Father of Oregon killer blames GUNS, not son, for massacre?

That won't happen in either of our lifetimes, it would require amending the Constitution with 2/3 of the states legislatures in support of the measure. I don't believe there is enough liberals who share in that same extremist view to make it happen. I know that darn 2nd Amendment is such a thorn to your side.


All we need is for Scalia to take a dirt nap, and amazingly, we will get a Supreme court that can read English and that the Second Amendment is about Well-regulated Militias.

Easy- Peasy.

Hey, guy, frankly, I really don't care what the slave rapists who shit in a chamber pot thought they were really writing about. All you need is a court that rules sensibly and the vast majority of htis country that thinks people like you have no business owning guns.
Well, the second admendment differs, sorry.

Assuming that everything you listed has to do exclusively with healthcare which it doesn't. It's just a leftist talking point.

Yes, the fact they get better health care results has nothing to with the fact they provide health care to every citizen.

Just like the reason why they don't have thousand of murders like we do is because they don't let average citizens own guns.

No, no, there are "other factors" because in wingnut land, a straight line is never the shortest distance between two points.

43 times likely to kill somebody in my family? You mean it will just get up and shoot somebody? I'll try that. I'll leave my gun on the coffee table and see if it moves all by itself.

No, someone will shoot themselves or someone else in your family. that's the point. Most gun deaths are people being shot with their own guns.
Ok, go hide now...

Hashtag scared of freedom
What laws that you support would guarantee things like that wouldn't happen again? You are the typical gun hating idiot that thinks more laws on the books will cause criminals to stop being criminals. Wasn't Oregon a gun free zone by law? Just proves that laws saying not to do something don't work.

Actually, a background check would have stopped what happened in Oregon. The problem is the background checks aren't accurate and they are designed to be that way.

So here's the law I would pass.

If you sell or give a gun to a mass murderer, you will be charged as an accomplice to his crime and do hard time. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Why don't you suggest that and when even the dumbass Democrats quit laughing at you, let me know how bad you're embarrassed.

Pretty stupid isn't it.
Guns can not just kill someone, people kill.
It is ridiculous to blame circumstances not his son.

His son couldn't have killed anyone without easy access to guns.

Correct, he could have never stolen a car and run people over, never had access to knives, never been able to make a homemade bomb. No, without a gun, he would have forgotten about the whole thing. Maybe went to Anger Management classes.
Correct, he could have never stolen a car and run people over, never had access to knives, never been able to make a homemade bomb. No, without a gun, he would have forgotten about the whole thing. Maybe went to Anger Management classes.

except he didn't do any of those things. he just got guns.
That won't happen in either of our lifetimes, it would require amending the Constitution with 2/3 of the states legislatures in support of the measure. I don't believe there is enough liberals who share in that same extremist view to make it happen. I know that darn 2nd Amendment is such a thorn to your side.


All we need is for Scalia to take a dirt nap, and amazingly, we will get a Supreme court that can read English and that the Second Amendment is about Well-regulated Militias.

Easy- Peasy.

Hey, guy, frankly, I really don't care what the slave rapists who shit in a chamber pot thought they were really writing about. All you need is a court that rules sensibly and the vast majority of htis country that thinks people like you have no business owning guns.

Fortunately we live in a Republic that's governed under a Constitution, and not a dictatorship controlled by a small group of beurocratic rogue judges. I have more respect for our Constiutional rights, in as much as I chose to actively defend those beliefs through my military service. I have every right to own a firearm in as much as you have the right to your view through free speech. You are free to express your "opinions" on the subject towards those who have a respect for their weapon and for the lives of others. Contrary to your ideological beliefs we are not killers. In fact your views towards our Constitution and lack of respect for our Founders, would leave many veterans to consider saving a bullet rather than waste one defending individuals like yourself. Don't like our system of government? Try getting out once in a while from your sheltered world, travel to the Middle East and various parts of Asia, see just how far your free speech and individual rights take you. It appears you can use a little "society shock" to have a greater respect for our nation and our Constitution, you've been comfortably enjoying and living under our provided protection for far too long.
Try getting out once in a while from your sheltered world, travel to the Middle East and various parts of Asia, see just how far your free speech and individual rights take you. It appears you can use a little "society shock" to have a greater respect for our nation and our Constitution, you've been comfortably enjoying and living under our provided protection for far too long.

Hey, fuckhead, the fact is the REligious Right wants to make us just like the Middle East. That's why they need to be stopped.

Which has nothing to do with the fact most Americans don't need guns and aren't responsible enough to own them... as 33,000 gun deaths, 78,000 gun injuries and 229 Billion in gun damages prove every year.
Correct, he could have never stolen a car and run people over, never had access to knives, never been able to make a homemade bomb. No, without a gun, he would have forgotten about the whole thing. Maybe went to Anger Management classes.

except he didn't do any of those things. he just got guns.

