Father arrested at school board meeting for exceeding his allotted two minutes

Dad Arrested After Protesting Book Being Read At Daughter's High School

So we pass students who fail to protect their "social status" but arrest parents for being involved.

Liberals have DESTROYED the education system in this country.
Maybe he should follow the rules and not be a book-burning Nazi next time.

You're such a gem of a human being... seriously... you must be a hoot in person... a real breath of stale air.
Use your name calling all you want gramps but that still does not give anyone the right to break rules and regulations at meetings. If that was the case then one of those you despise (you know a liberal point of view) could take up all the time for the meeting. In that situation what kind of terrible outrage would you have then? I hate to think of it.
So speaking of jokes! Look in the mirror.

Lack of moral boundaries & courage noted.

We're talking dimocraps here, Gramps.

the scum of the earth. ALL of them
Seems to me if I wanted to call someone "scum of the earth" it would probably be someone who is crude enough to post soft porn on a message board devoted to politics. Your signature does nothing for this board and shows you to be an insensitive, small minded person.
Now quick, call me some insulting names to show how manly and tough you are.
Perhaps the stupidity lies with the man that would not shut up and let others speak. but he gets the pass from the r_wingers.
bundy boys unite!! bring your fire arms to the next school meeting.:eusa_clap:

I guess the cops didn't act stupidly in this case huh?

No such thing as discretion huh
If he was asked to abide by the rules and was told his time was up and everything was explained to him, then what do you think should have happened.
Sit and let him break the rules and not allow anyone else to speak?
Then who shuts him up? Who tells him to leave and enforces that rule?
Explain that to me.
What do you think he is going to be charged with?

Disorderly conduct.

The cops did their job. No problem there.
And this guy drew a lot of attention to his issue - so mission accomplished for him too.

Yes, he's going to have a bit of a hassle to deal with - but he created a hassle at the school board meeting too. It all evens out and he gets a wide audience for his issue.

I don't see the big problem.
If he was asked to abide by the rules and was told his time was up and everything was explained to him, then what do you think should have happened.
Sit and let him break the rules and not allow anyone else to speak?
Then who shuts him up? Who tells him to leave and enforces that rule?
Explain that to me.
What do you think he is going to be charged with?
But then again you must be a clive bundy fan.
All the rules are for everyone but ME!:eusa_whistle:

Yes we get all of your outrage because it so directly is going against your beliefs and to hell with the rules and regulations because it doesn't fit your desired outcome.
Again, if someone was to not follow the rules set so meetings go smoothly what happens. Surely you know the answer but refuse to abide.
Clive bundy boys.

So you really think police should be arresting people for speaking too long?

Do we really want to go down this road? Especially when there are much less serious consequences we could implement for people who ignore decorum rules?

So civil disobedience is only permissible if you agree with the protesters?

And protesters are often removed and LET GO
Dad Arrested After Protesting Book Being Read At Daughter's High School

So we pass students who fail to protect their "social status" but arrest parents for being involved.

Liberals have DESTROYED the education system in this country.
Maybe he should follow the rules and not be a book-burning Nazi next time.

You're such a gem of a human being... seriously... you must be a hoot in person... a real breath of stale air.
If you like the truth I'm a terrifically fun person, which means you, like most here, would hate me.
You don't know what has happened to him sense this altercation.
Still, who takes care of the trouble maker, the one you like say had civil disobedience.

If he was asked to abide by the rules and was told his time was up and everything was explained to him, then what do you think should have happened.
Sit and let him break the rules and not allow anyone else to speak?
Then who shuts him up? Who tells him to leave and enforces that rule?
Explain that to me.
What do you think he is going to be charged with?
But then again you must be a clive bundy fan.
All the rules are for everyone but ME!:eusa_whistle:

So you really think police should be arresting people for speaking too long?

Do we really want to go down this road? Especially when there are much less serious consequences we could implement for people who ignore decorum rules?

So civil disobedience is only permissible if you agree with the protesters?

And protesters are often removed and LET GO
The same people who think it's appropriate to arrest the dad for speaking to long likely support the Occupy Whatever movement's vandalism of businesses and public spaces.

Go figure.
Lack of moral boundaries & courage noted.

