Fauci: "Senator Paul, you don't know what you're talking about"

WHA????? POST 124!!!!
Gateway pundit.... I won't read it. Got something legit.... I'm all ears.

The funding was issued legally, and was approved by the NIH under the Trump regime, because it did follow the law and did not break the NIH new rules on gain of function research....

What part of that, do you not understand??
Ok. So what is this point???

Did the Wuhan lab not use it for the research it was funded by this company to do? Or is that what you are implying? Or is it something we need to find out still??
My point is that faucci is a liar

We should not fund any research in china for reasons i already explained

How the hell could Fauci know?! It's not like the CCP - who have lied and have misled the entire world while withholding information about the virus - would honestly tell Fauci or anyone else they were doing GoF testing at the time or especially after it was leaked and caused a Pandemic.

In earlier testimony Fauci stated he did not provide funding to the Wuhan Lab
- His part in the NIH funding the Wuhan lab eventually came out

In earlier testimony Fauci stated he was unaware of any scientific evidence showing the virus was most likely leaked from the Wuhan lab
- The e-mail sent to Fauci, that was in his possession, that informed Fauci all evidence suggests that the virus came from the Wuhan lab, that it escaped from the lab, was brought up to Fauci, & his explanation for denying he had any information that the virus was leaked was that HE NEVER READ THATE-MAIL SENT TO HIM BECAUSE HE FELT THE E-MAIL WAS TOO LONG TO READ.
--- To believe THAT BS, you have to be an unapologetic snowflake Fauci/Democrat defender

Fauci is a fraud and a lying POS attempting to save his own ass after being caught lying SEVERALtimes
We used to have scientists embedded in China's labs, who Trump negligently pulled out.
Gateway pundit.... I won't read it. Got something legit.... I'm all ears.

that is why you are uninformed. I said 124 when i meant to type 129. evidence from FAUCI himself...THAT the MAIN STREAM WILL NOT report on for all the obvious reasons.

and you're lazy.

Men love darkness rather than light. You are supporting and encouraging tyrants. People who want to subjugate you and your children. Have total control over you. and for what reason? You won't benefit from it. You will suffer just like the rest of us.
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Ok. So what is this point???

Did the Wuhan lab not use it for the research it was funded by this company to do? Or is that what you are implying? Or is it something we need to find out still??
If you are the CCP, the military arm of the CCP is running the Wuhan lab and you are given a LOT of money....once that money is in your hands, if you want to use it for GoF testing on COVID-19, who the hell is going to stop you?

Would the CCP share with Fauci that they are using any part of the money on GoF research? Hell No.
Would you tell anyone...in case there is a leak? Hell No.
Once a leak occurred, would the CCP announce to the world the pandemic was caused by a leak of their GoF research on Conona-virus? Hell No.

This is the same lab, btw, that had already had leaks in the past, the lab that just a few years ago US inspectors/experts warned the CCP of existing potential vulnerabilities that if they were not fixed could result in a leak.

Fauci and other experts have already declared there are lab leaks all the time. So why are Democrats / Biden / Fauci, and others fighting so desperately, hell-bent on killing any and all claims that COVID-19 was the result of a Wuhan Lab leak?
Translation: Yep, the little Paul boy got spanked. :)
BS! Paul skewered Fauci, who in return changed the subject by making a false accusation against Paul. I'm surprised you snowflakes did not recognize the move you guys use all the time on the USMB and are not bragging about how well Fauci seemingly pulled it off.
They're free to pursue this, of course. I'm just not required to believe either side until the final verdict is in.
Nothing wrong with that, but Fauci sure looks about as credible as a used car salesman. He also appears to be as nervous a a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. That's not the demeanor of a man who is on the up-and-up.
Rand Paul has a long history of batshit crazy. Remember his histrionics over Jade Helm and all those FEMA prisons? He's barely a step above Louie Gohmert.
Indeed, he's maybe a quarter step above Gohmert, Gosar, Boebert and Greene. :rolleyes-41:

I have to disagree. Times of crises are exactly when questions should be asked because that's when we are mostly likely to experience and willing to accept the abuse of authority
Mac thinks our government is pure! Too funny and sad
Rand is a Baylor homo, so while I would normally consider him a dumb ass (fuck Baylor)(half the education, twice the money) but Duke University School of Medicine is nothing to shake your dick at.

Doubtful Dr. Love has one to shake.

It's so funny that these guys go to full deflection mode.

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