Fauci confirms the right was right all along about covid

He's in deep shit....I wonder how long the media freaks can keep flying cover for that fraud.

My guess is a long time.

Fauci DID NOT say early on that "We don't know where the virus originated". He VERY SPECIFICALLY tried to exonerate the Wuhan Virology Lab. With 100% certainty, he KNEW what research was going there. He has no leg to stand on, he has been outed as a fraud, a liar and a Chinese puppet just like Biden. Now the question is Will Fauci suffer any consequences? My guess is no.
Give it 24 hours he will change his opinion again.
Yes, but give him 48 hours and he will change it back again.

Chairman Xauci knows that it matters little what he says because the press won't zero in on any of it, aside from the limited media that most voters have determined is all fake news as proTrump. I think this is more or less to drive Trump supporters mad.

Say it isn't so.... now will the mods move all our threads out of the conspiracy forum???
Trump was right. He never stopped calling is the China virus.

In 2020, the WHO said,
"We have not received any data or specific evidence from the United States government relating to the purported origin of the virus -- so from our perspective, this remains speculative."

In February 2021, they have changed their tune...
A World Health Organization (WHO) official investigating the cause of the pandemic has said he “can’t rule out” the possibility that COVID originated from a Wuhan laboratory.

And now we hear that three workers at the Fauci Wuhan lab were hospitalized with COVID-like symptoms in November, 2019...

It should be obvious to even the casual observer that coronavirus was released by China in response to their biggest threat - President Trump - and the US Democratic Party used the virus as a means to oust him.
How long do you suppose it will be before the left and their media try to convince us that they've been saying this all along and that they NEVER accused the right of conspiracy theories and lies?
( Just a reminder: the information about the three Wuhan scientists has been out there since at least January of 2020 )
How long do you suppose it will be before the left and their media try to convince us that they've been saying this all along and that they NEVER accused the right of conspiracy theories and lies?
( Just a reminder: the information about the three Wuhan scientists has been out there since at least January of 2020 )
I don't see how the leftist media can save face on this one.
How long do you suppose it will be before the left and their media try to convince us that they've been saying this all along and that they NEVER accused the right of conspiracy theories and lies?
( Just a reminder: the information about the three Wuhan scientists has been out there since at least January of 2020 )
I don't see how the leftist media can save face on this one.
I don't know. I notice that leftists posters on this thread are non existent so with as flummoxed as the average leftists seem to be on the topic their overlords in the MSM must not have been able to find the words to spin this yet.

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