We're talking dimocraps here, Gramps.

the scum of the earth. ALL of them
Seems to me if I wanted to call someone "scum of the earth" it would probably be someone who is crude enough to post soft porn on a message board devoted to politics. Your signature does nothing for this board and shows you to be an insensitive, small minded person.
Now quick, call me some insulting names to show how manly and tough you are.

If you are suggesting that people only call each other names to prove they are tough and manly, then why are you doing it?
If he was asked to abide by the rules and was told his time was up and everything was explained to him, then what do you think should have happened.
Sit and let him break the rules and not allow anyone else to speak?
Then who shuts him up? Who tells him to leave and enforces that rule?
Explain that to me.
What do you think he is going to be charged with?

Disorderly conduct.

The cops did their job. No problem there.
And this guy drew a lot of attention to his issue - so mission accomplished for him too.

Yes, he's going to have a bit of a hassle to deal with - but he created a hassle at the school board meeting too. It all evens out and he gets a wide audience for his issue.

I don't see the big problem.

The overkill.
If he was asked to abide by the rules and was told his time was up and everything was explained to him, then what do you think should have happened.
Sit and let him break the rules and not allow anyone else to speak?
Then who shuts him up? Who tells him to leave and enforces that rule?
Explain that to me.
What do you think he is going to be charged with?
But then again you must be a clive bundy fan.
All the rules are for everyone but ME!:eusa_whistle:

So you really think police should be arresting people for speaking too long?

Do we really want to go down this road? Especially when there are much less serious consequences we could implement for people who ignore decorum rules?

So civil disobedience is only permissible if you agree with the protesters?

And protesters are often removed and LET GO

And sometimes they get shot dead, or hit with fire hoses, or attacked by police dogs, or tear gas,

Civil disobedience requires a big enough commitment to a cause to face the consequences.

If the consequences are way over the top, then the protester becomes a martyr and the cause gets a huge boost. And the ones doling out the over-the-top consequences face consequences of their own. But this isn't one of those over-the-top cases (Thank God for all involved).
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Maybe he should follow the rules and not be a book-burning Nazi next time.

You're such a gem of a human being... seriously... you must be a hoot in person... a real breath of stale air.
If you like the truth I'm a terrifically fun person, which means you, like most here, would hate me.

No, you're an unpleasant fuck.... and if you had any flare for the truth, you wouldn't make shit up like calling this man a "book-burning Nazi". He neither burned a book or is a Nazi.

Now, go crawl back under your rock Hazelnutz.
Dad Arrested After Protesting Book Being Read At Daughter's High School

So we pass students who fail to protect their "social status" but arrest parents for being involved.

Liberals have DESTROYED the education system in this country.
The man should have had his two minutes and he then should have sat down. If he continued beyond his two minutes he should have been first asked and then ordered to sit down. If he still refused to follow school board rules the police should have been called and he should have been escourted from the room. I DO NOT believe he should have been arrested.
However there is another question that should be considered. Were police present at the school board meeting and, if so, why? Secondly, if police were not present and police were called how long did it take them to respond. If this zealot spoke long enough to give the police time to respond he was clearly out of order and should have faced some penalty for his ignorant behavior.
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You don't know what has happened to him sense this altercation.
Still, who takes care of the trouble maker, the one you like say had civil disobedience.

If he was asked to abide by the rules and was told his time was up and everything was explained to him, then what do you think should have happened.
Sit and let him break the rules and not allow anyone else to speak?
Then who shuts him up? Who tells him to leave and enforces that rule?
Explain that to me.
What do you think he is going to be charged with?
But then again you must be a clive bundy fan.
All the rules are for everyone but ME!:eusa_whistle:

So civil disobedience is only permissible if you agree with the protesters?

And protesters are often removed and LET GO

Elections will take care of the trouble makers.
If he was asked to abide by the rules and was told his time was up and everything was explained to him, then what do you think should have happened.
Sit and let him break the rules and not allow anyone else to speak?
Then who shuts him up? Who tells him to leave and enforces that rule?
Explain that to me.
What do you think he is going to be charged with?

Disorderly conduct.

