Father of Aurora shooting victim speaks on gun control


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
It seems another armed law abiding citizen became a victim of a gun free zone
An incoming lawmaker who has introduced several bills calling for loosening of concealed weapons laws in Georgia was told Saturday that his proposed legislation doesn’t go far enough.

Carrying a .45-caliber pistol on his side, Guy Bennett said his 22-year-old son was in the Aurora, Colo., movie theater where a gunman opened fire during a July 20 showing of “The Dark Knight Rises,” killing 12 people and injuring 58 others. Bennett’s son’s girlfriend was among those hit in the mass shooting, but survived.

Bennett, speaking to a panel discussion of eight current, outgoing and future Republican state representatives and senators at the Cobb GOP’s Legislative Breakfast, said his son had a concealed handgun license in Colorado, but wasn’t allowed to take his gun into the movie theater.


He followed the rules and lost his life because of those rules.
Correction his son was not murdered but his sons girlfriend was wounded in the shooting.
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And if the guy had disobeyed the law and taken his gun in, all those people would likely still be alive, or most of them, and the guy would be facing a prison sentence for taking out the bad guy. It's sickening to think that a guy who could have saved so many lives would have been treated as bad as the shooter for taking so many lives.
it is senseless to arm a society for the whims of a few for the reason of a remote possibility to unwittingly encounter a deranged individual.
It is an illness to think that disarming a society will make that society safe.
Gun free zones are deadly.

Correction his son was not murdered but his sons girlfriend was wounded in the shooting.

Duh, your story mentioned 12 were killed, if we were to limit comments to one individual you should have set the ground rules in the OP.
Well you know the old saying it takes a good guy with a gun to take out a bad guy with a gun, if that's not true why call the police when the shooting starts? Why not wait until after the bad guy runs out of bullets or tires of carrying thast firearm and shooting people?
it is senseless to arm a society for the whims of a few for the reason of a remote possibility to unwittingly encounter a deranged individual.

No one is arming society. People make that choice. In some high crime cities, where the violent crime rate is a few thousand for every 100,000 people, some just don't like those odds and choose to be prepared. It's a legal choice that individuals can make and no one should try to stop them. If two or three out of every hundred people will be a victim of rape or murder, do you feel that is good enough? If those were the odds of winning the lottery, we'd all be playing.

Funny that you would make it sound like a remote possibility that anyone would encounter a violent criminal, yet the current cries out of Washington are that we are all in danger and must take action now against guns. They want something done NOW and are going about this with a sense of urgency. Why the panic when there is such a remote chance anyone would be in danger?
Correction his son was not murdered but his sons girlfriend was wounded in the shooting.

Duh, your story mentioned 12 were killed, if we were to limit comments to one individual you should have set the ground rules in the OP.
Well you know the old saying it takes a good guy with a gun to take out a bad guy with a gun, if that's not true why call the police when the shooting starts? Why not wait until after the bad guy runs out of bullets or tires of carrying thast firearm and shooting people?

Second responders are there to clean up the mess, it would be absolute luck to have a cop in a position to intervene. People involved are the first responders, and their response usually determines their fate. The Portland mall shooter took his self out as soon as he saw an armed citizen, he didn't even try to engage. Cops have plenty of crime scene tape, chalk and evidence markers, you know, investigative tools and are only minutes away when seconds count. You can wait all you want, don't ask me to.
it is senseless to arm a society for the whims of a few for the reason of a remote possibility to unwittingly encounter a deranged individual.

Really, then why does it make sense to restrict gun owners when the possibility is so remote, of course people like you ignore the fact that guns are used more than 2 million times a year in self defense, so you might want to reconsider how remote the possibility really is.
you're the one that doesn't have a problem using dead children to advance your anti gun agenda.

but in another thread you where in i stated i am not anti-gun at all. I don't care what you own, so long as you are registered with the proper paperwork for that item.

keep smoking that meth.

but you don't have a problem using dead children And I also told you I will not register any firearm I have. and no one is going to make me do that.
you've prolly all seen this...

still needs to be considered in the current discussion...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1u0Byq5Qis]Suzanna Gratia Hupp explains meaning of 2nd Amendment! - YouTube[/ame]

eta: be sure to note the snivelling-shit expression on Chuck Schumer's face and the other assholes sanctimoniously sitting back as they listen to the woman describe how she felt as she helplessly watched her mother and father being murdered...
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Just more fodder for their power-grabbing little minds.
The anti-gun movement is not about safety - it is about power. If you disarm a population then you have the power.
They say that they aren't taking all the guns... which is the exact same thing the Britt's said when they banned the first guns in England... for the same reason... The muzzle loading revolvers had too high a capacity to kill - five rounds, then came the rifles, then the obsolete guns (muskets and black powder guns) then shotguns. Now there are no homes with guns in the UK. Their violent crime rate is higher than the violent crime rate in the USA. Now, they are trying to ban long kitchen knives - because there is no need for them in the house and they are being used to commit crimes.
Learn from the Britt's folks - the only way to ban gun violence is to prosecute the folks who perform the acts and to keep the people armed.
Remember that after WW II the Germans and Japanese both said that the only reason they did not invade our mainland was because they feared the armed citizens.
Keep America free!

If you want to protect your rights go here:
Ruger - Protect Your Rights
Click on the "Take action now" link on the right side of the page.
but in another thread you where in i stated i am not anti-gun at all. I don't care what you own, so long as you are registered with the proper paperwork for that item.

keep smoking that meth.

but you don't have a problem using dead children And I also told you I will not register any firearm I have. and no one is going to make me do that.

but im not using them. stop punting.

fine but if a law is passed and you still refuse, then enjoy whatever fines or probation you get.

but im not using them. stop punting.
Justifying what was said
he never said there was anything good about killing kids.
You are trying to be literal here when you know he didnt mean that.

How typical of you.

You can justify it all you want, I am appalled that you would try to defend it, which makes you just as bad as him for saying it.

oh he is using the deaths for political gain, but its not what he said.
but im not using them. stop punting.

fine but if a law is passed and you still refuse, then enjoy whatever fines or probation you get.

Justifying what was said
oh he is using the deaths for political gain, but its not what he said.

no thats not what i said. He is a politic, naturally anything he says is going to look political, But he isn't saying the death of the kids are a good thing.

You want to switch back to thinking i am for gun control for your next moving of the goal posts?
no thats not what i said
You are a fucking liar. That is your post you made.

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