Father of Raped Daughter not Allowed to Speak at Loudoun County School Board

you say that as if i disagree it's wrong.

im just saying if a young man is going to rape someone, i find it hard to believe not being allowed to go into the girls room would have prevented a thing.

you seem quick to categorize people who don't quickly fall in line.

god that habit these days is annoying as fuck.
Opening the door to allow it to happen isn't the key. It's stupid to say, "well, it'll happen anyway".
Opening the door to allow it to happen isn't the key. It's stupid to say, "well, it'll happen anyway".
and a policy like "no boys in the girls room - even if you feel like girls" - would have stopped someone willing to commit rape.

some people are so bound and determined to be "right" they can't focus on what "is".
The mental disorder of transsexuals isn't nearly as bad as accepting the disorder as normal behavior. That's where the damage comes from. Treating this rapist as a girl is what caused at least two girls to be raped. Treating a mentally disordered sex offender as a normal woman put him in the women's spa. Treating men in dresses as women put rapists in prison with their own sex slaves. Lawsuit: Female Prisoner Says She Was Raped by Transgender Inmate

This sick society encourages Norman Bates to wear his mother's dresses.
They would release Norman right after the paperwork was done today.
They would release Norman right after the paperwork was done today.
i don't think he'd ever get paperwork done.

people get away with crime after crime and we all see it. we know it happens and no one seems to care. this will lead to people doing crazy ass shit just because they can or they want to push boundaries. a law to keep a guy out of a skirt and the ladies room won't stop the crimes from happening.

it's simply window dressing trying to feel better about feeling so sick.

our laws have to mean something again. this kid needs to get the full punishment. the only way to stop crime that is in a free fall is to go to the other extreme.


but it's coming. one way or another, it's coming.

get the girl help and counseling. for the school if needed. get the parents involved how to fix it and let the parents get rid of those causing this. now we're getting somewhere.
This father was arrested and hauled out of a school board meeting after said school board allowed transgenders in school bathrooms, now his daughter will be scarred the rest of her life thanks to the inhuman polices that are being passed. One can only assume now that fathers will step it up when their children are attacked. The polices of the left put all children in danger.-OG

Father whose daughter was 'raped' in girls' bathroom by 'skirt-wearing' male student slams AG Merrick Garland for threatening parents who protest school boards after he was dragged out of Loudoun County for trying to say staff ignored incident​

  • Scott Smith, 48, appeared on The Ingraham Angle and spoke out after he was photographed being dragged out of a school board meeting this June
  • He told Host Laura Ingraham he was trying to stick up for his daughter, who was attacked at Stone Bridge High School by a boy 'wearing in a skirt.'
  • Smith says the boy took advantage of the school's trans policies to get into the girls' bathrooms and assault her
  • In October, the boy was arrested for allegedly assaulting a different girl, at a different school. He is now in a juvenile detention center
  • Smith commented on Attorney General Merrick Garland issuing a DOJ order directing the FBI and local law enforcement to tackle teachers being threatened
That's the whole problem with taking sides; you hurt everyone.
That's the whole problem with taking sides; you hurt everyone.
WHA-A-A-A-A-A-A??? It's fine with you if these worthless pervs hurt children? Everyone is right and no one is wrong??

But, because of the new bathroom law, he gained access to the bathroom by claiming he was transgender.
So, offender wasn't a transgender person. But people on this side are using it to attack transgender people. I knew something wasn't right about this. I didn't bother reading the story I figured it was propaganda transgenders are gentle people they don't attack they are the ones being attacked all the time.
So, offender wasn't a transgender person. But people on this side are using it to attack transgender people. I knew something wasn't right about this. I didn't bother reading the story I figured it was propaganda transgenders are gentle people they don't attack they are the ones being attacked all the time.
It is not up to you to say he isn't a transgendered person. According to HIM he is transgendered.
According to another story this had nothing to do with a transgendered child it had to do with a sexual assault of a girl in a restroom and the his transfer and sexual attack on another girl not in any restroom. The incident is about why a super allowed the transfer of the attacker and his release from juvi detention.

But allowing this sicko in the girl bathroom gave him opportunity to attack this girl. Remember the gay community used to love to scream that transgenders weren't gay.......not to mention the whole bi-sexual thing including bi-sexual rapists.
The perv was heterosexual not transgender.
The perv was allowed in the bathroom where he could attack because of the gay community and its absolute stupidity and craziness....regardless of which sex he prefers to rape.
It is not up to you to say he isn't a transgendered person. According to HIM he is transgendered.
Well if so he's the exception to the rule. A twisted transgender person who would have thought, it's more likely " HE " is straight.
But allowing this sicko in the girl bathroom gave him opportunity to attack this girl. Remember the gay community used to love to scream that transgenders weren't gay.......not to mention the whole bi-sexual thing including bi-sexual rapists.
There's no sex in violence. The tabloid site that is being used is the only news sources using the transgendered angle...The reason it is a tabloid rag. Normally with minors being involved details would not be released to the public until after a conviction or trial.
Well if so he's the exception to the rule. A twisted transgender person who would have thought, it's more likely " HE " is straight.
Not really into this. Have a few. Friends who are transgender and they are gentle people, considering themselves as just one of the girls. This rare occurrence made me investigate further. If this kid if trans, he is most likely in one of the 16 subtypes of trans listen d in this article called , " masculine of center ". Read the article and you'll see that's the best classification for him. A rare case and not representative of all transgendered persons. Site: medical news today.com Nov.5, 2020 What are some different types of gender identity. They review 16 types, not all, but a good sampling.
Normally in females side of the restrooms there are individual stalls that are enclosed with partition walls. If a male is gay he will not rape females...Normally gays rape the same sex as themselves.
I don't know quite how to make out your post......Sounds like a very disturbing movie you never want to see
I have known many transgendered. All were mentally ill to one degree or another.
Near half have made a very serious type to off themselves. That population is quite mentally ill. NOT ALL....but most

I thank God the only thing that ever attracted me was very feminine woman. girlie girlz

Is there something wrong with me ladies?
What the hell does that mean? The solution is for you peaople to get over your transgender histrionics. Period
Uh oh, low IQ voter alert! Anyone who chooses to use the phrase “you people” must be a forever Hillary fan!! lol I should’ve known with your personal remarks you reveal your hidden insecurities, minus that part about hidden. Good grief!

Sorry to the OP for not staying on topic but wanted to respond to this leftist. He claims to be otherwise but he supports AOC fully lol
you say that as if i disagree it's wrong.

im just saying if a young man is going to rape someone, i find it hard to believe not being allowed to go into the girls room would have prevented a thing.

you seem quick to categorize people who don't quickly fall in line.

god that habit these days is annoying as fuck.
I understand what you’re saying iceberg, but I think the point of the matter is this bathroom rule allowed the rape to occur. Without the senseless “solution” occurring, the rape would not have happened, at least not on school grounds most likely.

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