The cops did their job. No problem there.
And this guy drew a lot of attention to his issue - so mission accomplished for him too.

Yes, he's going to have a bit of a hassle to deal with - but he created a hassle at the school board meeting too. It all evens out and he gets a wide audience for his issue.

I don't see the big problem.

The overkill.

I don't think it was overkill at all. And if he had just allowed himself to be led out of the room, we would have never heard about the incident. Small price to pay (imho) for such attention to your words. Cheaper than buying an ad to air nationally. He was just as guilty of overkill for disrupting the meeting over something in which the school board acknowledged the mistake and apologized for.

That's why some people choose civil disobedience for their form of political expression. For the attention.
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Liberals are tedious :cuckoo:

Picking apart every little thing, therefore, they never truly get to the point. Everything just become mush
Law and order...I guess it is something of the past and we should all submit to anarchy.

Cause and effect...no one seems to want to accept responsibility for their actions anymore. This is the same as hecklers getting arrested when they interrupted GOP candidates and W.

Anyone who thinks this man shouldn't have been removed from the meeting is either an anarchist who has zero respect for law and order or a hypocrite.
Dad Arrested After Protesting Book Being Read At Daughter's High School

So we pass students who fail to protect their "social status" but arrest parents for being involved.

Liberals have DESTROYED the education system in this country.
The man should have had his two minutes and he then should have sat down. If he continued beyond his two minutes he should have been first asked and then ordered to sit down. If he still refused to follow school board rules the police should have been called and he should have been escourted from the room. I DO NOT believe he should have been arrested.
However there is another question that should be considered. Were police present at the school board meeting and, if so, why? Secondly, if police were not present and police were called how long did it take them to respond. If this zealot spoke long enough to give the police time to respond he was clearly out of order and should have faced some penalty for his ignorant behavior.

disorderly conduct was the charge as I understand it. I think he did sit down, but he never stopped his complaints.

And that's fine.

Everyone did what they felt to be the right thing. I have no problems with any of them.
One of the reasons the Man was so agitated was that the Dictators of the School Board REFUSED to take questions and were allowing people to speak ONLY.

I don't blame him for trying to get the lesbian dyke bitches on that joke of a School Board to explain WHY they violated their OWN rules and WHY that book was considered appropriate reading material for a 13 year-old girl.

dimocraps are small-minded fools.

And stupid. And dishonest

And corrupt

And totalitarian

And the scum of the fucking earth.

You give my 13 year old daughter a book like that to read and you might have to do more than arrest me.

Fortunately for me, that would not happen in my area. Those nasty-assed lezbos would have been tossed in the dumpster at the first opportunity.

Things are changing. the scum of the earth has become emboldened.

They're gaining ground on the rest of us, the normals.

Obama Admin Threatens Indiana After State Drops Out of Common Core…


Thug tactics from a thug regime.

Via EAG News:

Indiana lawmakers recently voted to opt out of the “voluntary, state-led” Common Core public education experiment, and now they’re paying the price.

The Indiana Department of Education received a letter from federal officials last week threatening to revoke the state’s waiver from No Child Left Behind – reforms enacted under the Bush administration to improve public schools, Heritage.org reports.

In 2009, U.S. Department of Education officials offered states exemptions from the more stringent provisions of No Child Left Behind in exchange for adopting the Common Core national education standards. Officials in Indiana and numerous other states jumped at the opportunity to ditch the tough No Child Left Behind requirements and adopted Common Core instead.

Amid strong public backlash over Common Core, Indiana lawmakers recently scrapped the national standards and instead opted to devise their own college- and career-ready standards by July 1 for use next school year, according to Heritage.org.

Then this letter came in the mail:

“IDOE (Indiana Department of Education) met ED (Department of Education) requirements in its approved ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act – also known as No Child Left Behind) flexibility request through the 2013-14 school year by adopting and implementing standards common to a significant number of states.

You people that don't think all this shit is coming our of that swamp in Washington DC better wake the fuck up
OWS has nothing to do with this and you know it.
Even Congress follows the same rules~duh....

Parliamentary procedure ain't it,,, a bitch!

Do they come in and arrest congressional members when they don't follow the rules?

And you fools are defending this? :cuckoo:

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