Fauci admits "science" was made up.

Trump: We bought a tremendous amount of … hydroxychloroquine, which I think is, you know, it’s a great malaria drug. It’s worked unbelievably, it’s a powerful drug on malaria. And there are signs that it works on [coronavirus], some very strong signs. And in the meantime, it’s been around a long time, and also works very powerfully on lupus. So there are some very strong, powerful signs, and we’ll have to see. Because again, it’s being tested now, this is a new thing that just happened to us, the invisible enemy, we call it.

It’s a very strong, powerful medicine, but it doesn’t kill people. We have some very good results and some very good tests. You’ve seen the same test that I have. In France, they had a very good test. But we don’t have time to go and say, gee, let’s take a couple of years and test it out. And let’s go and test with the test tubes and the laboratories. We don’t have time. I’d love to do that.
where did he say it was a cure? He said it worked, does ibuprofen cure headaches or relieve the pain?
where did he say it was a cure? He said it worked, does ibuprofen cure headaches or relieve the pain?
Dumber than a fence post.
Read what Trump said.
You're as bad as nostra, trying to pick apart every nuance of what was said, trying to deny he said it.
Antivaxxer losers and Trump cult losers are always the same people.

That's because both positions are caused by someone being a piss-gargling imbecile.
Democrats are actors because they are phony.
Trump never said hydroxychloroquine cured COVID, just that it worked on COVID.

Now get out the dictionary and quibble over a drug working, and a drug curing.
Democrats are actors because they are phony.
The ironic thing about democrats vs republicans. Before there was a vaccine, the blue states like New York, lead the country in deaths from COVID-19. With bad decisions about nursing homes, not being prepared, and not utilizing federal help. But after the vaccine, and all the anti-vaxxing, the red states like Florida became the predominant source of COVID-19 deaths. With Florida not only catching up to New York, but surpassing NY in COVID deaths.
Dumber than a fence post.
Read what Trump said.
You're as bad as nostra, trying to pick apart every nuance of what was said, trying to deny he said it.
I read it and nowhere did he say it was a cure! You made it up to bad mouth him for your own enjoyment and look like a fool to everyone else.
I read it and nowhere did he say it was a cure! You made it up to bad mouth him for your own enjoyment and look like a fool to everyone else.
Re: nowhere did he say it was a cure!

Trump used a cinnamon ;)
Dumber than a fence post.
Read what Trump said.
You're as bad as nostra, trying to pick apart every nuance of what was said, trying to deny he said it.
Dude, you lie and when you get busted you whine and cry like a little bitch.

When you make a claim about what someone says it isn't nuance when you are proven to be lying about it, Simp.
Here you go.

Actually you said in 6 seconds.
I didn't say against Covid, Stupid.

Covid was brand new and nothing had been properly tested on it, you moron. Trump was spitballing on possible things to research.

I correctly pointed out UV light does work in 6 seconds. I didn't say it, the researchers in my link said it.

You keep making a fool of yourself.

INTERVIEW: Sen. Rand Paul on COVID Origin Cover-Ups, Ukraine's Losing War, Trump's Trial, and More​

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