FAU Student Says He Was Suspended For Not 'Stepping On Jesus'

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I'm trying to understand what "open dialogue" this action was meant to foster and why this student's refusal to follow suit merits a suspension from the class.

DAVIE, Fla. -- A student at Florida Atlantic University's campus in Davie says he couldn't believe what he and his fellow students were asked to do by their instructor three weeks ago.

Ryan Rotela, a junior from Coral Springs at FAU, said what happened was an insult to his intelligence.

He said the instructor in his Intercultural Communications class at FAU told everyone in the class to take out a piece of paper, write the word JESUS on it in bold letters, and then put the paper on the floor and stomp on it.

Ryan said while some of his classmates did it, he did not. He told the instructor, Dr. Deandre Poole, that he was offended by what he wanted him to do.

"Anytime you stomp on something it shows that you believe that something has no value. So if you were to stomp on the word Jesus, it says that the word has no value," said Ryan.

Ryan said he's a Mormon, goes to church every Sunday and considers himself a very religious person.

He said two days later, he went to Dr. Poole's supervisor, an associate professor at FAU to discuss his concerns. Ryan said since the incident, he has been suspended from the class.

FAU sent us a response by e-mail, saying, "Faculty and students at academic institutions pursue knowledge and engage in open discourse. While at times the topics discussed may be sensitive, a university environment is a venue for such dialogue and debate."

WPEC-TV CBS12 News :: News - Top Stories - FAU student says he was suspended for not 'stepping on Jesus'
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So I assume it would be open dialogue to write Obama on a piece of paper and stomp on it? The Student should sue for religious reasons.
And people on the left still try to pretend that education in this country - at all levels - isn't absolutely infested with far, far, far left bullshit that is brutally imposed on a captive audience? This is just an extreme example.

This reminded me of the fumie ceremony used by the Tokugawa Shogunate in the persecution of Christians. This 'professor' would have no doubt approved.
I'm trying to understand what "open dialogue" this action was meant to foster and why this student's refusal to follow suit merits a suspension from the class.

It's doublespeak like obama's 'negotiation' and 'compromise' with Republicans. It's an 'opportunity' to agree and submit - or else.

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