Fauci Attempts To Cancel NFL Season

Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.
Lets spread the virus & sicken players so we can play a game. Evidently 115,000 deasd Americans are just not enoughj.
People are mad at scientists. Bizarre isn't it?
They're mad at their own ignorance and self centered interests. They could give two shits about anybody. There is no difference with these folks than a drunk driver who knows he's driving drunk. None!
You're a liar. I fact checked Fauci's statements and you didn't include everything he said;

In a Feb. 29 interview, Fauci said that “right now at this moment” the risk was “low” and there was “no need” for people “to change anything that you’re doing on a day-by-day basis.” But he added that “this could change,” that people needed to be wary of “community spread,” and that it could develop into a “major

outbreak.”Dr. Fauci endorses Tinder hookups ‘if you’re willing to take a risk’

This is not an endorsement by Fauci. You are a liar.

4.) On March 20th Dr. Fauci jumped in and during a press briefing on hydroxychloroquine treatment for coronavirus “corrected” the president saying, “You got to be careful when you say ‘fairly effective.’ It was never done in a clinical trial… It was given to individuals and felt that maybe it worked.” This is neither a prediction or a contradiction by Fauci. You and your article are pedaling in lies.
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I thought conservatives already decided to boycott the NFL. What does it matter to you now if they cancel the season?

"I thought conservatives already decided to boycott the NFL. What does it matter to you now if they cancel the season"

because they want to ruin EVERYONES fun!

they really hate OTHER people....
Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.
Fauci represents the right, quit blaming the left.

"Fauci represents the right, quit blaming the left. "

actually Fauci represents the rational moderates...

the voice of reason!

that's why BOTH sides hate him....

I like him!
Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.
Fauci represents the right, quit blaming the left.

"Fauci represents the right, quit blaming the left. "

actually Fauci represents the rational moderates...

the voice of reason!

that's why BOTH sides hate him....

I like him!
So do I.
Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.
Fauci represents the right, quit blaming the left.

"Fauci represents the right, quit blaming the left. "

actually Fauci represents the rational moderates...

the voice of reason!

that's why BOTH sides hate him....

I like him!
Forget the NFL. We are approaching an apocalypse, because Trump and his administration failed the country for recognizing the Coronavirus as the single largest threat the world faces. We are seeing record cases on a daily basis, and Pence and Trump run around talking like retards dismissing the whole pandemic. We have rule of law disaster, health disaster, leadership disaster, and these folks in charge could give two shits. We are in big trouble people.

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