Fauci Attempts To Cancel NFL Season

LOL. Yeah it is funny how the D party and the MSM pushed that obvious fraud. No doubt many dumb Americans still think Putin stole the election for Don. Lol.
Our intelligence agencies proved you wrong.
The man has lost all his credibility and cannot be trusted.
He is a farce
What evidence do you have that proves Fauci is a farce?
It was Trump's plan, behind the scenes. Now wait and see what all this money that has been given out, does to the economy.
Socialism? Welfare? Free money? Where are the Republican principles? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
He was the one advising Trump.
Advise and shutting down an economy are two different things. Fauci has nothing to do with the decisions Trump makes. Trump never listened to Fauci in the beginning. He certainly doesn't do it now. Trump was under pressure by way of the pandemic, not Fauci. And now Trump and the country are going to pay how many more times over for his idiotic decisions now?
He’s about 5’7’ 165 pounds
Everybody should be locked down until they are diminutive like him-far healthier and health rules the world over sanity fact and freedom,
He will go pounding his little fist on the chests of these big hairy men shrieking “ No you don’t... no you won’t”
We turned our lives over to a worst case fanatic shrimp ,
With no evidence to back up your claims. Too pitiful.
Let me clue everyone in why the left pick on the NFL for CONCUSSIONS and for THE FLAG, and now THE DISEASE.

Please remember the CULTURAL MARXIST PROPAGANDA. The red mao tactics of getting rid of the FOUR OLDS.

OLD culture
OLD habits
OLD ideas
OLD ways

Very few sports are as AMERICAN as FOOTBALL. The other sports are WORLDLY. Every virtue signaling concern about concussions etc and the flag and commie Kaepernick is about ATTACKING AMERICA.

For some reason people saw fit to do an autopsy on Frank Giffords brain when he passed away. Even though Gifford was fairly sharp through his later years, they of course found CTE on the brain.

Well, for some reason Gordie Howe's brain was not studied. He played 30 or more in the NHL and that was when the NHL didn't wear helmets. Not even the goalies. Concussions are pretty common and yet commie espn never did a Tasters Choice documentary on anyone for concussions in their retired years....

It is all related to now Fauci attacking AMERICAN FOOTBALL RACIST NFL. Other sports like soccer, hockey baseball opening up worldwide. They are all silent.

AMERICAN FOOTBALL? Well, now the globalists must show their concerns. Of course.

Do you all get it?
No, and neither do you. Watch this true story and get a clue;
I’m a season ticket holder for the SF Giants so I’m missing the action for sure. If the spread is under control then I’m all for opening things back up in a safe way. It appears that our reopen here in the USA has been very sloppy and careless and full of mixed messages. Poor leadership IMO.
It's been the worst in the world. Literally!
I knew when Trump had his first rally that the opposition would come out with guns blazing....the lying today going on at ABC radio news and CNN and the rest of the MSM is off the charts.....where were they when the protests were going on?....where was Fauci when the riots were happening?...this is all a set up folks....the dems working with China to ruin Trumps economy....don't let them succeed...fuck Fauci....even China came out today and stated they are having a return to covid...this is bullshit too....
I see you cowardly ran from the opportunity of producing any documentary evidence of what you are talking about. None of us are in shock. Please continue on with your lying campaign.
I see you cowardly ran from the opportunity of producing any documentary evidence of what you are talking about. None of us are in shock. Please continue on with your lying campaign.
For once I am with Fauci on this. F—- the NFL, they’re run by a bunch of Marxist boot lickers now that bend the knee to BLM. Let them keep losing billions of dollars.
The NFL is nothing more than tax funded sports socialism that benefits the wealthy.
If they come up with a vaccine, I won’t take it. My immune system is working just fine. Thank you.
Thanks for the non-rebuttal. There is a difference, and your question was answered.

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