Father arrested at school board meeting for exceeding his allotted two minutes

What a stupid reply but then what the hell can one expect from someone such as yourself. Want to play that game gramps. Go ahead.

Use your name calling all you want gramps but that still does not give anyone the right to break rules and regulations at meetings. If that was the case then one of those you despise (you know a liberal point of view) could take up all the time for the meeting. In that situation what kind of terrible outrage would you have then? I hate to think of it.
So speaking of jokes! Look in the mirror.

Ahh I see. Unruly protests by liberal faggots such as OWS is okay but a father defending his daughter from obscene material is bad....

You libs are a joke

Lack of moral boundaries & courage noted.
No, they just blocked businesses from conducting business and PUBLICLY shit & pissed all over both public & private property.

But you supported them...

I don't go to meetings. I do support the theory of parliamentary procedure for orderly conduct at meetings..
So you too would let some silly ass rule determine what is appropriate for your children?

Good little lap dog.

Again the issue at hand versus the rules of procedure are not one in the same...there are also other ways of protesting the case at hand. I read Tobacco Road when I was in school for report...No big deal...
Being arrested in a fucking school board meeting because you talked (not yelled) too much is not an appropriate consequence.

It has however drawn NATIONAL coverage because of the sheer stupidity of they're response.
That whole School Board is going to get tossed out on its collective ear as soon as they come up for election.

Maybe the Governor will step in and force them out or maybe they'll resign in disgrace.

But they're done. Fini. Kaput. Yesterday's breakfast.

Of that, you can be fairly certain.
Ahh I see. Unruly protests by liberal faggots such as OWS is okay but a father defending his daughter from obscene material is bad....

You libs are a joke

So...explain why he gets to speak longer than anyone else, Gramps?

Explain why he should be arrested if he tries to speak longer. Much more just solution is to take him out of the proceedings without any criminal charges.
Typical liberal response is to gloss over the fact, that the book that is being discussed as required reading, includes a scene of rough sex between 2 teenagers.

Since when is it bad for a Father to protect his child from something he believes is harmful to his child?

This is why he was removed, because they do not want to address the sexual content of the book in question. Which is not even relevant to the message of the book

Gilford parents question school district on sexual content of book | Local News - WCVB Home

He should run for the school board. At least he is paying attention, and his child's welfare is his concern. Not politics.

I saw nothing that was at the level of disorderly by anyone but the school officials that had this man arrested.

Continued indoctrination is what the public school system does best. And when they are called on the carpet they arrest
Ahh I see. Unruly protests by liberal faggots such as OWS is okay but a father defending his daughter from obscene material is bad....

You libs are a joke

So...explain why he gets to speak longer than anyone else, Gramps?

Explain why he should be arrested if he tries to speak longer. Much more just solution is to take him out of the proceedings without any criminal charges.

I think you are missing the point of civil disobedience.
It is because he was arrested that we know about it.
It is because he felt so strongly about the issue that he was willing to get arrested that the issue is probably getting a much broader hearing than it would have had he simply allowed himself to be led out of the meeting.

They told him that if he didn't be quiet, he was going to be arrested. And he said, "Well, I guess you are going to have to arrest me then."
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OWS has nothing to do with this and you know it.
Even Congress follows the same rules~duh....

Parliamentary procedure ain't it,,, a bitch!

Congress? The Dad is trying to protect his child, not gather votes for the next election
So...explain why he gets to speak longer than anyone else, Gramps?

Explain why he should be arrested if he tries to speak longer. Much more just solution is to take him out of the proceedings without any criminal charges.

I think you are missing the point of civil disobedience.
It is because he was arrested that we know about it.
It is because he felt so strongly about the issue that he was willing to get arrested that the issue is probably getting a much broader hearing than it would have had he simply allowed himself to be led out of the meeting.

They told him that if he didn't be quiet, he was going to be arrested. And he said, "Well, I guess you are going to have to arrest me then."

I don't think he was trying to use civil disobedience. The man wasnt trying to get arrested because no one thinks "Hey speaking is going to get me arrested"

If he broke a rule the proper consequence was to remove him from the hearing, not press criminal charges.
OWS has nothing to do with this and you know it.
Even Congress follows the same rules~duh....

Parliamentary procedure ain't it,,, a bitch!

Congress? The Dad is trying to protect his child, not gather votes for the next election

Then refuse the book for the assignment, write the gov., the state rep, the state police, hold a picket of protesters. Parliamentary procedure covers all types of meetings, it is not just in legislature that it applies.

But as I stated before try that act in a court of law and the penalty will be the same if not worse..
Yes we get all of your outrage because it so directly is going against your beliefs and to hell with the rules and regulations because it doesn't fit your desired outcome.
Again, if someone was to not follow the rules set so meetings go smoothly what happens. Surely you know the answer but refuse to abide.
Clive bundy boys.
Yes we get all of your outrage because it so directly is going against your beliefs and to hell with the rules and regulations because it doesn't fit your desired outcome.
Again, if someone was to not follow the rules set so meetings go smoothly what happens. Surely you know the answer but refuse to abide.
Clive bundy boys.

