Father arrested at school board meeting for exceeding his allotted two minutes

My issue isn't his removal. My issue is his arrest. It was unnecessary

I can appreciate that. I just happen to believe in law and order - cause and effect. I agree that this book is nonsense and pre-teens shouldn't be forced to read it...but there is a lawful way to protest. Even with civil disobedience, there are consequences. Obvious this man was willing to face those consequences. I support him, but just because we believe something is right or wrong, it doesn't give us the right to circumvent the law and deny other people to speak and express their opinions. Freedom of speech is for everyone, no?

Speaking time allotment at a school board meeting is now the 'law'?

Disrupting a school board meeting, refusing to allow it to run smoothly because you didn't get the answer you wanted is both childish and disorderly conduct.

If everyone were allowed to do as they please because they disagree, how would anything ever get accomplished?
I can appreciate that. I just happen to believe in law and order - cause and effect. I agree that this book is nonsense and pre-teens shouldn't be forced to read it...but there is a lawful way to protest. Even with civil disobedience, there are consequences. Obvious this man was willing to face those consequences. I support him, but just because we believe something is right or wrong, it doesn't give us the right to circumvent the law and deny other people to speak and express their opinions. Freedom of speech is for everyone, no?

Speaking time allotment at a school board meeting is now the 'law'?

Disrupting a school board meeting, refusing to allow it to run smoothly because you didn't get the answer you wanted is both childish and disorderly conduct.

If everyone were allowed to do as they please because they disagree, how would anything ever get accomplished?

Then escort him out of the meeting and let it go at that, the arrest was unecessary and complete overkill.
Speaking time allotment at a school board meeting is now the 'law'?

Disrupting a school board meeting, refusing to allow it to run smoothly because you didn't get the answer you wanted is both childish and disorderly conduct.

If everyone were allowed to do as they please because they disagree, how would anything ever get accomplished?

Then escort him out of the meeting and let it go at that, the arrest was unecessary and complete overkill.

No, not overkill. Cause and effect. Law and order.

Doing nothing is akin to drawing that proverbial red line and doing nothing when someone crosses it.
Disrupting a school board meeting, refusing to allow it to run smoothly because you didn't get the answer you wanted is both childish and disorderly conduct.

If everyone were allowed to do as they please because they disagree, how would anything ever get accomplished?

Then escort him out of the meeting and let it go at that, the arrest was unecessary and complete overkill.

No, not overkill. Cause and effect. Law and order.

Doing nothing is akin to drawing that proverbial red line and doing nothing when someone crosses it.

Escorting him out is not 'doing nothing'.

I can list tons of instances in our society where your 'cause and effect' is no where to be found.
Speaking time allotment at a school board meeting is now the 'law'?

Disrupting a school board meeting, refusing to allow it to run smoothly because you didn't get the answer you wanted is both childish and disorderly conduct.

If everyone were allowed to do as they please because they disagree, how would anything ever get accomplished?

Then escort him out of the meeting and let it go at that, the arrest was unecessary and complete overkill.

So what is your solution when the guy refuses to leave, refuses to be quiet, and says "you'll have to arrest me"????

I sympathize with the guy's complaint. And I can actually respect someone who believes in their cause so much that they are willing to suffer the consequences.

Getting arrested or suffering consequences to bring attention to your cause is civil disobedience. I can respect that.

Running your mouth nonstop and disrupting a meeting to the expense of everyone else and then whining about the consequences is just bad manners. No respect for that.
Disrupting a school board meeting, refusing to allow it to run smoothly because you didn't get the answer you wanted is both childish and disorderly conduct.

If everyone were allowed to do as they please because they disagree, how would anything ever get accomplished?

Then escort him out of the meeting and let it go at that, the arrest was unecessary and complete overkill.

So what is your solution when the guy refuses to leave, refuses to be quiet, and says "you'll have to arrest me"????

I sympathize with the guy's complaint. And I can actually respect someone who believes in their cause so much that they are willing to suffer the consequences.

Getting arrested or suffering consequences to bring attention to your cause is civil disobedience. I can respect that.

Running your mouth nonstop and disrupting a meeting to the expense of everyone else and then whining about the consequences is just bad manners. No respect for that.

You still haven't watched the video, have you?

He peacefully walked out and said nothing else, there was no need to arrest him. It was complete overkill.

If the officer hadn't forced his way in and forced the guy out of his chair, he probably wouldn't have talked any further after that either.
Then escort him out of the meeting and let it go at that, the arrest was unecessary and complete overkill.

No, not overkill. Cause and effect. Law and order.

Doing nothing is akin to drawing that proverbial red line and doing nothing when someone crosses it.

Escorting him out is not 'doing nothing'.

I can list tons of instances in our society where your 'cause and effect' is no where to be found.

Escorting him out is indeed doing nothing. As for the other instances...why bring up other instances when we are discussing this one - I can list tons of instances where cause and effect is everywhere to be found.

If the guy were advocating giving condoms to pre-teens and wouldn't shut up, would you advocate having him simply escorted out or arrested. What if it were NAMBLA demanding time to justify their lifestyle...should they be simply escorted out or should they be arrested?
Then escort him out of the meeting and let it go at that, the arrest was unecessary and complete overkill.

