny other people to speak and express their opinions. Freedom of speech is for everyone, no?

I believe in law and order as well. Which is why i don't like prosecutorial overkill.
Disorderly conduct.

The cops did their job. No problem there.
And this guy drew a lot of attention to his issue - so mission accomplished for him too.

Yes, he's going to have a bit of a hassle to deal with - but he created a hassle at the school board meeting too. It all evens out and he gets a wide audience for his issue.

I don't see the big problem.

Speaking is now 'disorderly conduct' in a school board meeting that merits being arrested? Listen to yourself, pathetic.

Speaking well beyond your allotted time .... yup.
Speaking after being told that you'd be arrested for disorderly conduct if you don't stop and responding, "well you're going to have to arrest me" .... yup.

You seem to advocate a free-for-all approach to conducting business. Or allowing a single person to monopolize an entire public meeting at the expense of everyone else.

I don't.

But I don't blame the guy for choosing civil disobedience as his form of political expression. More power to him. The fact that he was willing to face the consequences is why we know about it today.

I'll listen to myself - maybe you would be better off to listen to me too.

It's scary knowing there are people out there who think like this... arrested for speaking or breaking the rules, and they're all for it.
Law and order...I guess it is something of the past and we should all submit to anarchy.

Cause and effect...no one seems to want to accept responsibility for their actions anymore. This is the same as hecklers getting arrested when they interrupted GOP candidates and W.

Anyone who thinks this man shouldn't have been removed from the meeting is either an anarchist who has zero respect for law and order or a hypocrite.

My issue isn't his removal. My issue is his arrest. It was unnecessary

I can appreciate that. I just happen to believe in law and order - cause and effect. I agree that this book is nonsense and pre-teens shouldn't be forced to read it...but there is a lawful way to protest. Even with civil disobedience, there are consequences. Obvious this man was willing to face those consequences. I support him, but just because we believe something is right or wrong, it doesn't give us the right to circumvent the law and deny other people to speak and express their opinions. Freedom of speech is for everyone, no?

Speaking time allotment at a school board meeting is now the 'law'?
My issue isn't his removal. My issue is his arrest. It was unnecessary

I can appreciate that. I just happen to believe in law and order - cause and effect. I agree that this book is nonsense and pre-teens shouldn't be forced to read it...but there is a lawful way to protest. Even with civil disobedience, there are consequences. Obvious this man was willing to face those consequences. I support him, but just because we believe something is right or wrong, it doesn't give us the right to circumvent the law and deny other people to speak and express their opinions. Freedom of speech is for everyone, no?

I believe in law and order as well. Which is why i don't like prosecutorial overkill.

Do you know he was prosecuted?

So what's your solution when the guy says I'm not gonna shut up no matter what - you are going to have to arrest me?
My issue isn't his removal. My issue is his arrest. It was unnecessary

I can appreciate that. I just happen to believe in law and order - cause and effect. I agree that this book is nonsense and pre-teens shouldn't be forced to read it...but there is a lawful way to protest. Even with civil disobedience, there are consequences. Obvious this man was willing to face those consequences. I support him, but just because we believe something is right or wrong, it doesn't give us the right to circumvent the law and deny other people to speak and express their opinions. Freedom of speech is for everyone, no?

Speaking time allotment at a school board meeting is now the 'law'?

Of course - they don't have filibusters in local school board meetings to the best of my knowledge.
I can appreciate that. I just happen to believe in law and order - cause and effect. I agree that this book is nonsense and pre-teens shouldn't be forced to read it...but there is a lawful way to protest. Even with civil disobedience, there are consequences. Obvious this man was willing to face those consequences. I support him, but just because we believe something is right or wrong, it doesn't give us the right to circumvent the law and deny other people to speak and express their opinions. Freedom of speech is for everyone, no?

I believe in law and order as well. Which is why i don't like prosecutorial overkill.

Do you know he was prosecuted?

So what's your solution when the guy says I'm not gonna shut up no matter what - you are going to have to arrest me?

Escort the man out and let him have his say.

If the case gets dismissed, i wont have any additional problem

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