Fatso Loses $153,000 a Year Job After Mooschelle & B*tch Hillary Used

[So your BEST argument is your free speech is limited by the job you have? No, no that is NOT how the 1st is written and the 1st is pretty plain and upfront on it. NO where does it tie job to free speech, NO WHERE. Care to show me otherwise?
You are right that free speech is not tied to the job, it is in fact subordinate to the job. If you boss tells you that certain subjects are off limits for discussion at work, such as religion or politics, and you act the ass, you get fired. The employee's hand book gives supervisors careful guidance what to do in the work place.
It was Facebook you retard. You want YOUR boss reading your threads? You want YOUR boss telling what or how to post or comment? IDIOT.
DF, if your boss says you can't do FB on company time with company equipment, son, it's fuck you time. And you are defending a Dem.
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Well now that I've let you vent with your hyper partisan nutcase logic I thought it would be nice to let you know that you've been defending a Democrat. Yes, fatboy has a problem and it must be with women because it's clearly not a political party problem.


But thanks for playing and I'm glad this opens his private practice to sexual discrimination lawsuits as well.
Well now that I've let you vent with your hyper partisan nutcase logic I thought it would be nice to let you know that you've been defending a Democrat. Yes, fatboy has a problem and it must be with women because it's clearly not a political party problem.


But thanks for playing and I'm glad this opens his private practice to sexual discrimination lawsuits as well.
He has a RIGHT to say what he thinks even if he is a low life puke bag democrat. At the very least he is NOT a COWARD like you.
He has a RIGHT to say what he thinks even if he is a low life puke bag democrat. At the very least he is NOT a COWARD like you.
Not on the job during company time with company equipment. Go ask your manager at Burger King if you can do that, too.
Well now that I've let you vent with your hyper partisan nutcase logic I thought it would be nice to let you know that you've been defending a Democrat. Yes, fatboy has a problem and it must be with women because it's clearly not a political party problem.


But thanks for playing and I'm glad this opens his private practice to sexual discrimination lawsuits as well.
He has a RIGHT to say what he thinks even if he is a low life puke bag democrat. At the very least he is NOT a COWARD like you.

I guess he doesn't have that right or he'd be employed and that makes you wrong for about the 90th time today
You want YOUR boss telling what or how to post or comment? IDIOT.

That is so unkind to genuine idiots - lumping them in with Jammie-Jake!

But that aside, to answer the question for him/her/it.....YES!!! But that's what he/she/it gets paid for.
Well now that I've let you vent with your hyper partisan nutcase logic I thought it would be nice to let you know that you've been defending a Democrat. Yes, fatboy has a problem and it must be with women because it's clearly not a political party problem.


But thanks for playing and I'm glad this opens his private practice to sexual discrimination lawsuits as well.
He has a RIGHT to say what he thinks even if he is a low life puke bag democrat. At the very least he is NOT a COWARD like you.

I guess he doesn't have that right or he'd be employed and that makes you wrong for about the 90th time today
It would seem NOT when he talks about democrats. But then that is a MAJOR point of this election, FREEDOM.

And we DON'T have it with democrats and thanks to YOUR thread democrats now KNOW they DON'T have it in the party either.
This guy is a douche . His problem is that he has an issue with women, as u can tell from his misogynistic posts . That's why he caught shit.

And who targets First Ladies? U have to be a real a hole to do that
Personally, I don't think he should have been fired for the dumb shit he posts on Facebook. And before folks act all haughty about him posting while at work, I am willing to bet that most people here post to Facebook or forums during the work day.

edit: I meant to say resigned here and not fired. lol
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Personally, I don't think he should have been fired for the dumb shit he posts on Facebook. And before folks act all haughty about him posting while at work, I am willing to bet that most people here post to Facebook or forums during the work day.

All that is true, but as most employers will remind you and have employee handbooks explaining that you are on their time and you aren't paid to access social media while working.
Personally, I don't think he should have been fired for the dumb shit he posts on Facebook. And before folks act all haughty about him posting while at work, I am willing to bet that most people here post to Facebook or forums during the work day.

All that is true, but as most employers will remind you and have employee handbooks explaining that you are on their time and you aren't paid to access social media while working.

No doubt, posting while at work is grounds for termination in most places of employment. He resigned the position so whatever.
Personally, I don't think he should have been fired for the dumb shit he posts on Facebook. And before folks act all haughty about him posting while at work, I am willing to bet that most people here post to Facebook or forums during the work day.

All that is true, but as most employers will remind you and have employee handbooks explaining that you are on their time and you aren't paid to access social media while working.
Moochie is ugly as hell. You seen the kids? One looks like a nappy maid for motel 6 and the other looks like the whore who works its corner.
Oh for the love of Christ, Fury. Whack Michelle with a stick all you wish but leave the kids out of it.
Personally, I don't think he should have been fired for the dumb shit he posts on Facebook. And before folks act all haughty about him posting while at work, I am willing to bet that most people here post to Facebook or forums during the work day.

All that is true, but as most employers will remind you and have employee handbooks explaining that you are on their time and you aren't paid to access social media while working.
Moochie is ugly as hell. You seen the kids? One looks like a nappy maid for motel 6 and the other looks like the whore who works its corner.

I think you feel threatened by a woman who is more powerful than you and made more money at 25 than you earned your entire life.

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