So what is your solution when the guy refuses to leave, refuses to be quiet, and says "you'll have to arrest me"????

I sympathize with the guy's complaint. And I can actually respect someone who believes in their cause so much that they are willing to suffer the consequences.

Getting arrested or suffering consequences to bring attention to your cause is civil disobedience. I can respect that.

Running your mouth nonstop and disrupting a meeting to the expense of everyone else and then whining about the consequences is just bad manners. No respect for that.

You still haven't watched the video, have you?

He peacefully walked out and said nothing else, there was no need to arrest him. It was complete overkill.

If the officer hadn't forced his way in and forced the guy out of his chair, he probably wouldn't have talked any further after that either.

Yes, I watched it. And I'll respectfully agree to disagree.
I just have a different view of the value of civil disobedience I guess.

I think his arrest is why we are talking about it. It brought a lot of attention to what I think is a topic worth discussing. Would we be discussing this if he had not be arrested? I doubt it.

Did he intend to get arrested to bring attention to his cause? I don't know, but he's the one who said "you're going to have to arrest me" so I think maybe it was his plan.
No, not overkill. Cause and effect. Law and order.

Doing nothing is akin to drawing that proverbial red line and doing nothing when someone crosses it.

Escorting him out is not 'doing nothing'.

I can list tons of instances in our society where your 'cause and effect' is no where to be found.

Escorting him out is indeed doing nothing. As for the other instances...why bring up other instances when we are discussing this one - I can list tons of instances where cause and effect is everywhere to be found.

If the guy were advocating giving condoms to pre-teens and wouldn't shut up, would you advocate having him simply escorted out or arrested. What if it were NAMBLA demanding time to justify their lifestyle...should they be simply escorted out or should they be arrested?

What is bolded goes against reality.

If they offered no resistance and peacefully allowed themselves to be escorted out, then no they shouldn't be arrested. It wouldn't matter to me what the topic was about.
Yes we get all of your outrage because it so directly is going against your beliefs and to hell with the rules and regulations because it doesn't fit your desired outcome.
Again, if someone was to not follow the rules set so meetings go smoothly what happens. Surely you know the answer but refuse to abide.
Clive bundy boys.

Is there anything resembling a brain floating around that neanderthal skull of yours? I've seen numerous posts from you and every one is simply attacking people you disagree with and throwing out opinions.
Disrupting a school board meeting, refusing to allow it to run smoothly because you didn't get the answer you wanted is both childish and disorderly conduct.

If everyone were allowed to do as they please because they disagree, how would anything ever get accomplished?

Then escort him out of the meeting and let it go at that, the arrest was unecessary and complete overkill.

No, not overkill. Cause and effect. Law and order.

Doing nothing is akin to drawing that proverbial red line and doing nothing when someone crosses it.

I'm sorry. What law did he break that he was arrested for? You know you have to actually break a law, or at least be suspected of it, before police can arrest you, right?
Are they going to start arresting children for breaking the Rock Paper Scissors rule? It was complteely inappropriate. It was outrageous. It was what happens in police states when authority feels challenged. If he is disruptive, escort him out and bar him from the meeting. Arrest? No, I dont think so.
OWS has nothing to do with this and you know it.
Even Congress follows the same rules~duh....

Parliamentary procedure ain't it,,, a bitch!

Really? Code pink ring a bell, liberals always try to infiltrate this stuff and scream and yell all the time. So for a guy to take a few minutes, who cares?

QUOTE=The Rabbi;9060163]
Yes we get all of your outrage because it so directly is going against your beliefs and to hell with the rules and regulations because it doesn't fit your desired outcome.
Again, if someone was to not follow the rules set so meetings go smoothly what happens. Surely you know the answer but refuse to abide.
Clive bundy boys.

Is there anything resembling a brain floating around that neanderthal skull of yours? I've seen numerous posts from you and every one is simply attacking people you disagree with and throwing out opinions.[/QUOTE]
I've watched the video, and I am totally on the dad's side. Arresting him was an extreme over-reaction. He was not being violent or threatening in any way.

You jackholes defending his arrest are guilty of a fallacy of the excluded middle. There are several other ways the idiots could have handled that situation besides immediately going to the extreme.
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He seems to have that Clive Bundy status. Better than everyone else and not ever having to follow a rule. I wonder what his child(ren) are like in a classroom?

I saw him standing in a video....
And good Lord he went over his two minutes...
He spoke in normal volume,didn't raise his voice,seemed respectful...

But he went over two minutes...So he was arrested.

I have seen a person who raped a child over and over for years get a suspended sentence.
And this guy gets arrested for this....

Care to comment Libs?
Some Americans can't seem to understand a basic of democracy and that basic is: all us pigs is equal, but some are more equal. It's the Bundy thing again. Perhaps we would be better off by giving those individuals that act important more leeway in following rules and laws?
Some Americans can't seem to understand a basic of democracy and that basic is: all us pigs is equal, but some are more equal. It's the Bundy thing again. Perhaps we would be better off by giving those individuals that act important more leeway in following rules and laws?

How many time have YOU broken the RULES here? Arrest may be in order....
I can't comprehend how anyone can think that an arrest was justified in this case. Normally I'm not the type of person that will encourage lawsuits, but in this case I hope the guys sues.

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