Father of CA Mass Shooting Victim Blames NRA and Republicans

well for sure he isn't going to BLAME his kid is he?

and you people fall right in line to let the next one off the hook
well for sure he isn't going to BLAME his kid is he?

and you people fall right in line to let the next one off the hook

And we also wait for the next mass shooting, which will have occurred by this time next month.
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Well, he is wrong. He should be blaming the Rodger kid.
well for sure he isn't going to BLAME his kid is he?

and you people fall right in line to let the next one off the hook

And we also wait for the next mass shooting, which will have occurred by this time next month.

and how does that affect YOU living in another country?
man oh man, what nerve

Sorry to inform you that I am able to walk safely down my own street without fear of being murdered.

Must suck being so afraid of your own people.
I hope he blames President Obama next

that should send all you ghouls into a tizzy and you can pretend you really give a shit
well for sure he isn't going to BLAME his kid is he?

and you people fall right in line to let the next one off the hook

And we also wait for the next mass shooting, which will have occurred by this time next month.

You fucking dummy >>>>

:D:D:badgrin:Many people believe that owning guns only increases the amount of crime. However, a recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally. In other words, the more guns the less crime. The study showed that nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate that is three times that of the nine European nations with the highest gun ownership rate.:D:D:badgrin:

In other words......more guns = less crimes.

Here is the full paper from Harvard University, April 2013......published in the Jurnal of Law and Public Policy the same month.


PS.....we cannot forget something critical.......people on the far left navigate life searching for a solution to EVERY problem. It is called flawed thinking.....its the way these people are wired. Thankfully, the majority of people possess the ability to think on the margin and realize that life is about accepting necessary tradeoffs as is clearly displayed given this recent poll >>>

Gallup Poll: Support for gun control is waning, opposition to handgun ban at all-time high

In other words.......3 out of 4 people DONT think like Noomi, JoeB and Howie......all fringe assholes who have found a place to matter in these pages.
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And we also wait for the next mass shooting, which will have occurred by this time next month.

and how does that affect YOU living in another country?
man oh man, what nerve

Sorry to inform you that I am able to walk safely down my own street without fear of being murdered.

Cool story! So can I.

Must suck being so afraid of your own people.

I can speak only for myself... I am not "afraid" of my "own people." Proof of that lies in the fact that I support the right to bear arms.

Strikes me as odd that you would suggest Stephanie or anyone else would fear their "own people." Especially when you consider that Australia has all but stripped every resident of their right to own a firearm. That sounds an awfully lot like a law passed because you fear your fellow man...
Again, there will be another mass shooting in America before the end of next month. It might be someone you know next.
Again, there will be another mass shooting in America before the end of next month. It might be someone you know next.

well I say we can BLAME Obama and the Democrat party who is in charge of our country

so you can strut around making predictions as if you're some physic but you're more like a ghoul who feeds off others tragedies , just put the blame on Obama where it belongs
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and how does that affect YOU living in another country?
man oh man, what nerve

Sorry to inform you that I am able to walk safely down my own street without fear of being murdered.

Cool story! So can I.

Must suck being so afraid of your own people.

I can speak only for myself... I am not "afraid" of my "own people." Proof of that lies in the fact that I support the right to bear arms.

Strikes me as odd that you would suggest Stephanie or anyone else would fear their "own people." Especially when you consider that Australia has all but stripped every resident of their right to own a firearm. That sounds an awfully lot like a law passed because you fear your fellow man...

That law was passed to prevent mass shootings. Guess what? It worked.
Again, there will be another mass shooting in America before the end of next month. It might be someone you know next.

And a bunch of people will get shot in Chicago today. Why do you only care in the rare instance when whites get shot?
His dad directed a movie about kids and violence making a lot of money off kids killing each other. Called the hunger games

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