So you really think police should be arresting people for speaking too long?

Do we really want to go down this road? Especially when there are much less serious consequences we could implement for people who ignore decorum rules?
Ahh I see. Unruly protests by liberal faggots such as OWS is okay but a father defending his daughter from obscene material is bad....

You libs are a joke

So...explain why he gets to speak longer than anyone else, Gramps?

Explain why he should be arrested if he tries to speak longer. Much more just solution is to take him out of the proceedings without any criminal charges.

dimocraps are Totalitarian scum. ALL of them.

Every Dictator, every murdering Dictator of the last 100 years started out as Liberal Leftist. Every Last One Of Them.

Stalin, Lenin, Castro, Pol Pot, Mao, Hitler, Peron, (Believe it or not) Saddam, Allende

Even our resident mass-murderers have been resolutely leftist/liberal scum...

Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Eric Harris and Dylan Kliebold....

Then, of course, there's the traitors in our midst that were die hard leftist scum...

The Rosenbergs, Alger Hiss, John Walker Lindh....

People, dimocraps are the scum of the earth. They have to keep up the non-stop attacks on everything and everybody because if they ever slowed down enough to look in the mirror, they'd probably feel compelled to kill the sickness inside them.

I 'otherized' dimocraps decades ago, so believe me, that's not what I'm doing.

they really are the scum of the earth. Just the way it is

No shit
Yes we get all of your outrage because it so directly is going against your beliefs and to hell with the rules and regulations because it doesn't fit your desired outcome.
Again, if someone was to not follow the rules set so meetings go smoothly what happens. Surely you know the answer but refuse to abide.
Clive bundy boys.

So you really think police should be arresting people for speaking too long?
In this case yes.

"William Baer, the father of a teen who attends Gilford High School, was arrested during a school board meeting Monday night after he continuously talked out of turn in protest of the Jodi Picoult book Nineteen Minutes. Baer was upset the school had assigned the book –- which contains a graphic sex scene between two teenagers -- to his ninth-grade daughter without first notifying parents, according to WCVB.

"You are going to arrest me because I violated the two-minute rule?” Baer asked at the meeting after he was reprimanded for speaking for longer than the allotted time, according to WCVB video. “I guess you are going to have to arrest me.”"

And they did, appropriately enough.
Yes we get all of your outrage because it so directly is going against your beliefs and to hell with the rules and regulations because it doesn't fit your desired outcome.
Again, if someone was to not follow the rules set so meetings go smoothly what happens. Surely you know the answer but refuse to abide.
Clive bundy boys.

So you really think police should be arresting people for speaking too long?
In this case yes.

"William Baer, the father of a teen who attends Gilford High School, was arrested during a school board meeting Monday night after he continuously talked out of turn in protest of the Jodi Picoult book Nineteen Minutes. Baer was upset the school had assigned the book –- which contains a graphic sex scene between two teenagers -- to his ninth-grade daughter without first notifying parents, according to WCVB.

"You are going to arrest me because I violated the two-minute rule?” Baer asked at the meeting after he was reprimanded for speaking for longer than the allotted time, according to WCVB video. “I guess you are going to have to arrest me.”"

And they did, appropriately enough.

I don't blame Baer for choosing civil disobedience and I don't blame the cops for arresting him.

The power of civil disobedience as a form of political expression lies in the willingness to suffer consequences. If he hadn't been arrested, very few would have been given the opportunity to debate whether or not the school should have notified parents before the book was assigned.

(They should have and the school board has apologized for that failure.)
If he was asked to abide by the rules and was told his time was up and everything was explained to him, then what do you think should have happened.
Sit and let him break the rules and not allow anyone else to speak?
Then who shuts him up? Who tells him to leave and enforces that rule?
Explain that to me.
What do you think he is going to be charged with?
But then again you must be a clive bundy fan.
All the rules are for everyone but ME!:eusa_whistle:

Yes we get all of your outrage because it so directly is going against your beliefs and to hell with the rules and regulations because it doesn't fit your desired outcome.
Again, if someone was to not follow the rules set so meetings go smoothly what happens. Surely you know the answer but refuse to abide.
Clive bundy boys.

So you really think police should be arresting people for speaking too long?

Do we really want to go down this road? Especially when there are much less serious consequences we could implement for people who ignore decorum rules?
Yes we get all of your outrage because it so directly is going against your beliefs and to hell with the rules and regulations because it doesn't fit your desired outcome.
Again, if someone was to not follow the rules set so meetings go smoothly what happens. Surely you know the answer but refuse to abide.
Clive bundy boys.

So you really think police should be arresting people for speaking too long?

Do we really want to go down this road? Especially when there are much less serious consequences we could implement for people who ignore decorum rules?

It would behoove those who advocate for limitations on unpopular speech to consider how such a precedent will be used against them when the tide turns and the opposition is in control.

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