Father of CA Mass Shooting Victim Blames NRA and Republicans

Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Liberal/progressive/democrat/asshat leftist mentality...

this Father should be ashamed of himself to use his son death for shameless politics as should the rest of you like the dailybeast

reminds me of Cindy Sheehan, Trayvon Martins parents...use their childrens deaths for their own agendas
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Gee, what would you say or do if your child was a victim of mass murder? Celebrate the Second Amendment as the greatest freedom known to mankind?
Note they blame the bra and guns but the killer's father directed a movie about kids killing each other then his son goes out killing kids.
Yes but you take away the weapon that is specifically designed to kill, making it a lot harder to kill on such a large scale.

There are 88 guns for every 100 people in America. That's around 300 million guns. What's the plan for taking them away from us?
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video
Further evidence that libtards shouldn't try to raise kids.
Gee, what would you say or do if your child was a victim of mass murder? Celebrate the Second Amendment as the greatest freedom known to mankind?
What a stupid comment. That's like asking someone who just lost a child to a drunk driver how he feels about the freedom to drive. Only a full blown retard blames the car. I would wonder how the kid got so fucked up and narcissistic in the first place, and since it's a hallmark of the left I wouldn't wonder for too long.
and good Ole CNN being they are so UNBIASED and don't have an agenda, was kind enough to show up and let this man stand on his soapbox and preach to us

shameful what our media has become

If it bleeds it leads...that's why I stopped watching the news
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

The father is a nut-job

Yea, these fathers sure are credible


Yes but you take away the weapon that is specifically designed to kill, making it a lot harder to kill on such a large scale.

There are 88 guns for every 100 people in America. That's around 300 million guns. What's the plan for taking them away from us?

1) Make possession of a gun a crime.
2) Require all citizens to turn in their guns.

Pretty simple, really.

Of course, to emphasize your point, you have the ATF do a few raids of the more outspoken nutters. Start with racists, religious cults and other whacks with guns, which will make gun owners wonder if they want to be associated with "those people".
Yes but you take away the weapon that is specifically designed to kill, making it a lot harder to kill on such a large scale.

There are 88 guns for every 100 people in America. That's around 300 million guns. What's the plan for taking them away from us?

1) Make possession of a gun a crime.
2) Require all citizens to turn in their guns.

Pretty simple, really.

Of course, to emphasize your point, you have the ATF do a few raids of the more outspoken nutters. Start with racists, religious cults and other whacks with guns, which will make gun owners wonder if they want to be associated with "those people".

Let's get he party started Joe. And why don't you lead the charge?

Yes but you take away the weapon that is specifically designed to kill, making it a lot harder to kill on such a large scale.

There are 88 guns for every 100 people in America. That's around 300 million guns. What's the plan for taking them away from us?

1) Make possession of a gun a crime.
2) Require all citizens to turn in their guns.

Pretty simple, really.

Of course, to emphasize your point, you have the ATF do a few raids of the more outspoken nutters. Start with racists, religious cults and other whacks with guns, which will make gun owners wonder if they want to be associated with "those people".

I am not a racist, nor a nutter. I only own one gun and I hardly ever think about it as it is locked away in a closet. You would have to pry it out of my cold dead hands before I willfully give it up.
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Yes, it is their fault. And will continue to be until guns are taken out of the hands of mass murderers.

How is a mass murderer identified before he/she kills a bunch of people? Where do you go to take a 'mass murderer' test before killing a bunch of people? Does everyone have to take the test? Are those that flunk the test not allowed to have a gun or a knife or a car or a pair of scissors or any thing else that could be used to inflict bodily harm on another person? So many questions, so few answers.

Aren't you glad you made that statement.
this Father should be ashamed of himself to use his son death for shameless politics as should the rest of you like the dailybeast

reminds me of Cindy Sheehan, Trayvon Martins parents...use their childrens deaths for their own agendas

The two you mention used their childs death to become wealthy. Perhaps this father needs some money as well. Cynical, perhaps, but they did get a lot of money.

Why didn't he take the guns away from his kid?
No, it isn't.

Most of us who grew up outside of suburbia know at least a few criminals.

I was born and grew up in Vegas. My Father was in the casino business, so I know a few criminals also. But I don't run to those criminals to get guns.

Thats a strawman. Who said I run to criminals to get guns? I said I could if i wanted to. I dont think civilians should have weapons with auto capability.

They don't if they are a law abiding citizen. Fully automatic weapons are illegal but a criminal doesn't obey the law.
I wonder exactly how many nut cases with manifestos detailing how they are going to kill people exist on the internet?

12...the answer is 12.

Guns were designed to kill.

So are knives and abortion clinics

Knives were not designed to take human life.

You haven't answered my question. What about the rights of the six people killed? Do they not deserve the right to live?

google bayonet sometime

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