Fauci: "Senator Paul, you don't know what you're talking about"

Paul may or may not be correct in his suspicions, but we've just lived through what was probably the most authoritarian power grab by world leaders collectively in world history due to this health crisis (which isn't even the worst in history), so if now is not the right time to be asking questions and digging into the truth, when is? Early on Fauci was being looked upon as practically a god to people. I held him in high esteem as well, but as time went on we've found him to be less and less accurate in his assessments and advice and we've all made sacrifices to our personal liberties as a result. Now his claims on gain of function research, which may or may not ultimately have lead to our current crisis, are now coming into question and the evidence doesn't look good for him. That is what Paul was hammering him about in this latest spat between the two of them. He repeatedly said he wasn't conclusively stating that gain of function research he thinks we funded created COVID-19., but he is conclusively saying we funded gain of function research contrary to Fauci's claims and the evidence certainly seems to be showing that. I'm not sure why you would characterize this as a scam being played by Paul .
I have a short enough fuse for transparent, cynical, partisan games during normal times, but when they're played at a moment like this, I have NO fuse.

Paul & Co. can do all the investigating they want. If they find something, great, then I'll look at it later. But I will not be convinced that this is some honest, altruistic search for "the truth". And until I have the WHOLE story, and not some verbal slap fight for the TV cameras, I'm sick of this crap. I'm seeing enough of this with the "rigged election" crowd.

Could Fauci be at fault in some of this? Yes, of course. But Paul is pointing a pretty big finger at him, just like the lefties who call Trump a mass murderer. I'm done with that, period.
I have a short enough fuse for transparent, cynical, partisan games during normal times, but when they're played at a moment like this, I have NO fuse.
I have to disagree. Times of crises are exactly when questions should be asked because that's when we are mostly likely to experience and willing to accept the abuse of authority
I have a short enough fuse for transparent, cynical, partisan games during normal times, but when they're played at a moment like this, I have NO fuse.

Paul & Co. can do all the investigating they want. If they find something, great, then I'll look at it later. But I will not be convinced that this is some honest, altruistic search for "the truth". And until I have the WHOLE story, and not some verbal slap fight for the TV cameras, I'm sick of this crap. I'm seeing enough of this with the "rigged election" crowd.

Could Fauci be at fault in some of this? Yes, of course. But Paul is pointing a pretty big finger at him, just like the lefties who call Trump a mass murderer. I'm done with that, period.

All the while whining about Trump ?

Where is your head when Biden and company show their constant aversion for the truth on a daily basis.
I have to disagree. Times of crises are exactly when questions should be asked because that's when we are mostly likely to experience and willing to accept the abuse of authority

Great statement.

The crap detectors should be finely tuned.

Remember: You should never let a good crisis go to waste.
Tony is right - Rand is not only a dick who has endlessly pursued this stupid line of questioning, he has no idea WTF he is talking about and is seriously prone to conspiracy theories.

Paul was an eye doctor - NOT a virologist. He hasn't even practiced ophthalmology in over a decade and even in his field, he was never board certified. He should keep his mouth shut.

The typical attitude of the wannabe totalitarian: demean, silence, isolate, and eliminate any voices of opposition.
I have to disagree. Times of crises are exactly when questions should be asked because that's when we are mostly likely to experience and willing to accept the abuse of authority
They're free to pursue this, of course. I'm just not required to believe either side until the final verdict is in.
The only thing faucci denies is that research NIH funded created Covid-19

What Paul is saying is that faucci lied under oath about funding Gain of Function research in the wuhan lab

Which is clearly what happened


How the hell could Fauci know?! It's not like the CCP - who have lied and have misled the entire world while withholding information about the virus - would honestly tell Fauci or anyone else they were doing GoF testing at the time or especially after it was leaked and caused a Pandemic.

In earlier testimony Fauci stated he did not provide funding to the Wuhan Lab
- His part in the NIH funding the Wuhan lab eventually came out

In earlier testimony Fauci stated he was unaware of any scientific evidence showing the virus was most likely leaked from the Wuhan lab
- The e-mail sent to Fauci, that was in his possession, that informed Fauci all evidence suggests that the virus came from the Wuhan lab, that it escaped from the lab, was brought up to Fauci, & his explanation for denying he had any information that the virus was leaked was that HE NEVER READ THATE-MAIL SENT TO HIM BECAUSE HE FELT THE E-MAIL WAS TOO LONG TO READ.
--- To believe THAT BS, you have to be an unapologetic snowflake Fauci/Democrat defender

Fauci is a fraud and a lying POS attempting to save his own ass after being caught lying SEVERALtimes

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