Fauci: "Senator Paul, you don't know what you're talking about"

We used to have scientists embedded in China's labs, who Trump negligently pulled out.


  • 54 scientists were fired or resigned as part of a probe by the National Institutes of Health into scientists allegedly failing to disclose financial ties to foreign countries, primarily China.
  • 77 scientists have been removed from the NIH system, meaning they are no longer eligible for NIH grants. Grants weren’t “cut off.”
  • All the scientists worked at NIH-funded institutions, such as universities. They were not employed as NIH scientists. NONE OF THESE SCIENTISTS WERE EMBEDDED IN THE WUHAN LAB OR ANY OTHER FOREIGN / CCP LAB!
  • Fauci leads the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, not the NIH.

Why not just admit that these assholes were funding research that caused a "pandemic" and be done with it? What's the worst that could happen? Denying it only makes it worse.

They only need to say that they were sending money.

Linking it isn't important to me.

All I need to know is that Fauci supported the lab which disqualifies him as impartial commentator.
Why not just admit that these assholes were funding research that caused a "pandemic" and be done with it? What's the worst that could happen? Denying it only makes it worse

good question. You'd think they'd be proud of stealing an election. And what's with the support of corrupt politicians, pedophile politicians and leftists? rioting/looting racist fascist thugs who like to call themselves antifascists to make themselves more palatable to themselves.

Must be that new Nile covid variant, D-Nile Variant. Symptoms are inabilty to accept the truth, inability to recognize deception, desire to mask to decrease oxygen to the brain, painful brain function.
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good question. You'd think they'd be proud of stealing an election. And what's with the support of corrupt politicians, pedophile politicians and leftists? rioting/looting racist fascist thugs who like to call themselves antifascists to make themselves more palatable to themselves.
they are the profacist team organized to take down america by China. Follow the money.
You should consider having sex with yourself.

Because there is no way I'd ever take advice (or ask for it) from you.

When he gets nailed, send a link.

He destroyed Fauci.

What does advice have to do with masturbation? :dunno:
What you're getting out of conservative outlets is the evidence from the perps own mouths and correspondence that the US ENE-Media does NOT want you to see.

If you're so damn smart you might see that...but the fact that you don't and you're perfectly fine with lies and deceit tells me you're afraid of truth. Live in your little bubble..till the 'Authrotahs' bust it for ya. and good luck with that.
Ironic how a premier orange cultist is calling others "cultist".

Sure thing laughing loon. You remind of kameltoe, always cackling like a hyena.

Cultists and loons do that.
Btw: why are funding research in an enemy country?
Because that is where the corona virus/SARS originates from.... That is where it is passed on to other animals and humans.... As close to the source as possible, leads to a better understanding.
who's taking the shot? cultist, yeah Jim Joneser!!!! Your cult leader, drink that kool aid brother.
Trump and wifey took the shot, twice.... Yet they both had immunities from when they caught covid. ShOws they believe getting the vaccine, gives them even more protection than their natural antibodies developed.
Trump and wifey took the shot, twice.... Yet they both had immunities from when they caught covid. ShOws they believe getting the vaccine, gives them even more protection than their natural antibodies developed.
not at all, they had a choice and took the shot. With that statement You saying we're cultist couldn't be farther from the truth then. You just said he took the shot and we aren't, we aren't following a Jim Jonesist then, you are!! and you just admitted it.

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