You said he could not have killed anyone without guns. Well, as you have been shown, and like what happens all over the world without guns and especially in the ME, he sure could have.
That won't happen in either of our lifetimes, it would require amending the Constitution with 2/3 of the states legislatures in support of the measure. I don't believe there is enough liberals who share in that same extremist view to make it happen. I know that darn 2nd Amendment is such a thorn to your side.


All we need is for Scalia to take a dirt nap, and amazingly, we will get a Supreme court that can read English and that the Second Amendment is about Well-regulated Militias.

Easy- Peasy.

Hey, guy, frankly, I really don't care what the slave rapists who shit in a chamber pot thought they were really writing about. All you need is a court that rules sensibly and the vast majority of htis country that thinks people like you have no business owning guns.

Fortunately we live in a Republic that's governed under a Constitution, and not a dictatorship controlled by a small group of beurocratic rogue judges. I have more respect for our Constiutional rights, in as much as I chose to actively defend those beliefs through my military service. I have every right to own a firearm in as much as you have the right to your view through free speech. You are free to express your "opinions" on the subject towards those who have a respect for their weapon and for the lives of others. Contrary to your ideological beliefs we are not killers. In fact your views towards our Constitution and lack of respect for our Founders, would leave many veterans to consider saving a bullet rather than waste one defending individuals like yourself. Don't like our system of government? Try getting out once in a while from your sheltered world, travel to the Middle East and various parts of Asia, see just how far your free speech and individual rights take you. It appears you can use a little "society shock" to have a greater respect for our nation and our Constitution, you've been comfortably enjoying and living under our provided protection for far too long.

Yes. Thank you. Good post!
Try getting out once in a while from your sheltered world, travel to the Middle East and various parts of Asia, see just how far your free speech and individual rights take you. It appears you can use a little "society shock" to have a greater respect for our nation and our Constitution, you've been comfortably enjoying and living under our provided protection for far too long.

Hey, fuckhead, the fact is the REligious Right wants to make us just like the Middle East. That's why they need to be stopped.

Which has nothing to do with the fact most Americans don't need guns and aren't responsible enough to own them... as 33,000 gun deaths, 78,000 gun injuries and 229 Billion in gun damages prove every year.

Why do you speak as if you are an expert when everyone already knows that you are clueless, Joe?
That won't happen in either of our lifetimes, it would require amending the Constitution with 2/3 of the states legislatures in support of the measure. I don't believe there is enough liberals who share in that same extremist view to make it happen. I know that darn 2nd Amendment is such a thorn to your side.


All we need is for Scalia to take a dirt nap, and amazingly, we will get a Supreme court that can read English and that the Second Amendment is about Well-regulated Militias.

Easy- Peasy.

Hey, guy, frankly, I really don't care what the slave rapists who shit in a chamber pot thought they were really writing about. All you need is a court that rules sensibly and the vast majority of htis country that thinks people like you have no business owning guns.

That is untrue, but you probably don't know that. If the "vast majority" agreed with your crazy arse views, then guns would be illegal by now!
Wait a minute, how do you figure a background check would have stopped Oregon? The guy got most of his weapons from family.

Then you send his family members to prison.

Better yet, when you do a background check, you list EVERY person over 12 who lives in that house, and if one person in the house fails a check, everyone in the house fails.

You cannot violate other people's privacy! Are you some kind of government goon?

Are you going to have them list all of their friends, acquaintances, neighbors and run background checks on them too? :cuckoo:

Thankfully, our rights are not dependent on your approval.
Try getting out once in a while from your sheltered world, travel to the Middle East and various parts of Asia, see just how far your free speech and individual rights take you. It appears you can use a little "society shock" to have a greater respect for our nation and our Constitution, you've been comfortably enjoying and living under our provided protection for far too long.

Hey, fuckhead, the fact is the REligious Right wants to make us just like the Middle East. That's why they need to be stopped.

Which has nothing to do with the fact most Americans don't need guns and aren't responsible enough to own them... as 33,000 gun deaths, 78,000 gun injuries and 229 Billion in gun damages prove every year.

Most don't need guns.

Since you are such an expert on statistics, did you ever look up how many assaults, murders, robberies and rapes take place every year in the US?

Yes, we need guns.
You said he could not have killed anyone without guns. Well, as you have been shown, and like what happens all over the world without guns and especially in the ME, he sure could have.

the point is, the Middle East is in a state of Chaos we caused.

So. How many mass slaughters have they had in the United Kingdom in the last 10 years? Germany? Japan? With or without guns. How many. give me a number.

We've had VA Tech, Two shootings at Ft. Hood, Tuscon, Roseburg, Sandy Hook, Aurora, the Washington Naval Yard. those four cops shot by a guy Mike Huckabee let go in 2011.

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